I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 141 Anna is Seriously Injured!

Chapter 141 Anna is Seriously Injured!

Yi Hua's original hair color was eroded by the power of death, and it tended to be silver gray.

Nowadays, with the frequent use of the half-necromancer witch body, it has gradually turned gray and white.

The longer the time, the greater the change. Now the whitening of the hair is only a phenomenon caused by the erosion of the power of death.

"I'm afraid that with the increase in the use time of the half-dead witch body and the increase in the fusion of undead, there will be more inhuman changes in the body..."

For this, Yi Hua had already been mentally prepared and didn't pay too much attention to it.

"According to the time, the 160-[-] competition should have just ended. I wonder if Anna has won. It just so happens that another batch of second-class light therapy scrolls has been produced. Let's find her first and drop them."

Yi Hua put the scrolls made these days into a sack, picked them up and walked towards the cafe where Anna usually stayed.

When he came to the cafe, Yihua didn't see Anna.

Seeing a few first-class apprentices discussing the competition sitting around, Yi Hua hurried forward and asked Anna about the result of the competition.

The few apprentices whose chat was interrupted looked a bit unhappy, but when they saw the second-class red iron badge on Yihua's chest, they replied honestly:
"Anna, I watched her match, she, she lost..."

"Not only that, but he was seriously injured and unconscious by his opponent. It is said that his life is not out of danger yet."

Hearing the answers from several young apprentices, Yi Hua's face darkened.

"Who is her opponent?"

"It's the vice president of the Freemasonry—'Blood Hand' Nock."


Following the information obtained from several apprentices, Yi Hua came to Anna's residence.

This is a building similar to the sea view villa where Yihua lives. You can see through the fence that the grass inside is full of colorful exotic flowers and plants.

Several gardeners among them were watering and fertilizing the flowers, and everything seemed to be as usual.

But Yi Hua still keenly felt the dignified look from the two official knight-level servants standing at the entrance of the villa.

Yi Hua stepped forward, and out of respect for Anna, he was about to let the two knights enter to announce his visit.

Unexpectedly, the two knights seemed to have been specially instructed by Anna. They took a careful look at Yihua, and then said respectfully:
"You are Sir Fercis, right? The master has informed you that you can enter directly."

After finishing speaking, the two knights withdrew their long swords from the gate of the villa, opened the gate, and saluted Yihua respectfully.

Seeing the actions of the two knights, Yi Hua nodded and walked directly into the villa without saying anything.


The sound of the doorknob being unscrewed startled the people in the house.

"someone is coming?"

A familiar but sluggish voice of inquiry sounded, followed by an unfamiliar voice of persuasion.

"Anna, don't move, you are not completely out of danger yet, you still need to rest!"

Hearing the sound, Yi Hua walked towards the bedroom decisively.

Although in Yihua's perception, Anna had a lot of savings, but in the furnishings of the villa, he did not see any overly expensive items, which seemed a bit simple.

"Perhaps, Anna spent the witch crystals she earned elsewhere?"

At the moment when this thought flashed in Yi Hua's mind, several color photos in the corner, which were made through photo-taking witchcraft, came into Yi Hua's eyes.

Most of these photos are pictures of Anna sitting or standing with different people in different scenes.

"Thanks to the fifth-class mentor 'messenger' Rudolph disciple Anna Princeton, for funding Lava Hawke, Dean Snake... Gwen Lawrence and other 54 first-class apprentices."

"Thank you for the donation of [-] gold coins from Lord Wizard Anna - the Green Oak Welfare Institute in Blackwater City."

"Thank you Anna..."

Realizing the origin of these photos, combined with Anna's rather simple residence, Yihua understood the whereabouts of Wu Jing in Anna's hand.

He also understands why Anna, from his perspective, has a karmic aura that is still higher than himself and represents kindness.

In fact, most wizards are rational beings, and there are very few wizard apprentices like Anna who selflessly help others.

Especially in this academy of dark wizards who advocates the law of the jungle.

Not to mention apprentices with higher karma levels, even apprentices with positive karma levels, who have done more good deeds than sins they have been contaminated with, are relatively rare.

The light in Yi Hua's eyes flickered, and he walked straight to where the bedroom was without staying too long.

The door of the bedroom was open, and Yi Hua could make soft footsteps and walk slowly to the door.

What caught my eye was Anna who was covered in bandages and lying on the bed, only showing a pair of slightly tired eyes.

Sniffing the pungent potion smell around her, Yi Hua noticed that next to Anna, there was a tall, second-class young female apprentice wearing a sky blue robe and piercing eyes.

"Yihua? Why are you here?"

Seeing Yi Hua walk into the house, Anna's hoarse and joyful voice sounded.

Seeing Yi Hua's arrival, the cold-eyed female apprentice frowned and looked at Anna.

"Yihua, this is my fellow senior sister, Sophia who came to heal me."

"Senior sister, this is my friend and partner Yi Hua."

Hearing Anna's introduction, Sophia nodded to Yi Hua out of politeness, and Yi Hua also responded.

Without paying attention to these details, Yi Hua cut to the chase:

"What's going on specifically, that guy with the bloody hand hurt you?"

"That's right, but he seems to be a little jealous of my mentor Rudolph. Although I was seriously injured and unconscious, I managed to save my life."

"As for other players with no background, they don't have the same luck as me..."

Yihua learned from Anna that after only a few rounds of competition, Bloody Hand had already defeated several first- and second-class apprentices in a nearly crushing situation.

As his opponent's apprentices, most of them didn't even have a chance to admit defeat, and they were crushed by his punch and their necks were crushed.

This also spread the notoriety of the bloody hand, and some apprentices were even assigned to fight against the bloody hand, knowing that they were not the opponent of the bloody hand, they directly abstained from the competition.

In this competition, in the hearts of other apprentices, Bloody Hand has already reserved a place in the top ten, and is even the favorite to win the championship besides Rey and Melkor.

"I don't know if Bloody Hand knows about the relationship between Anna and me..."

Yihua's heart turned cold, and he wanted to kill the bloody hand.

Anna is not only Yihua's friend, but also his important partner. If the bloody hands really knew about this relationship, maybe there would be no chance for Anna to survive.

In short, whether it was intentional or unintentional, the behavior of the bloody hand caused Yihua to temporarily be unable to pass through Anna, and processed a large number of phototherapy scrolls without attracting attention.

"Since Bloody Hand is considered to be a strong student who can squeeze into the top ten, sooner or later he will meet me who is recommended to the top ten."

"Even if I go directly to the Freemason's resident and want to deal with the bloody hand among the massive apprentices, I have to expose all my cards. This is unreasonable... There are still more than ten days before the top ten is decided, so I just take advantage of this time , promoted to third-class apprentice!"

(End of this chapter)

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