shadow of britain

Chapter 252: The Foundation of Forensic Toxicology

Chapter 252: The Foundation of Forensic Toxicology (4K8)

In the Scotland Yard office, Arthur leaned on his seat, twirling a long dark brown hair in his hands, stretching it inch by inch, and displaying it under the sun.

Although the hair may look unremarkable, for Scotland Yard it represented a crucial piece of evidence.

On Arthur's desk is an academic paper that he ordered Chief Charles Field, head of the Case Analysis Section of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, to draft.

This long and eloquent article includes a variety of demonstration examples, but in summary it is just to illustrate a conclusion-human hair grows about one centimeter per month, so different parts of the hair can be intercepted to determine the victim's condition. Conduct a chemical analysis of the patient's body to find out when they consumed the most toxins.

A most appropriate verification experiment here is to combine the conclusions of this paper with the Marsh test for arsenic just discovered by Mr. James Marsh, a chemical engineer at Woolwich Arsenal.

Yesterday's verification experiment by the Criminal Investigation Department showed that although arsenic was present in every part of the hair, surprisingly, the arsenic mirror phenomenon produced by the experiment was most significant near the hair root.

After discovering this anomaly, Arthur specifically requested Scotland Yard to hire a doctor from St. Mary's Hospital to assist in the second professional autopsy.

However, this seemingly reasonable request almost aroused the thunderous wrath of the judges.

If it were placed hundreds of years later, the judges' anger would definitely have no basis or reason. The autopsy should be left to professional doctors. This seems to be natural.However, in the eyes of the judges, this was tantamount to provoking the entire British judiciary, because from south to north and from east to west, almost all specially appointed coroners in courts in Britain were lawyers.

Autopsies have been the province of lawyers for centuries, with judges viewing the body as a legal rather than a medical matter.Letting the doctor do this is purely overreaching.

If you are not an authentic British person, or have not lived in a Christian society for a period of time, you will definitely not be able to figure out the thinking logic of the judges.

But if we start from the beginning of the establishment of the British Court, it is easy to understand.In the small island of Britain, the inhabitants were usually divided into parishes, so naturally the earliest courts here were various religious courts.

The powers and responsibilities covered by the so-called religious court are not limited to its literal meaning. Burning heretics is only one of its duties, and this duty is usually not performed often, because heretics are not that easy to find. After all, that thing It's not grown in a greenhouse, so it can be harvested as soon as the season comes.

Most of the time, the religious court was similar to the yamen in ancient China. Parishioners would come to the religious court to litigate when they encountered problems, such as brotherly separation, contract disputes, theft, and neighbor fights. The priest asked God to judge.

It is precisely because of this that in the past, the chief judges of Britain and even all Christian countries in Europe had to be clergy, almost without exception.

In the early days, productivity was relatively backward. In addition to priests, there were farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. in various parishes. For example, professional doctors may not be able to find one in all the villages. They study all kinds of theological knowledge all day long. Priests with knowledge of natural sciences naturally became the highest intellectuals in the area.

According to Christian tradition, priests usually learn some healing skills. Most parishioners come to priests for help when they are sick.Therefore, the priest who was the judge of the Inquisition naturally also performed the duties of the coroner.

Up to this point, the logic is still smooth.

But the bad came later. During the Henry VIII period, the king was divorced several times because he could not have children. In the end, the Pope in Rome decided not to approve his divorce application because he thought his divorce was too excessive.

As a result, Henry VIII stood up for himself in a rage, ordered the Church of England to separate directly from the Holy See, established the Anglican Church as its own litigant, and began to attack the Catholic forces in the country, splitting and reorganizing various courts. .

Judges are no longer an exclusive position for priests. As time goes by, it has become a social consensus for professional lawyers to serve as judges.

But the problem is that lawyers not only took away the judgeship of the clergy, but also took over the clergy's responsibilities such as coroner's office.

This has led to the strange phenomenon that most of the coroners in courts in various places are lawyers.

Not surprisingly, the coroner appointed by the Westminster Magistrates’ Court in Mr. Harrison’s case was also a lawyer.

Although Arthur's suggestion that a doctor conduct an autopsy is reasonable, according to the law, an autopsy report submitted by a coroner other than a court-appointed coroner cannot be used as evidence in court.

What's even more damning is that the judge of Westminster Magistrates' Court is still George Norton. It is basically impossible to get him to relent here.

Arthur reasonably guessed that this was probably the reason why Bernie Harrison was so confident.

Therefore, if Harrison refuses to withdraw the case, there is basically only one way Scotland Yard can go if it wants to completely kill Bernie Harrison through the chain of evidence.

If Sir Peel cannot reach an agreement with the Tories, and Bernie Harrison is still determined not to resign, Scotland Yard will have no choice but to submit the case to the House of Lords.

Because according to the law, the House of Lords, as the highest court of appeal in Britain, is the only place with the power to judge members.Arthur could only go to the House of Lords with various materials and the records and documents he had just obtained from the Thames Rescue Association for Drowning, and give them a live speech and scientific experiment in front of the Lords.

It will then be up to your Lordships to decide whether to appoint another professional doctor as the coroner to submit a reasonable and legal autopsy report.

Although this autopsy report still cannot prove that the person was killed by Congressman Bernie Harrison, it can at least prove that the victim maid definitely did not drown. If this is combined with Bernie Harrison's identity as a perfume merchant, he can escape. Judgment, I will probably be insulated from politics for the rest of my life.

And as a result, the Tories will inevitably be criticized by public opinion. After all, Bernie Harrison is their man, and this is what Sir Peel, who is committed to bridging the differences within the party, does not want to see.

When he thought of this, Arthur couldn't help but rub his face. After thinking for a long time, he finally rang the bell in the office.

Tom opened the door and came in and asked, "Arthur, what's the matter?"

Arthur clamped his hair among the papers on the table, then put them all together in a brown paper bag and handed it to Tom: "Go to Sir Peel's mansion and give these things to him. I hope the things here can help Peel." Sir, persuade Harrison to give up. If Congressman Harrison is a smart man, he should know that with these alone, he can get nothing he wants."

Tom nodded in understanding. He took the brown paper bag, saluted Arthur, then closed the door and walked out.

The red devil hugged the sugar bowl and nestled on the sofa in the office. While throwing the candy into his mouth, he asked: "Arthur, I can't tell, you are still nostalgic for the old relationship. After this incident, Pierre I will definitely thank you very much. If the Tory Party can survive in the future, your efforts today are indispensable."

Arthur picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "Agares, I'm not just reminiscing about old friendships. If the Tories are split, what good will it do to everyone? Only a strong opposition party can put the greatest pressure on the ruling party. , because usually only the opposition party is the most conscientious, and one-party dominance is not a good thing in most cases."

Agares raised his eyebrows and smiled when he heard this: "Oh? Really? Don't you have any insignificant and personal thoughts?"

"Agares, what are you thinking? I'm just a humble social instrument."

At this point, Arthur took a sip of tea and continued: "Of course, if the Tory MPs as the opposition party are willing not to create too much resistance to the police equipment update bill when the Parliament convenes next month, , of course we at Scotland Yard are very happy to see it. You know, boys always like to pick up some fresh toys, and I looked at that Colt revolver, which is pretty good. Hmm... maybe I will give it a try in two days. You should persuade the American guy to set up a factory in London as soon as possible. His family seems to be quite rich, so setting up a production line first will not be a problem. Hmm... By the way, we have to solve the patent issue first. Americans with American nationality are working in Britain. It’s not very convenient after all. Maybe I should persuade him to become a British citizen so that we can use his own things without worry.” When Arthur said this, he suddenly found Agares’s red eyes staring at him intently. The smile on the corner of the red devil's mouth made people feel indescribably disgusting.

Arthur coughed lightly and reemphasized: "Of course, you understand that the purchase of Colt revolvers is not a matter of personal preference. Scotland Yard will fully respect the parliamentary decision."

Agares nodded repeatedly, rubbed his hands and said with a bad smile: "Yes, yes, that's right, Scotland Yard is just responding to the appeal of the general public. After all, you can't treat every operation like the Battle of Waterloo at the Regency Crescent. You are not the British Army."

When Arthur heard this, he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something. He suddenly stood up and was about to go out, but halfway through, he suddenly turned his head and grabbed a bottle of alcoholic beverage originally purchased from the Jermyn Street store. Putting the cocoa powder from Central and South America into his pocket, Arthur looked at the trademark on the tin and said to himself: "Alexander liked this cocoa powder quite a bit when he drank it, but I just don't know if it was his French genes." The effect still brought back the memories of his old grandmother in his body."


There is an area in the cell in Scotland Yard that is obviously different from other cells.

There are two skylights thoughtfully opened on the red brick wall. The bed that is not too big is also covered with two clean and tidy quilts that look like just bought quilts. There is also a simple dressing table next to the bed. What makes the other prisoners unbelievable is that the dressing table is filled with various bottles of pomade, cologne and other things as if it is only for women, and even a luxury product. Mirror.

But this is not what makes the prisoners feel novel. What makes them most envious is that there is a small dining table in the cell. Not only that, when eating every day, everyone eats black bread and potatoes, but only that person But he was served four dishes and one soup.

However, despite being greedy, none of the prisoners envied this kind of treatment.

Everyone guessed that the four-eyed boy who was locked up there must have a few days to live. He was going to be hanged in a few days. Why would he be jealous of him?

And just two days ago, there was one more person who made everyone envious but not jealous.

A sturdy young man moved in next door to the four-eyed boy, and they were treated basically the same.

Perhaps due to the mutual sympathy of 'high-end technical talents', or the unique sympathy of death row inmates, the two of them often chatted through a window that could only fit half of their faces.

"Mr. Wheatstone, I remember you said that you were a researcher of natural philosophy, specializing in the field of acoustics?"

"Actually, I have also dabbled in electromagnetism, but for some unexplainable reasons, I cannot disclose too much about my scientific research results. However, I can tell you about things in the field of acoustics. Do you know the gramophone? London All gramophones on the market are my products."

"Are you the inventor of the phonograph?" Louis Bonaparte exclaimed: "Oh my God! Are the British crazy? Why would they put such an outstanding person as you in prison?"

Whetstone's eyes were as snowy as he lit the cigar placed next to the table, leaned against the wall of the cell and blew out a long puff of smoke: "This is a long story."

When Louis Bonaparte heard this, he pushed a bottle of gin just delivered this morning through the grating of the window: "You have a story, I have a drink, let's have a good chat. By the way, where are you?" Are there any more cigars? Can you give me one too?"

When Wheatstone heard this, he grabbed a handful from the cigar box next to him and stuffed it into it: "Smoke, smoke hard, anyway, he said, all my consumption here will be recorded in his account, you don't need to Be polite to me.”

Louis Bonaparte bit off the end of his cigar and spit it on the ground. Then he lit a fire and took a sip. He felt his whole body became energetic: "By the way, who is the person you just mentioned?"

"Who else could it be?"

Wheatstone said: "That rogue gentleman who is well-known in all walks of life in London, the leader of the gangsters on the streets, and the gangster of Scotland Yard. He can draw swords and fight bloody gangsters at the top, and bully good citizens at the bottom. He can also play beautifully in concerts. A grand pianist who plays music, a shameless man who enjoys lying on the eaves and eavesdropping on secret conversations in boudoirs, a pupil of Lord Justice Brougham, a police star highly regarded by the Duke of Wellington, police number MPS6- The owner of 001, Superintendent Arthur Hastings, who possesses a pathological protective streak of imprisonment.”

"Hiss..." Louis Bonaparte took a puff of his cigar: "So you were also brought in by him?"

When Wheatstone heard this, he raised his fingers and pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses: "Yeah? How did you get in?"

Louis Bonaparte held a cigar in his hand and said with a look of sadness: "I...I guess I offended him? When I was being interrogated that day, I seemed to agree with others and called him an Englishman who has not yet bald. Bald.”

"Oh..." Wheatstone nodded slightly and said, "Then you came in because you opposed Arthur Hastings?"

"That's right. How did you get in?"

"I did it for supporting Arthur Hastings."

"I'm just different from both of you."

"Huh? What do you do?"

"I am Arthur Hastings."

Arthur, who was leaning against the wall between the two cells with his hands wrapped around him, exerted a slight force on his back, and his whole body jumped up.

He stood in the middle of the two cells, and only half of his face could be seen in each cell.

Arthur raised his eyebrows and asked: "I felt relieved when I saw the two gentlemen chatting so happily. I originally thought that you would be locked up for some psychological problems. Now it seems that my worries are really a bit It’s superfluous.”

When Wheatstone saw Arthur appearing, he rushed to the door, banged the cell door, and shouted at Arthur through the small window on the door: "Arthur, it's been a few days, you should also put me in jail." Have you let him out?"

Seeing him like this, Arthur just shrugged and said: "Charles, you are so heartless to say that. Do you know how much effort the bureau has put into making you live in peace of mind?"

Wheatstone questioned: "How much effort has been expended? Can the living environment here be compared to the Regency Crescent Building?"

Arthur heard this and said helplessly: "Of course we can't move your house here, but in order to make you live comfortably, we specially invited your neighbors here."

Wheatstone asked in confusion: "Neighbor?"

Arthur nodded slightly. He pointed at Louis Bonaparte and said, "Don't you know that? This Mr. Louis Bonaparte should live next door to you in the future. The bureau knows that you have a social awareness." Psychological disorder, so isn’t this why he was specially invited to make you familiar with him? Charles, you must understand that for you, everyone in Scotland has been under a lot of pressure. "

(End of this chapter)

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