shadow of britain

Chapter 366 Master of Assassination

Chapter 366 Master of Assassination

"It seems that Mr. Vidocq has been having a hard time recently. When you go back, you can tell him for me that as long as I am still at Scotland Yard, my promise to him will always work. No matter from the perspective of a junior police officer, My appreciation for him has never changed, either as an admirer of the legendary European detective."

Coconut Tree just buried his head and stirred the coffee cup in front of him with a spoon. As he stirred, the milky white milk merged with the strong black coffee, dyeing the pure black color into an indescribable brown.

"Mr. Hastings, I have actually heard about what happened to you in Liverpool. Although the boss also said that you are very suitable for him, at this moment, it is still too early to talk about changing jobs. Do you have Being lucky enough to leave Liverpool safely does not mean that the leader is lucky enough to leave Paris safely.

At this sensitive time, when the boss's resignation letter is placed on the desk of the Paris Police Director, his head may be moved that night. "

When Arthur heard this, he just put one hand on the back of his chair, looked at the rain outside the window and smiled: "I almost forgot, there are more assassins in France than in Britain."


Coconut Tree curled his lips: "Do you know what I first thought of when I read about that case in the newspaper? What these people did was so amateurish!"

Arthur raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: "Can I hear your opinion?"

As someone who had experienced the turbulent years of the Revolution and had worked with Vidocq in the Security Department for a long time, Coconut Tree was very fluent when it came to assassinations.

He said: "First of all, it is very stupid to use guns in assassinations. Perhaps for frontal battlefields, pistols are a very convenient and lethal weapon, but for assassinations, pistols are a very An ineffective weapon. If there's one good thing about it, it's that its promotional value is very high.

Only those stupid boys who like to show off their position and attract attention would choose this kind of thing. If this case was handed over to the Ministry of Security for investigation, we would immediately rule out the possibility that it was a carefully planned political murder, carried out by a group of unscrupulous people. "

Although there are differences in details between Coconut Tree's speculation and the analysis of the Criminal Investigation Department, their speculations about the composition of the gang coincide.

The recognition of the old detective from the Security Department also deepened Arthur's trust in the previous reasoning.

But in addition to analyzing the case, what Arthur wanted to know more was-what would have happened if the Liverpool assassination had been carried out by professionals.

After all, as a Scotland Yard policeman living in the turbulent nineteenth century, even if the assassination case Arthur encountered this time was amateurish, he would still have the opportunity to encounter professional killers later on.

Arthur asked: "Then...if this Liverpool assassination was carried out by the security department of the Grand Paris Police Department, what kind of team would you send?"

The coconut tree struck a match and took a puff of a cigar.

While he was puffing away the smoke, he talked eloquently: "Originally, we usually don't tell the public about these things. But because the croissant in this restaurant is quite French-style, I will tell you about it. Let’s talk about our unique skills in France.”

Arthur smiled and replied: "That's why I value veteran agents of the Paris Security Department like you very much. You know all these things that Scotland Yard has never experienced."

The coconut tree smiled and replied: "Mr. Hastings, you are too modest. To put it bluntly, I am just a little older than you, so I entered the industry a few years earlier.

First of all, like I said before, if we really wanted to kill someone, we wouldn't use a pistol. Because although the pistol has the ability to shoot at long distances, it also means that it is not 100% accurate.

As a living failed assassination case, you should have a deep understanding of this. You didn't even take a shot. Even if you did take a shot, you might not really die. When I was serving in the French Army in my early years, I was shot once in the shoulder, but look at me, am I still alive and kicking now?

In addition, using explosives for assassination is a completely stupid choice. Because in our experience, explosives in most cases kill not the target but the assassin, as you saw in Liverpool.

The use of small and medium explosives is unreliable, while the use of large explosives often injures innocent people and raises moral issues. This will prevent the assassination from gaining sympathy in the public opinion circle, damage public relations, and thus defeat the goal of a perfect assassination.

This is like the aftermath of the Liverpool assassination. You see, most of the British newspapers and magazines condemned the murderer, which was almost completely counterproductive. "

Arthur nodded slightly and said: "It seems that the security department has rich experience in this area. Have you practiced it yourself?"

"Don't ask."

Coconut Tree changed the subject and said: "You only need to know that a real professional team often chooses simple but effective tools. For example: - a hammer, an axe, a wrench, a screwdriver, a pair of fire tongs, A kitchen knife, or a lamp holder.

All in all, anything that is hard, heavy, and easy to carry is a good choice. Don't look down on these weapons just because they are simple and crude. At least in our opinion, these things have two advantages that pistols do not have. "

Arthur raised his head and thought for a while, and guessed: "First, these weapons are readily available. Second, precisely because of their commonness, they also have the characteristic of 'obviously innocent'. This is very important for assassins to avoid actions." The risk of being searched before or after an operation is very important."

Coconut Tree narrowed his eyes, pinched the stubble on his chin and laughed softly: "You are indeed enlightened. I didn't believe the boss said you were a powerful person before, but now it seems that I did underestimate you before."

At this point, the coconut tree suddenly turned around and asked: "Do you know "The Death of Marat"?"

"of course I know."

Arthur put down the tea cup and said: "On July 1793, 7, Marat was assassinated by Charlotte Corday, a Girondin supporter, in his residence in Paris. This was not only a famous painting, but also a major event. Many people say that it was precisely because of Marat's death that Robespierre, who had lost his close comrades in arms, started a frenzy of liquidation against the Girondins, and the Revolution spiraled out of control."

The coconut tree replied: "If only from my personal standpoint, Marat died unjustly, even if he was lucky enough to escape the assassination, there would be a guillotine waiting for him behind him. When he chops off other people's heads to get excited, he should have done it long ago. I thought I would have such a day."

Arthur raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you talking about the fact that he closed down the Paris Academy of Sciences and executed Lavoisier as a revenge for his personal vengeance?"

"No, I don't know anything about science, and those slogans he shouted, such as 'The Republic does not need scholars,' are none of my business. But he made it very difficult for me when I was a child, and I have always kept this in mind."

Coconut Tree took a sip of coffee and added: "I forgot to tell you, my father is a Girondin."

"That's really unfortunate."

The coconut tree shrugged and said: "But that is all in the past, and let the past be in the past. Of course, the reason why I am talking to you about Timala's death today is not because of how much I understand art and history, let alone to reminisce about my childhood. I want to talk to you about some of the techniques used in this assassination.

As a classic successful assassination case, the murder weapon used by Miss Corday to kill Marat was an inconspicuous knife, simple but efficient. Moreover, the gender of the assassin is also noteworthy. You are so smart, you must know what I am referring to. Yes, the killer is a weak lady.

Although you may not believe me when I say this, in the eyes of the agents of the Security Department, ladies are far more suitable as assassins than gentlemen. They are delicate, beautiful, and do not look threatening at all, so it is easier for them to bypass inspections and approach assassination targets. In the evaluation system of the Ministry of Security, the closer the distance, the higher the assassination success rate. "

At this point, the coconut tree paused, and he crossed his legs and said, "This is also an important reason why we chose to cross-dress together when we wanted to kidnap Mr. Dumas. Believe me, having the identity of a lady is very important to many people." Circumstances make things easier. During his early exile, the leader even traveled disguised as a nun.

Farmers in the countryside are usually reluctant to take in an unidentified mature man, but a poor nun can give them warm hospitality. And not only that, the farmer even arranged for the boss and his two daughters to sleep in the same bed. Mr. Hastings, you know, grown men don't get such good treatment. "

When Arthur heard this, he just joked: "It seems that you have had a similar experience?"

"Me? No, I'm unlucky." The coconut tree laughed at himself: "Perhaps my appearance is more beautiful than the boss's appearance. I usually attract people like your friend. Of course, London is your territory Son, so I have to be polite. If this was Paris, I guarantee that he would have entered the special cell of the Security Department that night and enjoyed treatment like a horse."

When he thought about what happened that day, he felt a little unhappy in his heart: "Mr. Hastings, please forgive me, even if lust is a man's nature, your friend's nature is too innocent, right?"

Arthur didn't take the coconut tree's complaints seriously, he just replied in a neutral tone. "Actually, I'm quite pleased that Elder attacked you after you disguised yourself."

The coconut tree heard this and said alertly: "What do you mean by this?"

Arthur took a sip of tea: "Because this shows two points. First, he does like the opposite sex. Second, he is generally interested in the same species. The reason for some special circumstances is purely due to coercion." He had no choice. He just had no choice before. If he is given another chance, he will definitely choose a human, a woman."

The amount of information revealed in Arthur's words was so shocking that the coconut tree didn't recover for a long time.

After all, even a security agent who was born into a gangster on the streets of Paris would hardly be able to match the Royal Navy's casual choice of partners.

While Coconut Tree was distracted, Arthur also flipped through the documents that Coconut Tree had brought today.

Just as Talleyrand had promised Arthur previously, in order to win Britain's support on the Polish issue, the French embassy took out almost all the intelligence they had that pointed the murderer behind the Russian embassy.

But the fly in the ointment is that Arthur doesn't know whether this is all the information the French have.

Due to the close ties between France and Poland, although the French did not make much progress in the investigation of the case, they did dig out the background of the three Polish gunmen who committed the crime.

One is Kowalczyk, the husband of Mademoiselle Delfina, who is known to have served as secretary to Napoleon's illegitimate son Walewski.

As for the other killer, Dabowski, who had been hiding in Tibet for maliciously wounding people at the dock, has been confirmed to have served in the Polish army. Talleyrand directly contacted Dabowski through the Polish exile leader Prince Czartoryski. Boesky's unit superior.

But what is interesting is that according to the Polish captain, Dabowski contacted many of his old comrades after injuring others.

I don’t know where this kid heard about the success story of Fred, the former underground king of the East District. Perhaps it was because of his overwhelming victory over the London gangsters in the dock fight that the Polish leader with no brains thought he could replicate Fred's successful path - relying on a group of veterans to fight with their fists. Make a mark in the Eastern District.

According to the captain's confession, Dabowski did achieve certain results in the beginning, so he only started to have the ambition to recruit his old superiors to join the team after achieving certain results.

However, the captain, who was born into a landlord family, obviously looked down upon the low-end industry of ruffians.

Moreover, as a young officer who is determined to regain Poland and has maintained a certain degree of contact with Prince Czartoryski, the captain is not willing to bring such a dark history to himself until the end of the road.

Judging from subsequent developments, the captain's decision was undoubtedly the right one.

Because Dabowski's small gang was drowned in the Thames River by the angry local gang not long after.

If ordinary parishioners were to quietly disappear a dozen people at once, the local priest would definitely find out immediately and report it to Scotland Yard.

But the problem is that these people who died were all Polish exiles. Many of them have no fixed residence, and because of their Catholic status, they do not usually go to Anglican churches to worship.

As for Dabowski's old superior, although the Polish captain knew about this matter, as one of the components of the Polish government-in-exile, the captain's first thought was to suppress the matter.

This group of Polish exiles is quite aware of their situation. There are people in British society who dislike them. If the news of the exiles forming street gangs and merging with local gangsters is revealed, it will only make the situation of others worse. .

Therefore, although these people have disappeared from the world for more than a month, there is no news about this case.

As for why Dabowski came back from the dead in Liverpool, although Talleyrand did not say it clearly in the document, the meaning behind the words can be seen that the old cripple was hinting that Dabowski in Liverpool was replaced. .

The reason he dared to make this hint was because of the third killer, Victor Novak.

Nowak was also a soldier in the Polish rebel army and shared an apartment with Dabowski after he came to London.

There is rather little information about Novak in Arthur's hand, and Talleyrand's documents give specific reasons why.

Unlike Dabowski, who lacked knowledge, Novak was an advanced intellectual with a secondary school degree.

Perhaps it was because of this level of educational experience that his life after coming to London was obviously much better than that of Daboski, who was carrying bags at the dock.

He first got an errand job in an accounting firm in London. After Parliament passed the Bankruptcy Bill, the accounting firm's business volume increased exponentially, and Novak, who had certain computing power, was able to become a A temporary accounting employee.

But even though he was just a temporary accountant, his income was enough to move out of the small apartment he shared with Dabosky. And after he moved away from the exile area, it was naturally not easy to get information about him from the local area.

And that's all Talleyrand's record of information about Novak.

As for why Talleyrand dared to conclude through Novak that the assassination was related to the Russians, the problem also lies in the accounting firm that hired Novak.

If Arthur hadn't previously re-read various records and documents on the assassination of Prime Minister Percival in order to investigate the assassination, he would never have recognized anything special about this accounting firm called 'George Wilkinson & Co.' .

This was the place where John Bellingham, the killer who completed the feat of assassinating the Prime Minister, once worked, and it was also the source of the assassination.

If they hadn't sent Bellingham to Russia to engage in import and export liquidation business, Bellingham would not have made enemies in Russia and led to his seizure and bankruptcy. Naturally, Bellingham would not have suffered the consequences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments later. Playing football against each other led him to contemplate assassinating the Prime Minister.

Even leaving aside Bellingham's part, a company whose business in Russia was so large that it needed to send a resident commissioner forty years ago is indeed worthy of attention.

At this time, Coconut Tree finally recovered from his thoughts about the complex sexual habits of the Royal Navy. He glanced at Arthur, who was deep in thought, and asked: "Actually, Mr. Talleyrand asked me to bring a document today. Come here, but because he is afraid of embarrassing you, he asked me not to take it out yet. However, if you are sure you want it, you can take it away at any time."

Arthur closed the document in front of him and asked, "What is it?"

Coconut Tree placed his satchel on the table: "Ownership Structure of George Wilkinson Company."

(End of this chapter)

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