shadow of britain

Chapter 380 Hidden Rules

Chapter 379 The Eve of France

A heavy rain poured down the streets of London, and heavy raindrops hit the stone brick-paved University of London campus, almost covering the entire school with a layer of foggy water vapor.

On the open promenade, the sound of riding boots hitting the ground could be heard one after another. Several Scotland Yard policemen wearing white gloves, cloaks, tight breeches, and police officers' knives appeared at the end of the trail.

Arthur took off the pipe in his mouth, and the smoke from the tip of his nose quickly merged with the cold air.

Louis also took off his cigar and blew out a long puff of smoke: "How should we talk to Mr. Chopin later? He has just settled down in London, but now we have to send him to Paris and hand him over to In the hands of Louis Philippe. To be honest, I don’t think it’s a good choice.”

Arthur took off his gloves, rubbed his frozen hands, and replied calmly.

"That's better than staying in London. Although I don't know the specific reason why they did this, it is already certain that our government does not intend to lend a helping hand to Poland, let alone accuse the Russians. Although our king Your Majesty appreciates Frederic's talent, but Louis, you have to understand that Britain is not France, and the king cannot forcefully overturn the collective resolution of the cabinet. Moreover, even if he has the power and courage, it cannot be because of Frederic. Go and break up with the cabinet."

Louis just asked: "Do you think this is a good thing? Britain is a model of freedom in the world. You should stand on the side of justice and justice."

Arthur glanced at Louis, of course he understood the other person's little thoughts.

However, he didn't point it out completely, but gave a gentle reminder.

"Of course justice and justice must be pursued, but only those who are particularly lacking in these will deliberately flaunt themselves. And now the person in the world who needs this name the most is King Louis Philippe of France.

And how can this be called light?

What followed was a burst of slightly weird chords, discordant chords accompanied by sudden changes in emotions, like an unrealistic dream being broken by this sudden iron fist, like a clear glass window being broken by a thug's crowbar. Smashed.

However, we must also note that he still contains the cunning and pragmatic spirit of the middle class, although he lacks higher-level goals. Such a character and foundation meant that he could only implement a kind of rule that lacked both virtue and majesty, and managed the country like running a grocery store.

Hearing this, Louis could only helplessly punch Arthur on the shoulder: "You don't have to go to that level. What kind of person you are can be felt after getting along with you for a long time. Alexander can survive, Mr. Wheatstone Being able to make a fortune, Mr. Disraeli being able to get out of a frustrated life so quickly, etc. are all inseparable from your help. However, my problems are different from theirs. But even so, I am still very grateful for your sincerity , even if your help is only verbal."

It was a violent roar like an approaching storm, which seemed to be telling the story of the sudden rainstorm in London and the cold British winter.

The two were talking when suddenly, a burst of ups and downs and exciting notes came from the music room in front of them.

Arthur smiled and praised after hearing this: "You are right, Louis, but there is no specific statement on this aspect in the "Police Instructions", and I always feel that a little personal feelings are not a bad thing. If the British legislators If there is no personal relationship with law enforcement, then the repeal of the "Bloody Act" will not be promoted.

I don’t want political matters to affect your judgment of objective facts. You must understand that you are not only a member of the Bonaparte family, but also a Scotland Yard police officer. The expression of political neutrality in the "Police Instructions" , not just for Britain. "

The dark clouds have covered everything.

In this way, whenever guests arrive or citizens come to visit his palace, he can proudly point to his 'collections' and announce to everyone: 'The citizen king of France is the free force of the world. Leader, France has missed many times in this regard, but this time you finally made the right choice with the July Revolution of 1830'. "

The ground was covered with dirty, cold filthy sewage, which blended with the warm blood. These traces of the struggle were being dispersed little by little as the raindrops washed away. Maybe tomorrow, the sun will still rise as usual. However, no one will know anymore what happened here during the cold and windy storm last night.

This man was a political skeptic in the 19th century and a political skeptic in the 18th century. He had no faith himself and did not believe that anyone else had faith. In essence, he is a man who loves power and shameless courtiers. Although he had been crowned king, France's orthodox royalists ridiculed him as just a barricade king because his crown was awarded to him by the mob behind the barricades.

Louis asked, "Isn't it true that your personal feelings have affected your personal judgment now?"

And, if it were just me personally, it wouldn't be a bad thing at least for my friends that I have some personal feelings. If you were in Frédéric's shoes today, Louis, I assure you, I would send you to Paris as well. On this point, I swear to God that everything I said above is true. Of course, if you feel that the strength is not enough, I can also swear to the devil. "

However, thankfully, judging from the current news coming from the other side of the English Channel, this pear-headed king is very aware of his situation. He is very self-aware, so he does not expect to achieve much success. In his heart , as long as he can firmly suppress the orthodox and radical republicans, and at the same time let the movement and resistance among the constitutionalists check and balance each other, so as to ensure that his crown will not fall.

Arthur patted Louis on the shoulder and said to him: "Louis, I know you don't like him, and you don't want to add an exhibit to his collection cabinet. However, for a man like Frederick who has lost his motherland, For people, at least Paris can guarantee his safety and good life better than London.

Weird, intense and struggling emotions appeared together, as if he was surrounded by thugs in a dark alley on the street. He kept struggling, fighting, longing, and roaring for help, but it was midnight, and the light he had been hoping for had not yet arrived.

I know that he may not actually be willing to do anything for the Poles, but he needs to find some loud propaganda slogans for himself, bring together some progressive people from all over the world, and support them in his golden cage with high officials and generous salaries. .

When the sun rises, what it brings can only be called daytime.

Louis took a dull puff of cigarette: "It seems that Mr. Chopin has understood everything. Although this is not necessarily a good thing, at least it saves us from having to explain further to him."

The door of the music room was pushed open, and the first thing that appeared in Arthur's sight was Alexandre Dumas, who took the initiative to carry various bags and luggage for Chopin. As a republican fighter, he had always felt quite guilty for failing to help Chopin and Poland.

Arthur stepped forward and took Chopin's priceless right hand: "Frederick, I'm sorry about this."

Chopin looked a little haggard. In just a few months, his life had gone through several ups and downs.

This also added a lot of melancholy to his already feminine temperament.

However, he still worked hard and smiled as much as possible.

"Arthur, you are not the one who should apologize. You have done everything you can. On the contrary, I think I should apologize to you. I should not have dragged you into this quagmire. Alexander has already done something about Liverpool. Told me.

If it were me who took that shot, I would take the bullet with my chest without hesitation, because this is the noblest thing that a Polish citizen can do for the motherland. But you are not Polish, and you do not owe us anything. All these things you have done are because you have an upright and golden heart.

In fact, even if you don't mention this, I still plan to say goodbye to you and go to Paris. Because I was worried that if I stayed in London, it might happen again in Liverpool. There are too many villains in this world. Although I can't punish them, at least I hope to keep good people like you alive. "

When Arthur heard Chopin's words, he felt that the long paragraph of farewell words he had prepared in advance suddenly had no use.

Since Chopin chose to respond with sincerity, he will naturally respond with sincerity.

Arthur looked at him in silence for a moment, and finally chose to lean down and whisper in the little man's ear: "Frederick, this is not your fault. If we are to blame, we can only blame our current low position. . If you really want to do something for your motherland, then use your hands to pop up a world there. At the same time, you have to remember to keep a distance from some people. Sometimes, you want to do something You don't have to be on the front lines to be successful, especially for someone as valuable as you. People don't love their neighbor, but they want him high and far away. Otherwise, how can you become their star?"

Chopin was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but when he came to his senses, he found that Arthur had thrust a brand new note into his hand.

"Arthur, this..."

Arthur blocked the hand handed over by Chopin and said, "Three hundred pounds of acceptance from Rothschild Bank. This is the remaining income from your performance at the London Philharmonic Society in the past few months. Although I don't like to use money. It's a measure of friendship, but without money, it's hard to go out.

I have arranged a ferry ticket for you from London to Marseille. After you arrive in Marseille, you will take the train directly to Paris. Then you will go to the Paris branch of Rothschild to withdraw the money, and finally go to the Paris Opera House to find Mr. Mendelssohn. , where he was holding a concert tour.

I have explained your situation clearly to Mr. Mendelssohn in my letter. He told me that many famous pianists in Paris, such as Liszt, Heller and others, are very interested in you. Beethoven's student and your friend Mr. Czerny is also in Paris. I believe that with their help, you will be able to hold your first concert in Paris soon.

As for the government departments, I have also informed the security department of the Grand Paris Police Department of your situation through personal relations. Mr. François Vidoc, the head of the security department, will arrange for a person to meet you at the Paris Opera House. They will help you get all the administrative and official documents you need to travel in France.

If your debut in Paris is successful, Mr. Vidocq may even consider arranging for you to go to the Tuileries Palace to meet King Louis Philippe of France. Your noble Majesty likes to patronize the arts, has good taste in music, and plays the violin very well. You will definitely get along well with him. "

Chopin was confused by Arthur's series of words. He took out a pen and paper from his pocket and said: "Wait...Arthur, let me write it down."

"No need."

Arthur took a package from Alexandre Dumas's hand and said as he walked: "If you don't understand anything, just ask Mr. Heine who is traveling with you. He will return to Paris with you."

Chopin took a deep breath: "Arthur."

"What's wrong?" Arthur glanced at his appearance and said to Alexandre Dumas next to him: "It seems that our Frederick needs some good West Indian tobacco. Alexander, you have many pipes there. ?"

Alexandre Dumas just laughed and put his hand on Chopin's shoulder: "Brother, don't take it too seriously, and don't put too much psychological pressure on me. I owe this kid my life, but look, don't I still have to do whatever I need to do now? ? This is a normal thing between friends. It is human nature to support a friend when he is unlucky. If Arthur is embezzled, corrupted, or the matter is exposed, he will live on the streets of London. When you arrive in Paris, and you have become a world piano master, don't forget to give him a bite of food."

Arthur also walked up to Alexandre Dumas and put his arm around Chopin's shoulders and pulled him out: "Don't worry, Frederic, I don't have a big appetite and I won't be able to feed you. But you have to pay more attention to Alexander, I I always feel that before I go bankrupt, this fat man will have to go to your door to beg for food."

Seeing that they were joking, Louis also picked up his bag and shouted: "If Frederick doesn't help you, you can come to my place when the time comes. Of course, the premise is that Louis Philippe has already left by then. His throne.”

Alexandre Dumas joked: "What? What do you mean, do you plan to sit on it?"

"Of course not." Louis just smiled and replied: "Alexander, you know me, I am the same as you, we have always adhered to republicanism."

(End of this chapter)

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