Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 32 Pursuit, self-abuse and ecstasy

Chapter 32 Pursuit, self-abuse and ecstasy
Circe gritted her teeth and could barely stand up. She raised her head and stared at Yang Qi with a pale face, which was full of pleading.

Yang Qi only felt that his stomach was about to burst, it was painful and comfortable.

"it is good."

Yang Qi nodded drowsily, vibrated the dragon's wings, and flew into the sky.

The flowers in the Pale Garden are boundless, and the vast land is like a white cloth seen from the sky.

Yang Qi flew for several days, but still couldn't find Medea.

"Where did you go?" Yang Qi hovered in the air, looking at the earth, only seeing shadows in the distance, as if white mist was steaming and running away.

The rustling sound came from afar, as if thousands of creatures were crying together.

Yang Qi felt the terrifying power of the dead in the distance, and it gradually condensed.

"Is something going to happen?"

Suddenly, Yang Qi's ears moved. Amidst the cries of thousands of creatures, he heard the familiar divine voice, weeping slightly.

The voice must have come from Medea!

Yang Qi cheered up, "Find Medea quickly, return it to Circe, and find a place to sleep."

Yang Qi followed the sound of crying and flew for several days, and saw a pool of water in the vast sea of ​​pale flowers. "

Yang Qi landed next to the pool, only to see the crystal clear water waves exuding familiar divine power.

"The power of Medea."

"This is a pool of water from crying out alive."

Yang Qi felt the divine power carefully, looking for the direction of Medea, and finally saw a young girl among the flowers beside the pool.

She hugged her knees and sat there with her back to Yang Qi.

It was Medea.

Her body was covered with crows from the underworld, they were surrounding her, frantically pecking at her hair and shoulders, blood dripping all over her body.


Yang Qi roared, and the crows in the underworld immediately screamed and flew away in panic.

"what are you doing?"

Yang Qi came to Medea, and saw that her hair was disheveled, her clothes were pecked torn, and her face, shoulders and arms were all covered with scars.

"..." Medea didn't respond to Yang Qi's arrival, she slowly stretched out her hand, holding a piece of blood-red flesh in her hand, emitting a strong fishy smell.

The fishy smell aroused the appetite of the crows in the underworld, and they swooped down frantically, desperately pecking at Medea's palm.

"..." Medea clenched her lips, trembling all over, and her palms kept spattering with blood.

"Masochistic?" Yang Qi swung his tail, and lightly swung Medea's head, scaring away all the crows in the underworld again.

"Don't come to me," Medea said.

Yang Qi had a lot of truth in his mind, but he didn't say it out.

Just sit next to Medea.

On the one hand, Yang Qi doesn't like to talk about big things and finds it boring; on the other hand, he is really sleepy and doesn't want to talk.

"Soon, the once-in-a-thousand-year undead rampage is coming." Medea stared blankly at her palm, and said slowly, "When I was young, I walked in the underworld every day."

"The underworld is really boring. I walked, walked, I don't know how many years I walked, crossed the entire underworld, came to the extreme east, and saw the broad and cold Styx."

"I saw countless undead hovering on the other side of the River Styx. They have no money, so they can only beg Charon, the boatman of the River Styx, to take them across the river."

"Master Charon has seen so many sorrows and joys, his face is gloomy like a stone. He is very kind, but he can't carry the dead across the river at will. Because the three silver coins are a tribute to Olympus."

Yang Qi nodded. He knew that in the Olympus God Realm, after death, three silver coins should be placed on the forehead when buried, as the cost of crossing the Styx.

Medea rested her head on her knees and looked into the distance, "So those undead wait, wait. Their wailing turned into cold wind, howling in the underworld, how cold. I am a god, and I feel cold. "

"In the end, the unbearable undead jumped into the River Styx, and drifted eternally along the water of the River Styx. At least the river is warmer."

"The dead spirits drifting eternally in the River Styx will slowly lose their previous shapes and become exactly the same."

"Look carefully at the River Styx, how many dead spirits are flowing below."

"And then?" Yang Qi asked.

"Then... whenever the number of undead in the Styx is unbearable, the water in the Styx will skyrocket, the overwhelming flood will submerge the underworld, and the undead will be liberated for the last time. Countless undead will run rampant in the underworld , devouring everything it sees, until at last it all disappears.”

"Undead die too, you know that?"

"Soon...the next undead rampage will begin." Medea stared blankly into the distance, "Go quickly, Dalong, thank you for accompanying me."

"I want those undead to devour me."

"I committed an unforgivable crime for a short time. The Olympus Court has long hated me and Circe to the bone. They will definitely not make it easier for us."

"I'm dead, maybe my sister can live. She has put on the Thunder Manacles for me, and I have to take responsibility."

"Why is the Court of Olympus hostile to you? What did your mother, Hecate, do?"

"I don't know...I don't know...Yah!!" Medea hugged her head, "Don't remind me of my mother! Ah!!"

Yang Qi thought in his heart: "Hecate participated in the second Titan War, assisted Zeus in defeating Cronus, and ascended the throne. This should be a great achievement. She is on the side of the winner."

"And Hecate herself is an ancient god, the three-phase goddess of opportunity, with a lofty status."

"Zeus actually ordered her to be the ghost queen of the underworld, which in itself has the meaning of suppressing."

"What's more, the three-phase goddess in the temple is not real at all."

An idea floated up in Yang Qi's mind: "Flying birds are gone, good bows are hidden. Cunning rabbits are dead, lackeys are cooking."

Blood flowed from her forehead, almost like crazy.

boom! ! !
At this moment, Yang Qi heard the deafening sound of waves, and saw the white mist in the distance crazily transpiring, and then, it went straight to the sky!

"Coming!" Medea opened her eyes wide, stood up unsteadily, with a wry smile on her face, "Coming!"

boom! ! !
In an instant, a huge flood poured down from the sky like covering the sky and covering the sun. Yang Qi saw that there were countless undead in the flood, screaming crazily!

In an instant, tens of thousands of dead spirits rushed towards Yang Qi and Medea howling!

Swipe——Yang Qi flicked his tail, drawing a circle, and in an instant, ten thousand undead were wiped out. They screamed, and their figures gradually dissipated.

"Don't stop me." Medea staggered, she pointed her finger at her heart, purple light burst out from her fingertips, bursting with divine power, supported her to fly up, and flew towards the direction of the wave of undead.

Yang Qi also flapped his wings and flew to Medea's side.

Yang Qi opened his mouth and let out a dragon chant, and in an instant, ten thousand undead spirits were shattered by the shock.

"Yang Qi!" Medea turned her head, her face was extremely unkind, and the source of divine power appeared behind her, and the turbid sea set off white waves, hitting the crumbling lighthouse.

"I'm warning you for the last time, don't stop me! Otherwise I'll turn my back on you!" Medea's eyes flickered with purple light, and her long hair fluttered in the air.

"I don't want you to die. But if you insist on dying, it's up to you. I don't make sense." Yang Qi shrugged, "This is this thing, and it hasn't been dealt with yet."


"What else can it be?" Yang Qi opened his mouth and spit out Triton.

"Despicable lizard! And you, Medea! Prisoner's daughter, enemy of Olympus! God-King, it is a great kindness to spare your life, but you dare to despise the court of God! I am The son of Poseidon, the sea god, the most noble god in the ocean! My father and God King Zeus will definitely find you and tear you to pieces!"

As soon as Triton was spit out, he yelled and cursed crazily. His source of divine power was almost broken, and his whole body was controlled by Yang Qi's divine power, unable to break free.

"Shut up." Yang Qi said softly, then flicked his tail, touch!
Yang Qi's extremely sharp tail hit Triton's legs, and he screamed.

Yang Qi drew Triton to Medea's side. Medea raised her hand, and the purple brilliance in her hand turned into chains, binding Triton.

"Let's vent, calm down. Just hit him there." Yang Qi said.

"Where?..." Medea rolled her beautiful eyes, stared at Triton, and smiled unconsciously.

"..." Triton felt hairy all over.

Medea's divine power transformed into a sharp claw, staring at Triton coldly.

"Catch him there? Well, yes." Yang Qi commented.

Then Medea's divine power transformed into a sword.

"Cut it? It's too cruel."

Then Medea's divine power transformed into a hammer.

"Smash it? Tsk tsk."

"Haha!" Medea laughed, with tears in her eyes, she clenched the hammer tightly, and slammed it into Triton's crotch.

Triton screamed again, followed by endless curses.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Medea laughed wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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