shadow of britain

Chapter 419 Works Miracles, Scotland Yard’s Gene

Chapter 419 Works Miracles, Scotland Yard’s Gene (6K)

Resurrection is a miracle over death. It is the deepest affirmation of life and the noblest victory.

Arthur Hastings, what does the name mean to Scotland Yard?
Its significance is just as Wellington was to the army and Nelson was to the Royal Navy at the same time.

He is the soul existing in this body.

Working miracles is in the DNA here.

——Gilbert Keith Chesterton, "The Legend of Scotland Yard, and the Secret of Sir Arthur Hastings"

If you were to ask where the square with the longest history and deepest heritage in London is, different people might give different answers. But if you ask about the most prosperous square in London, then the answer must be Trafalgar Square, located in the heart of London.

This square, completed in 1805, connects London's commercial district to the east, the vibrant Soho district to the north, Whitehall Street, where government offices are densely packed, to the south, and not far further is Westminster, the seat of Parliament. Special Palace, and looking to the southwest, you can see the majestic Buckingham Palace complex.

As its name suggests, Trafalgar Square was built to commemorate the decisive victory of the Royal Navy over Napoleon's fleet - the Battle of Trafalgar.

At the same time, the 53-meter-high memorial column standing in the center of the square and the bronze statue standing on top of the memorial column also show that this place is to commemorate a person of special significance to the Royal Navy - who died in Trafalgar Add the fleet commander in naval battles, the soul of the Royal Navy, Horatio Nelson.

Inside the coffin was a crisp uniform, white gloves and a police officer's knife, just like what he wore in 'Good Friday'. There was neither pain nor joy on Arthur's face. The posture of his arm resting on the hilt of the sword made him look peaceful and solemn, as if even after reaching the other side, he was still silently performing his duties. own responsibilities.

He usually likes to play the piano, has done scientific research, and is also good at swordsmanship.

Under the brilliance of Nelson, St. Martin's Church, located in the northeast corner of the square, looked extremely small at this time. Although the church is far less important than Nelson in the minds of the British people and the Royal Navy, its status has been repeatedly elevated in the minds of Scotland Yard officers in recent days.

The clear and shiny back, the dark wounds at the corners of his eyes, the delicate wrinkles on his uniform, and his calm face after going through ups and downs, all the details tell the story of his bravery during his lifetime.

They saw their friend's lifelike face emerging on the canvas little by little, and suddenly an indescribable and repressed emotion arose in their chests.

The towering pointed arched windows transmit a soft and solemn light, which penetrates the colorful mosaic glass and sprinkles on the cold marble floor, forming variegated light and shadow patterns.

Because they knew that somewhere in a coffin in the church lay the body of a Scotland Yard legend.

He fell on the eve of the victory of the battle. At the last moment of the battle, a bullet fired from a French warship hit the epaulette on his left arm and penetrated his lungs and spine.

The gorgeous coffin made of black oak is surrounded by garlands of white carnations and green ivy, which symbolize the endless grief and eternal memory of the deceased.

The candlelight chandelier hanging at the top of the church sways gently when the breeze blows. Its weak light shines on Turner's focused face and is reflected on the canvas, making the whole scene like a frozen historical picture, full of memories of the departure of an old friend. My deep condolences and high respect.

The stone walls are engraved with biblical stories, which have become deeper and richer in history after being tempered over time. Together with the black oak coffin parked in the middle of the church, everything looks sad, heavy and solemn.

Arthur Hastings, a 23-year-old young man with a wide range of hobbies.

This Gothic church has a vast and deep interior space. Perhaps it's because there are often choir members here, so even in the quiet atmosphere, you can still hear the low organ music reverberating.

Of course, everyone will not forget that this young man is also a big shot in Scotland Yard. The principal of the London Police School and the director of the Police Intelligence Bureau, a man who has fought for a collective salary increase for the police officers, a tough guy who has presided over operations to suppress murder and body theft and chase murderers on the high seas. Congressman Harrison bowed to him, General Thief. Fred's end, the foil Napoleon's Waterloo.

He has a kind attitude towards others, and always has a polite and friendly smile on his face. He often combs his hair behind his head, hangs a police officer's knife on his waist that rises and falls with his steps, and wears a spotless uniform, riding boots and white gloves. , this is his iconic appearance.

The surrounding spectators all looked solemn and spoke softly, for fear of disturbing the solemn sense of ceremony and the sadness that filled the air.

And, the police hero who died on June 1832, 6.

On the easel in front of him was an unfinished portrait. The charcoal in his hand was like a snake wandering freely on the canvas. Every stroke he made added a little more color to the face on the canvas.

Dickens, who was sitting on the bench, couldn't bear this scene anymore. He stood up and said to his friends beside him: "It's too stuffy here, why don't we go out for a walk?"

There was no clock hanging in the church, but they felt as if everything was counting down, and the ticking sound echoed in their minds, as if Turner was removing long-dead friends from their memories every time he put pen to paper.

Near the side of the coffin, William Turner was working attentively.

Alexandre Dumas took a deep breath, stood up and said: "Let's go out and smoke for a while. By the way, Louis, have you inquired clearly about Scotland Yard's awarding of Arthur?"

Louis stood up and nodded: "Director Rowan has already gone to Viscount Melbourne. He told me that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has agreed to this request. Now the list has been handed over to His Majesty the King. If he agrees to make an exception for Arthur , hold the investiture ceremony on days other than New Year and birthdays, then everything will be done.”

Alexandre Dumas took a deep breath and said: "I hope the king can understand the interests, precedents, records and historical documents. These things were originally established to break."

Dickens said: "Don't worry, don't we still have Benjamin? He said that even if the situation is not optimistic in the end, he will speak for Arthur in Parliament. Isn't he busy with these things these days? Read various According to him, Henry III often gave people on the battlefield, although rare in other days. Granted, Parliament didn’t even exist at that time. Since Benjamin said it was okay, then it must be okay. We have to believe him, after all, he is a member of Parliament.”

Alexandre Dumas took out his pipe and made a joke in his heart: "Yes! Congressman! This is probably the day when the Congressman has the highest status in our hearts."

Several people were about to walk out of the church, leaving this place to Turner's painting solo, but before they could get far, they discovered that Tennyson had not followed. Alexandre Dumas couldn't help but asked: "Alfred, don't you follow?" Are we together?"

Tennyson's voice was a little hoarse and his voice sounded scratchy: "No, Alexander, thank you for your kindness, but I don't know how to smoke. I just want to sit here and look at Arthur again, because...I'm afraid... It’s rare to have this opportunity.”

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look back at the oak coffin, and then sighed in unison.

They walked out of the church quietly, not because they felt that they would have many opportunities to see their friends in the future, but because they felt that they did not have the courage to face death like Tennyson.

Alexandre Dumas walked out of the door, and as soon as he lit the fire, he saw in the corner outside the church, the strange priest from Oxford, standing under the shade of a tree, talking to a lady wearing a black veil.

Although the priest repeatedly emphasized that he was Arthur's friend, Alexandre Dumas never believed that Arthur would make friends with a priest who graduated from Oriel College, Oxford. If Tom and Tony hadn't tried their best to assure him, he would never have Such an eccentric guy would not be allowed to conduct Arthur's funeral.

He was already suspicious of the priest's identity, but something strange happened at this time, which further aggravated the French fat man's suspicion. He put down his pipe and planned to go over and listen.

Louis and Dickens noticed his impolite behavior and immediately stopped him: "Alexander, what do you want to do?"

Alexandre Dumas just stared: "Are you so confident that you can leave Arthur's body in the hands of an Oxford priest? Elder can't fucking do such a thing."

After saying this, he sneakily found a bush to block his strong body, pricked up his ears and began to listen to the conversation between the two parties.

It has to be said that although he only temporarily joined the Police Intelligence Bureau, Alexandre Dumas, who has always been magnanimous, still learned some skills in spying on others from this evil agency.

Newman put a hand on the gospel book on his chest and asked kindly: "Madam, don't you really want to go in and take a look at him? I remember you just said that you have a very good relationship with Mr. Hastings. Do you want to You know, this might be your last chance.”

"I..." Fiona looked hesitant. She grabbed her lace gloves and didn't even dare to look up at the priest, for fear of exposing her impurity in front of this holy priest.

"Thank you, Mr. Newman, but...but I still won't go in. I'm just standing here, looking at it from a distance and I'm satisfied."

Newman heard the words and asked softly: "Are you worried that you can't bear the impact of your feelings? If so, I can understand you, because I have experienced such a thing that night. But, having said that, if If you don't go now, you will definitely regret it in the future. You will lose a very beautiful memory. Although the soul is gone, you can at least take a look at the body now. "

After hearing this, Fiona raised her head and glanced at Newman, but under his kind gaze, her head lowered lower and lower, as if she was burying herself in the soil.

She was silent for a long time, and then she said tremblingly: "Sir, I am a prostitute."

This sentence seemed to drain all the strength from her body. Fiona could no longer suppress the tears and grievances in her heart. She covered her face and cried: "Although I usually go to church, but...but today It’s different. I know that I shouldn’t be in this place. I have committed a crime, and my presence here is tainting the sin on him.”

When Newman heard this, his eyes widened in surprise at first, but after a while, his eyes softened.

"Madam, prostitution is certainly a sin, but more importantly, you have recognized your sin and intend to repent for it. The prostitutes in the Bible include the Great Whore of Babylon and Mary Magdalene.

The great harlot of Babylon sat on the scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns, and was clothed in purple and scarlet. She had a golden cup in her hand, which was full of the filthiness of fornication. She drank of the saints and the witnesses of Jesus. The blood and sin are heinous, but they will eventually encounter death and sorrow in one day, and will be burned away by fire.

Mary Magdalene, who was also a prostitute, heard that Jesus was sitting at table with the Pharisees, so she bathed and changed her clothes, went to listen to their teachings, and repented. She was possessed by seven demons, but was healed by the gospel of our Lord. From then on, she took several other women to become the most faithful believers of our Lord, and used her own strength to support Jesus and his disciples.

When Jesus was brought to trial, the disciples left Him and fled. When the Lord was crucified, the environment was extremely harsh, but she followed Jesus to the foot of the cross and watched the Lord suffer, die, and be buried. After Jesus died, she entered the mortuary tomb to personally purify him with oil, but unexpectedly discovered that Jesus had risen from the dead. She is a prostitute. Among believers, she is the humblest, but she has the most divine essence.

Madam, you don't have to feel inferior because of this. If you have any sins, you can confess to me. In this world, no one is perfect and righteous. Although repentance does not mean that your sins can be written off, it does mean that you are willing to admit your mistakes and have the courage to bear the consequences. And this is enough for the merciful Lord. "

When Fiona heard this, tears couldn't stop flowing on her face.

It may take an evening to carefully paint a look.

But to destroy it, it only takes a few dozen seconds.

"I...I confess to you, as long as you let me go in and see him."


When Louis, who was hiding behind the bushes, saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's Miss Fiona. I've seen it a long time ago. Something is wrong with her. She will probably be sad when she finds out the news."

Dumas seemed to have a breath in his chest: "I must say, I still hate the priest. But if his presence here can make some people feel better, I will not take the initiative to get rid of him."

Dickens pressed Alexandre Dumas's shoulder and said: "You should be nicer to your wife. I think Miss Rabe loves you very much. By the way, there is also your son. Alexander, I have to say, you are a lucky fat man." "

Alexandre Dumas wanted to retort a few words, but when he saw the looks in the eyes of Louis and Dickens beside him, he finally suppressed his emotions and took a deep breath and said: "Don't just blame me, the same goes for you two."

The three of them pushed and shoved back to the road from behind the bushes. Just when they wanted to return to the church, they discovered that at some point, there were already several armed attendants in gorgeous clothes.

This group of arrogant attendants were shocked when they saw three disheveled guys suddenly running out. They asked, "What do you guys do?"

Alexandre Dumas was already in a bad mood, but when he was pressed, he almost opened his mouth before replying with a French curse.

Fortunately, Louis stopped him, and this member of the Bonaparte family replied politely: "Gentlemen, there is a friend of ours lying in the church, and we want to go back and see him."

Upon hearing this, the attendants calmed down a little. They took off their hats and apologized: "Sorry, gentlemen, our actions just now may have been too rude. We can feel your sadness firsthand about Officer Hastings. But "If you want to go in, please wait a little longer, because His Majesty the King and the Duke of Wellington are currently inside."


William IV and the Duke of Wellington stood in the prayer hall of the church, looking at the exquisite religious art on the surrounding walls, and finally fixed their eyes on the coffin placed in the center of the hall.

As the youngest graduate in the history of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and a well-known painter in Europe, it was natural that William Turner could not fail to recognize the two of them. He was about to stand up and salute, but saw William IV slightly raising his hand to signal him to sit down. .

Turner understood what he meant; it was clear that His Majesty did not wish to interrupt his work and was pleased to see a portrait commemorating Constable Hastings.

William IV stood next to the coffin, looking at Arthur's face. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the police officer's knife that he gave to Arthur. The sixty-year-old sailor king couldn't help but shake his head.

"Such a young boy is still in his prime. When I was his age, I was still following Nelson in the West Indies in North America. It was the happiest time in my life. I gave him this gift. I just want to inspire him to do a good job with the sword. After all, there is only one young man in London who can fight with Napoleon on the foil. "

At this point, William IV discovered the wound at the corner of Arthur's eye again: "Was that left in Liverpool?"

The Duke of Wellington on the side put his hand on his sword and pursed his lips slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty. He has two wounds, one at the corner of his eye and one on his chest. One represents London and the other represents Liverpool. Of course, you can also say that these two wounds were left for Britain. This young man He is very obedient and knows how to respect other people's opinions. I told him that no matter what happened, a good police commander should be worthy of the honor bestowed upon him by you and this country. Then he did so. "

When William IV heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Wellington, I have lost an outstanding national pillar. Although he is not worthy of such high praise now, if he can live, he will be in the future. Moreover, Even though he is not very old and his facial features are not similar, when I look at him lying there, I always feel that it is Nelson lying there.”

The Duke of Wellington bowed his head slightly and said: "In a sense, he does have some similarities with Lord Nelson in temperament. They are both easy to get along with, and a few words can bring two estranged people closer. Distance. Rather than like me, there is no affinity.”

William IV shook his head and said: "No, Wellington, he is also very similar to you, or in other words, guys like you all have the same thing. Alas! Damn the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they should have reported the situation to me long ago. They Do you think I would abandon a loyal minister because of some insignificant etiquette? Wellington, I have to commend you. If you hadn't told me the truth about that night, I wouldn't have known about Arthur Hastings. This young man is so brave. Rowan is right. He is a brave general of Scotland Yard. He definitely deserves the knighthood. If there were not a lot of messy regulations, I think he should be awarded a few more. Medal."

Wellington looked at Arthur in the coffin and replied softly: "Your Majesty, I understand your mood and agree with your point of view. However, in the current situation, the lower rank Sir has reached his limit. Hastings Officer Si sacrificed his life for the stability of the country. The best way for us to commemorate this young man is not to let his efforts go to waste. If these false names cause public turmoil again, then this young man’s blood will be shed in vain.”

When William IV heard this, he inhaled, exhaled and inhaled again. After taking several breaths, he finally let out the depression in his chest: "You are right, Wellington. I am no longer the little sailor that no one cares about." As the king of this country, I have to consider the overall situation, damn the overall situation! But no matter what, for this young man, a lower rank of knighthood is not enough."

Upon hearing this, Wellington stared at Arthur's police uniform and suddenly said: "In that case, would you consider granting Scotland Yard the 'Royal' title? I think this should be the best solution at the moment. The most important thing is that this kind of reward can be accepted by the public.”

William IV's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at the Duke of Wellington: "Yes, I will grant them the title of 'Royal'!"

The Duke of Wellington nodded slightly and asked for instructions: "When and where, I will send someone to prepare and draft the specific plan."

William IV glanced at Arthur's calm face and the palace sword given by the emperor, and couldn't help but recall the Whig party forcing the palace.

In an instant, anger filled his chest, and if the Prime Minister, Earl Grey, were here, he would have wanted to punch him in the face.

The sailor king waved his cloak angrily and said in a deep voice: "I have decided, at the funeral of Sergeant Hastings! If those Whigs think that the time and place I have chosen are not good, they will You can initiate a cabinet resignation as you did before!"

(End of this chapter)

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