Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 62 Withered Garden, New Master

Chapter 62 The Tributary of the River Styx, Soul Fragments

In the dark and rotten garden, stands a girl in a green skirt.

She gritted her silver teeth tightly, caressing her forehead, staggering, and a thick green mist emitted from her whole body.

Yang Qi only felt that the whole world was splashed with thick plasma, and what he saw before his eyes was a piece of blood red, and the red turned black.

Everything around me was shaking violently, and the sky was falling apart.

It was as if a spell from the ancient god of the abyss exploded in his ears.


The girl opened her mouth, and a thick green mist spewed out of her mouth. Her round eyes turned blood red, and her fierce killing intent turned into a black butterfly, which flew out of her pupils and fluttered around her.

"Hahahaha... I can't take it anymore... Hahahaha..."

"Is this the feeling that the dragon clan wants to kill but can't... Hahahaha..."

The girl swayed, her throat twitched, and she spat out a gem, which landed on her hand.It was the [Flowing Feather Wind Bead].

The orb emitted billowing divine power and turned into two streams of white smoke, which were directly inhaled by the girl.


Yang Qi used the divine power in the orb to inject it into his dragon eyes, dragon ears and dragon nose to enhance his senses.

In an instant, her eyes were as bright as lightning, her nose twitched, and the tips of her ears cocked up.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Where is the blood?...Hahahaha...where are the bones and rotten flesh?...Hahahaha..."

The girl was almost unable to stand still, she looked into the distance.

"There is no... no... no... here..."

Suddenly, the girl sniffed desperately, and she turned her head and looked into the distance!

There was light in her eyes, and an extremely happy smile appeared on her face, and then the smile turned into ecstasy, and then became a little scary, the girl's mouth was split open, a blood-red tongue stuck out, and her eyes rolled upwards into white eyes!

"Haha...the smell of blood!"

"Found it! Hahahaha!!"


"Haha...ha...ha..." The girl laughed wildly as if she was out of breath.

"Huh...huh...huh..." She panted wildly and lowered her head.

After a while, she raised her head, and the exaggerated and terrifying smile had disappeared.

The face returned to calm, as calm as an iceberg that has not moved for thousands of years.

She opened her mouth and bit her silver teeth on the back of her hand, tearing open a wound.

Blood came out, and she wiped it on her face, then on her clothes.

Then she stuck out her finger and tapped the ground.

The dirty and muddy soil flew up and turned into countless streaks, smearing the girl's face, clothes and hair.

In an instant, the girl's pale face was covered with mud and bloodstains, her hair was disheveled, and her clothes were torn.

She took a step forward, her jade feet digging into the soil.

This step was taken very steadily, as if a precise calculation had been carried out.When her foot hit the ground, her center of gravity had been accurately shifted to the arch of the foot for this step, and all parts of her body followed in perfect coordination, without any unnecessary shaking.

Power and speed are perfect.This perfection stems from her absolute control over the divine body and her clear judgment of the surrounding environment.

Under the long seaweed-colored hair, those bright eyes are paying attention to every subtle change in the surroundings - light and shadow, air currents, and are ready to respond at any time.

In the poise and composure, it seems that there is a giant dragon lurking.

She shook her head, and then took the second step.

The pace of this step is messy, the soles of the feet are not completely touching the ground, and the center of gravity is unstable.

Even her body tilted up, almost falling down.

At first glance, it is powerless.

She nodded.

boom! ! !
A [-]-meter-high blue-black flame erupted from the girl's body, rising from the ground and flying into the distance.


The girl extinguished the flames all over her body from a distance, covering her divine power to the limit.

"It turned out to be here."

She stared coldly at her feet, which was a tributary of the River Styx.

In the underworld of Olympus, there are five Rivers of Styx.

One is the Achelus, the "river of sorrow".The soul can enter the underworld by crossing this river.Charon the Ferryman would be here, ferrying souls across the river.

The second is the Wilderness River, the "River of Weeping".The soul will have the illusion of crying when passing through this river.

The third is the Styx River, the holiest river in the underworld.An oath that the gods of Olympus swore to keep.Styx, the goddess of the river Styx, lived by the river.

The fourth is the Phalestes River, "the burning river".The soul will feel the burning pain in this river.

The fifth is the Leth River, the "River of Forgotten".Souls who drink the water of this river will forget their previous memories.

The five rivers of Styx also represent the different emotional experiences that people experience after death: first mourning, then crying, feeling the pain in the heart, and finally, forgetting.

Here is a tributary of the fourth Styx, the Phalestes, also known as the Burning River.

"No wonder there is a bloody smell here..." The girl narrowed her eyes.

This river of Styx burns the souls of all living beings.

And the soul has a very small probability of condensing into a soul spar when it is burned.It contains powerful divine power.

Naturally, those are all sacred objects exclusive to Hades, the king of the underworld.

But there is a very small probability that these soul crystals floating on the bottom of the river will swim out along the tributaries and become ownerless.

There are a large number of creatures who will wash the river sand in this tributary of the Styx River, looking for the spar fragments in it.

"..." The girl's eyes shone with brilliance, sweeping across the entire tributary in an instant.

There are almost no soul crystals in this tributary, only a very small amount of fragments.

"If there is interest, there will be disputes. No wonder there is blood here."

"These fragments of soul spar are worthless to me. But to these creatures, they can be called supreme treasures..."

On the ground, there are many living beings scattered sparsely. At a glance, there are ghost birds, wild beasts, ghosts, and many dead shadow fangs.

The Death Shadow Tusks are monsters with black mist in their eyes and a lion's body.

The girl's dragon eyes scanned the tributaries of the Styx again, and picked out the largest fragment of the soul spar. She hooked her fingers, and the fragment flew out of the thick river mud and fell into her hand.

Looking down, the fragments were about the thickness of a little finger, emitting a faint light.

"Hahahaha!" The girl stared at the gem, "With this gem, are you afraid that you won't be able to arouse their greed?!"

"As long as I pretend to have just washed it out, I don't know if those creatures will have an evil heart and come forward to snatch it?!"


Yang Qi laughed wildly in her heart. She suppressed the divine power in her body to the limit, tightly holding the soul spar fragment in her hand, and landed where no one was paying attention.

"There is no law here, violence is paramount, in the barren land of the underworld abandoned by the gods,"

"Suddenly a girl passed by,"

"She is weak and helpless, pitiful and deceitful,"

"Just seeing her, those brutal creatures would like to swallow her flesh and crush her bones,"

"What's more, she has a very precious soul spar!"

"What will happen? Hahaha!"

Yang Qi stared at the creatures in the distance.

Dark bird. ——When the soul left the world and trekked to the underworld, they kept emitting screams, making the soul lose its way.

wild animals. ——Living in the wilderness between the gate of the underworld and the river of the underworld, they stare viciously at the moving souls, and when they encounter lost souls, they devour them.

Psychic. ——A variant of many elves in the Olympus God Realm, one of the most evil elves.

Death Fangs. ——Creatures known for their brutality, ruthlessness, and greed.


"What will happen?!"

"It's really troublesome to follow the rules! But it's so cool to kill!!!"

Yang Qi laughed wildly in his heart, he seemed to feel the refreshing touch of flesh and blood sliding over the tip of his teeth!

(End of this chapter)

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