shadow of britain

Chapter 291 If he could take revenge in his youth, the Thames Estuary would be stained with blood

Chapter 291 If he could take revenge in his youth, the Thames Estuary would be stained with blood (5K)

Outside the Astley Amphitheatre, Tony, who has been chief constable for a year, glanced back and forth at the passers-by.

After confirming that everything was okay, Tony suddenly turned his steps and walked into the alley on the side of the road.

There were several police officers talking, laughing and smoking against the red wall of the alley. Faced with this situation, Tony did not put on any airs of authority with them, nor did he deviate from Scotland Yard's bullshit regulations. After all, he had That's how I came here.

Tony just took out the pipe in his arms in a familiar manner, opened the tobacco box and filled it with some, then he snapped his fingers at them and shouted: "Borrow me a fire."

When several police officers saw the chief coming, they all smiled and took out the matches in their pockets and handed them over: "Sir, are you here to have fun too?"

Tony lit up the fire, took a sip and spat out a burst of white mist: "Brothers, please be serious, there are many big names coming to the Astley Theater today. If something happens later, one of us will count them all." I can’t eat and walk around.”

"Sir, the Astley Theater is so big. We can deploy 500 police officers, which is enough to turn the place upside down. Don't worry, nothing will happen tonight."

Tony glared at them when he heard this: "When nothing happens, you can say whatever you want. If something happens, just pack up and leave. I know that with the treatment of Scotland Yard, there is no way for everyone to risk their lives to do things. But this kind of task that doesn’t take much effort should be carried out as seriously as possible.

And if you calculate carefully, the conditions now are much better than before.Ordinary patrol officers can get 39 pounds a year just for their rank salary. If you add in various bits and pieces of subsidies, it is not a problem to get 45 pounds a year.Although this amount of money is not considered a high salary in London, it is still a job that guarantees income during droughts and floods, so you can get some snacks. "

After the police officers heard this, someone also talked to Tony about other things.

"Sir, I heard that our previous treatment was lower than this?"

"Less than 39 pounds? Then I might as well find a big landlord to work as a housekeeper. At least they will take care of food and housing. Everywhere in London is good, but the rent, clothes and food are a bit ridiculously expensive."

"It's a good time for you two young men. When I first arrived at Scotland Yard, the salary for my rank was only a little over 30 pounds. At that time, many people did resign to work as janitors. They not only took care of food and housing, but also The salary is about the same as working at Scotland Yard."

"That's right. If Superintendent Hastings hadn't argued with the Ministry of Home Affairs last year and raised our weekly salary by 3 shillings, I might have left long ago."

The two new police officers couldn't help but be curious when they heard this.

From the time they first entered Scotland Yard's service, they often heard the name Arthur Hastings.Among the veterans on the front line, Superintendent Hastings has become a legend. After all, it only took him two years to move from the rank of second-level patrol officer to the rank of superintendent. This can be done anywhere. When CD City legend spreads.

In fact, in order to provide a reasonable explanation for this, various conspiracy theory-like speculations have been born among the police officers.

Some say that Superintendent Hastings is a branch of the Marquis of Hastings' family, some say that he is the illegitimate son of Sir Peel, and some say that he is the lover of a lady who is too noble to name.

But no matter what background the police officers gave Arthur, his achievements that could not be written on a page are real. In addition, he also actually obtained a salary increase for Scotland Yard, so no matter which old police officer mentioned Arthur The name Arthur Hastings gives a thumbs up.

The young police officers prefer to inquire about the special operations department headed by Superintendent Hastings - the Criminal Investigation Department of the Metropolitan Police.

Almost everyone knows that in addition to their rank salary, the police officers working there can also receive a special department subsidy of up to ten pounds per year. This salary gap alone is enough for the police officers to list the Criminal Investigation Department as For a gentleman of Scotland Yard.

Not to mention, a police secretary named Bonaparte came to this department a while ago.

It was a great honor for the police officers to be able to work for the same organization as the royal relatives, and it also made them involuntarily respect the Criminal Investigation Department. This also caused their evaluation of the department to continue to rise by another level.

The Criminal Investigation Department is no longer just a senior member of Scotland Yard, it is simply the aristocracy of the police. Some people even privately gave Arthur, who is in charge of the department, a nickname - the Archduke of Hastings.

The young police officers looked at the CID abbreviation number of the Criminal Investigation Department hanging on Tony's chest. Their saliva was almost drooling, and they asked cautiously.

"Sir, can I take the liberty to ask, what do you need to prepare if you want to join the Criminal Investigation Department? I heard that recruitment there seems to be quite strict? It seems that there is an exam, right?"

"Examination? Well...yes, it's time to take the exam now."

Tony scratched his hot cheek and said, "Originally, Superintendent Hastings wanted to recruit people directly from the University of London, but the treatment of the Criminal Investigation Department was still not enough for college students. Again. In addition, business has been good recently. Railway companies and shipping companies are recruiting people. Those people can easily get a good salary and do a decent job in the company. Who is willing to come to Scotland Yard to fight criminals? "

"That's right. How can a college student stand a job like ours? When a criminal starts ruthlessly, he won't give you a chance to talk about knowledge. Before you even open your mouth, he will stab your lung tube with a flick of his little hand."

"Let's study on our own. Although we can't be as good as college students, what we learn is practical! Superintendent Hastings should really give our frontline brothers a chance. I can recognize all 26 letters." , Aren’t you just leaning on your back for the rest?”

"So, what exactly is our internal selection exam? Sir, I don't ask you to skip questions for us. You can just determine the scope for us!"

At this point, a police officer saw Tony's pipe extinguished and quickly took out his matchbox with a smile and handed it over: "Sir, just keep this box of matches for now, I have others here."

"Thank you then."

Tony took the matchbox and just opened it to make a fire, but found two shilling coins neatly pressed inside. He looked down at the matchbox, hesitated for a while, and finally put it into his pocket.

"I don't know what will be tested in the exam. After all, Superintendent Hastings has been very busy recently, and he has been put behind the priority of issuing test papers."

The police officer who handed the match couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard this: "Is this so..."

Tony shrugged: "But when I was delivering documents to Superintendent Hastings two days ago, I happened to see a copy of "Principles of Philosophy of Chemistry" next to his desk. It was the copy of Mr. Faraday's mentor Humphrey Sir David's monograph. It is a very interesting book. I have been reading it recently. If you are interested, you can consider buying a copy and take a look. I believe this knowledge will be helpful to your police work. .”

"Ah..." The police officers couldn't help but smile with joy when they heard this: "Sir, you are the backbone of the Criminal Investigation Department. Your knowledge is indeed wider than that of ordinary police officers."

Tony put away his pipe and raised his eyebrows: "After you finish smoking, let's get back to work! Tonight is Superintendent Hastings' one-man show. If anyone messes up the job, then I don't think they need to worry about it. It’s about the exam.”

"Understood, sir! We'll get back on duty right now!"

Several police officers saluted Tony with smiles on their faces, and then trotted out of the alley.

Tony leaned against the red wall and let out a long sigh. He was about to refill his pipe when he suddenly saw Tom running past on the street in front of him.

Tony quickly stopped him: "Tom, what are you doing?"

Tom turned around and saw Tony smoking. He couldn't help but get angry. He slapped the pipe out of Tony's hand and cursed with a glare: "Tony, do you still have the heart to smoke? The sentry in front. We just did a big search and intercepted almost thirty pounds of black powder. If you smoke a little longer, we might as well not go see Arthur later and go directly to God to report on our work!"



In a makeshift sentry hut next to the Astley Amphitheatre.

Ledley King, a progressive young man who had just been promoted to sergeant-in-charge of the Whitechapel Police Department, put his feet up on his desk and looked up at the fat French man sitting in front of him with dirt on his face and the man in a top hat and A very fancy Jewish young man.

Disraeli smiled, while Alexandre Dumas looked at him with disdain.

However, just this look seemed to instantly anger the young police officer who had just made progress.

Sheriff Ridley suddenly stood up, slammed the table and said: "Tell me! Where are you from, where are you going, who are you in your family, and what are their nationalities! What social relationships are there, and whether there is an emperor in your ancestors! What if? There is an emperor, he never fought the Battle of Waterloo!”

Alexandre Dumas originally wanted to have a good fight with this contemptuous little policeman, but unexpectedly the other party hit him on the head with a barrage of questions, making him dizzy.Alexandre Dumas was stunned for a long time, frowned and asked: "How do you know that I am an upright and honorable French citizen?"

Ledley was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He murmured: "Huh? Did I get into trouble again? Does my physique attract the French? If I had been born a few years earlier and joined the Royal Navy, I would probably be here by now. Have you already made a fortune?"

Disraeli, who had been cautious about electing members recently, felt unlucky. He asked in a low voice: "Officer, what did you say?"

"Nothing." Ridley coughed and sat back on the chair. He took out a piece of paper and said, "First question, what is your name?"

Disraeli thought about it in his mind, and finally decided to tell the truth. If he told lies at this time, Arthur would probably not know that he and Alexandre Dumas were imprisoned for standing up for him, and he would even be rich by then. It's not easy to catch them.

"Benjamin Disraeli. Officer, I think there must be some misunderstanding here."

Ledley scrawled something on the paper: "There is no misunderstanding. You two are really good at it. You walked out carrying a sack. For those who don't know, I thought you were from some bakery. Where’s the guy there?”

After Ridley finished memorizing this, he asked again: "Your father's name."

"Huh? Do you have to ask this?"

"Stop talking nonsense, do you want to talk?"

Disraeli had no choice but to tell the truth: "Isaac Disraeli."

"Very good, never heard of it, I should be able to catch this one." Ledley nodded slightly and muttered, then turned to look at Alexandre Dumas: "It's your turn, fat man."

Alexandre Dumas crossed his arms and snorted: "Alexandre Dumas."

"Where's your father?"

"Alexandre Dumas."

Ridley put down his pen after hearing this. He thought for a moment: "Your father is also called Alexandre Dumas? Fatty, are you lying to me?"

Alexandre Dumas said disdainfully: "Is it strange that father and son have the same name? You still have a bunch of Charles in the UK, what's the fuss about?"

Ridley thought for a while, and finally decided to try him a few more times: "Then what is your grandfather's name?"

"Alexandre Antoine David de la Payetrie."

"Huh?" Ridley was stunned when he heard this: "So long?"

Alexandre Dumas stroked his curly hair back: "Noblesse, my grandfather is a marquis."


Ridley glanced at the paper in his hand, thought for a while and said: "But... isn't it right? Your and your father's surnames are Dumas, and your grandfather's surname is Payetrie. Is there something going on in between? Your father's surname is Dumas. An illegitimate child?"

Alexandre Dumas glared and said, "Do you care? Why do you ask so many questions?"

When Ridley heard this, he shook his head and curled his lips and said, "I'm just curious, and I didn't mean to expose your scars. Then let me ask the last question."

"what is the problem?"

Ridley looked a little embarrassed, and he smiled shyly: " do you spell your last name, Dumas? Of course, I'm not uneducated, I just want to test you."

As soon as Ridley finished speaking, he heard the sound of a door opening behind him.

He turned around and saw that they were two famous men under Superintendent Hastings. He quickly stood up and said hello to them: "Why are you two here?"

Ledley greeted them both, but Tom and Tony didn't reply.

The two of them were immediately stunned by the nine pistols placed on the desk and a sack full of black powder and bullets leaning against the desk.

Disraeli and Alexandre Dumas immediately relaxed when they saw their acquaintance arriving.

Disraeli smiled and winked at them: "Tom, Tony?"

Tom's eyes widened when he looked at the horrifying pile of things, and he asked: "Are you two crazy? Even if it is for self-defense, is it too much to bring so many?"

Tony also took a deep breath: "This firepower can almost catch up with a police station. Mr. Dumas, are you planning to wipe out all our patrols? Listen to my advice, how many years has it been since Napoleon died? You’d better stop thinking about attacking Britain as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, Alexandre Dumas quickly used his ability to make up stories. He coughed and said: "Tony, this gun and ammunition are not prepared for myself."

Tony slapped his forehead: "Of course, Mr. Dumas, if you prepared these for yourself, we wouldn't arrest you."

Tom heard this and retorted: "No, you still have to be arrested. Suicide is a serious blasphemy. If Mr. Dumas succeeds in committing suicide, the most he can do is that the priest will not hold a funeral for him. But if he fails to commit suicide, then we will wait for another day." He has to be hanged on the gallows."

Hearing this, Laidley added: "But there is a good thing about hanging on the gallows, so that the priest will be willing to hold a memorial ceremony for you. They are the most skilled at enclosing the deceased, resting him in worship, and burying him in the ground."

Alexandre Dumas said angrily: "If you put it like that, if you hang me to death, do I still have to thank you?"

Ridley said seriously: "You're welcome. If you go to heaven because of this, just remember to say a few nice words to God for me. But if you go to hell, don't talk nonsense in Satan's ears. "

When Tony heard this, he quickly stepped forward and stood in front of Ledley, winking at Alexandre Dumas and Disraeli: "What on earth did you two get these things for? Scotland Yard has already It has been announced that gun control will be implemented near the Astley Theater during Halloween. You two are friends of Superintendent Hastings, so it is impossible that you don’t know about this... Or, it is Superintendent Hastings who asked you to do this. What did you do?”

Disraeli heard this and quickly took over Tony's words: "Tony, I really can't hide anything from you. Yes, it was Arthur who asked us to bring these things over."

Alexandre Dumas also added: "That's right. I heard from Arthur a while ago that Mr. Louis Bonaparte is training a team of French artillery for Scotland Yard. But when it comes to French artillery, who knows more than me? The training of French artillery must not only follow strict French standards, but even the guns and ammunition must be of French origin.”

Having said this, Alexandre Dumas leaned over and took out a handful of black gunpowder from the bag, letting it slip from his fingers: "Look! This black gunpowder was all rubbed by my hands. You know why Is the artillery of France better than the artillery of other countries? This is all because our black powder is secretly made, and this craft is all inherited from our ancestors."

Tom was stunned for a moment, and then asked in confusion: "Mr. Dumas, are you serious?"

When Tony heard Tom's question, he quickly turned around and glared at him: "Tom!"

Unexpectedly, before he could send the code to Tom, Ledley over there had already imitated the action that Inspector Jones, who had become the spokesperson of Tower Hamlets Police District, had already done.

Ledley raised his fists with his hands and pointed in the direction of the Astrid Amphitheater. He asked in a clear and resonant voice: "Oh my! Didn't I offend Zeus by splitting Mount Olympus and Thor? Is it a work error like blowing up the Hall of Valor? I didn’t know yet, but it turns out that you two are friends of our Grand Duke of Scotland Yard, Superintendent Hastings!"

(End of this chapter)

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