shadow of britain

Chapter 53 Robin Hood Robin Hood, Open the Door

Chapter 53 Robin Hood Robin Hood, Open the Door
Under the leadership of Adam, Arthur and others came to the crow's nest area located in the deepest part of St. Giles Parish.

Arthur glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Dickens writing a few lines in the notebook he carried with him.

—the streets were muddy, and the narrow, dark alleys were filled with the stench of excrement and vomit.There are still a few small shops, but there are very few products on the shelves. I am afraid that the only products they have are the groups of children begging for food in the store.

——The sun had just risen, and they already had to crawl around the door, and the crying of babies could be heard from time to time in the room.

——The place is full of desolation, it seems that only the tavern's business is not bad, and some low-level Irish people are loud and noisy.

——Some corridors and courtyards extend on both sides of the narrow street, and through the gaps, you can see a few shabby rooms crowded into piles and clusters.There some drunken men and women rolled together, covered in mud like pigs rolling in a mud puddle.

——Through some door openings, a few burly men with fierce and terrifying appearance emerged from time to time, their eyes were furtive, and it was obvious that what they were about to do could not be something upright or noble.

Seeing this, Arthur slowly exhaled a smoke ring from his pipe, he read.

"There are no toilets, no rubbish bins, no plumbing, no clean water, not a single sewage pipe in the whole area to clean up the filth.

Rather than saying that they live in the most prosperous city in Europe, it is better to say that they live in a primitive wasteland where no civilization is seen and no one cares. "

Hearing this, Dickens suddenly stopped writing. He turned his hat and asked.

"Arthur, did you study classics in college?"

"No, I'm studying history."

Dickens was a little surprised: "Is the education level of the University of London so high? It seems that the previous reports about your school in the newspapers were all wrong, and they were all baseless slanders.

You, a student of the history department, can have such a high level of writing. If you graduated from classical literature, you are probably at the level of a literary master, right? "

Arthur took a drag on his cigarette and asked, "What do the newspapers say about our school?"

Dickens replied: "They say that the University of London is a university that doesn't look at faith in admissions, and doesn't even have a prayer room. Elegant classical literature can only learn cesspool literature in the end.”

Arthur wanted to refute the reputation of his alma mater, but Elder's unbeatable smiling face suddenly appeared in his mind.

He struggled in silence for a long time, then took a sharp puff of cigarette, and said slowly: "Although I don't agree with the newspaper's point of view, people who are full of cesspool literature seem to be by my side."

Dickens asked a little unconfidently, "Are you talking about me?"

Arthur shook his head and denied, "No, no, Charles, I'm not talking about you. You've seen that person, the one who drank with me in the pub that day."

Dickens was taken aback for a moment, then covered his forehead and exclaimed, "He can read classical literature? My God! If you hadn't told me, I would have thought he was uneducated."

Arthur raised his eyebrows and said, "This may be because you don't know much about the nature of education. Education can only teach students some skills, but it can't teach them to think. Education doesn't necessarily make people's brains better. Sometimes It can even make them worse."

Dickens looked a little confused: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Arthur saw that he didn't understand, so he pretended to ask: "If a stubborn fool receives a college education, what do you think he will become?"

Dickens hesitated: "Make him less stubborn?"

Arthur shook his head and said, "No, he's going to be more difficult than before.

Because he would choose what he likes from his education and add it to his bullshit logic to make himself look more funny.

You know, Charles, that even the sun can only light up that which is willing to receive its light. "

Dickens asked: "Do you mean that stupid people should not be educated?"

Arthur shook his head again: "No. They should still receive education. Smart people can only move forward in this society if they don't receive education. If stupid people don't receive some education, how can they survive?
Besides, even I myself can't determine whether I am smart or stupid, what if I am the stupid part?
We think we are rational, we think our actions are justified.

But in fact, bossiness and paranoia are common to all types of people.

Charles, when I scold others, I usually scold myself, so at the end of the day, give yourself a way out. "

Hearing this, Agares smiled and sat on the small store's half-lost rainshield and appeared.

"Arthur, how can you be paranoid and stupid? You're a smart villain.

Just don't hang out with those stupid people.As soon as a person is in a group, the level of intelligence is severely reduced.

In order to gain recognition, they are willing to abandon right and wrong, and use intelligence and common sense in exchange for the humble sense of security and belonging that makes me feel ridiculous.

Individuals in isolation have the ability to control their own reactive behavior, groups do not.

As long as they get together, they will lose their brains. As long as there is a leader, they can do things one by one.

And what you have to do is to exert some slight and not so easy to detect influence on them, maybe a slogan or an action.

As long as they get your message, you can drive them to their deaths up front while you sit back and quietly count your money. "

Arthur glanced at the Red Devil, he couldn't figure out why this guy said this today.

His current mood can't be said to be very good, nor can it be called too bad.

Usually when his mind is quiet, Agares is too lazy to talk.

Because even Arthur himself knows that it is difficult for human beings to be tempted in this state of wanting nothing.

Agares is also an old salesman who has been working since the time of King Solomon. Doesn't he understand this truth?
Arthur thought for a moment, didn't say much, but followed everyone's footsteps.

In the alley ahead, there is a dilapidated two-story building with a hole in the roof. The traces of last night's rain still haven't faded, and the end of the eaves is dripping water little by little.

Adam, who was led by Tom, let go of his father's hand, and he whispered to Arthur and the others: "Gentlemen, please keep away for a while. If Mr. Fagin sees me bringing outsiders back, Not only will he not be able to open the door, but he will also escape through the window."

Arthur and the others looked at each other and began to back away.

"Okay, let's hide a distance, you pay attention to safety."

Adam hesitated for a moment, and he suddenly stopped Arthur.

"Mr. Hastings, are you sure you won't catch Mr. Fagin?"

Arthur blinked at him and smiled slightly: "Have I ever lied to you?"

When Adam heard this answer, he was finally relieved, and he nodded seriously.

Then he walked to the door reinforced with two layers of wood, and tapped it lightly three times on tiptoe.

The rhythm of knocking on the door is very slow, but each sound is very heavy.

Immediately afterwards, Adam curled his two fingers into rings, whistled twice imitating the cuckoo's cry, and then began to read.

"The birds of the forest are coming home, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, open the door. Don't take your bow and arrow, for I brought you back two cat's eyes."

There was a moment of silence in the hut, and there was a sharp and somewhat hoarse voice from inside.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo, where did you fly back from? The crow of the forest sent a message that you were guillotined."

"The cake caught the eagle's eye. I came back from the academy. The ten-day vacation was relaxing and enjoyable."

Just as Adam finished speaking, a cloudy eye with a yellow spot appeared in the round hole in the door.

He looked around at the environment behind Adam until he was sure that there was no one hiding, and finally the door slowly opened a gap.

"Adam, you can come in."

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(End of this chapter)

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