Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 7 Thunder as a sword, killing the old king

Chapter 7 Thunder as a sword, killing the old king
In terms of seniority, the earth mother Gaia is the mother of Cronus and the grandmother of Zeus.

The earth mother Gaia's deep divine voice sounded again, and all the land in the world was sounding, because Gaia's body is the earth itself.

"Zeus, I have seen your fate clearly, the curse of the Titans is still boiling in your blood. Maybe after tens of thousands of years, your son will overthrow your divine court and kingship again."

"Until then, enjoy your time as the God King."

"This is a gift for you."

Earth Mother Gaia stretched out her palm, and her palm covered the entire sky of Olympus, as if the earth had grown in the sky.

A golden apple tree grew out of her palm, exuding fiery golden light, falling on the summit of Olympus.

The tree was full of golden apples.

Yang Qi stared at the golden fruit tree: "Golden apple tree... one of the top treasures in Olympus mythology, it turned out to be a gift from Earth Mother Gaia to Zeus."

"I remember that according to historical records, thousands of years later, it was because of a golden apple that the queen Hera, the goddess of beauty Aphrodite and Athena Bimei were drawn out, and then Helen, the most beautiful woman in mankind, was brought out. The Trojan War in the Lympus God Realm also started from this.”

"As for you, my son Cronus," Gaia spoke again.

"Your time is over."

"Bearing the curse of the Titan is your unavoidable fate."

"Accept your fate. You shall perish."

"Haha...haha...hahahahahahahahaha..." Kronos laughed wildly, he looked at the earth mother Gaia in the air, and then at Zeus and the Olympian gods beside him, hoarse His divine voice neighed like a hundred thousand beasts: "My mother, wasn't it you who melted half the world's vein gems and forged the dark scythe for me?!"

"Aren't you the one who encouraged me to kill my father Uranus?!"

"When I waved my sickle, cut down the tree of life, and killed my father, didn't you just watch it?!"

"Isn't the curse of the Titans caused by you?"

"You're accusing me now?! Hahahahahahaha!"

"Enough." Earth Mother Gaia's voice was calm, and her fingers pressed down from the sky.


Fingers like a mountain fell from the sky, Gaia pressed Cronus to the ground, Cronus was still laughing wildly, his dark blood flew around and turned into a thick rain of blood, countless gargoyles screamed together , more and more crazy.

"Hahahahaha, kill me, my son, my mother, kill me together, and realize your pathetic and pitiful curse... The Titan curse will accompany the Olympus Protoss forever, forever !"

"Father, it's time for you to fall." Yang Qi saw that Zeus stepped forward, and he raised his right hand. In an instant, thousands of dark clouds flowed above the sky and gathered above Zeus.

"Okay, come on! Kill your father! Start your dynasty!" Kronos roared, "Let my blood be the first sacrifice of your dynasty!"

"As you wish." Zeus replied. In an instant, thousands of dark clouds resonated together, and thousands of thunderbolts erupted. The entire God Realm shone with golden light. The thunder merged into Zeus's hands, forming a golden fist. sword.

The golden thunder sword exuded an extremely terrifying and ominous aura. It trembled, and in an instant, the fierce killing intent turned into black mourning birds, flying away in all directions.Tens of thousands of mourning birds hover over the top of Olympus, singing mournfully.

"Stab it, aim at your father's heart, stab it!" Kronos hit his chest.

Zeus took the sword in both hands and stabbed Cronus hard in the chest.

"Ah!!!!" Kronos screamed, and the gargoyles flying in the sky suddenly closed their blood-red eyes, falling like a rainstorm.

The moment Zeus stabbed Cronus with his sword, the dark clouds in the sky shone again, and the sky and the earth flickered tens of thousands of times in an instant, and countless thunderbolts blasted towards the earth.

"Oh!" Gaia howled in pain, the earth roared, and a huge gap opened.

Gaia's body is the earth, and the crack is equivalent to her wound.

Endless breath of chaos and flames spewed out from the gap, like hell descending.

"Die." Zeus expressionless, he pulled the sword out of Cronus' chest, and then chopped off Cronus' head.

He kicked the corpse of Cronus into the gap of the bottomless abyss with his feet.

"Hahahahahaha, good!" Kronos was still laughing wildly with only his head left, "Is this what it feels like to kill a father? Is this what it feels like to kill a king?"

Zeus grabbed Cronus' head with his hands, squinted his eyes and said, "Be quiet, father. You know where this gap in the abyss leads to."

Zeus went on to say: "It leads to the body of the abyss, the super ancient god Tartarus, but you will never get there."

"Hahahahaha! So that's the case, is that my God's Fallen Land?! My father ascended to the sky, and I fell into the endless underground, what an irony! Zeus, I don't know where your God's Fallen Land will be ?”

"Father, I tell you, your journey will have no end." Zeus said softly, "This bottomless seam will continue to grow and grow, and you will fall there forever and endlessly until the end of the world." end."

"Excellent! Zeus, did you split the passage between the abyss Tartarus and Olympus just to bury your father?! Excellent, what a magnificent feat!"

"Mnemosyne, goddess of memory and history, has surrendered to me. No one will remember you."

"Hahahaha, good! My good son, if I was half as ruthless as you back then, you would never have been born in this world! I shouldn't have swallowed you, but killed your mother!"

When Yang Qi heard this, his heart moved slightly.

Sure enough.In the myth of memory, Cronus also knew the horror of the Titan's curse, so whenever his wife Rhea gave birth to a son of god, Cronus swallowed it in his stomach.

Cronus devoured five sons in a row, Zeus was the sixth.

Rhea couldn't bear it any longer, so she gave Zeus a stone and sent him to the remote island of Poseidon to be raised, so she escaped the catastrophe.

"My son, you have to remember that as a king, you must never be moved with compassion! I should have killed you, your brothers and sisters, and your mother together, so that I will never worry about the future, haha Haha!" Kronos screamed, like crazy.

Zeus didn't finish listening to Cronus's words, grabbed his head and threw it into the crack of the abyss.

Boom—the ground roared, and the cracks in the abyss were gradually closing.

"Falling down for nine days and nine suns, I will see the abyss of Tartarus, but the bottomless pit continues to grow, and I will fall forever!"

"Excellent! My son, you have prepared such a good home for me!"

"Hahahaha, eternity is just the beginning, eternity is just the beginning!!!"

The howling sound of Kronos suddenly disappeared, and the cracks on the ground have been closed.

Earth Mother Gaia left here at some point, the hall is still burning, and the blood of God is all over the hall.

The Second Titan War is over.

But the end of a war often means the beginning of a new war.

That is the highest divine power in Olympus, in whose hands will it fall.

Yang Qi continued to stare at the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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