mage's dating rules

Chapter 412 Thorn Islands

Chapter 412 Thorn Islands
Looking at the Thorn Islands from the air, it looks like someone accidentally spilled a handful of rice in the Golden Bay.

Gaines pointed to the smoke in the distance and said, "That's the main island. That 'chimney' can be seen from any distance."

Wang: "Is that a volcanic island?"

Gaines: "Yes, volcanoes erupt regularly, bringing a large amount of fertile volcanic ash soil, giving the main island rich agricultural resources unmatched by other islands. If you want to eat tropical fruits, you can go to the main island."

Xiaobai lay on the railing of the flying ship and looked at the smoking main island: "Fruit?"

Wang: "Why, are you also interested in fruits?"

Xiaobai: "It's okay to change the taste occasionally. I'm interested in food other than starch."

Wang: "Nonsense, you obviously don't have much interest in fish."

"I don't like fish because I'm afraid of being bitten. If someone helped me pick out all the bones and let me eat the meat, I would also like it very much." Xiaobai shook his head, "Fish is also meat."

Just as she was talking, Elizabeth opened the door and came out of the cabin and came to Wang: "When will we land?"

Wang: "Well, although we have seen the Thorn Islands, there is actually still some distance away..."

Nini also came out of the cabin and looked in the direction of the island with squinted eyes: "There are still about two hundred kilometers, it will be soon. It is a tailwind now."

Wang pointed at Nini: “She said so.

Nini added: "I saw the spaceship coming towards us."

Wang: "What? Can you see the flag above clearly?"

Gaines said: "If there are telescopes and gear symbols, it is the ship of the Explorers Association, maybe it is coming to greet us. If it is the ship of the Thorn Islands Council, there will be a map and gears of the Thorn Islands."

Nini: "One ship has telescopes and gears, and the other ship has map gears."

Gaines spread his hands: "Okay, two groups of people are here together. They are probably competing for the right to represent the Thorn Islands."

Wang frowned slightly: "Representation rights?"

Gaines: "There are three institutions on the Thorn Islands that can theoretically represent the Thorn Islands. One is the Artisan Council, but this basically does not care about things other than inventions. After all, the big craftsmen are very busy.

“One is the Explorers Association, which is responsible for publishing the annual expedition yearbook and has great influence on the entire Thorn Islands.

"Finally, there is the Council of Thorn Islands. This organization was originally intended to serve so many workshops on the island, but over time they controlled everything other than the workshops on the island.

"They think they are the boss of the Thorns Islands. By the way, the Thorns Islands Council is the only one among the three organizations that does not have dwarfs as the majority."

Wang: "It's just the Council of Great Craftsmen, but why is it that dwarves make up the majority of the Explorers Association? Are there no explorers from other races?"

Gaines: "Yes, explorers of other races account for about [-]% of the total number of explorers, but they are not as enthusiastic as dwarfs. Therefore, dwarfs occupy [-]% of the key positions in the Explorers Association, and the annual exploration yearbook is mainly composed of dwarfs. achievements.”

Flint interjected: "The main reason is that the dwarfs are playing tricks and counting many non-dwarf explorers as adventurers. In addition, if there is a dwarf in the expedition team, the dwarf will be described as the captain, the leader of the expedition."

Wang admired: "You actually know so well?"

"I have also been to the Thorn Islands and dealt with the Explorers Association." The dwarf smiled, "I know their tricks well."

Gaines was very embarrassed: "This... this is part of the truth, and the other part of the truth is that most of the expedition achievements were indeed achieved by dwarfs. After all, dwarfs... dwarfs are a race that will die without curiosity."

This is true. If a dwarf loses his curiosity, he will gradually suffer from fading syndrome and die.

As he spoke, two airships approached.

Then the two ships made light signals together.

Wang squinted his eyes: "Is this... some kind of code in the form of 0s and 1s?" Gaines: "I will interpret it. In fact, there is no need to interpret it. Both ships are wooing you, hoping that you will land at their headquarters."

Wang: "If I choose a company's headquarters to land, will I be regarded as supporting this company and representing the Thorn Islands?"

Gaines: "You're right. So which one do you want to land at?"

Wang: "Don't worry, let me ask clearly. Apart from the headquarters of these two companies, where else on the island can the airship land?"

Flint said, "There are many places on the island where airships can land. As long as it is a large organization, it depends on who you want to talk to."

Gaines didn't mind the dwarf's steal at all, and continued the dwarf's words: "I suggest landing at the Federation of Explorers. After all, we want to borrow their flagship. The Thorn Islands Council does not have such a large flying area. You can borrow a boat.”

Wang nodded: "Very good. But let me ask again, did their flagship fly over the World Mountains?"

"Of course it flew." Gaines nodded. "Although half of the crew members died on that expedition, it did reach the airport of the country on the other side of the world's mountains."

Xiaobai was shocked: "What happened to losing half of the crew?"

Gaines spread his hands: "I have forgotten the specific process, but you can go to the Federation of Explorers to read their expedition yearbook. I remember that there are detailed process records in the yearbook, and it is also reportage."

Wang: "Is there anything special about reportage?"

Gaines: "Relatively detailed, no fictional parts."

Flint corrected: "Less fictional."

The dwarf glared at the dwarf.

The dwarf spread his hands: "Come on, Gaines, you drank a lot at my place. Don't I know your character? And you dwarfs tend to exaggerate."

Gaines protested loudly: "This is prejudice! It is as stereotyped as the dwarf who cannot walk when he sees wine."

Flint: "No, no, we really can't walk on the road when we see alcohol. I want to explain that this is true."

Xiaobai: "Are you quite proud?"

Wang: "But I have also decided that since we want to pick up the Federation's flagship, let's go to the Federation and park it. Give the Federation a face. How are we going to send a signal?"

Gaines: "The captain of this ship must know. Find him... huh?"

Federation airships began signaling again.

Wang looked at Gaines: "What do you say?"

Gaines: "They appreciate our support of the Federation of Explorers and have prepared a sumptuous dinner at the Federation headquarters."

Xiaobai: "A sumptuous dinner!"

Gaines: "What's going on? We didn't respond, did we?"

Nini pointed to the signal light not far away: "Those dwarfs have been operating the signal light since the beginning, but I don't know what they are sending."

Everyone looked at the signal light together, and sure enough they saw a few dwarfs operating it.

At this time, the airship of the Thorn Islands Council also began to send signals.

Wang quickly asked Gaines: "What are you talking about over there?"

Gaines spread his hands: "Tell us to wait and see. It seems that we have been involved in the power struggle within the Thorn Islands."

(End of this chapter)

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