Greek Mythology: Evolution from monitor lizards

Chapter 91 Sweeping all living beings, the heart of the Empress Dowager

Chapter 91 Sweeping Thousands of Creatures, The Empress Dowager's Heart
The earth rustled, and the strong fragrance shot straight into the sky. In an instant, with the transparent giant dragon as the center, bright red roses bloomed within ten thousand miles!

Yang Qi opened his mouth and spewed out a green beam of light. When he shook his head, the bright beam of light drew a circle on the ground, sweeping across thousands of creatures.

boom! ! !
The flesh and blood of the creatures swept by the verdant beam of light began to grow crazily, swell, and then explode!

Countless screams, thousands of blood mist erupted on the dark land!
Then the group of broken flesh and bones burned fiercely and turned into ashes!
"That dragon!!" Thanatos' pale and sickly face suddenly moved, "This is the giant dragon that was with Medea!"

"He has changed!" Thanatos stared at the dragon's scales like clear flowing water, with seven thousand glare lights emitting from his body, "Before, he was still an emerald green dragon scale!"

"His divine power...has become so profound!!"

"The giant dragon that opened the double body with the body of a demigod!"

In the divine court, all the gods were watching Yang Qi. They still remembered the two World Trees that rose up in the night sky decades ago!

Now, his strength cannot be compared in the same breath, even much stronger than then!
"His second source of divine power...?" Thanatos frowned, "Broken?"

Yang Qi once used the second source of divine power to cut off the thread of fate entangled with Zeus, and cut off the past, so the gods could only perceive that Yang Qi's second source of divine power disappeared, but they couldn't guess what happened. come out!
"The second source of divine power will slowly recover over time!"

"If his second source of divine power is restored, how far will his strength increase?!"

Thanatos estimated the strength of himself and the dragon in his heart!

But Yang Qi was not focused on the battle at all, he finished spitting out the green light wave, and looked down at the blooming ten thousand li rose.

"After evolution, roses will emerge every time it spits out a wave of green light."

"Could it be a different flower. Can I control this?"

Yang Qi slightly mobilized the divine power of life in his body, and the roses of thousands of miles withered and fell to the ground.

Then the fragrance burst out, the earth rustled, and in the dark soil, thousands of miles of crimson roses were born.

"This is not bad."

The sea of ​​crimson roses surrounded the entire Pluto Temple.

Thousands of creatures were swept away by the green tide of light that Yang Qi spoke of.

He shook the dragon wings and flew towards the Temple of Hades.

Step into it.

He looked around, and the dark hall was instantly illuminated by the light radiating from his body.

The gods of the underworld looked at him.

Styx smiled at him.

Biya waved happily, "A mighty dragon!" She wanted to rush over, but Naiji held her tightly and covered her mouth to prevent her from moving.

There was no expression on Thanatos's pale, sickly face.

But Hypnos opened his eyes and took a look.

Then he closed his eyes, and the sage and poppies by the bed swirled.

Yang Qi thought in his heart: "Show friendship."

Gods such as the third judge of the underworld, the boatman Charon, etc. cast curious eyes and whispered in their mouths.

Especially Zagreos, the son of the underworld, looked at Yang Qi with passion in his eyes!
Yang Qi looked at the king and queen in the dark.

He lowered his neck slightly.

"I have seen the great Hades and Queens."

"Restless Wings, this is our first meeting." Persephone's divine voice sounded, "I have to admit, you have left a deep impression on me."

Yang Qi raised his head, opened his mouth, and spat out two heads.

"The heads of the lords of the Bright Red Garden and the Heart Image Garden." Yang Qi said slowly: "They attacked me on the way I came. I ate them."

The four gardens of the underworld, pale, decayed, bright red, and mental images!
"They are the servants of the Queen of the Underworld. Since I killed the servant of the Queen of the Underworld, I hereby explain it to you."

Yang Qi is confident that Persephone will not get angry about it.

It was Yang Qi who took the initiative to attack.

Moreover, they also want to participate in the underworld competition, which will be fought sooner or later, and only the strong can survive.

But speaking of it, this can be regarded as the benefit of being a member of the Olympus Court.

When they died, Shenting would somehow intervene and give Pluto Queen Pluto an explanation.

Even if it's just their servants.

If it is just a creature wandering in the wilderness, it will die when it dies, and no one will care.

Persephone smiled.

"I know they are the first to attack. If they are weak, they are not qualified to be the lords of my garden."

"In this case, from now on, you will be the lord of the four gardens of the underworld, commanding the pale, withered, bright red and mind-like flowers."

Yang Qi nodded slightly, thinking in his heart: "Sure enough!"

"I will not disappoint the great Hades and Queens."

Then Persephone turned her head, and she looked at Styx and Thanatos.

"Dear Goddess of Styx, mighty god of death, please specify the name of the god to fight."

"And then the second round of competition begins."

Styx bowed lightly: "Nijki."

Naiji was holding Biya at the moment, warning her not to move, and she was stunned when she heard this.

She thought to herself: "Me? Why don't you let my brother go...or sister Biya...?"

Naiji was quite puzzled, not knowing what her Godmother was thinking.

If she really wanted to compete for this precious opportunity to confer, she should let her elder brother, the strongest of the four sons of gods, the god of strength, Krotos, to fight.

If you just want to exercise, then Biya, and the youngest brother, Zelos, the god of enthusiasm and competitiveness, need it more than themselves.

It is possible for the mother to think this way - because Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, will inevitably send her favorite son, Zagreos, the Son of the Underworld, to fight!
Competing with the children of the underworld for this precious resource is likely to make the queen of the underworld unhappy.

This seems to be a test, testing whether the mother of God and the God of Death will challenge the authority of the Queen of Hades!
"Did mother make a compromise choice..."

Nai Ji gritted her teeth, she lowered her head: "Yes."

"Dear Grim Reaper, please specify your name."

Thanatos' pale, sickly face turned, and he glanced at his brother, Hypnos the Sleeper.

Hypnos embraced three bright balls of light, which were his three sons of the gods.He shook his head slightly.

Thanatos said to the Queen of the Underworld: "Respected and great Queen of the Underworld, I appoint your son, Zagreos, the Son of the Underworld, to fight."

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the court!

Naki thought to herself, "What is Thanatos doing?"

"For such a precious opportunity, he didn't leave his brother's god son, or other gods who are good friends, but... the god son appointed by the queen of the underworld?"

"Is he trying to curry favor with the Empress Dowager?"

Persephone remained calm, she turned her head and looked at Zagreos: "Since the honorable Lord Reaper has appointed you, then you come to fight."

"Yes!" Zagreos replied with excitement on his face.

"As for the final quota, I designate—" The Empress of Hades glanced around the temple.

"The guardian of the underworld, the three-headed dog of hell—Kerberos."


On the far side of the underworld, suddenly there was a loud bark!

The earth began to tremble, as if some huge monster was approaching, a breath of fire and brimstone rose from the cracked abyss!

Three black shadows appeared from the distant horizon, and in the darkness, three pairs of scarlet eyes shone with bloody light.

The three-headed dog of hell!
Its huge body has three ferocious heads, and sticky saliva drips from its mouth full of fangs. There is a low growl between the fangs, like a neighing from the deepest part of hell!
It spread its huge wings, bursting out with divine power, and the breath of death and destruction enveloped the Temple of Hades, descending from the sky!

Cerberus, the three-headed dog, whose name means "the devil in the dark"!
"Hell three-headed dog..." Yang Qi watched and felt its divine power.

"He is strong!"

"In the records of later generations, even Hermes, one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, could not defeat it."

"I had to use a trick to put him into a deep sleep, so that I was able to take a dead spirit out of the underworld."

The hell three-headed dog guards the gate of the underworld. He only allows the souls of the dead to enter the underworld, and does not allow the souls of the dead to leave the underworld, nor does he allow any living creatures to enter or exit.

"Thanatos actually appointed Zagreos to fight, while the queen of the underworld appointed the three-headed dog to fight..."

"Am I going to fight with all my might?"

Yang Qi thought in his heart, naturally, he also understands that fighting with all his strength to compete with Zagreos for this precious imperial title may offend the Empress Dowager!
In that case, this competition in the underworld is actually just an awards ceremony prepared for Zagreos himself, and he is just an actor.

At this moment, Persephone's voice sounded.

She gave Thanatos a meaningful look, then turned around and looked at Yang Qi.

"The last place is for the winner of the previous round of competition, the lord of the four gardens, the mighty dragon—the Restless Wings."

The queen of the underworld looked deeply: "I understand your intentions."

"I'm not partial to Zagreos."

"I hope that all the gods can use their full strength to compete for this great glory."

"Because, the banquet of the gods is about to begin."

Dinner of the gods!
In the Underworld, the gazes of all the gods immediately turned to the Underworld Empress!
All the gods know that the relationship between the three brothers Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon is becoming more and more tense, and the confrontation between Mount Olympus, the ocean, and the underworld is becoming more and more intense!
And every time the banquet of the gods held at the top of Olympus is to discuss major issues in the god world in name, but in fact, it is a test of the strength of the three realms, and it is a redistribution of interests and power!

To put it simply - in the last dinner of the gods, Mount Olympus controlled by Zeus overwhelmed the underworld, and Zeus gained new powers: he could designate the souls of the dead, making the underworld unacceptable!

In the last banquet of the gods, it was also Zeus, who overwhelmed Hades and conferred Styx as the god of the river Styx!
The priesthood of Styx, the god of the Styx, was not granted by Hades, but by Zeus.

She is a nail that Zeus inserted into the underworld!
Of course, Styx was usually quite careful, and did not dare to provoke Hades and Queen Hades.

In an instant, the gods understood the intention of the queen of the underworld—the dinner of the gods is coming, and the queen of the underworld wants to expand the strength of the underworld!
Therefore, this competition is a competition of real swords and guns, whoever is stronger will win the imperial seal!

After conferring the priesthood, those without authority will gain authority, and those who gain authority will become stronger-this is a very rare opportunity to become stronger!

"I understand, dear queen! I will fight for this honor with my own sword, spear, bow and shield, not with your help!" Zagreos' eyes were burning and sparkling!
"I see!" In an instant, Naiji understood Styx's intentions!

"Mother of God, give me a chance to perform!"

"She doesn't really expect me to win this competition, but she hopes that I can make a good impression on the Queen of Hades!"

"When the banquet of the gods comes, Pluto and Pluto will select some gods and go to Mount Olympus to participate together!"

"The Mother of God hopes that I will leave a good impression on the Empress of the Underworld, be selected, go to Mount Olympus, and then look for opportunities to stay on Mount Olympus—she understands my intentions!"

Nai Ji has always felt that something big will happen in the underworld, and she wants to escape from here!

It turned out that mother had already seen through her mind!
"Thank you... Mother, I will."

In an instant, Naiji's eyes darkened, and the petals that swirled around her condensed into solid objects, falling to the ground, and her divine power suddenly exploded!

"Woof!!!" The hell three-headed dog roared angrily!
"So the reason why the queen of the underworld chose the hell three-headed dog is because it is very strong, can it test the true strength of the gods..."

Yang Qi sneered in his heart, "Since the Empress Dowager has already spoken, then I will take this precious opportunity to seal it!"

Swipe—Suddenly, divine power erupted in Hades Temple, condensed into countless bright underworld gems, and fell to the ground like a hill!
There are five hundred gems of the underworld that contain rich divine power!
Persephone said: "In order to motivate the gods to fight, I will take out these five hundred gems and reward the final victor."

When the gods saw the gems piled up in the hall, they couldn't help but shine their eyes!
The gemstones produced in the mine veins of the underworld and the soul-burning gemstones in the Styx River are basically exclusive to Hades. The gods have worked so hard to get some occasionally!
Now, five hundred pieces at once!

Seeing the turbulent divine power erupting in it, even Thanatos, who has always been calm, trembled in his heart!
"Yes!!!" Zagreos, Naiji, and Yang Qi stared at the pile of gems and answered together!
"I will definitely win this competition!!" Yang Qilong's blood was boiling, "Definitely!!!"

Persephone waved her finger, and four silver plates flew over, covered with silver covers.

"In the silver plate, there are two mint leaves and two bay leaves."

"The gods who have drawn the same blade will fight each other until one party admits defeat, or I and Hades stop the fight."

"Zaglios, Endless Wings, Naiji—" The Empress Dowager's beautiful eyes swept over.

"Draw your opponent."

Zagreos was the first to move forward, and he lifted a silver cover, which contained a mint leaf!
Yang Qi was the second to step forward, and he lifted the silver cover, which contained a laurel leaf!
"Bay leaf!" Yang Qi's heart moved, "I don't need to fight Zagreos in the first round."

"Next, who will draw the bay leaf and fight me?"

Naiji stepped forward the third time, she lifted the silver cover, and there was a mint leaf in it!
"Then, there is no need to open the fourth silver plate."

Persephone clapped her hands.

"In the first round of battle, the daughter of Styx, the goddess of the river Styx, and Naiji, the goddess of victory, will face off against Hades and my son of God, Zagreos, the son of the underworld!"

"The second round of battle, the mighty dragon, Wings of Rest, against the hell three-headed dog, Kerberos!"

"Battle begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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