mage's dating rules

Chapter 440 Listen to my cry of failure in pressing the line

Chapter 440 Listen to my cry of failure in pressing the line

Another day passed and Wang made more discoveries.

"Something is wrong below the snow line. Above the snow line, it is obviously closer to the sky, but it is not affected by Ragnola?"

He asked the scout team sent out, and got a positive answer.

So he touched his chin and speculated: "Is Ragnola afraid of the cold?"

Xiaobai: "Is this weird?"

Flint also said: "They are all afraid of alcohol. It doesn't seem strange that they are afraid of cold."

Wang: "Indeed. I'm beginning to understand why there are so many profaners. Can Ragnola just hide in the cold mountains and escape?"

Originally, the king thought that the slanderers were just people who were immune to the power of Ragnola. There were so many of them that they had accumulated from countless attacks by Ragnola.

Now it seems that is not the case at all.

Many people probably survived because they discovered that Ragnola's power could not go up mountains or deep underground.

Some may simply be evil creatures living underground, and for evil purposes, such as sucking people's souls, suffering, and so on, they become blasphemers.

Marika: "In other words, as a last resort, we can move people to the underground city or to the mountains."

"No," Wang shook his head, "How many people can the underground world support? How many people are there in the drow? How many slaves are there? How many slaves starve to death every year?"

Facing the barrage of questions, Malika shrugged: "We have a small population, but we have many slaves and slaves who starve to death every year. We don't eat slaves because they are too lowly, but we will make slaves into food for slaves." .”

The king looked at Flint: "Where is the dwarf?"

Dwarf: "There are quite a few of us, but that's mainly because we grow rye on the terraces of the Mountain Kingdom and rely only on mushrooms produced underground. It might have been possible in the Old Kingdom, but we didn't have that many people or soldiers in the Old Kingdom. It basically relies on longevity. If too many people die in a battle, the entire tribe may decline."

Wang: "Yes, if the food supply on the ground is lost, it is impossible for the ground race with a large population to survive. As for the underground race, think about the caveman tribe that discovered the Fetal Movement Hall. As the population increased, they immediately suffered from famine. They had to put Massive numbers of people were sent to the ground to die.”

He looked down at the unfinished world map on the table: "Ragnola and the method of destroying the world may be somewhat different from what we thought before. It will not kill everyone when it falls. It will gradually distort and change." The nature of the entire plane first turns the unsuspecting people into monsters, and then starves the defensive people to death."

"How vicious!" Franka shouted. At this time, because the spacecraft was not rushing at full speed, but stayed in place with its anchor, Franka, who had been flat on the wall before, now returned to the form of a jellyfish.

Wang: "This method of destruction reminds me of some of the planes I saw in the tower. Those planes used a magic called the light of the red furnace to make the whole world enter winter, and then starved part of the population to death, leaving A select elite survive.”

Marika frowned: "Why do you do this?"

"I don't know, maybe it's to purify the race, maybe it's just because I can't control the desire for destruction, or maybe it's to ascend to the gods." Wang shrugged, "I must go and see this kind of world if I have the chance. Let's talk about the problems of our world. .”

Elizabeth: "As a backup plan, it's okay to leave some people behind, and then form an alliance with the druids, and let the druids grow mushrooms and food in the underground shelter..."

Suddenly, Elizabeth slapped the table: "We have fairy beans. As long as we popularize fairy beans and prepare other nutrients, even if we fail, some people can survive."

Gaines, the dwarf bard, asked: "Survive and then what? Take us dwarfs as an example. If we cannot explore the world and discover various mysteries, if we cannot maintain curiosity, we will soon discolor and die. What can you humans do?" How long will it last?"

Elizabeth was speechless. King: "Humanity still has to be a little bit ambitious if it wants to survive. Don't worry, I won't... we won't let Ragnola succeed."

At this time, Nini, who also got off the airship to explore, came back, covered with a layer of snow: "I climbed up the nearby peak and saw a building on the top of Dongfang Mountain."

Now the flying height of the airship can no longer exceed a considerable part of the mountain peaks, just like flying in a channel surrounded by walls.

Investigation can only rely on Nini to climb mountains.

Fortunately, Nini climbed the mountain very quickly, and even the elf on the steep cliff could climb up quickly. Elves can even walk on snow without leaving any footprints!

Wang found a nickname for her from another dimension called "Snow Flying".

This word seems to describe some people from that plane who have mastered the magic of low-altitude flight.

"What kind of building?" As soon as Wang asked, Nini took out her sketchbook and showed the paintings on it.

Each elf has quite high artistic attainments and has learned some painting.

The outlines of buildings in Nini’s sketchbook are lifelike.

Master Li Guang suddenly stood up: "This is the Zen monastery where I practice. Captain, please drive the spaceship to the hillside of the Zen monastery and moor it."

Wang glanced at Li Guang: "This Zen monastery is on the top of the mountain? How did you climb up there?"

Li Guang is a lizard man, a cold-blooded animal. His body temperature depends entirely on the surrounding temperature. Once he enters a cold environment, he will quickly freeze and enter a dormant state.

Wang originally thought that although Liguang's monastery was in the mountains, it was somewhere below the snow line. Although it was cold, it would not freeze the lizard people.

I didn’t expect to be at the top of the mountain.

Li Guang replied: "Back then I met a master at the foot of the mountain. The master taught me the secret of qi and then passed away. He hoped that I could bring his body back to the Zen monastery. He also said that it was for my Taoist heart. test.

"So I carried the master's body on my back and started climbing the mountain. I used Qi to keep the blood flowing and circulating until I reached the Zen monastery."

Nini was shocked: "You relied on your energy to walk to the Zen Temple? That place is so high! Do you have so much energy when you have just become a monk?"

Li Guang: "I don't know how I got a steady stream of Qi from the sea of ​​Qi. Now I think it was the master's body after his death that helped me survive the test. I returned to the Zen monastery this time to thank the master."

Wang: "Okay, since Master Li Guang could walk on lightning with his energy at that time, he should be able to do it now too."

Xiaobai: "You said before that you were cooked over the fire!"

Master Li Guang: "Before meeting the master, I did rely on the fire source I carried with me to maintain my body temperature. In fact, even if it does not reach the snow line, the temperature is low enough for us."

(End of this chapter)

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