shadow of britain

Chapter 364 A new turning point

Chapter 364 A new turning point

"You said that Miss Delfina contacted you after she and you accepted an exclusive interview with The Times that day?"

Harrison struck a match, lit his pipe, took a puff, and said leisurely: "Mr. Hastings, it seems that you are a quite decent gentleman. You don't have much dealings with these wandering warblers, right?"

Arthur borrowed a light from Louis, lit a cigarette and replied: "There are still some dealings, but maybe not as in-depth understanding as you do."

Alexandre Dumas also said seriously: "Mr. Harrison, I have read your London travel guide booklet titled "Harrison's Wonderful Journey". From my point of view, if it does not involve some sensitive Content, it’s almost ready to go on The Brit.”

When Seven-Star Ladybug Harrison heard this, his face suddenly turned red. He said shamelessly: "If you say it is just a London travel guide, you would be looking down on me. To tell you the truth, it covers everything. The whole of England, including a lot of Mediterranean style and what I saw in Germany during my youth study tour.”

"German region?"

"Of course." Harrison explained: "It seems that you don't know what the two main commodities exported by the German states are. The first is their highly qualified and tenacious mercenaries. The second is the mercenaries from German whore.”

Arthur said calmly: "One is selling one's body, the other is selling one's life. It seems that these two professions do have a long history, and no matter what era, there will always be a place for them."

When Louis heard this, he couldn't help but joked: "Mr. Harrison, you are lucky today. Fortunately, our friend Heinrich did not come with you today, otherwise he would have strangled you to death."

Harrison defended himself: "Actually, what I said in the interview with the Times was not completely nonsense. I really want to learn Polish because I want to bring the company's business to If you want to go to Poland, to a certain extent, it is very necessary to take the initiative to understand the needs of Polish ladies.

The reason why Miss Delfina aroused my interest was because she told me that she came from an upper-class Polish family. She described to me the situation when she attended the banquet in the past. Over and over again, I was fascinated by what she said. The love between each other will naturally grow slowly, well... you understand, love is hard to control..."

Louis listened and took note: "So, you are not only fascinated by Miss Delfina's beauty, but also attracted by her talent?"

"Absolutely. Of course, in addition to talent, there is also the aura of gold coins."

Harrison did not forget his original intention and emphasized: "I really want to do business abroad and build a cosmetics empire of my own. In this way, I don't have to always follow the butt of those big shots and act as a sounding machine. Do you think I'm born to say stupid things?

I tell you, no! The reason why I say these things is entirely because those so-called big shots are born with such stupid brains. If there are some, they are unwilling to stand up and speak out, so it is up to a humble person like me to speak out for them! "

Arthur nodded slightly and said: "Everyone can see this. At least, since you were exiled by the Tories, even your speech has become logical. However, Mr. Harrison, these are not the point. What I am more concerned about is why Miss Delfina came to you again."

"Young man, you're just too young to understand the nature of these bitches."

Harrison took a breath and warmed his hands.

"Since they are already willing to be prostitutes, can you still have any moral expectations for them? Don't be deceived by the tragic life stories they tell. I admit that maybe some women are indeed so unfortunate. But most of them Some of them just want to make money easily through this business.

Unless you can fill their bottomless desires, or make a small hole in their hearts that are already as hard as a stone, their betrayal will only be a matter of time or money. How much is the question.

And it is obvious that you have not satisfied Miss Delfina's appetite. Although she also fears the power of Scotland Yard, in the end, her greed overwhelms her fear. She finally discovered that I, the benefactor she framed, was the one who spent the most money on her. "

Arthur took a puff of his cigarette, pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "You mean, the reason Delfina continues to find you later is because she wants to continue doing business with you?"

Harrison squeezed out a breath from his nose with disdain: "That's it. But she probably didn't dare to tell you the truth. You should know that Delfina was also involved in a lawsuit later, right? Scotland Yard spent a lot of money It took a lot of energy to help her settle it."

Louis recalled: "Are you talking about the gentlemen who jointly sued Miss Delfina? I remember that the reason for their prosecution was that Miss Delfina used various instruments to torture and beat them, um...or the word instrument. It’s not appropriate, it’s better to use the word prop.”

Harrison smiled and said: "Yes, that's right, that's the case. I introduced all those people to her. I first spent some money to regain her trust, and then told her that there are many gentlemen in London. This one. Then, I introduced a few carefully selected friends to her, and that’s how the next case came about.”

When Arthur heard this, he put a hand on his chin and thought for a moment: "It seems that Miss Delfina is indeed hiding a lot of things from us."

Harrison said helplessly: "Mr. Hastings, although there have been such a series of conflicts between us, our first conflict caused me to lose my seat as a member. After the second case was heard, you called someone again Taught me a lesson. After I was beaten, although I wanted to take revenge on you, I was not bold enough to directly hire a killer to assassinate you. Or even if I wanted to assassinate you, even if I took a step back, You, I can't pick out when you go to Liverpool. If you insist on saying that I did this, then you are questioning my IQ."

When Arthur heard this, the hand holding the tea cup suddenly froze in place. He raised his head and asked: "Mr. Harrison, your misfortune of losing your parliamentary seat may have something to do with Scotland Yard. But the fact that you were beaten, Are you questioning my intelligence?"

"Didn't you do that?" Harrison was also stunned: "No, it's impossible! Those people were armed with guns, and when they knocked me to the ground with their gun butts, they specifically threatened me not to think about it. I need to call the police, and next time I fall into the hands of Scotland Yard, it won’t be as simple as giving me a gun butt.”

When Louis heard this, he couldn't help but look at Arthur. He lowered his voice and asked, "Could it be that Miss Fiona and the others caused these things on their own initiative?"

"Threaten a congressman? Even former congressmen don't have the guts. But..."

Arthur thought for a moment and replied: "Just in case, you'd better send someone to confirm later."

Louis took a deep breath: "If they really did it..."

Arthur took off his hat and put it on the table: "That's a pity. Scotland Yard never forces talented employees to stay. She can choose to return to society and continue to make money with her intelligence."

When Alexandre Dumas heard this, he suddenly remembered the scene he met in Liverpool. The fat French man joked: "Or, she can also choose to hold up her skirt to meet him."

Harrison insisted: "If this was not instigated by you, then it was probably the people under you who made their own decisions. As I just said, people under you are all rushing to do this kind of dirty work. Although you are here It's not ranked well in the whole of Britain, but it's barely respectable in this three-thirds of an acre of land in London.

If this thing wasn't done by someone from below, could it be that it was the person Delfina called herself, this bitch? A poor Polish woman who had only been in London for a short time, why did she call out so many strong men with guns at once? "

Arthur replied: "As for the internal possibilities, we will find out later. But I think that my subordinates are not as spiritual as you. What's more, we also have some details that you don't know. This makes me even more suspicious of what happened to Miss Delfina in recent months." "What details?"

Louis casually threw a document towards Harrison: "According to our investigation, one of the murderers of the Liverpool assassination was Miss Delfina's husband. Mr. Harrison, if you don't explain the specific details clearly, we have sufficient reasons for bringing you to Scotland Yard for further questioning."


With a bang, Harrison dropped the teacup in his hand on the table in shock.

Tea splashed everywhere, but at this moment, he didn't care about cleaning up his expensive clothes.

Harrison stood up and said, "Mr. Hastings, I assure you, I really have nothing to do with this case."

Arthur took out his handkerchief and wiped the water on his face: "I know, and I don't want to wrongly accuse an innocent person. But, you understand, an explanation is needed. If you can't explain the details clearly, With your current status, you are very suitable to be this person."

When Harrison heard this, his shirt was soaked with sweat. He picked up a napkin and kept wiping the sweat, his eyes moving around.

He thought about it and knew that Arthur had not lied to him.

A Tory traitor, a bigot hated by the Whigs, and a former MP who was a thorn in the side of Scotland Yard.

He is indeed very suitable to be the greatest common denominator between the various forces.

But as a congressman who had talked about sacrifice and dedication for so many years, when the pen fell on him and he was about to be kicked out, Mr. Harrison decided to resist.

He banged the table and protested: "Mr. Hastings, this is a conspiracy. You have been plotted, and I have been framed! Before, I thought Delfina sent someone to beat me up to vent her anger. But now it seems that this is completely paving the way for your subsequent assassination!"

Louis also nodded in agreement: "Indeed, everything is too subtle. When all the coincidences come together, then this is not a coincidence, but a conspiracy."

Harrison racked his brains and thought: "That bitch Delfina, I thought she came back to me for money. Now it seems that there must be someone else behind her. Mr. Hastings, while she is still alive She didn’t escape, we have to catch her as soon as possible!”

"It's a pity, Mr. Harrison." Arthur said: "As early as when the Liverpool assassination occurred, Delfina had already disappeared. And not only was she missing, but even her children were missing. So. , that's why I wanted to ask you, when was the last time you saw her."

"the last time……"

Harrison recalled: "I... I can't remember clearly, it must have been a few days after I was beaten. At that time, I went to Regent Street to attend the opening ceremony of a friend's new store, and I happened to see her with a few men. That At that time, she was dressed in jewels, and if it weren't for the two small red moles at the corners of her mouth and shoulders, I would hardly have recognized her."

"Bejeweled?" Alexandre Dumas held his pen in his mouth and pondered: "It seems that she did make a lot of money!"

"It's not just that..." Harrison mocked: "Although I was afraid of getting beaten again, it seemed too spineless to just walk away. So, I started to have some thoughts of revenge against her. I deliberately walked up Go, planning to tell her new concubines about my past affair with her when they separate."

"The results of it?"

"I followed them in a carriage for a long time, and finally I took advantage of Delfina to go to a store to try on clothes. I had a casual chat with them, and then I learned that these people were actually military attachés from the Russian Embassy. …”

When Arthur heard this, he suddenly asked: "What month did this happen? Do you still remember it clearly?"

Harrison said: "It should be October."

When Louis heard this, he quickly flipped through the files in front of him. He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Arthur: "According to Miss Fiona's statement, Delfina entered the embassy to work on November 11th. If she had been on the line with the Russians in October..."

Arthur held the document and read it again and again, and suddenly felt how difficult the matter was.

The Russians do have reasons and motives to assassinate him, and using a Polish killer with a pro-French background can indeed maximize the interests of the Russians, and this is even in line with the current policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The only question now is whether Viscount Palmerston knew about it, and whether others in the cabinet knew about the Russian plan.

If everyone is pretending to be confused, then this case will not be as simple as finding out the truth.

What's more, the Russians even thoughtfully prepared an alternative truth for the investigative committee.

Arthur stared at Harrison for a long time, and his nose could already smell something bad.


Louis looked up and said, "What's wrong?"

"If the Investigative Committee later issues a warrant for Mr. Harrison's arrest, remember to place him alone in a cell in the Criminal Investigation Department."

(End of this chapter)

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