I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 143 Encountering the 4th Class Undead!

Chapter 143 Encountering the fourth-class undead!

Yihua is heading towards the depths of the dead world. This new undead area is likely to be higher than the silent wheat field full of third-class undead.

I am afraid that the undead in it have at least reached the fourth level.

The vision of the fourth-class undead has a high probability far surpassing Yihua. Maybe he has been targeted by the fourth-class undead at this time, but he has not yet known it.

Out of caution, Yi Hua no longer hesitated, and immediately activated the half-dead witch body form.

And focus on the Mobius ring given by the mentor, which can resist the attacks of the fourth-class existence, ready to activate at any time.

"Is this the Dark Tide Coast?"

Realizing this possibility, Yi Hua's heart shuddered, and he quickly recalled the relevant records.

The Dark Tide Coast is a gathering place for fourth-class undead in the dead world.

Of course, with the vastness of the dead world, the number of gathering places of the same type of undead is as numerous as stars.

There is a high probability that the Nether Tide Coast that Yihua entered is not the one recorded in the data.

There are two different kinds of undead inhabiting this coast, namely the fourth class and the third class.

Among them, the fourth-class undead were named "Naklavi" by the recorded necromancers, which means dead horses, possessing extremely high speed and destructive ability.

It is a powerful undead with long-range range strike ability.

It is said that the undead is good at ocean warfare, and it carries the aura of decay that can make all life within a hundred meters around gradually wither and lose its vitality.

At the same time, it can also create a spear of decay that condenses a large amount of power of decay.

Relying on the terrible power of the fourth-class undead, the dying horse can throw the spear hundreds of meters, and can make the spear explode after hitting the target, turning into a dying zone covering a space of tens of meters.

As for the latter, it is a third-class undead known as the drowned ghost, who often acts together with the dead.

It is a mass of swollen corpses, covered with thick tentacles like seaweed, and has a terrifying appearance.

Although the undead moves slowly and does not take much damage, it has a body that is difficult to kill and has a strong control ability.

Relying on more than a dozen seaweed tentacles that can be stretched freely, the Drowned Wraith can firmly trap the entangled undead in place.

Prevents enemies from approaching the Deceased and creates opportunities for the Deceased to attack.

brush la la ~
Just as Yihua was standing on the shore, recalling the materials, the sound of the surrounding sea beating against the shore came to Yihua's ears.

Hearing the faintly enlarged sound of the tide around him, Yi Hua looked at the tide washing up on the beach around him, and frowned.

"Could it be that the tide has already started?"

A high tide is normal on an ordinary coast.

But being placed on this "Dark Tide" coast where fourth-class undead exist, it means that danger is coming.

According to the records Yihua has read, the undead on the Nethertide Coast usually live in the deep sea, unless they dive into the deep sea which contains a high concentration of death power, they cannot be encountered at all.

However, when the tide rises once every few days, a large number of undead will leave the deep sea and use layers of dead waves to move around the coast.

At this time, it is also the best time to enslave the fourth-class undead.

The undead under Yihua's command are not good at deep-sea combat, but the native dead troops and drowned ghosts are extremely adaptable to the ocean environment.

In addition, if you want to enter the deep sea, you have to lose your vitality all the time to resist the surrounding seawater that contains a huge amount of death power.

As a result, he was already prepared to wait for the high tide, but he didn't expect the high tide to come so timely.

Yihua, who realized that he was about to face the attack of the fourth-class undead, immediately kept most of the undead behind him away from the coast of the dark tide.

Only the upper limit of what he can control at present-five shadows of fear are left to assist him in the battle.

With the passage of time, the tide gradually covered Yihua's previous location, and Yihua was always paying attention to the movement around him, while slowly receding towards the coast behind.

Just as Yi Hua maintained the highest vigilance, accompanied by crashing waves in the distance, there was a melodious neighing sound of horses.


Yi Hua's heart was shocked, and before he could do anything else, a strong sense of crisis rushed out of his heart.

Aware of the undead in the sea, there is a high probability that they have already attacked themselves.

Yi Hua quickly ordered the five fearful shadows behind him to scatter towards the surroundings, and at the same time, he also spread his legs, running wildly to dodge into the distance.

Just in the corner of Yihua's eyes, a black-gray spear with green fluorescence covered a distance of hundreds of meters and plunged into Yihua's previous position.

The spear exploded, creating a hole several meters deep, and at the same time, a gray-green mist spread rapidly towards the surroundings.

In an instant, with the spear explosion point as the center, a large area of ​​decaying land filled with gray-green mist was formed around it.

"Death spear? It seems that the one who attacked me was a death horse..."

For the purpose of probing, Yi Hua was slightly stained with a little gray-green, the power of decay in the form of aerosol.

Chi Chi!

Accompanied by the violent corrosion sound, the life energy in Yihua's body was passing away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a few seconds, the power of decay disappeared, and half of Yihua's overall life energy had dropped.

For Yi Hua, who has already been promoted to the Earth Knight, half of his life energy is comparable to the life energy of the newly promoted Great Knight.

This also means that an official knight, even if he is only slightly infected with the power of decay, will die instantly, and even a great knight will be seriously injured if he is infected with a single ray.

Even an earth knight like Yi Hua can only survive for tens of seconds in the dying land.

This is only the indirect damage caused by the spear of decay.

If Yihua hadn't dodged in time before and was hit directly by the death spear from the fourth-class undead, I'm afraid Yihua's life armor would be on the verge of shattering in an instant.

"Is this the power of the fourth-class undead?"

The moment Yi Hua just had this thought, the same sense of danger as before surged into his heart again.

Realizing that the dying men were about to attack him again, he didn't dodge again.

Instead, he summoned the five fearful shadows scattered around, and rushed directly in the direction where the spear came from before.

Even if Yihua activates the half-dead witch body, he still cannot see the figures of the dead and dead within a range of two to three hundred meters.

But relying on the direction of the attack, he can also determine the location of the dead troops.

Just like that, Yi Hua and the five fearful shadows approached the direction of the previous attack at an extremely high speed at a distance of tens of meters per second.

More than ten seconds later, Yihua, against the erosion of the power of death, saw a huge black shadow standing in the distance in the distance in the sea of ​​death that almost submerged his calf.

That figure was black and purple all over. Like a skinner, his body was exposed to flesh and tendons, but his face was bare of skeletons, and a strange green light shone in his empty eye sockets.

(End of this chapter)

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