Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 3 Simulate to the Limits, Shift Strategies

Chapter 3 Simulate to the Limits, Shift Strategies
The sea breeze howled.

In the dense forest above the island, a group of wild goats are running crazily.


With the sound of roaring, a huge black shadow exploded from the dense forest, it opened its bloody mouth, and bit a goat's leg.

Click, the crisp sound of bones breaking, the goat's leg was directly bitten off, followed by its tragic cry, rising from the dense forest.

The remaining goats were even more terrified, and ran forward desperately.

Goats have no intelligence.If they have intelligence, they will start to think: why does that lizard have such a good appetite recently?
The lizard is Yang Qi. Since the simulation, his appetite has increased. It is usually enough to eat one sheep every two days, but now he needs to eat two sheep a day, which is not enough.

His body has grown by another half a meter and is now nearly 4 meters long.Especially the scales, shiny black, extremely hard.

In less than half an hour, the whole sheep had been swallowed by Yang Qi, and it was still not enough.

"Catch another sheep? Or..." Yang Qi was thinking lazily when he suddenly heard the voice of "Si", "Si".

Looking up, it was a small green snake crawling on a branch.

Brush——Yang Qi flicked his tail and hit the branch. The branch trembled, and the green snake fell down, already dead.

"As a snack." Yang Qi grabbed the green snake, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed it without chewing.

Afterwards, Yang Qi felt a warm current rising from his abdomen, and then spreading all over his body, very comfortable.

Since the simulation, Yang Qi's perception of the body has improved a lot.

"It's a familiar feeling. It's the same feeling I got after getting the anti-toxic."

"This green snake should be highly poisonous. But its poison is of no use to me. Instead, it will become my nourishment and improve my poison resistance."

Yang Qi then caught a few more squirrels and rabbits, stuffed them into his mouth, and returned to his lair after eating enough.

The night is deep, and everything is silent.Only the dilapidated statue of Zeus still exudes a deep majesty.

As the moon rose to its highest point, a crisp sound sounded.

"You get 1 simulation point."

It has been exactly one month since the last simulation.Yang Qi has accumulated all the simulation points, and now has 30 points.

But the number of points required for a simulation has also risen, and is now only enough for four simulations.

"This month, my body has become much stronger, and my poison resistance has also improved."

"Today's simulation will definitely make a breakthrough."

Yang Qi lay comfortably in the nest, and called up the simulator interface.

"Before simulating, set up a strategy."

"In general, there are two strategies."

"One is not to be afraid of danger, to explore around, to explore the map as much as possible, and to discover opportunities."

"One is a dog. If you encounter any danger, dodge immediately, and try to stay in the simulated world as long as possible."

"After all, the longer you stay, the more rewards you will get."

"It cannot be said which of the two strategies is wrong and which is right. It needs to be decided according to the actual situation."

Yang Qi has a strategy in mind.

"Stay up first this time. Stay as long as you can."

"Look, where is my current limit."

Start the simulation!
【The world is loading...】

[Loading is successful, the simulation begins! 】

[0 years old, Yang Qi was born. 】

[You find that half of the eggs around have been hatched, and the other half are still hatching. 】

【"You are here... there is food, and a lot of food." You see a small lizard coming and feeding you the food in its mouth. 】

【You wait for him to turn his head away, bite him to death without hesitation, and devour its body. 】

[Soon, you ate up its carcass. 】

[There is an aroma of food in the nest, you follow the aroma and crawl forward. 】

[You found that there was a lot of food piled up in a corner of the cave, and several small lizards were grabbing food together. 】

[You want to squeeze in, but find that there is not enough space.One lizard turns its head and flashes its teeth, warning you to back off. 】

【You bite it up and get into a ball with it.You bit it. 】

【It left in a hurry, and you took his place. 】

[The food is so delicious that you feel a lot of energy in it. 】

[You eat here for days in a row until the food runs out.During the period, several lizards wanted to compete for your position, but you drove them away. 】

[On the 5th day, after the food was eaten up, all the lizards left here.You taste the eggshell, find it tasteless, and stop eating. 】

[On the sixth night, you know that the stars will fall and the red moon will rise.Instead of going out to watch, you hid in your lair. 】

[You seem to hear countless screams and roars in the distance. 】

[Day 10, you've been resting in the cave and feel a little bigger and stronger. 】

[On the 13th day, all the food you swallowed before has been digested, and you feel hungry again.You step out of the cave and start digging at the roots of the weeds.The roots of the weeds exude a slight fragrance. 】

[On the 14th day, you quickly gnaw all the roots of the nearby weeds, and then return to the nest to rest. 】

[On the 15th day, you feel that your size and strength have grown a bit, and the whole body exudes an inexplicable fragrance. 】

[On the 16th day, you decide to implement the established strategy and stay in the cave as long as you can. 】

[You start eating the blades of weeds. 】

[Grass leaves are poisonous, but your poison tolerance is good.You eat some properly and feel able to bear it. 】

[On the 17th day, in the middle of the night, you feel countless crimson eyes appearing from the dense forest and rushing towards you. 】

【You feel stronger than before.You fought this thousand-eyed monster, bit it, and it fled. 】

【You yourself were injured, and green blood flowed from the wound. 】

【You run back to the lair to recuperate, trying your best to resist the poison of the monster. 】

[You feel that there is poison in your blood, and they gradually neutralize the poison of the monster. 】

[On the 30th day, the toxicity gradually dissipates, you feel that the wound is gradually healing, and you can act. 】

[On the 31st day, you were extremely hungry and went out to look for food, and found the corpse of a golden stag not far away. Its antlers were like stars, emitting a shining light. 】

[Several ghouls are devouring the deer carcass.You dare not approach and leave quietly. 】

[On the 32nd day, you were extremely hungry and ate all the weeds and leaves nearby, and you felt the venom of the grass leaves boil in your blood. 】

【On the 34th day, you resisted the poison in the blade of grass, but your body is very weak and it is difficult to move again. 】

[Day 36, you starved to death in your lair. 】

[This simulation is over!Please select the reward below]

【Unusual aroma】

【Advanced Poison Resistance】

[36 days of power]

"This time it broke through 30 days."

"And this time it's really going to the end, and I can't go any further. I haven't been out of the house a few times until I die." Yang Qi thought to himself, and chose the advanced poison resistance.

! !
In an instant, inexplicable divine power rose from Yang Qi's body, as if being electrified from head to toe, and then spread to the whole body.

The black scales around Yang Qi's body changed slightly, and gradually turned dark green, as deep as ancient jade.

"Is this the effect of advanced poison resistance? It is indeed powerful."

Yang Qi felt that he could bathe in the poisonous pool without any danger.

"The abilities I possess will be reflected in the simulated world."

"With high-level poison resistance, will you defeat the thousand-eyed monster in the next simulation?"

"Or should I run away beforehand and not fight him?"

"Or should I just leave the nest and explore around?"

"If you don't go out and just stay in the nest, I guess this time is the limit. There is no food around."

Yang Qi thought for a moment, decided to change his strategy, left the nest earlier, and explored around.

"Start the second simulation!"

(End of this chapter)

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