shadow of britain

Chapter 385 The wanton father

Chapter 385 The wanton father

"Le Figaro" reporter: Mr. Dumas, first of all, congratulations on your election as an academician of the French Academy of Letters. I believe that your father's spirit in heaven will be proud of you. My question is: Readers often say that the writing styles of you and your father are completely different. How do you view this difference between you and your father?

Dumas (long silence): I am a documentary writer, and I have said enough about that man in my book. If you don’t know my views, you might as well re-read my previous works.

Reporter: Which one are you referring to?

Dumas Xiao: "The Illegitimate Son" and "The Loose Father" will also work.

(The audience roared with laughter)

Reporter: What if I force you to tell me an answer yourself?

Dumas Xiao (thinking for a moment): Okay. The difference between me and that man is like the difference between the two emperors of France. Apart from the same surname and blood relationship, we have nothing else in common... Oh, I almost forgot, we have one more thing in common.

Reporter: What do they have in common?

Dumas: We were all lucky enough to meet Uncle Hastings when we were at the lowest point in our lives.

Reporter (looking slightly unnatural): Are you sure this is luck? The surname Hastings is quite controversial in France.

Dumas Xiao: Say what you want, there are many controversies in France, and this one is no exception. Anyway, to me, Uncle Hastings sometimes acted more like a father.

Alexander, although we are friends, I have to say that you look like a jerk in this relationship. My views on this matter are on the same level as Mr. Hugo's. Like him, I think you should take responsibility for both mother and son. "

He slapped Arthur's desk: "Arthur, do you have a way to help me book a boat ticket back to France? Don't worry, my business trip won't last long. I'll be there in a week." return."

When Alexandre Dumas said this, he became more and more annoyed as he thought about it.

Alexandre Dumas read Vidocq's letter word for word. He crumpled the letter in anger: "That bastard Planche! He actually dared to question my character in the Review of the Two Worlds" , and openly mocked me for not being a gentleman? I am indeed sorry for Pooh, and it is necessary to write a letter to express my apology to Pooh, but what does this have to do with Planche, a green-headed fly? "

Arthur raised his eyebrows: "I can get a ticket to Paris, but it doesn't lead to Planche, but to the security cell."

"Alexander, I don't want to get involved in your personal life. But from a business perspective, I think if you don't take this lawyer's letter asking you to identify your family seriously, it may have an impact on the social reputation of "The British".

Arthur pushed the lawyer's letter on the table forward: "Can't you just admit that your old lover is your legal wife and the illegitimate child is your legal heir? I have already detailed your love history. Got it. Miss Caterina Rabe committed herself to you when you were penniless and gave you a child, but you abandoned the mother and child after you became famous.


Besides, I had given the seamstress a sum of money before and asked her to take her children back to the country to live their happy life. Because it is impossible for people like me to have family to worry about. As you know, I am wanted by the authorities for my revolution. Is it a good choice for my mother and son to hide with me? "

Arthur said helplessly: "Please, Alexander, Planche didn't dare to accept your duel invitation before. There is no reason why his courage suddenly became bolder now. If he doesn't accept your duel invitation, then you can just go to him directly." It turned into murder. Paris has been quite chaotic recently, so don’t go and cause trouble for Mr. Vidocq. After all, we still owe him a favor regarding Frederic."

Alexandre Dumas loosened his collar, he was so angry that he was sweating all over.

"Planche? He is the same as the bugs in "Blackwood" who make a living attacking "The Anglican". They are both so-called literary critics. He regards Voltaire as his idol, but he only learned about Voltaire. Tai's acrimony, but he did not learn Voltaire's sarcastic yet humorous tone at all, so he turned himself into the most annoying nuisance in Paris.

Alexandre Dumas said angrily: "Arthur, you can't be led astray by others. You and Hugo are both very upright people, and I can't say that your views are wrong. But for an energetic French gentleman, there is love." It's a normal thing for people. As for the child, it was completely an unfortunate accident.

While making harsh and almost mean comments while pretending to be personable, just looking at him made me unable to eat for three days. Jules Yanan's words to describe him are very apt: 'When Planche went to the theater to see a play, the seats on both sides were definitely empty. '

Of course, I can't rule out the possibility that this news will boost our magazine sales. After all, the headline "Ruthless Mr. Dumas refuses to acknowledge his illegitimate son" is quite eye-catching, and London readers love to see this kind of thing. "

"This is simple."

Arthur calmly took a sip of tea. He didn't mind learning more about the interesting things about the Paris literary world: "Who is this Planche? He seems to be very hostile to you?"

Alexandre Dumas pondered for a long time, but still felt a little dissatisfied: "Then are you going to let a scoundrel like Planche slander me at will?"

He assured me that he would stop slandering me as long as I did not make public his flinching from the duel. This kid must have thought that I would never return to Paris, so he took this opportunity to avenge himself. "

Alexandre Dumas said dissatisfied: "What do you mean?"

When I was still in Paris, he often spoke nonsense to me. Later, I couldn't bear it anymore and went to fight with him. Planche agreed at first and often provoked me through letters. But as the day of the duel got closer, this coward finally shrank his head and shamelessly came to me and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Arthur nodded slightly and said, "What you said makes sense, but haven't you settled down now?"

Alexandre Dumas snorted: "I have settled down, but you can't guarantee whether I will fall into the same hunted state again tomorrow."


"what happened?"

Arthur took a puff of cigarette: "You seem to have forgotten what your friend does. Maybe I can't escape the fate of being shot, but as long as I die, you and your family will be safe in London. If you If you are worried about the safety of mother and son, then you are looking down on my ability to work."

Alexandre Dumas was choked by Arthur and was speechless. He pointed at Arthur and stared at him for a long time, and then he said: "Arthur! Why are you so concerned about my feelings? If I hadn't known that you had never left Britain since you were a child, I would have thought that child was your!"

Arthur smiled and responded: "Alexander, you are exaggerating. I can't give birth to such a good son. That is the greatest work you have created in your life. Although it only took one night, it was of high quality." and efficiency.”

Alexandre Dumas slapped his forehead: "Damn it! Are you laughing at me?"

Arthur shrugged, crossed his legs, unfolded the newspaper and said, "If you don't want similar tragedies to happen again, I advise you to stop by the shop next to the butcher shop next time you go out for entertainment."

"What am I doing there?"

Arthur yawned: "I heard from Fiona that condoms made of sheep intestines are generally sold there. If you feel that you can't accept it, you can also choose linen ones. The little sisters under Fiona's hands They often purchase this stuff in large quantities, and according to them, this product is very effective in preventing unfortunate events.”

Alexandre Dumas blushed and said plausibly: "Civilized people would not do such a thing!"

Arthur picked his ears: "You are talking about the civilized people of the last century. The civilized people of this century don't think so. At least birth controlists like Reverend Malthus and Mr. Price are in favor of using this thing. Some time ago The Westminster Review even opened a special column to advertise this thing."

Alexandre Dumas raised his eyebrows and asked: "Huh? I remember that you hate Malthus and Price, don't you? Last time when the editorial office had dinner, we cursed these supporters of the "Principle of Population" together. Is it just because utilitarianism is so popular in the UK that you flexibly stand against us?"

Arthur nodded and said: "I can't say I like Malthus, nor can I say I hate him. As a scholar, he just put forward his own point of view. What I hate is only people like Price, even though he is Mr. Bentham. student, but his radical way of expressing his views and his eagerness to turn untested fantasies into reality made me want to give him a stick. If all they proposed were things like If they promote something as down-to-earth and humanitarian as condoms, then I don’t mind letting them do it.”

Alexandre Dumas sighed after hearing this: "Sure enough, you still can't get rid of the policeman's tricks. Arthur, listen to me and jump out of that place as soon as possible, otherwise you will never be able to give birth to the ideological awareness that matches your talent."

Arthur didn't care much about this. He said: "Alexander, I'll leave these ideological awakenings to you. I can just stay at Scotland Yard. Although I won't have any enlightenment here, at least I can guarantee that you will realize it when you do." When you fail, I will catch you on the shore in time.”

Alexandre Dumas replied unconvinced: "No matter what you say, you can't change the changing trend of the world."


Arthur put down the newspaper and thought about it: "Are you talking about Mr. Faraday's electromagnetic induction or these new inventions made by Charles? If that's what you're talking about, I didn't even think about stopping them! I even wanted to They can change faster, so I don’t have to worry about going back to where I should be every day.”

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

Alexandre Dumas knocked on the table and said: "A year ago, could you have imagined that parliamentary reform has become a general trend? This is the change of the world, this is the trend. A year ago, you were standing next to the Duke of Wellington. The Tories are waving their flag!"

When Arthur heard this, he just laughed softly: "Alexander, if you think this is a change, you are wrong. In my opinion, parliamentary reform does not indicate any change."

"Huh?" Alexandre Dumas raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you going to tell me that in the history of Britain, universal suffrage has ever been achieved?"

Arthur shook his head: "Of course not, but what you see are superficial things. The success or failure of parliamentary reform does not affect the essence of things. Whether it is the past, the future or the present, our society is composed of three Composed of others.

Among them, the goal of the superior people is to maintain their status, the goal of the middle people is to exchange status with the superior people, and the characteristics of the inferior people are also the same. The lower class work hard and have no time to care, and in the few free time they have, they can only take care of the trivial matters of daily life.

Therefore, if they have a goal, it is nothing more than to eliminate all differences and establish a society where everyone is equal. At this time, the middle-class people will flaunt their struggle for freedom and justice and win the lower-class people to their side.

But when the purpose of the middle-class people is realized, they will push the lower-class people back to their original positions, and they will become the superior people. Therefore, after thousands of years, among the third class people, only the lower class people have never achieved their goals, even temporarily.

The slogans of this parliamentary reform may be novel, but I don’t think their essence has changed. Rather than place high hopes on the conscience of the Whig Party, you might as well put Mr. Faraday on a pedestal. Or let’s take a step back and say, at least you have reimbursed the boat tickets for the mother and son, which is within your ability. "

Alexandre Dumas was listening with interest before, but when he heard about the ferry ticket, he was suddenly shocked and said: "Fuel ticket? You mean, they are coming to London?"

Arthur nodded and smiled: "Alexander, don't blame me. Mr. Hugo paid for the boat tickets for the mother and son, and I think you have no reason to refuse them.

Let your child take a good look at what a gifted playwright his father is, a playwright who not only drives the French crazy, but also makes the Britons cheer. Let's show him how great your "Antoni" debut was!

Afterwards, we can also arrange for the author of "The Englishman" to have a meal with him. Maybe he accidentally got some literary inspiration from Charles, Benjamin, Alfred, or yourself? "


Seeing that he was still hesitating, Arthur couldn't help but remind him: "If you don't do this, then we will have to cancel Mrs. Dorval's plan to come to London to participate in the performance. After all, it will be difficult to eliminate the impact of this incident in Paris. Easy, because I heard from Mr. Vidocq that the mother and son came to London with a few good journalists from Paris.

And you also know that Mr. Pooh is very influential in the Paris literary world. If you can't shut his mouth and give him the opportunity to continue to stir up trouble, it may have an adverse impact on the concentrated publishing plan of "The Anglican" in Paris. . Alexander, I don't ask for help often. But this time, for Franc's sake, even if you are just having fun, at least you have to cooperate well, right? "


Alexandre Dumas struggled for a moment, then reluctantly responded: "For the sake of my friend, I will reluctantly sacrifice my appearance."

(End of this chapter)

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