shadow of britain

Chapter 28 It's All Farts

Chapter 28 It's All Farts
In a tavern by the pier, Arthur and the others had a few simple meals in front of them, some stewed fruit, a plate of sliced ​​freshly baked bread, heated bacon and a pot of coffee.

Elder and Darwin briefly exchanged some information about the Beagle, and by the way, instructed follow-up precautions and itinerary arrangements.

After chatting for a short time, the three of them quickly changed the topic to other places.

Between talking and laughing, everyone quickly became acquainted with each other. The friendship of young people always comes so quickly.

Elder asked carelessly: "I heard that you come from a medical family. Both your father and grandfather are surgeons?"

Darwin picked up his teacup and took a sip of coffee. He nodded and said, "Yes, our family has a clinic in Shrewsbury, Shabshire, which has been open for five or sixty years. It is quite famous in the local area. My father originally planned to Let me inherit the family business, so I was sent to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine before."

Arthur took a piece of bread and tore it open, put some bacon in it, and took a light bite.

He asked while eating: "Then why did you go to Cambridge to study theology? Cambridge is good, but Edinburgh is no worse than it! David Hume, Adam Smith, Thomas Bayes , these well-known figures are all graduates of the University of Edinburgh. It's a pity that you have transferred to Cambridge, otherwise the University of Edinburgh will have another famous alumni."

Hearing this, Darwin quickly waved his hands and said, "Arthur, you are too flattering of me. Compared with those people you mentioned, I am far behind. I only dare to look up at them. How dare I compare myself with the people you mentioned?" Where are they put together?"

When Elder heard this, he also put one hand on the back of the chair, nodded and refuted Arthur.

"That's right! Arthur, what are you talking about? What does it mean that the University of Edinburgh is no worse than Cambridge? Edinburgh is obviously much better than Cambridge! Stupid people go to Cambridge!"

Darwin was visibly taken aback when he heard this.

Elder also noticed his slip of the tongue, and he quickly clarified: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to attack your alma mater. Cambridge is at least a little better than Oxford. Randomly draw ten Oxford graduates out to shoot targets No one is wronged by shooting. In Cambridge, if ten people are shot, it is possible to kill one or two good people by mistake."

Arthur joked: "Elder, you can't kill like this. If you kill people according to your standard, there will be very few people left in the parliament. Seventy to eighty percent of the members are Oxbridge graduates."

Elder slammed his fist on the table: "Really? That's great. If these people are dead, the future of Britain will be bright."

Darwin was puzzled: "Why do you have such a big opinion on Oxford and Cambridge?"

Arthur couldn't help laughing and said: "Charles, it's really not our fault. Who made these two schools keep pushing the council not to issue a teaching charter to our school.

As you may not know, the University of London has not received a Royal Charter until now, although it has been established for four years.

Look at Elder, there is obviously an uncle major general, and now he can only go to the ship to be a draftsman.Unless you promote him to admiral right now, his resentment will not be eliminated so easily. "

Darwin couldn't help being embarrassed when he heard this. He touched the back of his head and said, "Really? I didn't know there was such a complicated relationship."

Arthur turned to ask: "By the way, you haven't told us why you transferred to Cambridge later."

Darwin replied: "I finished a semester at the University of Edinburgh, and I went home to help in the clinic during the holidays, but I really couldn't stand the bloody scene of the operation. You may not know that using a saw to amputate a patient's necrotic leg is What a tormenting event, I will never forget that scene for the rest of my life..."

Speaking of this, Darwin couldn't help but shudder: "After that operation, I never wanted to go to the clinic to help.

I preferred hunting, mineral collecting, and taxidermy to surgery, but my father considered these interests to be mere idleness.

But anyway, he finally saw that I was not suitable for the profession of surgeon.He thought I was too lazy and cowardly, and my mother thought it was a sign of kindness that I didn't want to have surgery.

Therefore, the family unanimously decided to send me to Cambridge to study theology.On the one hand, it can correct my thoughts, and on the other hand, it can also conform to my kindness.

Most importantly, my family thinks that pastor is a very decent job and pays well. "

Arthur asked, "Then after you finished studying theology, has your mind been corrected?"


Darwin rolled his eyes, waved his hand and said, "Go to hell with him! I have no problems at all, what should I correct?
My family asked me to study theology, and I followed their arrangement.But they want to change my hobby, there is no way!
Not long after I entered the university, I joined the Briney Society at the school. It was a group of naturalist lovers. Our leader was Professor Robert Grant, a well-known Lamarckian. He took a lot of care and guidance, and later I was fortunate to join their research group.

At Cambridge, I spent all my spare time outside of class studying natural history.

Once, I went with a research team to the Firth of Firth, where we studied the life cycle of marine animals in the intertidal zone.

After the event, I also gave a paper to the Briney Society about a common black object in oyster you know?The black object was not a mysterious creature, but a leech egg. "

Elder was originally swinging the chair leisurely, but when he heard this, his complexion changed drastically and he covered his mouth.

He scolded, "Fuck! Charles, why did you have to tell me this?"

Darwin scratched his head in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

Arthur laughed and explained to the side: "You don't know, Elder likes to eat oysters, especially the leech eggs in oysters. He always told me that the things are chewy and bouncy, like eating pudding .”

Elder covered his mouth and said angrily, "Arthur! Stop fucking talking, I'm going to vomit!"

Arthur shrugged and said, "Elder, I told you to eat less of that, because it's neither clean nor hygienic."

After finishing speaking, Arthur stood up and waved to the waiter, "Do you have oysters here? Remember to take the eggs away."

Darwin also relieved: "Elder, it's okay to eat a little once in a while, it's not poisonous."

But Elder couldn't listen to it and persuade him, he just felt uncomfortable all over his body.

He leaned on the table and cursed: "It's not a question of whether it's poisonous, but it's too disgusting. Charles, only the French can swallow leech eggs. After all, they even eat snails."

Seeing him like this, Arthur didn't bother to tease him anymore.

So he turned to Darwin and asked: "By the way, you said that you are a follower of Professor Grant, a Lamarckian, but I heard that Lamarckists all advocate that living things are constantly evolving. But you Another priest, and priests usually say that human beings are made by God, what do you think of that?"

When Darwin heard this, he couldn't help but put down the bread in his hand. He first crossed himself on his chest, and then said to Arthur in a low voice.

"I'm a devout believer, I believe in God."

"Really?" Arthur was a little disappointed.

But then, Darwin moved closer to Arthur: "But what the pastors said is all fart!"

(End of this chapter)

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