shadow of britain

Chapter 382 The Secret of Hastings

Chapter 381 Mr. Hastings appointed

Arthur flipped through the report in his hand and replied indifferently.

"Actress? Why am I not surprised at all by Alexander's choice? Moreover, this seems not to be the first time I have heard the story of an actress. When Mr. Vidocq was still a stupid boy, he His lover is also an actress who is several years older than him. Our former Prime Minister Sir Canning is even the son of an actress."

Louis dragged out a chair and sat down opposite Arthur. He took off his hat and threw it on the table and asked:

"But although there are many stories about actresses, most of them don't have happy endings. Most of the actresses have rich emotional experiences, and their thoughts are much deeper than ordinary girls.

Didn't you say that before? Mr. Vidocq's lover just teased him as an interesting little pet and kicked him away when he got tired of playing with it.

As for Sir Canning's mother, it was even more outrageous. Sir Canning has never seen her since he was a child, which may be one of the important reasons for his extreme personality.

If Alexander was just acting on a whim, that would be fine, but if he got himself into it, then I really don’t know what to say. "

Arthur threw the document on the table and responded casually.

"You don't need to worry about this at all. Alexander is not as dedicated as you think. If there is any woman who can really fall in love with him, then I really want to see what kind of stunning beauty she is. You may not know , I haven’t seen him bring the same woman home for a long time in the past six months. His high efficiency in this area is almost the same as his writing speed."

When Louis heard this, he couldn't help but said with envy: "I don't doubt Alexander's charm, but every day he not only serializes novels and adapts scripts, but also reviews the popular literature manuscripts of "The Englishman". How can he fill in so many tasks? Dissatisfied with his time? Does he know magic? Under such circumstances, it is amazing that he can still find time to deal with so many women at the same time! "

Tom put down the document in his hand and sat on the chair and sighed: "Arthur... I... I will definitely learn hard. But in the end, I am still a farmer at heart. How can I compare to doing this kind of paperwork?" I can't compare to those middle school students from grammar schools. If it doesn't work, why don't you... go tell Director Luo Wan, or transfer me back to the front line to work as a coolie."

"That's not the case." Arthur joked: "I have a good relationship with Mr. Thomas Barnes, the editor-in-chief of The Times. At least I have provided him with Mr. Harrison's news materials."

When Arthur heard this, he took out a document from the drawer and threw it at Tom: "Stop saying these depressing words, can you do it? It doesn't matter what you say. I am the one who writes your year-end evaluation report. However, Tom , you are right, you are indeed not as good as a middle school student in a grammar school now.

There are at least dozens of households in London now relying on Alexander's royalties. This is the fundamental reason why this fat man has obviously made a lot of money from "The Count of Monte Cristo", but his bank account is still destitute. "

"Persuade? Why should I persuade?"

"Yes, times are changing, so those who can keep up with the development of the times can seize the opportunity. Viscount Palmerston is one, and Earl Lyndhurst is another. However, they have obviously not noticed the most important thing. Something of value.”

Louis replied: "Viscount Palmerston seems to have banned reporters from The Times from entering the Foreign Office. In most cases, he will now only express his views in his own mouthpiece, the Morning Post. No. Needless to say, this is a strange phenomenon.

Louis suppressed a smile and asked: "Then didn't you persuade him to restrain himself a little?"

In the past, a word from ministers could determine the life or death of a newspaper, but now, this situation seems to have been reversed. The attitude of the news media can determine the success or failure of a cabinet. It is no wonder that the Earl of Lyndhurst believed that Thomas Barnes might be the most powerful man in Britain at present.

Tom was not only not happy about his rocket-like promotion speed, but also felt a lot of fear.

"That's true."

Louis glanced at Arthur. Just when he was about to ask what Arthur was talking about, the door to the office was suddenly pushed open.

Arthur took a sip of tea and pondered for a moment: "At least the relationship between us is not as bad as him and Viscount Palmerston."

Louis laughed and shrugged: "Arthur, if your newspaper reporters listen to these words, your cartoon portrait will be on the front page of The Times tomorrow."

Arthur turned around, looked at his anxious old friend and joked: "The Bass Star Badge suits you quite well, but if you want to do a good job in the Archives Management Center of the Intelligence Bureau, you alone need to learn from the Sunday School The little vocabulary you have learned is not enough, you have to study hard."

Arthur picked up the teacup and said: "I wish he would take in all the widows in London. Alexander has made outstanding contributions to Scotland Yard in poverty alleviation. And he obviously enjoys it himself. This is a great thing." , I have no intention of changing the status quo. The only drawback is that Alexander is now rich, so his tastes seem to have changed. He is no longer as interested in washerwomen and maids as before. As you said, he likes actresses now."

Perhaps this was an important reason why he recruited Mr. Disraeli into the Tory Party. Although "The British" is not known for its editorials, when it comes to the circulation of each issue, the new "The British" is already on par with established literary magazines such as "Blackwood". The major shareholders who invest in "British" at this time will never be wrong. "

"Are you really sure you're on good terms with that Jupiter from The Times?"

Entering the door was Officer Tom who looked uneasy. This little shoemaker from Northumberland was obviously still not used to his new police rank and new responsibilities.

"The most valuable thing?"

Arthur said: "I think you still don't understand him thoroughly enough. If you have such a large group of lovers, and your spending habits are as lavish as Alexander's, you will definitely need to work so hard. He is not only He spends money like water, and he also spends money like water to support his current mistress, his past mistress, his mistress's family and their children.

So, in order to solve this problem, I have signed you up for a police training course organized by the hall in cooperation with the University of London. While you are participating in the training, the work of the Archives Management Center will be temporarily handed over to Louis. Of course, training is not about fishing.

Because not only our PIS people will participate in the training, there will also be mid-level police officers from other departments of Scotland Yard participating in the training. Therefore, while I recommend you to participate in the training class, I also hope that I can make a request to you in a timely manner, that is, your graduation evaluation in the training class should not be lower than that of your son at least.

I have seen the report cards of these two young boys, Adam and Allen. They did very well in the school's final exams, getting A's in Greek and Latin. The last time they came to Scotland Yard, they recited a passage from Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey" to me live, which really surprised me. Tom, you don't want to admit that your intelligence level is lower than that of an eight or nine-year-old kid, do you? "

When Tom heard this, his face turned red instantly: "How is that possible? I feel guilty because I don't have the opportunity to receive an education. Now that I have the opportunity to study at the University of London, my ability to work will definitely be fine after I finish my studies. "

Arthur looked at the old man and finally hardened his temper, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Tom's ability is not top-notch in Scotland Yard, for Arthur, what is most lacking in the Police Intelligence Bureau is not a capable agent, but a guy with strong moral character like Tom.

In many key departments of the Intelligence Agency, what Arthur needs is not a progressive young man who can achieve results, but an honest person who can withstand temptation and will not lay secret mines for him.

While gathering information is important, keeping secrets is the foundation of everything.

Of course, just because Arthur needs honest people doesn't mean that progressive young people have no use in the Intelligence Agency.

Thinking of this, Arthur asked: "Has Ridley arrived?"

"I came here just to inform you about this." Tom turned to the door and shouted: "Ledley, come in."

As soon as Tom finished speaking, he heard a crisp and firm sound of footsteps outside the door.

Sergeant Ledley King, Scotland Yard's Most Improved Youth of the Year, clenched his fists and raised them to the same height as his waist, with the palms of his fists facing inward and his elbows slightly turned in, as he ran into the house.

Judging from his steady swing of his arms, it was as if he was not a Scotland Yard policeman, but a rigorously trained Cavalry Guardsman.

Ledley stood at attention, raised his leg and turned around, facing Arthur and saluting: "Ledley King, Police Secretary of Tower Hamlets Police District, East London Region, salutes you!"

Louis and Tom looked at each other, and both of them saw a strange smile in each other's eyes.

But Arthur had no intention of laughing at all. He had already heard about this boy Ridley.

To put it mildly, this guy is very enterprising, but because he is young and lacks experience, he still lacks consideration in some working methods.

To put it more simply, it means that in order to get promoted and make a fortune, you will do whatever it takes to get promoted, you will be disloyal and dishonest to Scotland Yard, you will not be honest with your appearance, you will be duplicitous, you will deceive your superiors, you will be double-faced, you will be a double-faced person, and you will face the problems of Scotland Yard at the political and practical levels. Social reputation creates many negative effects. For what Ledley did, he should be given an internal warning or a serious warning. It does not rule out the punishment of being dismissed from the police force or being placed on probation, or even being upgraded to high-level severe punishment such as dismissal from the police force.

Arthur lit his pipe and threw the matchbox on the table. He stared at Laidley for a long time and puffed out a puff of smoke.



Arthur raised his hand for a moment and raised his head at him: "Don't be nervous. I have nothing else to do with you today. You sit down first."

"Yes, sir!"

Ledley took a step forward and sat upright.

If you just look at his decent and resolute expression with no flaws at all, no one can imagine how many bastard things this kid has done behind the scenes.

Regarding how much of a bastard Ledley is, Louis next to Arthur has a lot to say.

After all, Ledley's first step in taking office was to break into the Regent Crescent and arrest him, a royal relative of the Bonaparte family.

Arthur held his pipe and lowered his head to flip through the documents in front of him. In the huge office, only the rustling of pages could be heard.

In the silence, Arthur's hoarse voice broke the silence.

"Ledley, take off your epaulettes."

When Ridley heard Arthur calling him, he was about to stand up like a spring, but when he heard the second half of this sentence, the legs he had just stood up suddenly went weak again.

It was such a stuffy room, but Ledley felt as if he had fallen into an ice hole.

He thought there was some good news when Arthur called him here today, but he never expected that what greeted him was such a bolt from the blue.

"Sir...did I hear it wrong?"

Arthur put down the document, raised his head and asked, "What did you hear?"

"I..." Ridley grinned and sweat broke out on his forehead: "I heard... you ordered me to take off my epaulettes?"

"Well, you heard that right." Arthur stood up, poured a glass of wine and handed it to him: "You look uncomfortable, would you like a glass of wine to calm down?"

"No problem, sir!" Ridley stood up and saluted, "I will resolutely implement your order!"

After saying this, Ledley gritted his teeth and clasped his fingers on the brochure. With only two swish sounds, the sergeant's shoulder badge with three V's was placed in his palm.

Arthur looked at him and nodded slightly, then unceremoniously took the two epaulets in his hands: "Excellent, Ledley, you carried out the order very well."

Arthur turned around and opened the drawer of the filing cabinet, casually sealing the epaulette that Ledley regarded as his lifeblood forever.

However, before he could turn around, he heard Ledley's voice from behind: "Sir, I will execute the order resolutely, but I need a reason!"


Arthur picked through the filing cabinet, pulled out two documents that he had prepared a long time ago, and raised his eyebrows at Ledley: "Here are the reasons. The one on the left represents your past, and the one on the right represents your past. The portion represents your future, it depends on which one you choose."

"Past? Future?" Ridley frowned. He didn't understand what Arthur meant: "Can't I choose both?"

"Choose both? No, you can't."

Arthur leaned against the corner of the table holding the wine glass: "The Intelligence Bureau has no such precedent, and I don't intend to set such a precedent. However, as someone who has experienced it, I happen to have some experience in multiple-choice questions. Do you want to hear it?"

Ridley pursed his lips. Now that things have happened, he has nothing to worry about.

"It's an honor for me to have your guidance."

Arthur smiled when he heard this and said: "As a person who has been through it, I don't recommend you choose the past, because you know what happened in the past. You are a smart person, so you can learn from the past without revisiting it. . But the future will be different. The future represents unknown possibilities, as well as new challenges and opportunities."

“Challenges and opportunities?”

As soon as Ridley heard these two keywords, his dimmed eyes instantly brightened up again. His heart was beating wildly. He seemed to have guessed Arthur's subtext, but before he could be happy, he still needed to learn from Arthur. Se's mouth was filled with 100% certainty.

"Sir...sir, I choose the future."

Arthur smiled when he heard this and handed the document symbolizing the future into Ledley's hand: "It seems that everyone is right, Ledley, you are really making progress. Since you have chosen the future, the past has been written off. "

He raised his hand and threw the document that symbolized the past directly into the burning fireplace, accompanied by the orange fire light and Arthur's sparkling red eyes.

Under Arthur's gaze, Ridley slowly opened the document bag with trembling hands. As soon as he took out a corner of the document, the title printed in his eyes made Ridley tremble all over.

"Feasible Proposals for the Establishment of the Special Enforcement Unit of the London Police Intelligence Bureau under the Greater London Police Service"

Ridley looked up sharply.

Arthur was raising his glass to congratulate him with a smile: "Ledley, starting from today, you have been transferred to the London Police Intelligence Bureau. The police title number has been changed from MPS to PIS, and you have been placed under the jurisdiction of the Intelligence Bureau. Wait for the transfer procedures. After approval, remember to go to the Logistics Management Office to pick up your new uniform and new epaulettes.

Of course, I have to say the ugly things first. Transferring you here does not mean a promotion, because you will face a very difficult task after entering the Police Intelligence Bureau. If you feel you can't afford it, I won't make it difficult for you. The Intelligence Bureau has always been very democratic in this regard, and I don't want you to think that I'm forcing you to do work you don't like. "

When Ridley heard this, he was so excited that his whole body was shaking. He quickly stood up and saluted, fearing that if he hesitated for a moment, this opportunity would slip through his fingers: "Of course, Director, I obey democracy 100%! Police! Member Ledley King is on call 24 hours a day to serve you at any time!”

"Very good. In that case..."

Arthur took down the appointment document he had just drafted this morning from his desk and gently blew dry the ink marks on it.

"Ledley, I, Arthur Hastings, Assistant Superintendent of the London Metropolitan Police and Chief of the London Police Intelligence Service, hereby formally authorize you to establish the fifth special operations branch of the Police Intelligence Service."

(End of this chapter)

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