I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 159 The situation is reversed!

Chapter 159 The situation is reversed!
When the transformation was over, the bloody hand that appeared in front of everyone again had turned into a red-haired orc with a height of nearly three meters and claws that were almost as long as Yi Hua's.

The bloody hand that had entered the frenzied state suddenly raised the scarlet, ferocious face covered with red hair, the scarlet pupils stared at Yihua, and the bloody mouth full of fangs let out a roar that shook the sky.


After going berserk, the bloody hand, which was almost one floor tall, crossed a distance of tens of meters in an instant at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its huge size, and rushed towards Yihua again.

But facing the attacking bloody hands, Yi Hua did not panic at all.

At this time, Yi Hua hadn't used his life explosion yet, and his life energy was at its peak.

Facing the attacking claws of the bloody hand, Yi Hua did not panic in the slightest. He swung his giant sword and collided with it with a storm-like swordsmanship.

Bang bang bang!
In just an instant, Yi Hua fought the berserk bloody hand for more than ten rounds.

Relying on the third-class life armor, Yi Hua easily withstood the scratches of the sharp claws several times, and one after another white scratches flashed on the life armor on the surface of his body.

On the contrary, the huge body of Xueshou was cut by Yihua several times, resulting in several black sword wounds with a depth of several inches, soaked by the power of death, and exuding a rotten stench.

To be honest, although the bloody hand is only a second-class wizard, with the powerful physique endowed by his blood, after being berserk, his strength even surpasses that of the third-class undead fearful shadow.

Even Yihua, without using Life Burst, just relying on the current stage, the increase in survivability is greater than the increase in strength of the half-necromancer body, which is only slightly better than the berserk blood hand.

The other party indeed has the capital of arrogance. If Yi Hua is left aside, Bloody Hand deserves to be the third person in this year's apprentice competition.

Unfortunately, he met Yihua.

When the battle was in turmoil, Yi Hua glanced at the referee's seat out of the corner of his eye. Seeing that the two men, Simon and Mentor, did not show any strangeness about their own strength, he said:

"Is this all your strength?"

Ignoring Yi Hua's words, the bloody hand who was already on the verge of losing his mind just attacked blindly.

Seeing that the blood hand's strength was no longer improving, but was constantly being injured by his own sword, Yihua knew that the blood hand's defeat was doomed, so he took a step back without intending to continue this war of attrition.

"It doesn't make any sense to continue the stalemate, so let me put an end to the cause and effect between you and me!"

At the next moment, Yi Hua burst out with all his strength and swung the bloody hand's sharp claws away.

At the same time, Yi Hua, who had restrained his strength, no longer concealed it, and the life energy in his body burst out continuously.

The Earth Knight erupted in an instant with the impact of all life energy, directly setting off a gust of wind on the surrounding arena.

In an instant, in the sight of tens of thousands of apprentices around him, Yi Hua's impression changed drastically.

The seemingly thin figure is even bigger than the hill-shaped bloody hand opposite him at this moment.

"Is this momentum really a second-class apprentice?"

"What's going on? Is it an illusion? Why does this necromancer named Yihua exude a feeling that is more dangerous than a crazy bloody hand?"

Not only the apprentices outside the field, but even Anna and Gabriel, as if seeing Yi Hua for the first time, had an unconcealable shock flashing across their faces.

Rey, who was also terrified, subconsciously looked at Melko who was not far away.

Melkor, who had always been calm before, also frowned at this time.

In his eyes, Yi Hua, who was just a small person who could be easily crushed to death, now showed strength beyond his expectations.

"This power is the explosion of the life of the earth knight, right? I didn't expect your disciple to hide so deeply, and he was promoted to the earth knight quietly."

Rudolph chuckled and stroked his gray beard.

Hearing Rudolph's voice, Simon with a monocle flashed his eyes and said calmly:
"The Bloody Hand has already lost."

Just when the bloody hand with the gap in front of his chest had no time to react, the shuddering roars of the skinners scattered around the arena sounded at the same time.


Taking advantage of the momentary sluggish consciousness of the bloody hand, Yihua activated the burst of life, and at the same time, his right leg, which was attached with the blood of the half-dead witch body, swept across and hit the bloody hand's waist.

Close to the limit of the earth knight, the terrifying power enough to cause damage to fourth-class undead decayed horses directly knocked the burly body of the bloody hand nearly three meters away dozens of meters away.

The bloody hand's huge crimson body rolled on the ground more than a dozen times in a row, smashing a series of ravines on the bluestone ground, and finally spanning a distance of nearly [-] meters, hitting the wall at the edge of the arena.

The gravel splashed on the field, and the billowing smoke covered the bloody hand's body.

Before the bloody hand rushed out of the smoke and dust, Yi Hua held the sword across his chest, and the life energy in his body surged towards the blade at an alarming speed.

The huge amount of life energy concentrated in the blade was compressed extremely quickly in the next moment.

Chi Chi!

The life energy hovering above the blade has almost materialized and cannot be further compressed.

Realizing this, Yi Hua took a sudden step forward, and swung his first sword towards the smoke and dust generated by the falling blood hand.

call out!
As the knight of the earth, Yi Hua turned nearly [-]% of the huge amount of life energy in his body into a pale golden crescent moon, which instantly spanned a distance of nearly [-] meters and hit the wall dropped by the bloody hand.

There was a humming sound from the surrounding earth, and a meniscus gully several meters deep appeared on the wall nearly ten meters around the smoke and dust.

"This is the life energy of the Earth Knight!"

Amidst the exclamations of apprentices below the fourth rank outside the arena, and the murmurs of some who recognized Crescent Slash, a painful howl sounded at the moment the gully appeared.


In just a second, Xueshou's huge crimson body rushed out of the smoke and dust again.

It's just that compared to before, the bloody hand at this moment looks extremely embarrassed.

The large scarlet bristles on his body disappeared, and one of the huge arms with sharp claws was severed.

There are more than a dozen pitch-black wounds corroded by the power of death all over his body, and some faint pale golden flames are still burning on the surface of his body.

This is the effect of the qualitatively changing Yangyan life energy transformed by the sun breathing method. The stronger the body of the infected person, the stronger the life energy, and the more intense the burning will be.

At this time, Yi Hua just transformed one-third of the life energy into Yang Yan's life energy.

If it is completely transformed, then the bloody hand contaminated with Yihua's life energy at this time has already turned into a human-shaped torch.

The bloody hands on the verge of losing control had their eyes red, gusts of wind spewed out from their mouths, and rushed towards Yi Hua, who was nearly a hundred meters away, again.

Seeing the bloody hand pounced towards him, and would be in front of him in no more than two or three seconds, Yi Hua didn't flinch at all, and took another step forward, throwing another pale golden crescent moon towards the huge body of the bloody hand.

 The update time is adjusted to 12 noon every day.

(End of this chapter)

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