shadow of britain

Chapter 299 Shocking Secret

Chapter 299 Shocking Secret (4K2)

In a quiet box on the third floor of the Astley Amphitheatre.

There was only a tinkling sound, and Viscount Palmerston raised his wine glass and clinked it gently with Mrs. Leven, the female companion who accompanied him today.

Mrs. Levin thanked her with a smile: "Henry, one year after taking office, you have become more and more comfortable at what you do in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I have long seen that there is some irresistible social ability in you." Charm, and you have applied it well to diplomatic work. No matter what others say, at least I think you are the best that Britain has done in this position in recent decades, even better than Sir George Canning And Viscount Castlereagh, you tried your best to avoid the conflict between Britain and Russia and brought rare peace to Europe."

When Viscount Palmerston heard this, he just used his signature smile to compliment the wife of the Tsarist Russian Ambassador and one of the hostesses of the Allmark Club in front of him.

"Dorothea, I cannot be where I am today without the good advice you gave me. When I was deep in the quagmire of debt, it was you who stretched out your slender but powerful arms to pull me out of the swamp. Come out. And when I was about to be abandoned by the Tories, it was you who helped me bridge the gap on the Whig side, allowing me, a bewildered little sailor, to switch sides in time before the broken ship was about to sink.

Dorothea, you are an angel to many people, but to me, you are a noble and inviolable muse.Not only do you know how to sing and dance, but you also have the best dance moves even at the Allmark Club.But compared to your wisdom, your elegant dance moves that are the envy of countless ladies can only be used as red cherries to decorate the cream cake.

At this point, I must thank you again, if you hadn't helped me build momentum at the Allmark Club and let the respectable Earl Leven use his personal connections to lobby the Prime Minister Earl Grey.No matter what, it is impossible for me, a pawn who just switched party memberships, to win the position of foreign minister.Although everyone says that I am affectionate, no one has ever said that I am unfeeling. I will always keep this friendship in my heart. "

Mrs. Levine looked at the stage play being performed in the audience, and suddenly raised her hand to support her chin by the window: "Today's performance at the Astley Theater was more interesting than I imagined, whether it was "The Count of Monte Cristo" or "The Count of Monte Cristo" and "The Count of Monte Cristo". The stage premiere of "The Pickwick Papers" and the duel between Mr. Hastings and Mr. Bertrand were both wonderful. As for Mr. Chopin's performance, not to mention, his technique is indeed as good as what I heard in the Russian court rumors. It’s as good as what you heard, if not better.”

Palmerston also understood the meaning of Mrs. Leven's words. He asked politely: "Is Chopin very famous in Russia?"

Mrs. Leven responded cryptically: "Yes, maybe Chopin's name is not famous in Britain, but in Petersburg, his name is like...well...maybe closer to Mr. Hastings's status in London." . Since Chopin became famous very early in Poland, when His Majesty Alexander I visited Poland, he invited the 15-year-old Chopin to participate in his concert performance.

At that time, His Majesty the Tsar was very happy to hear this. He also specially took off a diamond ring he was wearing and gave it to Chopin to show his recognition and reward for his playing ability.Since then, Chopin's reputation has spread throughout Russia.I thought that such an outstanding person should stay in the Petersburg court and develop his musical talents in the arms of Mother Russia. Unexpectedly, I met him in London today. "

Considering the recent trend of public opinion in the London news media and the recent upsurge of British people's attention to Poland, Palmerston naturally understood what Mrs. Leven meant.

Just as Mrs. Levine praised him, an outstanding diplomat can interpret countless meanings from ordinary words.

Palmerston responded with a smile: "I know that Russia and Poland are not happy because of some minor conflicts recently, and the British society's concern and enthusiasm for this matter have exceeded the original limit. In order to calm these emotions , I have made a lot of efforts in Parliament. But as you know, wasn’t there news recently about Mr. Bernie Harrison lending a helping hand to Mrs. Poland?
Thomas Barnes, the clown-like editor-in-chief of The Times, took advantage of this incident to use the topic again and once again stirred up the popularity of Poland.The Westminster Union has also been protesting about Poland, although I think such protests are unreasonable and unreasonable.

But after all, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot always fight with them. I think it is quite necessary to hold a concert to release their pressure and dissatisfaction when necessary.Regarding this, I also informed Earl Leven in an earlier informal conversation.A concert does not mean that Britain has changed its position. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no intention of attacking our reliable allies, and your husband understands this very reasonably. "

When Mrs. Leven heard this, she turned her head and stared at Palmerston with her watery black eyes, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Henry, look at you, you must be very busy these days, fighting in the Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs anytime and anywhere. Why can't you even chat with a weak woman like me who doesn't understand politics and diplomacy? Has it become such a serious tirade?”

Palmerston took off his hat and replied with a smile: "Dorothea, am I not worried about making you angry? Can I have the honor to dance with you at the Allmac Ball next week?"

Mrs. Leven raised her hand and admired her emerald ring: "Originally, my dance partner has already been decided. However, if it were you, charming Henry, I wouldn't mind temporarily changing someone to dance a waltz with me. But... Aren't you afraid that Emily will be angry? She has been trying to occupy the position of your long-term dance partner."

Palmerston smiled and replied: "How could it be? Emily knows all about these things. Besides, she will open a salon at home this weekend. Even if I want to dance with her, she doesn't have the time."

Mrs. Leven shook her head slightly and said: "Emily has done her best for Earl Cowper. If she hadn't been in charge of the Cowper family's social circle, Earl Cowper's stuffy personality would probably have been eliminated early in the morning. Excluded from the mainstream political circles in Britain. But then again, if Emily had not made such a dishonorable act as elopement due to impulse when she was young, she could have married a more humorous and powerful husband.

She was too impulsive and easily deceived by men, and at that time she did not understand the nature of marriage.It is usually difficult to achieve such a good thing by binding love and marriage together.If she had been as free and easy as she is today a few decades ago, with her ability to manage her husband's social circle, she might have become the Prime Minister's wife by now.Instead of staying with Earl Cowper, who is taciturn and inarticulate, and blushes after just a few casual conversations with ladies.

It was his luck to meet Emily. If she hadn't committed something stupid, the anxious old Viscount Melbourne wanted to quickly find a husband to marry her off, but Earl Cowper would not have been able to catch such a mistake.But, having said that, Emily's family doesn't seem to be fuel-efficient.

The old Viscount Melbourne was also a prodigal son when he was young. Emily's mother, the old Lady Melbourne, was a famous socialite in London at that time. She was deeply trusted and loved by the late King George IV. If it weren't for her, the old Viscount Melbourne would not have risen from an ordinary life. The ordinary little knight was gradually promoted to the position of viscount.

As for Emily's sister-in-law, Baroness Ponsonby, the wife of the young Viscount Melbourne, let alone the story between them.When Lord Byron was still alive, the various major newspapers and tabloids on the streets of London were full of tidbits about Baroness Ponsonby and Lord Byron almost every day.Thinking back on it, the quiet and elegant little Viscount Melbourne was an anomaly in their family. "

Ladies can't stop chatting and gossiping, and Palmerston is also happy to change today's topic from Poland. Remaining mysterious and closed is his consistent political style, and it is also a good strategy for him to protect himself and attack his opponents.

He would rather talk a few more words about the mountains than reveal a few more words about his views on foreign policy.

Viscount Palmerston said: "William is indeed an old unlucky man. With his behavior and consistent demeanor, if he were born in a normal aristocratic family, he would definitely grow into the most popular moral model for the priests. . He is gentle and gentle in dealing with others, and he is well-mannered when facing ladies. This is what everyone thinks of him. But... Dorothea, if you really think of him as an ascetic ascetic, you are totally wrong.

William actually had quite a lot of fun when he was young. He was also involved in a divorce lawsuit in his early years.But perhaps it was precisely because of the subsequent public opinion turmoil between his wife and Byron, coupled with his unfortunate marriage, that William's edges were gradually smoothed. Although he was not obsessed with material contact, he was spiritually But men need more emotional care than other men.

Fortunately, I recently discovered that he seems to have found his true love.Since William met that lovely lady, his mental state has improved significantly than before.As a friend, I am happy for him from the bottom of my heart. ""oh? "

As expected, the topic raised by Viscount Palmerston instantly aroused Mrs. Leven's curiosity.

She angrily accused Palmerston and said, "Henry, you clearly know that I want to know this, why do you have to keep it secret?"

Palmerston smiled playfully: "It's not that I want to show off, but I think that instead of me saying something unfounded here, it would be better for you to go to the box next door and walk around twice. Dorothea, you also know Yes, I have always been very strict with my mouth, and I don’t like spreading my friends’ secrets everywhere.”

"You mean... they are next door?" Mrs. Leven opened her mouth half-open, covered her lips with one hand, and opened her eyes in surprise: "Viscount Melbourne and his close lover?"

"Ahem..." Viscount Palmerston coughed: "Dorothea, you can't say that. William has always emphasized that he and that lady are innocent, and I also believe in his credibility and their relationship. It’s more like a spiritual thing. As for whether it’s physical or not, I guess only God knows.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Levin raised her fan to cover half of her face, her eyes narrowed with laughter: "Henry, you are really evil-minded. It turns out that you sent me over to let me witness them with my own eyes. Then come back and give you a report? Come on, I won’t be fooled by you, you should keep these words to deal with the parliament. "

Palmerston smiled and complimented after hearing this: "My dear Dorothea, I just said, if you are a British man, I don't think you can survive in British politics for a long time. In front of Prime Minister Dorothea, All these little tricks of mine have no place to hide.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Levin leaned forward gently and lay on Palmerston's chest: "That's not necessarily the case. You are a guy who always hides his tricks when things happen. I don't believe you have used all your tricks. Exhausted, in order to punish you for your dishonesty, you must let me see something new today."

Mrs. Levin's hand caressed the side of Palmerston's face, and her eyes were full of affection as she said: "Henry, my request is not too much, right?"

Palmerston hugged the beauty's waist and his breathing became heavier: "Dorothea, you know, I will never refuse a lady's request. Although I don't admit that I lied, If you must see something new, then I will have to make something up for you even if I rack my brains."

The two of you are in love with each other, it is the moment of love.

Suddenly, there was only a thud and the door of the box was kicked open.

Then, there was a roar that could almost spread throughout the entire floor: "Carolyn, you stinky bitch, you filthy whore! I guessed that you and Melbourne were doing these silly things!"

Viscount Palmerston was so startled that he trembled all over, and Mrs. Leven was so frightened by the sudden roar that she hid in the arms of her male companion, not even daring to show her face.

After a brief brain short-circuit, Palmerston finally came to his senses.

He looked at Mr. Norton, the magistrate who was standing at the door and came to catch the rapist. He looked at him for a long time before confirming that he did not recognize this person.

Viscount Palmerston slapped the case and shouted angrily: "Who are you, a scoundrel! Why did you break into my room?"

Norton watched for a long time through the dim lights in the room, and then he realized that he seemed to have gone to the wrong place, and the face of the other party looked somewhat familiar. It was none other than the powerful Foreign Minister.

Norton felt cold from head to toe for a moment, and the anger he had finally brewed was suppressed in an instant. He laughed twice awkwardly: "Sorry, I seem to have made a mistake."

After saying that, there was only a bang, and the door of the box was closed again.

Viscount Palmerston angrily opened his clothes and was about to draw his gun. As he drew his gun, he yelled at the door: "You bastard! Don't run away, you bastard!"

But when he rushed out the door, the guy who ruined his good deeds had disappeared without a trace in the corridor.

There were still echoes of several angry arguments between him and his companions in the corridor.

"Bernie, didn't you fucking say it was that room?"

"How the hell do I know! Which room did I get the news about? Maybe Viscount Melbourne gave a temporary refund or changed the room?"

"Damn it! I knew you were caught having sex for a reason!"

"Fuck you, where do you think your brain is?"

(End of this chapter)

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