shadow of britain

Chapter 249 The weird and bizarre things of the 9th century

Chapter 249 The weirdness of the 4th century ([-]K)

"Napoleon Jouan scored twice on landing?"There may be French spies on the West India Docks! 》

"Shocking!"The Battle of Waterloo was staged at the Regent Crescent, and Napoleon Bonaparte was captured again! 》

"In this hot summer, Scotland Yard brought a great military victory to the British people! 》

"London citizens joke: The combat effectiveness of the London Police is comparable to that of the Royal Grenadier Guards. Perhaps Parliament can consider cutting Army military expenditures as appropriate"

"The Royal Navy Rear Admiral Thomas Cochrane, who has just succeeded his father as Earl of Dundonald and has been elected to the House of Lords, said enthusiastically: The proposals of the London citizens are very forward-looking"

"The Department of the Army responded: Cochran, fuck you!" 》

According to an official insider, Charles-Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, the nephew of the First Emperor of France and the cannibal Napoleon Bonaparte, sailed in the West Indies on a merchant ship from the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies early the morning before yesterday. The docks entered London secretly and received a 'warm welcome' from the working people of the East End.

At noon that day, Scotland Yard received a report that a kidnapping case with many witnesses had occurred in the East End. Superintendent Arthur Hastings, the head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Greater London Police Department and the star of London police, immediately ordered that Led by Sergeant Claydon Jones of the Whitechapel Police Station of the London Metropolitan Police, the team immediately encircled and suppressed the Fred criminal group and successfully rescued Mr. Louis Bonaparte who was receiving a 'hot reception'.

However, after subsequent investigation, Scotland Yard found that Mr. Louis Bonaparte lacked the passport, nationality and identity documents necessary for entry.Therefore, Scotland Yard submitted relevant documents and, after approval by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice, carried out a second arrest of Mr. Louis Bonaparte who was visiting the Regent Crescent.

Afterwards, our reporter conducted interviews with several senior police officers from Scotland Yard and the respectable police officers involved in the arrest.

Superintendent William Mitchell, who was "bloody" retired from the 11th Royal Infantry Regiment, said that this was the first time he had fought against the French since he was wounded in the Battle of Salamanca and was sent home for treatment.But obviously, this victory was much easier than the Battle of Salamanca. Looking back now, Marshal Marmont, who led the French army to participate in the Battle of Salamanca, was not that bad.

Superintendent Joseph Marcellin on the side obviously disagreed with Superintendent William Michel's opinion. He believed that compared with Marmont, French Marshal Soult, who commanded the French army to participate in the Battle of Albuera, was more powerful. Level, by the way, the 57th Royal Infantry Regiment 'Die Hard', to which Superintendent Joseph Marcellin belonged, belonged to the [-]nd Division that participated in the battle. At that time, they were under the command of Major General William Stewart.

Superintendent Michel retorted: "The Second Division wandered in the Battle of Busaco without attacking. During the Iberian Peninsula War of 1811-1812, it spent most of the time lost and always on the march. , never arrived at the destination. Don’t you know who this sentence is about? As for the Battle of Albuera, you have the nerve to brag about it. How come I heard that the Polish lancers, the French servant army at that time, were defeated with a single charge. Where are our flanks? 1248 people were killed by the cavalry charge. Our 'bloody' can't achieve such results."

Superintendent Marcelin argued: "The important thing is to see our unyielding spirit! Don't forget where our nickname of the 57th Regiment came from. We are die-hard!"

Superintendent Michel agreed: "It is true that everyone is dead and the bodies are hardened."

Afterwards, the two superintendents had a cordial and friendly exchange. Finally, under the mediation of Superintendent George Moseley, retired from the [-]th Royal Guards Regiment 'Wellington Guards', the two superintendents agreed. I finally calmed down.

When a reporter asked why this operation against the French was far easier than Waterloo, Superintendent Mosley responded: "I think this is due to the personal level difference between the commanders on both sides. It is true that the Duke of Wellington is the British leader." The most outstanding army general in history, but Napoleon was also an unparalleled genius, so the anxiety of Waterloo is understandable. But in this arrest operation, an experienced police star like Superintendent Hastings, from the ability In terms of quality, there is obviously a gap in class between Mr. Louis Bonaparte, a junior who is wanted by the Apennine countries. Therefore, this arrest operation and the previous rescue operations appear so powerful. Finally, thank you to all walks of life. Regarding our concern for police work, we will continue to uphold the fine British tradition of 'the police are the public and the public is the police' and provide firm and powerful protection for the lives and property safety of London citizens!"

Arthur was sitting in his office, reading line by line the major London newspapers that were released today.

His eyes moved slightly downward, and in an instant he discovered a new line of things.

Marriage notice: I am 21 years old, male, six feet tall, sunny and handsome...

When Arthur saw this, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and praised: "Benjamin is quite efficient in doing things. I just told him about this a few days ago, and it has been posted everywhere today. It seems that the next issue of " Sales of "British" are going to go through the roof."

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, he saw the red devil carrying a suitcase in his hand, wearing a big-brimmed hat, whistling and walking directly through the office door.

Seeing his appearance, Arthur raised his hand and said hello: "Good morning, Agares, are you enjoying your vacation?"

When the Red Devil heard this, he lifted his suitcase towards the desk, unceremoniously picked up the teapot, poured himself a full cup and took a sip: "The beach in Portsmouth can barely be said. But the officers’ mess at the Royal Naval Base still doesn’t taste as good as the one at St. James’s Palace.”

When Arthur heard this, he leaned back on the chair and said: "It's good to have something to eat, but a devil is so picky. If I remember correctly, didn't you say you lived in Baal's dung farm before? Next to the restaurant? You can swallow that kind of environment, why would you feel wronged by eating in the officers' mess?"

When the red devil heard this, he slapped the cup on the table, glared and cursed: "Barr? If you don't talk about Barr, I almost forgot what happened just now! Arthur, you better be careful, I found out that Barr The power of pica may have invaded Britain!"

Arthur took out his handkerchief and wiped the tea on the table, and asked, "What? Did you discover the specialties in London?"

"No!" Agares slapped the table with both hands and threatened: "Do you know what I discovered when I was passing by the Thames just now! I saw two fucking men rescuing someone who fell into the water!"

Arthur nodded slightly and affirmed: "Isn't this good? I seem to have remembered it when you mentioned it. There seems to be a newly established civil society group the way, Save Thames Drowning Association for Swimmers! Look, help each other and promote your own swimming skills. If there are more such enthusiastic people in London, our work at Scotland Yard will be much easier. Agares, I know your love for mankind. My evaluation has always been very low, but you can’t just ignore other people’s good deeds, right?”

Agares shook his head and said: "You little bastard! I can't be jealous of such good deeds like rescuing people who fell into the water! But, do you know what they did after rescuing the person? The two men actually took out the first aid kit from the side. Got a pipe and a pipe."

Arthur picked up the tea cup and said, "You have done such a great thing and saved a life. It shouldn't be too much to take a slow cigarette, right?" "Then is it about smoking? Just ask the tube. Something?"

Seeing him looking anxious and angry, Arthur could only reluctantly obey: "Okay, what is that pipe used for?"

Agares grabbed his face with both hands, almost tearing himself into a mask of pain: "My King Solomon! After the two men took out the pipe and pipe, one lit a fire and smoked, and the other took off his clothes. He took off the pants of the drowning man and pushed the pipe into his butt. Then the other one took a puff of cigarette and blew into the pipe, took a puff of cigarette and blew into it. I have spent thousands of years My experience was shattered by them in just 10 minutes, like glass spilled all over the floor!"

When Arthur heard this, he stopped drinking tea. He stared at Agares for a long time, then put down the teacup for a long time, stayed silent for a while, and then asked: "Are you still watching for 10 minutes? "

The red devil was stunned for a moment, and then cursed angrily: "Arthur! Please clarify the point for me! This kind of behavior is not something ordinary humans can do. This is definitely the erosion of the human world by Barr's dirty power, you idiots If humans don't pay attention, they will soon be able to eat snacks like him! I saw that idiot blowing smoke rings into the pipe today and almost ate a big bite! Hmm... But I can't say that, maybe Is that his purpose?”

Arthur was originally thinking about the question raised by Agares, but suddenly he caught an advertisement in the newspaper out of the corner of his eye.

He was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the printed picture on the newspaper and asked, "Is this what you saw today?"

Agares lowered his head and saw it clearly written there - Intestinal smoke treatment device. Smoke therapy can treat various diseases. It has been unanimously recommended by hundreds of doctors in London. It has been verified on the spot by the Thames River Drowning Association and has saved dozens of lives. The lives of those who unfortunately drowned.

Agares stared at the newspaper for a long time, first in confusion, then a trace of suspicion, but in the end it turned into a warm and kind smile: "Oh, my dear Arthur, don't you consider buying one? Freshen your gut?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

"But the newspapers say it is good. Look, dozens of lives have been saved. This is a machine with countless merits. I would like to call it the greatest invention of the [-]th century! Look at this, all cut tobacco pipes are ready-made. Yes, you just need to buy a machine."

"Didn't you just say that this was Barr's conspiracy and an invasion from hell? You changed your tune so quickly? Agares, you are a knowledgeable devil. Do you think that blowing smoke rings into your butt can save people? Didn't you count? I guess those people must have done artificial respiration in addition to blowing smoke rings for the drowning person, right?"

"Oh! My dear Arthur, you don't believe me, you have to believe the doctor, right? Damn it! It's really an unparalleled nineteenth century. The human life of the previous eighteen centuries was really in vain. Except for the crucifixion of Jesus, there is nothing more There is nothing more amazing than this! How on earth did they come up with such a shocking new invention?"

"Agares, I think it's worth considering whether nineteenth-century doctors should believe it."

"Arthur, you are anti-intellectual!"

"I'd love to. It doesn't take much brains to work at Scotland Yard anyway. Just obey."

"Don't you think you are very progressive? Why are you so resistant to new things?"

"Stop hating me. Not long ago, Scotland Yard was called an authoritarian military policeman by the news media. As for you, Agares, what exactly is your vindictiveness? What you have endured must be experienced by others. ? This kind of thing is not popular here."

"Hey! Arthur, what the hell..."

Arthur glanced at him and continued to work at the desk: "Agares, you have tried so hard to let me have a hot bite. But thank God, Alexander did not really fall into the Thames. You today I have to tell him carefully about this incident when I get back, so that he will know that not only is it possible to fall into the river and drown after being drunk, but it is even possible to tear the sphincter."

Seeing that Arthur was not fooled, Agares soon lost interest in playing tricks on him. He leaned against the desk and said, "It's so boring, you little bastard, you really don't have any sense of humor."

"If eating this kind of 'sandwich snack' can be called humorous in the devil's context, then I am indeed not as good as you."

"Arthur! I don't have that interest."

"I try to believe you."

Seeing that he couldn't get any bargains in this regard, Agares could only give up. He opened the lid of the sugar bowl and was about to eat a piece of candy as usual to relieve the awkward atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Arthur slapped his hand on the lid, and he stood up. There was an indescribable disgust in his expression: "Have you washed your hands?"

The red devil was stunned for a moment. He was about to get angry when he heard knocking on the door behind him.

Sheriff Field, who was holding the document, pushed the door open and said in a low voice: "Sir, Sir Peel just sent someone to the hall. He asked if you have time now. He wants to talk to you about vinyl records. thing."

As soon as Sheriff Field finished speaking, the knock on the door rang again. Tony walked into the room hurriedly and said, "Arthur, the autopsy report from the Royal Society of Medicine has come out. Regarding the maid and the cause of death of the victim, the doctors There seemed to be some general misgivings. They thought there might be other possibilities besides drowning."

(End of this chapter)

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