mage's dating rules

Chapter 202 The Afterglow of the Sunset in the Principality of Frank

Chapter 202 The Afterglow of the Sunset in the Principality of Frank
Wang was about to say that the problem was solved, and Erzam said, "But I need gestures to cast spells to awaken the undead. Just a skull is not enough. Tomorrow's limited wish spell also requires you to assemble me." .”

Wang looked at the ground and shattered into a ball of bones, and couldn't help but help his forehead.

Even if it was broken, a lot of bone residue was mixed with other things, and some were stuck to the ground by plasma and the like.It is not easy to recover.

The skull in Wang's hand began to open and close his mouth to make a clicking sound, using this method to make his own unique laughter: "Have you ever played a puzzle? Let's make a three-dimensional puzzle this time!"

Wang: "How do I remember that when I killed you last time, your body would assemble itself?"

"Ah, that's a perfect body. This body can't do it. Liches are like this. If they are killed many times in a short period of time, they will become weaker. If it weren't for my weakening, I wouldn't be able to be killed by a newcomer." A young man with such a short time in Jiuhuan is going to die!"

Erzam said sternly.

Xiaobai, who had turned into a griffin to carry Nini to carry out the task assigned by the king, turned back and complained: "I smell like a lie! You can't fight, but you are really weak, right?"

Skull: "You guys still have to worry about how to put me together, otherwise you won't be able to pull the undead against the Catalan army, and you won't be able to revive your dwarf teammates."

Wang: "Don't fight, that's it."

After that, he put the skull head on his own head, and took the arm of the skeleton with both hands: "In this way, you can cast spells! Let me be your body! Don't worry, I will be able to cooperate with your movements!"

The skeleton was silent for a second, before admiring: "Is this the wonderful idea taught by the Planeswalker's Tower? Let me tell you, I have never cast a spell in this situation, and it is none of my business if the spell fails! "

When the skeleton was speaking, because of the opening and closing of its mouth, it fell directly from the top of the king's head, fell to the ground and rolled into the bottom of the nearby cabinet.

"Hello? There are so many of you who are good at agility, and you are both elves and drows. Can't you pick it up halfway?"

Nini: "No, picking up a talking skull is disgusting."

The skull under the cabinet was silent for a second before yelling: "Don't worry, dig me out quickly! Isn't the situation urgent now?"

Wang: "Marika, I'm sorry to trouble you. Nini, you and Xiaobai hurry to the rescue."

Xiaobai pouted, raised his hands to hold the back of his head, and looked unmotivated and passive at work: "Eh? The next thing here seems to be fun."

Wang: "Your meat is stored underground in the floating city."

"Ah? I'm stupid!" Xiaobai turned into a griffin, then tapped the ground with his paws, and yelled twice at Nini.

As soon as Nini got on Xiaobai, the griffin rushed out of the airship pod.

Malika also took out the skull at this time, and she said to Wang: "It feels like we can take a helmet strap and pass it through the ear hole of the skull, and then you can wear it as a hat."

Erzam: "Wait a minute! What about my dignity! I am also a Nine Ring Lich!"

Wang: "You are right, act quickly."

Moments later, the "skull cap" was ready, and the king put it on, holding a section of the lich's arm in one hand.

Elizabeth looked at this look, and couldn't stop laughing: "Hee hee..."

Wang: "Don't laugh! I have to wear this equipment to restore your corpse after you got the death spell."

Erzam: "I originally thought that after the Salvation Crisis entered the third stage, I would at least be a member of the Salvation Squad. I didn't expect it to be a piece of equipment, or a suit."

Wang: "Isn't this the third stage yet? You can experience the feeling of joining the rescue team as a piece of equipment."

Elizabeth: "It's better than this. People can't see our rescue team resurrecting the undead. It's not good to spread the word. You can disguise it with a robe, and you can claim that it was done by a 1.8-meter-tall lich with hands and knees."

Wang: "I think so."

Erzam: "I don't think so. I resurrected the undead to fight against the Catalan invasion. If you do this all the time, Catalan may become a righteous hero. I will take all the blame."

"Have you memorized less?" Wang asked back.

The Lich was directly silenced.

Wang: "Quickly tell me where to cast spells."

While he was asking questions, Elizabeth, who was fully active, began to take off the robe of the master of the cult, and Malika hurried forward: "Wait, let me do it, after all, I don't know if this beast is wearing it, the princess is not suitable to see some thing."

"Oh, that's up to you."

Elizabeth took a step back, turning her face away.

It turned out that Malika's worries were unnecessary. The master is a decent person, and he is still well dressed.

After the robe was covered on the king, it looked like a skeleton with hands that looked like gibbons.

Elizabeth: "Well, it's evil."

Wang: "Let's try to perform a trick first, let's do a light spell."

While the king and the others were preparing, the imperial army on the ground was launching an attack on the dock area and the Grand Duke's mansion of the Principality of Frank.

In general, the nobles of the country live in the castle, but Qianshui City is not like this.

The main shallow water city is on the edge of a shallow swamp, and there is no hard ground to build a solid stone fortress. Therefore, although the Grand Duke's Mansion has defenses, it is made of wood walls and a little stone for reinforcement. It was built of bricks, but the roof was still made of wood.

As soon as the Catalan army came up, they shot a row of rockets on the roof of the Grand Duke's mansion. If the wood on the roof of the Grand Duke's mansion was not made of yew wood bought from upstream, it would not be easy to be ignited. The Grand Duke's mansion has now become an oven up.

While the legionnaires lobbed into the wooden wall, they slammed into the wooden door of the Grand Duke's Mansion with a battering hammer.

Grand Duke Frank looked out worriedly on the second floor of the Duke's Mansion: "My lord, Lancelot, what the hell is Catalina doing?"

The chief of intelligence said quietly: "Obviously they want this country. Yi Songzuo and the others acted relatively mildly before, but this time they will not act. They should have seen through that the countries in the river region are just soft persimmons, and they can pinch them casually."

Grand Duke Frank: "Then we surrender now, is it possible to become Catalan's agent here?"

The intelligence chief shook his head: "With Yi Songzuo's precedent, I'm afraid it's impossible."

After Isonzo was annexed by Catalia, the original ruler became Catalan's agent, playing a set of yin and yang, and also took advantage of the contradiction between the Catalan royal family and the national teacher, and had both sides .

With the precedent of Isonzo, Catale may directly send a governor in the Principality of Frank.

At this time, the Chief Financial Officer said: "It's not that there is no chance at all. Even if a governor comes over, the specific affairs below will still have to rely on the local people. It's ruled by Jiji."

The Grand Duke turned his head to look at the Chief Financial Officer, and said angrily, "You bastard, you've already started to figure out how to collude with Catalai after my downfall, right?"

"No, no!" The Chief Financial Officer waved his hands again and again, "But... a man who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, His Majesty the Grand Duke should have made plans earlier."

The Grand Duke scolded: "Look at the military commander! Look at you again!"

The treasurer: "I didn't have an affair with my wife, it's no fault of me."


The Grand Duchess immediately lowered her face: "This is slander! Come on, arrest him! At such a time to confuse the public, and with the remarks just now, I'm afraid he is already a spy from Catalan!"

The treasurer smiled and said, "I am."

The door burst open, and soldiers in Catalan armor poured into the room.

The treasurer directly drank a bottle of invisibility potion, and his figure disappeared.

Among the Catalan soldiers who came in, the one with the dog's head on his helmet shouted: "The bearded one is Archduke Frank! The beheader is rewarded!"

The Grand Duke drew out his long sword: "Guards!"

Eight guards drew their swords and stood in front of him.

In the Frank Duchy, soldiers never lack opportunities for actual combat.After all, this place is full of murder and intrigue.Many of the Grand Duke's guards are veterans who have been licking blood for a long time. They were recruited by the military chief only when they wanted to retire and live a stable life.

The Catalan centurion shouted: "We will not kill them all. After all, this will be the territory of the Empire in the future, and it will also be the front line of the confrontation between the Empire and Monrovia. You will have a lot of opportunities to serve the Empire. There is no need to waste yourself for the dying nobles. s life!"

The effect was outstanding. Just now, the eight guards felt that they were going to die and were ready to fight. Now that the centurion said so, at least half of them obviously hesitated.

Then someone put away the sword and retreated to the side.

Grand Duke: "Think about it! It is impossible for Catalans to reuse someone who betrayed their lord!"

However, these words could not change the decisions of those people, and the Grand Duke's guards were cut in half.

Grand Duke: "You betrayed me today, and you will pay the price in the future!"

As soon as the words fell, the intelligence chief's knife was inserted into his body precisely through the gap in the armor-this method, the intelligence chief is also a skillful person.

Chief of Intelligence: "I think the Minister of Finance is right. Can Catalan wipe out the local middle class? In a place like Shallow Water City, the cost of re-establishing control over the lower class is too high."

The Grand Duke stared at the steward with widened eyes.

Chief of Intelligence: "Don't bother, there is poison on my knife, and you will be finished when you are stabbed. I know you... your sword skills are very good, so I won't give you a chance."

Then the intelligence chief's body suddenly trembled, and he turned his head to cast a shocked look at the female archduke.

The Grand Duchess put away her hand crossbow: "It's none of your business to rule over Catalan."

After she finished speaking, she stepped forward, pushed the stiff intelligence officer away from her husband, and supported her husband who was no longer able to speak.

"The treasurer told a lie," said the Grand Duchess. "The military chief fought only because he aspired to be a pure soldier."

As she spoke, the Grand Duchess gently closed her husband's eyes, and faced the Catalan soldiers with her head held high.

"Stop resisting, too! Think of your families," she told the four remaining loyal guards.

The guards looked at each other, and finally put down their swords and stepped aside.

The Grand Duchess held her head high and faced the Catalan army proudly: "They all said that we are not nobles at all. Today we can at least die like nobles! Come on, Catalan bastards!"

The Principality of Frank, at the last moment, finally had a grand duchess who could be called aristocrat.

Congrats, congratulations.

(End of this chapter)

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