Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 34 Withered Son, Dragon's Wrath

Chapter 34 Withered Son, Dragon's Wrath

Yang Qi looked up, and in the dark sky, countless dead spirits were flying like a galaxy.

It is a hundred times denser than before sleeping.

"You're awake." Medea's divine voice came. She crossed her arms and leaned on a gray-white reef, gazing at the dark and vast sea.

Yang Qi asked: "The undead run amok, have they not reached their peak yet?"

"Soon. So here they come."

"The king of the mourning bird." Medea raised her chin, signaling to the distance.

In the night sky, there was the singing of birds.

Then, among the thousands of undead, gray flocks of birds flew over.They landed on the ground and turned into a god.

His body shape is extremely strange, like a meat ball, covered with intensely colored feathers, with hundreds of wings growing, the wings are different in size, flapping non-stop.

"Shadow Bug King." Medea turned her eyes to the beach in the distance again, only to hear the rustling sound from there, as if countless insects were crawling.

The black sand beach suddenly exploded, revealing a deep cave.

In the cave, a huge shadow crawled out, a hundred meters long, with a thousand tentacled shadows, reflected on the ground.

"The Shadow Bug King. You can only see its shadow, not its body." Medea said softly.

In addition, there are a large number of strange creatures standing on the beach.

The arrival of the king of mourning birds and the king of shadow insects caused a commotion. The creatures did not dare to approach them, but they refused to leave. They just stared at the sea.

"And—he's coming."

The sky in the distance suddenly lit up with a gloomy color, and as it got closer, Yang Qi took a closer look, and it turned out to be a huge ark made up of withered flowers.

On the ark, stood a god. There were no eyeballs in his eye sockets, but two huge withered flowers, almost rotten.Rotten vines wrapped around her body, and a pair of dead leaf wings flapped gently behind her.

"Son of Wither." Medea said softly, "He is the divine son of the Lord of the Wither Garden."

Yang Qi's heart moved: "Your sister Circe is the master of Pale Garden. Like her?"

"Yes. There are four gardens in the underworld, bright red, pale, withered, and mental. They belong directly to the underworld."

The Withered Son jumped off the ark and flew straight towards Medea.

Brush—Suddenly, a rotten flower branch appeared in the hand of the Withered Son, exuding a rotten smell, as if it had just been dug out of the cemetery.

He held the flower branch in his hand, and the gleaming spire was above Medea's throat, and a trace of blood flowed from Medea's white neck.

Medea still folded her arms, leaning on the rock, motionless, and said with a smile, "Long time no see, Son of Wither."

A huge ray of light emerged from the source of divine power behind her, and the pouring purple lighthouse roared and trembled, as if it was about to rise from the ground.

"I heard that your venerable father of God failed to complete the task given by the great Queen of the Underworld, and was turned into a wild dog and became food for the three-headed dogs of the underworld." Medea provoked a contemptuous smile on her face.

"Om..." In the source of Medea's divine power, the purple lighthouse shook violently. Suddenly, a giant covered in dark green moss emerged from the sea. He pulled up the huge lighthouse and pointed towards the Scarlet Son. swing down!

bump! ! !
Dozens of flower seeds suddenly appeared around the Scarlet Son, and they bloomed in an instant, turning into a wall of decaying flowers, resisting the giant's attack.

The rotten flower shattered, and a deep color burst into the air. Withered Son retreated hundreds of meters, his face livid and glaring.

Medea smiled and said, "I heard that you are now the master of the withered garden."

"I hope you will not disappoint the Empress Dowager's trust and follow in the footsteps of your father."

"Your eloquent teeth will only cause you more pain in the end." Withered Son said grimly, "When the undead ran amok last time, I chopped off your limbs and threw you into the sea of ​​undead, where you were bitten by thousands of souls .You are not dead!"

"Yes. If you catch me this time, don't let me go lightly." Medea's eyes covered by her hair revealed a cold and gloomy light.

"Find a lizard this time to be your helper?" Withered Son's eyes flashed, and he swept towards Yang Qi without hesitation, and then showed a complex expression.

"Beasts in the wilderness can actually activate the source of divine power."

"Stupid beasts are beasts anyway. Not even demigods!"

"It serves as your help? Your eyes are really like your mother," said the withered son with a smile, "I shed all the blood for Zeus, and then I was abandoned by Zeus, hahaha!"

Medea trembled all over, her eyes turned red instantly, and the turbid sea in the source of divine power gushed out the sound of rolling waves, as if it was about to explode!

Her divine body trembled, and she said through gritted teeth: "Son of withering. When the sea of ​​dead spirits boils, ghosts sing songs of despair, and the bright red sword rises, it will be your time of death!"

"See you then." Withered Son grinned, boarded his withered flower treasure ship, and flew into the sea of ​​dead spirits.

The figure of the withered son disappeared from the field of vision.

Medea turned her head sideways, she took a deep breath, lowered her body, and stroked Yang Qi's scales, without speaking, the divine voice came into Yang Qi's mind.

"Dalong, do you still remember, I said I would bring you to the Sea of ​​Dead Souls, and I have a gift for you."

Suddenly her divine body trembled, "Dalong, the flames around you are so hot, much scarier than before, what's going on?"

She raised her eyes, only to see Yang Qi staring at the withered son who was going away, and there was a murderous intent in the dragon's eyes.

Yang Qi only felt that his chest was burning like fire.

At some point, Yang Qi felt that his temper became more and more irritable.

When hungry and sleepy, I don't think about anything other than eating and sleeping, and I have no interest in anything.

And when he is full of energy, any little thing can make Yang Qi's heart burn, and the strong desire to destroy and kill rushes straight from his heart to his brain.

Yang Qi only felt countless black lines in front of his eyes, dancing wildly, and the sounds of thunder brewing, flames burning, cold waves whistling, and darkness invading sounded in his ears.

The whole world is crumbling, and it seems that only killing can calm this madness.

"What's wrong with me?!"

Yang Qi thought with the little clarity left in his heart: "Why am I so angry?"

"Is it because the Son of Wither humiliated me with his words?"

"I should be angry, but why so angry?"


Suddenly, Yang Qi roared out a dragon chant automatically, his wings tightened, and the green, black and crimson vortexes in the source of divine power spun wildly. This was a sign before the battle!

"Could it be... the human nature in me is gradually disappearing, and the dragon nature has the upper hand, and even wants to completely dominate me?"

Yang Qi shook the faucet, and memories of the past emerged in his mind. On the distant blue star, his home, blurred faces, like mothers, like strangers, can't tell them apart.

Dragons are bloodthirsty, cruel, cruel, the most aggressive and vengeful.

Loves sparkling gold gems and is extremely stingy.

Insatiable for food, sleep can last for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Calm down, calm down!"

The last trace of clarity in his heart seemed to turn into a phantom, shouting in his mind, he still wanted to maintain his human nature.

"Dalong...what's the matter with you?" At this moment, Medea's divine voice came, interrupting Yang Qi's thoughts.

"It's okay." Yang Qi forcibly suppressed the killing intent surging in his heart, and the dragon's teeth rattled.

"Well. The gift I mentioned for you is him!" Medea pointed to the direction where the Withered Son left.

"Son of Wither, is the same kind as you!"

"His body is also burning with blue-black flames!"

(End of this chapter)

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