I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 145 Terrible Power

Chapter 145 Terrible Power
Relying on the power of the fourth-class undead enslavement technique, Yihua didn't feel the slightest resistance, and easily took a few drowned grieving ghosts into his pocket.

The battle between Dread Shadow and Drowning Wraith was finally over just as Yihua charged towards the Deceased.

Ignoring the paralyzed drowned ghosts for the time being, Yihua took five fearful shadows and charged at the dying people.

"It is recorded in the data that the weak point of the dead horse is the head, but... which head is it?"

Seeing the dying men and horses approaching in front of him, Yi Hua glanced back and forth between the skeleton human head on his upper body and the skeleton horse head on his lower body, feeling undecided.

I don't know if it was an unintentional mistake or intentional, although the information Yihua read recorded the environment of the Mingchao Coast and simple information about the two types of undead distributed there.

However, in some key points, the records are not very detailed, and it can even be said to be vague.

"Try the skeleton head attacking the upper body first. It seems that the death spears are thrown from the upper body. Maybe the upper body is more important?"

After making a decision, Yihua ordered the five fearful shadows to attack the dead horses one step ahead of him.

On the other hand, he stopped and began to condense the crescent slash formed by the compressed life energy, looking for opportunities around him.

The behavior of the shadow of fear approaching the dead horse also made Yihua intuitively feel for the first time the range damage of Nakrawi's dying aura.

Chi Chi!

The five fearful shadows that entered the range of more than ten meters around the dead horse could no longer maintain their mimicry, and the black flames representing their illusory bodies burned on their bodies in unison.

At the same time, a large amount of ashes peeled off from the surface of the fearful shadow that turned into a humanoid black flame.

This also means that the five fearful shadows have been eroded by the power of decay, and their bodies are rapidly depleting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Once the body is exhausted, that is when the shadow of fear completely dies and turns into ashes.

Nakrawi, who was condensing the death spear, noticed the five fear shadows attacking, and his huge body avoided the slash of one of the fear shadows at an unreasonable speed.

At the same time, Nakrawi's upper body changed the holding method of the recently condensed spear of decay, and held it tightly in his hand.

Just when the fearful shadow that attacked the dead horse had not had time to flash away in the future.

A few meters long, the black and green spear comparable to a small tree, like a knight's spear, was waved by the half-length skeleton man on the dead man's horse.

In an instant, the spear tore through the air, and with the speed that Yihua, who had the physique of an earth knight and activated the burst of life, had no time to dodge, he suddenly slammed into the fearful shadow in midair.

The illusory body of the fearful shadow, which is immune to physical attacks, did not play any role this time.

It was just a random swing of the spear by the dead horse, and the fearful shadow hit by the spear was instantly torn apart.

Floating in mid-air, the illusory body fragments like black flames have not had time to recover.

The next moment, being infected by the strong decaying power of the spear's brief burst, there were bursts of hissing sounds, and the fearful shadow that was hit instantly turned into nothingness and disconnected from Yihua.

Yi Hua's pupils shrank, but he didn't respond to the phantom of fear instantly killed by the decaying horse.

Taking advantage of the gap between the dying men and horses retracting their spears, Yi Hua aimed at the waist of the opponent's upper body, and suddenly fired the Crescent Slash that was infused with [-]% of his life energy.

At the moment when the aura of decay and death passed, the crescent moon slash slightly deformed, causing waves of ripples.

But this short moment of erosion did not affect the power of Crescent Slash.


The Crescent Slash pierced through the humanoid upper body of the Fading Centaur and dissipated.

Holding the death spear, the death man who was about to wipe out a fearful shadow again immediately half-length, the spear in his hand suddenly fell into the air, and no new movements were made.

After a while, a huge crack appeared on the half of the waist of the dying man.

As the skeleton horse whose lower body was covered with flesh and blood dodged, the skeleton man with the upper body fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, Yihua, whose half body was cut off so easily on the dead man's horse, was not happy in the future, and there was a sharp neighing sound of the horse.

On the lower body of the dead horse, the dark green vertical pupils on the forehead of the skeleton horse's head shone brightly.

The four fearful shadows that were fighting with the dead horse around them had a sharp increase in the amount of ashes produced by the wear and tear of their bodies, and the bodies of several fearful shadows shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seems that although the upper body was cut off, Nakrawi temporarily lost the ability to throw the spear of decay.

But it also enables the dead horses to concentrate their energy and emit a more powerful aura of death.

"It seems that the horse's head on the lower body is the real weakness of the dead horse. This is troublesome."

Yi Hua frowned, but he didn't give up. Instead, he raised his sword, stepped on the sea water, and rushed towards the dead horse with only the body of the horse.

After losing the upper body, while the aura of death and death is enhanced, the lethality of the death and death horse is also greatly reduced.

At this time, it is the best time to race against time and attack the dead.

Only relying on the lower part of the horse's body, coupled with Yihua's subtle control over the undead, the subsequent decline and death horse did not kill a fear shadow, but was slashed by the fear shadow on the body surface. the wound.

Just as the two sides were fighting, Yihua also rushed in front of the dead.

The explosion of the earth knight's life, superimposed with the huge power provided by the scarlet blood of the half-dead witch body, instantly made Yihua burst out with a terrifying power close to the limit of the earth knight.

At the cost of sacrificing a Dread Shadow, he managed to create an opportunity to slash the dead horse's neck.

The cross sword with the third-class holy light technique added with great force, slammed on the thick neck of the dying horse that could only be surrounded by its arms.

Accompanied by the sound of puffing, the sharp sword pierced into the flesh, cutting several inches into the neck of the dead horse filled with black and purple flesh and blood.

"This defensive power!"

Feeling the huge blockage from the blade of the cross sword, Yi Hua realized that the defense power of the dying horse's body was far greater than that of a human body.

At the same time, the dying horse seemed to feel the burning from the holy light technique, and the horse's hair neighed in pain.

Before he had time to think about it, he hastily drew out the cross sword, rolled over, and dodged into the sea water that was below his thigh.

As soon as Yi Hua got up, he saw the front hooves of the dead horses stepping heavily into two big holes in the sea water.

From the point of view of strength, the strength of each hoof of the Deceased Horse surpasses Yihua's superimposed life burst and half-dead witch body, which is comparable to the peak blow of the Earth Knight!
Without waiting for the dead horse to retract its front hooves, Yi Hua stepped forward again with his sword, trying to attack the dead horse's hooves.

It's a pity that the dying people seem to be able to sense Yihua's intentions.

Relying on his sensitive figure, while avoiding the sneak attack of a few fearful shadows, he also changed his position to dodge around.

Even when Yihua created an opportunity that he couldn't dodge, he threw out his powerful hind hoof and kicked the cross sword that Yihua swung.

(End of this chapter)

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