Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 204 Guilty or innocence, death doesn’t matter

Chapter 204 Guilty or innocence, death doesn’t matter


Above the royal court, the God King Zeus was confronting the Goddess of Law. The atmosphere was extremely tense. A gentle voice broke the terrible silence.

"Goddess Themis, please stop here."

Boom, there was a wave among the gods, and in a blink of an eye, it was Metis!

She knelt on the ground, her pale face covered with rotten scars, her expression calm, looking at Themis: "Dear Goddess of Law, I don't know how to express my gratitude. But please stop here. I... "

She lowered her head, "I did commit a crime."

After hearing this, there was silence in the royal court, followed by countless discussions!

Except for the dragon, Hera, Zeus and a few other gods, almost all the gods present had not seen Metis for a long time, and they did not know the cause and effect.

Suddenly, I felt very curious. She actually admitted that she had committed a crime?

"The goddess Metis disappeared after the war... I only know that Zeus killed the king in the end, but the process is not clear. What role did Metis play in it?" In the distance, Prometheus Si pondered.

"During the Second Titan War, I formulated a strategy for my husband Zeus... and created the Medicine of God's Fall." Metis said softly.

"The Medicine of God's Fall was supposed to make Cronus fall and allow my husband to win without a fight. As a result, my abilities were limited, and the Medicine of God's Fall only weakened Cronus's power. In the end, it was still Let Zeus kill Cronus himself."


The gods were dumbfounded. Not only did most of the people present know the details of that war for the first time, but more importantly, they understood the implication.

Originally: The Medicine of God's Fall could cause Cronus to fall directly.

Reality: The Medicine of God's Fall only weakened Cronus' power, and Zeus eventually killed him with his own hands.

This war does not mean that everything will be fine as long as you win.

Metis' previous strategy was to let her medicine kill Cronus!

In that case, Zeus does not need to take action, which is equivalent to ending the Titan's curse: the curse that sons must kill their fathers!

The reality is that the Titan Curse has not been ended. Zeus still killed his father by himself, which means that Zeus has also fallen into the Titan Curse - he will be overthrown by his descendants!

"My to let my husband fall into the Titan curse again." Metis said softly: "I deserve to be punished for committing such a serious crime."

The gods present couldn't help but take a deep breath!

Metis's plan was so grand, and what a surging ambition she had: she not only wanted to kill the king, but also wanted to support her husband to ascend to the throne of God King, and she also wanted to personally end the Titan curse, which had appeared since the beginning of the world. That irreversible curse!

After a moment of silence, the gods started talking and almost overturned the dome of the royal court!


In the midst of the noise, Themis shouted angrily, suppressing the discussions of the gods, and suddenly there was an incomparable silence in the divine court.

"Metis...did she really commit a crime?" In the distance, the dragon pondered in his heart, "Is she admitting a crime that does not exist? Her purpose is..."

"I know your confession," Themis said.

Boom... The silver scale behind Themis condensed into a solid body, suddenly expanded, and fell to the ground.

The majesty and sacredness, the heart-trembling power of hope, surged in the hearts of the gods.

Metis's words turned into points of light, falling on one end of the scale.

Themis turned her head and stared at Zeus, "God King, what do you have to say."

"The Scales of Justice..." In the distance, the dragon's heart moved. He stared at the sacred and huge scales, which was one of Themis's greatest powers.

Her scales can automatically weigh the testimony of both parties to make a fair verdict.

She will weigh the testimony of Zeus, and the testimony of Metis!

The gods looked at Zeus.

After a long silence, Zeus finally spoke.

The visions of the "King" and the "Kingslayer" boiled behind him, and his voice was majestic and sacred.

"Themis, you must not question the king's authority."

"As expected." In the distance, the giant dragon thought in his heart. He was actually the fourth person to know the truth besides the parties involved: Zeus, Hera, and Metis.

"Zeus's purpose was simply that he wanted to pursue Hera. At Hera's request, he ruthlessly abandoned Metis."

"Of course, he will not admit it. This will damage his reputation." "God King, are you unwilling to give your testimony?" Themis said: "It doesn't matter. Only one party's testimony is enough to judge. Come out with the truth.”

The book of law behind Themis rotated, and countless law runes condensed into points of light and fell on the other end of the scale.

"No..." Metis' face tightened a little. Her feet were bound by chains and she couldn't stand up at all. She crawled forward on her knees, "Goddess Themis, please stop, don't judge! "

"I am willing to be punished, I am willing to be chained and thrown into the abyss forever. Please don't judge, don't judge!!"


Suddenly, Metis froze and stopped with a look of despair on his face.

Because the scale starts weighing.

It burst out with a sacred and majestic sound, and the power of the law rushed into the sky. The scale began to slide slowly, and finally, it landed heavily on the side of Metis' testimony.

"I, Themis, the goddess of law, in the name of the law, hereby make the most just judgment,"

The gods, including Zeus, stared at the huge scales in the field.

"Metis is not guilty."

"She has made the greatest contribution to the war. She is not responsible for the Titan's curse."

"My God King." In the distance, Metis looked pale, slightly opening her bloodless lips and shaking her head slightly.

She whispered to herself: "Don't be like this...Goddess Themis...don't be like will will die in front of me..."

"Sure enough, this is the verdict. I feel the same way." In the distance, the dragon thought in his heart: "If Zeus doesn't want to be cursed by the Titans, he might as well not challenge Cronus. Since he has decided to challenge Cronus, You have to figure it out yourself.”

"How can the Titan Curse be so easy to solve? It makes no sense to push this extremely difficult task to your wife and then blame her if it fails."

"Metis and Zeus themselves are probably well aware of this."

The dragon's hearing was extremely keen, and he saw Metis' pale face, her disbelieving face full of despair, and the soft words in her mouth.

"Metis proactively admitted a crime that did not exist, mainly because she wanted Themis to stop. She thought... Themis would die."

"Will Themis die?... Her trinity is no less powerful than Zeus." The dragon was a little confused. He carefully compared the strengths of both sides, and suddenly his heart moved.

The Trinity behind Themis, the Book of the Law, the Scales, and the Locked Sword.

The dragon's perception of divine power was extremely keen. He could vaguely see that there were extremely tiny cracks on the locked sword.

"The Trinity of Themis only seems to have succeeded, but in fact, it has not yet..." the dragon thought in his heart.

"You guessed it right, my child." Next to him, the Queen of Hades whispered with divine breath: "I have just seen it. The Trinity is a power beyond the king of gods. Even Zeus himself has not completely completed it. , it’s not that simple.”

"Themis' way to advance is to use the law to challenge the king's power and...defeat the king's power."

"She has only accomplished the first half, but not the second half. Her Trinity is still false."

"Sure enough." The dragon thought in his heart. "Themis will die in the royal court."

"Oh my god..." Metis looked at Themis, almost pleading, "Goddess Themis, don't do this...please stop immediately and make a judgment to punish me... …”

"Otherwise, you will die!"

"It doesn't matter if you die." Themis replied softly. She slowly opened her blindfold, revealing her deep blue eyes.

In the distance, Zeus rose from his throne.

The illusion of the Trinity behind him is only the "King" and the "Kingslayer".


His third trinity appears.

(End of this chapter)

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