shadow of britain

Chapter 93 The Frenchman's Fantastic Drifting

Chapter 93 The Frenchman's Fantastic Drifting
Outside the door of the rented house, a group of young gangsters in overalls and peaked caps lined up one by one and walked up the narrow stairs.

As they walked, they discussed the countermeasures for a while.

"James, I heard from the little wit that the guy who took the bait this time is quite strong and tall. After a while, you go in with a knife and test his reaction. If he jumps out of the window or rushes out of the door with his bare butt, then let him out. We take the easy money, he saves face and honor, and we're all happy."

"If he dares to resist, you should weigh his weight first. If you feel that one person can't deal with him, you can call someone directly, and we will rush in immediately."

"Be careful when you do it, and be careful not to expose the real relationship between us and Fiona. Don't push him too hard. It's really urgent. He might jump the wall. If he holds Fiona hostage, he will If it’s not good, people will die.”

A few gangsters came outside the room and leaned on the door to listen, but there was no movement for a long time.

The gangster who looked like the leader frowned and asked in a low voice, "What's going on? Didn't Fiona bring him here?"

"Impossible, Hanni is using the other room, Fiona can't take him there."

Just when the gangster was wondering, there were bursts of deep groans in the room.

"No, no, no! Save... life..."

The bastards were relieved, and someone couldn't help cursing: "Damn it! She's almost dizzy after doing this for a long time! She hasn't sent a signal for so long, it seems that this time Kaizi really likes her! "

"What should I do? Do you want to wait for Fiona to finish?"

"Wait! We still have to go to Hanni's place in a while. It's the peak shipping season recently, and there are batches of Kaizis on the pier. Hurry up and settle this order and let Fiona do the next one."

"Get out of the way! James, we are waiting outside, you are going to kick the door in."

After saying that, the punks quickly dodged to the side of the corridor to hide.

The little gangster named James took out the butcher knife in his arms, took a deep breath, and recalled the classic plot that had been performed countless times.

Then, he kicked open the door, rushed into the house with a knife in his hand, and cursed loudly.

"Damn it! You stinky bitch, I knew you were sneaking a man back outside again. Once or twice, I endured it, but you still don't fucking repent. Is it true that I have no temper! Look, I won't hack this idiot to death today!"

Generally speaking, when James finishes reading this line, there will be screams from women and cheers from men begging for mercy in the room.

However, what is strange is that today's opening scene has just finished, but there is no follow-up.

There was silence in the room, not only was there no crying scene where the female lead Fiona begged for forgiveness, nor was there any impromptu speech in which the male lead Kaizi knelt down and begged for mercy, even the supporting actor James was silent.

After a while, the hooligans hiding in the corridor heard Fiona's groaning 'Mmmm' again from the room.

The gangsters pondered: "Is it so exciting? Is James looking stupid?"

The gangster slapped them on the back of the head: "Damn it! Can't you see it? Something happened, you idiots! Guys, copy me!"

They all showed the knives hidden in their sleeves and rushed into the room aggressively.

However, before they reached the door, they saw James stepping back and slowly exiting the room with his hands raised high.

Immediately after James withdrew, there was a flintlock gun on his forehead and a man who was about a head taller than him.

Arthur glanced at the group of gangsters standing in the corridor, and then tilted his head to the right at the frightened James.

James swallowed, and then let go of the left hand holding the butcher knife knowingly.

There was only a choking sound, and the blade fell to the ground, smashing out a spark.

Almost at the moment when the butcher knife fell to the ground, Arthur unceremoniously kicked him hard in the stomach, kicking him to the opposite wall, James fell to the ground in pain, he knelt on the ground and clutched his stomach , I didn't even have the strength to get up.

Arthur ignored him, he raised his pistol and pointed it at the gangsters in the corridor.

"Excuse me, are you 'Cambridge's little brothers'?"

The leading gangster couldn't help but took half a step back, but he quickly realized that he must not show weakness at this time. If he wants to make a living in the East District, he needs to be ruthless.

He licked his lips, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Oh! It seems that we have encountered a hard idea today. I don't know which forest my brother occupies? Why do you want to destroy our business?"

"Which forest?"

Arthur remembered some of the information he had learned when he was chatting with Adam, and he blurted out: "Which forest do you want to ask me, the black thorns in the West End of London, the bow and arrows in the crow's nest, and the master Robinson."

When the other party heard Arthur's name, he couldn't help but widen his eyes: "You are the f*cking old Fagin of St. Giles? That old man who is about to die doesn't specialize in raising little ghosts who steal handkerchiefs. Are you starting to put away desperadoes like you?"

Arthur said calmly: "There are too many thieves these days, so old Fei Jin plans to change the track and develop some new industries. I heard that you have done a good job in the Eastern District. Didn't I come to learn from you?" ?”

The gangster gritted his teeth, and smiled with the corners of his mouth: "My friend, you don't have to talk to us here. Tell the truth, what are you planning to do here? There is a lot of cheese in the East District, enough for us rats to share." , there is no need to use a knife or a gun."

Arthur nodded slightly when he heard this: "Okay, then I'll just say it straight. Have you been kidnapped recently? A curly-haired French fat man named Robinson Crusoe."


Hearing this, the gangster couldn't help prolonging his voice: "It seems that you also took this business from Fred. But you are unlucky, we have already handed over that anxious fat Frenchman."

"Anxious?" Arthur nodded when he heard this description: "It seems that this is indeed an authentic Frenchman. Even if they put skirts on the water pipes, they will not be able to control their emotions."

The gangster also nodded approvingly, and he added: "I have to correct you one more thing, that Frenchman is not called Robinson Crusoe, and we beat him hard to get it Know his real name."

Arthur couldn't help being interested when he heard this: "Oh? What's his real name?"

"He said his name was Friday."

Arthur took a deep breath, only then did he realize that he had fallen into a misunderstanding, and gradually realized what was going on.

If it wasn't for the informant not telling him the truth, there was something wrong with the Frenchman.

It's fine for the French fat man to use a pseudonym to deceive people, but the pseudonym is so casual, as if no one has read "Robinson Crusoe".

Misleading the police so much, even if he is rescued later, Tom and Tony must teach him a lesson.

"Okay." Arthur put away his pistol: "So, you sent people to Fred? 75 Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Blackpool Detective Agency?"

But this time, the gangster didn't answer him.

He saw Arthur put away the pistol, and almost instantly pulled out the knife behind his back with red eyes, intending to leave some parting gift for Arthur.

"Fuck, boy, who do you think you are? You ask a question and we answer it. Do you think you are God?"

Arthur didn't panic when he saw them rushing towards him. He saw the right moment and stepped on the face bone of the gangster's calf.

The gangster's calf was under pressure, and his knees couldn't help but bend, and he half-kneeled directly in front of Arthur.

And Arthur also took advantage of this opportunity to unhurriedly draw out the pistol again, and stuffed the black barrel into his mouth.

Arthur held the gun in one hand and took off the pipe he was dangling in the other. He moved his face closer and said to the gangster.

"Boy, let me tell you, don't make me angry, I really hate playing with violence."

(End of this chapter)

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