mage's dating rules

Chapter 409: The Salvation Conference seems to have suddenly become important

Chapter 409: The Salvation Conference seems to have suddenly become important
While Wang and Lily were thinking about the future, the crowd on the ground became more and more enthusiastic.

They were no longer content to sing along with the bard's songs. Many of them also danced the war dance of the nearby lizardfolk tribe.

When the place of Yi Songzuo was first established, humans and lizard people had many heated and passionate exchanges, so they also learned the lizard people's war dance.

Although humans later built cities and many people gradually evolved into city dwellers, this set of war dances has still been passed down.

This war dance did not help them resist the Catalan invasion - many people believed this was because the nobles of Yisonzo surrendered without fighting.

Now, they use this war dance to express their surging fighting spirit.

Wang, who was originally immersed in imagining the future, finally noticed the movement on the ground. Looking at the uniform war dance, he frowned slightly.

Lily said: "Say something quickly. If this continues, they might use burning, killing and looting to unleash their anger."

Wang: "Get ready to amplify."

"I'm ready, let's talk."

Wang cleared his throat, and the whole space immediately became quiet.

Wang: "I have seen your fighting spirit. We will send out recruiting officers tomorrow. We are going to recruit 1000 people in the first period. These 1000 people will be the strongest among you!"
"Of course, I know there are women, the elderly, and children among you, and that doesn't matter. We have a plan that requires a lot of labor. You can do what you can, and the labor you put in will also provide a lot of convenience for the salvation war.

"This will all start tomorrow! Today you go to various distribution points first to receive fairy beans and vegetable soup. Remember, you can only eat one per day. If you eat too much, you will starve to death - I mean, you will be punished by God for being greedy!
"Then, that's it!"

After speaking, Wang patted Xiaobai.

Elizabeth muttered: "So what's the purpose of letting Xiaobai carry the beans she hates the most? Is it just to tease her?"

Wang Yi patted his head: "It's broken. I originally wanted to throw the beans out directly, but after I finished speaking, I felt that I shouldn't throw them out so directly. I should let the Shadow Thieves group do it, and then I didn't throw them out."

Xiaobai looked back and let out a loud "Gah" sound, which sounded like she was quite angry.

Wang: "Okay, let's go back."

Xiaobai flapped his wings to gain altitude.

The people below cheered in unison:

"The Blessed One!"

“Yi Songzuo’s only sun!”

Wang's expression was a little subtle when he heard these voices.

Lily also joked about him: "Oh, the only sun, you talk to the sun."

Wang didn't answer.

When Xiaobai landed in the central square of the floating island, Nini, Flint and other members of the rescue team were waiting in the square. Even Marika, who usually never saw the dragon, showed up.

Nini took out a letter: "I finished the letter you asked me to write to the Elf King yesterday. But..."

Wang: "But?"

Nini: "I don't think the Elf King will read a letter written by a lowly elf like me."

The crowd fell silent.

Lily broke the silence: "You have a low status? I thought you must be an elf princess based on your appearance."

Nini: "How is that possible? My appearance is just average among elves."

Flint: "What a surprise. When you joined, you were picked up by the king on the roadside. I thought you must be a princess based on the coincidence of this legendary story. If you are not a princess, how can you be qualified to be blessed by the king? Someone picked it up."

King: "You are right. You must be the prince of the dwarves that I picked up at the door of the tavern, right?" "Ah hahahahaha," the dwarf laughed, "Yes, you found me! No, I'm kidding, I'm not a prince, I wasn't even born in the Mountain Kingdom, I'm just an ordinary dwarf living in a human capital. My compatriots will even dislike me for not having ever been in a mine."

Lily: "Will they?"

"Yes." Flint spread his hands, "I really went to the Mountain Kingdom with my old friend, the half-elf bard. Then the miners laughed at me in the tavern."

Nini: "In short, I am just an ordinary elf. My teacher is indeed somewhat famous in the forest kingdom, but I am not very famous.

"So the way I came up with was to write a letter to the teacher and let the teacher persuade His Majesty the King."

The crowd was silent again.

Flint laughed loudly: "You are very smart, aren't you! The smart locking bracelet is indeed extraordinary!"

Nini blushed slightly: "This is not something difficult to imagine."

King: "In this case, I will also write a letter to your teacher, and then write a letter to your king, and ask your teacher to deliver it to the king."

Marika: "I object to this. Based on what I know about my sister, she will soon attack the Forest Kingdom. After completing this set of cumbersome procedures, the Forest Kingdom may already be a paradise for monsters."

The king turned to look at the dwarf bard Gaines: "How long does it take to get to the Forest Kingdom by airship?"

Gaines: “If we leave now, we should be able to come back in time for the Salvation Army’s conference next March—are you planning to do this next March?”

Wang nodded.

Gaines: "We can make it in time, but unfortunately, such a long-distance flight cannot start immediately. We must make sufficient preparations. After all, it is not an easy task to cross the world's mountain ranges."

Nini: "Huh? I climbed over it. It's very simple. The airship can't be harder than my climbing over, right?"

Flint: "You are different. You can still fly in the woods. Even the airship may not be able to catch you."

Gaines: "I don't know how fast the elf can be in the forest, and I don't know how Miss Elf can cross the mountains of the world. Anyway, the airship needs to make a lot of preparations to cross."

At this time, Rosalie suddenly appeared and took over the conversation: "We may not stay here until March next year. Because in addition to the countries along the Mashunya River and near Golden Bay, there are many distant countries that also plan to participate next year. of the conference.

"For example, the Dwarf Kingdom is preparing to participate. They have discovered many evil things underground that seriously affect their mining and even threaten their underground cities. And the dwarves... they walk slowly."

Flint choked directly on his pipe and coughed.

Wang: "Wouldn't it be nice to send an airship to pick up the dwarf delegation?"

Dwarf Flint and dwarf Gaines were speechless together.

Flint: "You tell me."

Gaines: "Most dwarves look down on gnome creations. It would be better to kill them than let them ride on the dwarf airship."

Flint: "Actually, I heard that the Kingdom of the Mountains was recently experimenting with their flying war machines in order to keep up with the trend brought by airships. It was already five years ago when I heard the news, and it is estimated that it has been ten years since the news came out. It’s been more than [-] years, and I don’t know if the war machine has been built yet.”

Rosalie: "Anyway, the dwarves have to attend this meeting. If we finish it without waiting for them, they will be very angry."

Flint: "They'll feel offended. Then don't expect the dwarves to help in the rest of the war."

The king scratched his head: "Okay, let's wait for the dwarves to come."

Flint: "Oh, by the way, if that flying war machine can be put into use, the dwarves will be happy to show it at such a conference, especially if there may be dwarves attending the conference."

Gaines: "Hahaha, can dwarves still build flying war machines? If so, I'd be happy to take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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