mage's dating rules

Chapter 428 Gift from Ms. Spider

Chapter 428 Gift from Ms. Spider

Wang: "No matter whether the Elf Kingdom's defense force is reliable or not, what we have to do is the same. The Elf Kingdom may not know how to deal with those things from the Catalan State Church."

Nini: "Indeed, and the Elf Kingdom doesn't have that much liquor, and they also like to use healing spells."

Marika: "Then this person is useless, right?"

Captain Drow: "You can kill me now, and the Spider Lady's Chosen Ones will avenge us!"

After saying this, she burst out laughing.

Marika wiped this guy's neck very decisively.

Wang: "I have some doubts. The real purpose of this group of people is to buy time for the new voters of Ms. Spider below."

"Maybe some kind of ritual needs to be held," Marika said. "Ms. Spider is very stingy and refuses to give abilities directly. She insists on them using rituals to recite their merits."

King: "Okay, let's go to the altar quickly."


There was not a single sneak attack assassin on the road next, as if all the guards of the temple were dead.

When he arrived in front of the lowest altar, the king realized why no one came to intercept him.

Because the remaining guards were waiting in formation in front of the altar.

Marika immediately made a disdainful sound: "These are lower-level warriors who failed to pass the adult ceremony, and they are not worth mentioning."

Wang: "Too many ants may kill an elephant, and so too too many miscellaneous fish. Don't take it lightly."

Xiaobai pointed at the wall: "Spider!"

Everyone looked along her fingers, but the two humans, Wang and Elizabeth, saw nothing.

But Nini, who has good eyesight, frowned: "So many spiders!"

Wang then realized: "Wait a minute, the wall looks like it's crawling. Is it because there's a layer of spiders on it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, something fell on the king's head.

He raised his hand to brush it away in excitement, and when he lowered his head, he saw that it was actually a spider!

Then everyone raised their heads and found that the entire ceiling was actually crawling, filled with dense spiders.

Wang turned into a dragon without saying a word, and sighed bitterly at the ceiling.

The acid sprayed onto the ceiling and immediately made a sizzling sound, and then spiders with eight legs burned off by the strong acid fell down like rain.

The king in dragon form spreads his wings to protect his teammates.

The next moment, as if they had been given an order, spiders of all sizes on the wall rushed toward the rescue team.

Elizabeth: "Druid, please think of a way!"

Xiaobai: "How can I fight against Ms. Spider's magical power? Oh yes, I can use fur to fight against it!"

The next moment she transformed into a giant wolf, covering her skin with thick white fur.

Nini: "How do you protect your eyes and face?"

The fur on the wolf's face is very thin.

Xiaobai was unable to speak, but responded by shaking his body, possibly telling Nini that he could get rid of the spider in this way.

By this time, the dragon had sprayed acid several times.

He originally thought that spraying a layer of acid on the ground would create a moat, but the spiders used their corpses to consume all the acid in one go.

The spider swarm rushed towards the few in the flesh body.

Dragon: "Xiao Bai! Call those spider-eating birds!"

Xiaobai changed back to human form and responded: "How many spiders can I call in total? Haven't you seen them before? How can I eat so many spiders?"

Soon enough, the first long-billed spider-eating bird appeared, and then a large number of spider-eating birds poured into the underground space. The Spider Lady gathers spiders, which attracts their natural enemies.

More spider-eating animals also appear underground.

Elizabeth exclaimed: "Nature is so wonderful."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ceremony on the altar seemed to have finally ended. The lower body of the high priest, who had been kneeling on the altar to pray, suddenly exploded, growing an insect-like body and eight legs.

The high priest laughed loudly: "It's a gift from Ms. Spider!"

She grew in size, turning into a monster with a human head from the waist up.

She laughed and used her new body to nimbly climb up the wall, climb across the ceiling, spin around and return to the ground.

Giant Dragon: "You can climb walls so smoothly. Why are there so many spiders? They probably all want to mate with you!"

Xiaobai lowered his head and grabbed the spider at his feet: "Oh, it's true, they are all male spiders."

The priest roared: "Kill them!"

The drow's cheap warriors immediately rushed toward the rescue party.

Master Li Guang stood there like a stone statue, letting the spiders fall on him without being moved at all - anyway, the spiders could not bite through the skin of the already extraordinary monk.

But the moment the drow rushed over, Master Liguang made a move.

He flicked his tail and sent a circle of drow flying.

Marika took out the long knife from the dimensional bag: "I haven't used this kind of weapon for a long time. I don't know if it has become rusty."

Elizabeth: "Looks like a weapon from an ancient eastern country?"

"That's right." Marika said, waving the long knife, turning it in a slight circle, and cut the throats of the three drow elves.

At the same time, the dragon rushed towards Spider-Lady's Chosen One.

The priest laughed: "What's wrong, Living Saint of Lancelot, you don't need the ability given by Lancelot, but you want to use the Dragon Transformation Technique to fight against me?"

Hearing what she said, Flint remembered something, took out the wine bag and threw it at the half-human spider monster: "Hey, chosen by Ms. Spider, come and try Kailin's power!"

The priest pushed the dragon away with his two front legs and caught the flying wine bag: "What power? I can really feel the power of Kailin inside..."

The dragon rushed forward again, trying to collide with the spider monster with its huge and bulky body.

As a result, this thing was too flexible to move laterally, and it suddenly flashed past.

When the dragon braked and turned around, it sprayed a mouthful of strong acid at the enemy, and deliberately spread the acid to form a fan.

One of the giant spider's feet was touched by acid and started to smoke.

Yes, strong acid can only make the legs of this thing smoke. Obviously, this thing has indeed gained the power of the Spider Lady, which is not so easy to deal with!

Just then, Flint yelled, "Spray acid on the wineskin!"

The dragon immediately complied, and a mouthful of acid made the wine bag leak.

The strong alcohol poured over the giant spider's body, causing her to scream.

The dwarf laughed loudly: "My guess is indeed correct! This wine is Kailin's holy water. Just like Lancelot's holy water can burn the undead, Kailin's holy water can also burn the Spider Lady's God's Choice! King, use Something with the power of God!”

Soon enough, the dragon took out the pathfinder from the dimensional bag.

As a sword, the Pathfinder is not small.

But that's relative to humans.

When the dragon holds this thing, the situation is completely different. Against the huge body of the ancient dragon, the pathfinder looks like a toothpick.

The dragon is holding something like a toothpick with its short hand. This scene looks quite funny.

Then the dragon lifted the wayfinder aloft and began to chant the name of Typhon.

(End of this chapter)

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