shadow of britain

Chapter 278 Ashina Swordsmanship

Chapter 278 Ashina Swordsmanship (4K4)

36 Lancaster Gate, Bayswater, London.

Arthur was holding a cup of tea in his left hand, and in his right hand was a thick and simple classic with yellowed pages, looking at it intently.

Perhaps because he was too engrossed in watching, Arthur remained in this position for an unknown amount of time, until the steam from the teacup disappeared and he didn't take a sip.


Arthur frowned and took a sip of cold tea, then put down the white porcelain cup and looked up at the ceiling, seeming to be thinking about something.

The red devil who was admiring letters from readers saw Arthur's expression and couldn't help but adjust his glasses: "What's wrong with you? Did you eat the wrong thing at lunch? Are you constipated? If that's the case, I suggest you Use the intestinal therapy device described in the newspaper, and I put the tube next to the kitchen."

"Next door to the kitchen?"

When Arthur heard this, he couldn't help but paused when he reached for the fruit plate. He said, "Agares, can't you take that thing farther away? I don't want to taste other people's intestinal flora. .”

The Red Devil raised his head and took a sip of the barley wine on the table. He wiped the foam from his lips and burped with satisfaction: "I can't control many things. Anyway, I haven't eaten anything in the kitchen recently."

Arthur just glanced at the can of beer and said, "Hey, do you think the beer you drink is clean?"

Agares nodded nonchalantly and said, "Of course, the taste is so strong!"

"Well, since you said that, I won't give you a detailed introduction to its production environment. I can only hope that they did not add any other surprises other than hops during the production process."

When Arthur said this, he picked up the book and read it again, but the more he read, the tighter his brows became.

Seeing him like this, Agares finally couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with you? Is there anything special about this book? Isn't it just an ordinary book on combat skills?"

Arthur shook his finger and said: "This is not an ordinary book on combat skills, but an ancient book that Lionel specially bought for me."

Arthur patted the cowhide cover of the book at the red devil: "Did you see it? "The Paradox of Soldier Strike", its author is the famous 16th-century British strike master George Silver. You, a knowledgeable devil, must have heard of it. Let’s pass the Silver Stream Swordsmanship.”

"It turns out to be that guy. Of course I know him. He was a famous troll in the 16th century. I remember that this guy seemed to hate the Swift Sword, right? Your usual Italian swordsmanship is a typical example of what he severely criticized."

The Red Devil casually threw the letter from the reader back into the box. He then asked: "But before the war, if you don't brush up on your Fiore style, why did you fall in love with your local Silver style swordsmanship? Forgive me. Frankly speaking, Silver-style swordsmanship is far less powerful and handsome than Fiore-style swordsmanship. Its advantage is that it is steady and relatively easy to master."

Arthur put the book on the table, held the tea cup and warmed his hands: "Actually, I didn't want to change my fighting style at first, but Lionel told me that they set up for this swordsmanship competition such as ' There were propaganda slogans with strong British and French elements such as "The Hundred Years' War" and "Wellington vs. Napoleon", so he hoped that I could use more traditional British martial arts when fighting against the Parisian swordsman François Bertrand. Because of this, he went to great lengths to find an original copy of "The Soldier Strike Paradox" for me."

Hearing this, the Red Devil pinched his chin and said, "It can be seen that this little Jew is quite interested in making money. In that case, why are you shaking your head while reading this book?"

Arthur said: "Because I just discovered that, as you said, Master George Silver is indeed a British troll who cannot be underestimated. Although half of his book is devoted to introducing his soldiers, However, the remaining half are basically used for swift swords originating from Italy and boasting of English short swords.”

Agares also became interested when he heard this: "What did he say in the book?"

Arthur was speechless as he opened the bookmarked place and explained it to the Red Devil one by one.

“He mainly raised the following questions.

First, can a swift sword break armor?

Second, can the Swift Sword save Rome?
Third, can the Swift Sword help us win the Hundred Years War?
Fourth, the swift sword can cut off the spear on the battlefield. Will the ambition to trap the enemy lead to death?

Fifth, young people all over Britain are now obsessed with flashy swift sword technology, and are deeply poisoned by the frivolous atmosphere of Apennine. They often engage in life-and-death duels, honorary revenge, and even walk around the streets of London with missing arms. How can we build a beautiful England if we have few legs?
Sixth, the Swift Sword puts too much emphasis on offense and neglects solid defense. This goes against the true meaning of swordsmanship, which is that the essence of killing others is to protect oneself.If you lose an arm during the battle, what is the meaning of such a victory?

Seventh, the various techniques of the Swift Sword are too complex, and many people can only spend a lifetime mastering a few techniques.Moreover, its technical movements are too demanding for users. We can spend ten years cultivating a large number of English dagger masters, but it may not take 30 years to create a Fiore style master.Even if we spend 30 years raising a Fiore-style sword master, are you going to send such a 60-[-]-year-old man whose strength and speed have begun to decline to a duel?
All in all, what George Silver basically means is: Swift Sword?It really made me laugh to death.If you really want to practice swordsmanship, you still have to look at our traditional English kung fu.

From this point of view, if I can defeat François Bertrand with the Silver dagger, it is indeed possible that the entire British swordsmanship community and public opinion will cheer. "

At this point, Arthur suddenly hesitated. He mused: "But the only question now is, how can I defeat the French foil with a short sword? Agares, after all, you are teaching me swordsmanship. It has been said before that in a cold weapon battle of the same level, length is the greatest guarantee of victory.

As far as I know, the length of the foil used by François Bertrand was around 43-45 inches.If I continue to use the Fiore style and choose the Swift Sword as a weapon, then my weapon length will be 40-51 inches, and I can easily establish an advantage over him.

But if I use a short sword... I asked several big blacksmiths in London. The longest short sword they have is only 27 inches. Even with my wingspan advantage, I still have to fight against Bertrand. Losing half a step.

In this case, do I have to stick to him and fight him hand-to-hand from the beginning of the battle?This is really stupid.How did Master George Silver defeat the Fiore style master with a short sword? "

Agares just laughed when he heard this, and he said: "Arthur, are you worried about this? George Yin is not as stupid as you thought, didn't you notice? He When talking about his own silver swordsmanship, he always emphasizes that he uses an English dagger. George Silver's own definition of an English dagger is that only swords with a blade length of more than 37 inches are an English dagger.

If you add the guard and hilt, the length of the sword can easily reach over 40 inches.Or if you prefer, you can order a 50-inch dagger. In addition to being obsessed with the name of the dagger, George Silver is usually very flexible in terms of length. "

Arthur's eyelids jumped three times when he heard this, and his anxious heart finally relaxed. He crossed his legs and leaned on the sofa and asked: "If England's short swords are 50 inches, what about England's long swords?" How long should the sword be?”

The Red Devil shrugged his shoulders: "If we go by George Silver's standards, we probably have to run 90 inches."

"90 inches?!" Arthur took a deep breath and muttered to himself: "This is almost two meters and three meters. Is it possible that in the sixteenth century, there were still people in Britain who could wave a Yao Ming and others on the duel stage? A duel?"

He asked Agares: "Who is the 90-inch sword for?"

Agares adjusted his glasses and replied seriously: "In my judgment, at least the giant Goliath who was killed by the shepherd David in the Bible must not be able to wield such a sword. After all, the giant Goliath Leah is only 9.5 feet tall. But in Cornwall, Britain, the local legend of the Giant is 12 feet tall, so this sword should be more suitable for them to use."

Arthur couldn't help but applaud when he heard this: "It seems that Master George Silver's "The Paradox of Soldier Strike" is indeed a masterpiece. Although I cannot fully agree with his criticism of the Swift Sword, his review of the Swift Sword The contempt for long swords is indeed well-founded, and a weapon of this length is indeed not something that normal people can use."

Agares took out a book from his large robe and threw it on the table with a playful smile: "Actually, you can win even with a normal dagger, but I suggest you read it before going to the duel stage. This book will incorporate some secret techniques from Germany into your Silver Stream swordsmanship.

Arthur, normally I would not show this book to others.When I taught you swordsmanship in the past, the reason why I didn't take the lead in taking out this was because I was afraid that you would be greedy for merit and rush ahead, and accidentally go astray when learning swordsmanship. "

Arthur lowered his head and glanced at the book. The packaging of the book looked very simple, without too many fancy pattern decorations, and only had a title and author.

"100 Sword Skills"

Author: Michael Hunt.

Agares asked playfully: "Arthur, have you heard of his name before?"

Arthur held his chin and stared at the book for a long time: "I haven't learned anything yet."

The Red Devil coughed: "I think those regular parts are of little use to you now, so I suggest you start reading them from move 90."

Arthur opened the book hesitantly. Although Arthur thought the initial moves seemed a bit weird, he still felt that he could barely accept them.

But when he just reached the 94th move, his whole body shook involuntarily.

Hunter flow style 94

Sometimes due to security issues, a person will be attacked by multiple people at night, usually four or five people or more. Some people will not only be robbed, but also lose their lives and limbs.

If you are on your way home and are attacked by a horde of enemies, hold your rapier in both fists and hurl it at the attackers, then use your quick eyes to see where you can position yourself. Get further protection.Finally, spread your legs and run!
Arthur thought that this had exceeded the limit of his understanding of swordsmanship, but when his eyes fell on the 98th style, he discovered the wisdom gap between himself and the real sword master.

Hunter flow style 98

It sometimes happens that when a person is returning home from a visit, he is occasionally attacked by some unfortunate incident.This is especially common in college, when a person joins a club group, and some quarrels and unpleasant things may happen at banquets.

Therefore, your enemies in the club will want to take your life when you go home in the evening.If this happens, do not hesitate to hold the sword in your fist and throw your cloak over your left arm. Your first priority is to protect your body and head, and then shout for help. , call upon your brother in times of crisis.

If you're well-connected, or if you make friends at the club who haven't left the club yet, you're bound to have a hearty victory.By the way, this move extremely tests one's social skills.

Arthur took a deep breath. He always thought that this was probably the limit of Hunter flow, but in an instant, the 99th move instantly opened up his pattern again.

Hunter flow style 99

During a duel with a swordsman, the following situation often occurs. Because both parties are extremely eager for the honor of winning, they will use all their strength in the duel.But it is normal to lose and win in a duel. Don't go too far after knocking down the enemy. We should watch him stand up again instead of pursuing the victory and killing the killer, because everyone should cherish their own life and limbs. for God gives it to every man, that he may preserve his honor.So when you get knocked down, shouting surrender is nothing to be ashamed of.

Agares was so amused that he couldn't stop laughing when he saw Arthur's shocked and almost frozen expression. The red devil said: "Arthur, the tricks you saw are not needed for the time being. You and Fran For Sauvage Bertrand’s duel, I still recommend that you refer to the 100th move.”

Arthur's eyes moved downward, but this time, he finally couldn't sit still.

He just murmured to himself: "It's unbelievable. Did someone understand the true meaning of swordsmanship so early?"

Hunter flow style 100

This trick is sometimes very useful. When people with quick movements stand together, no matter whether they are nobles or not, whether they are motivated by hatred or not, no matter how unequal the weapons used in the duel are, they will soon be killed together by thrusting or slashing.Now this is the case in many places, and I have heard of places where one man has a sword and dagger and another a sword and a musket.

If someone insists on carrying a dagger and doesn't know anything about it, you're in luck: don't get the dagger and bring a musket instead.This is a backup option in those situations where you don't have to use the same weapon as your opponent but must use a secondary weapon in an emergency.Because at that time everything came to a critical juncture, it was the most dangerous moment in the world.

Lucky for you, pay close attention to all of my moves, including pace and backtracking.Fortunately, every move is effective against the enemy.Therefore, your fortune, honor and virtue will protect your life and limbs.Sir, times have changed, don't live in the past.

Get your musket, my friend, and God may you win your next duel.

Agares suppressed a smile and asked: "How is it, Arthur? Do you feel that you have benefited a lot from Mr. Hunter's works?"

Arthur just closed the book and glanced at the author's name written there, shook his head and said: "If you hadn't said it, I would never have thought that this book was written by Michael Hunter."

"Then who do you think wrote it?"

Arthur reluctantly raised the book and emphasized: "If you didn't tell me, I would have thought he was Isshin Ashina."

(End of this chapter)

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