I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 174 Ancient Wizard Ruins?

Chapter 174 Ancient Wizard Ruins?

Recalling the previous encounters, Yi Hua's curiosity grew stronger and he began to think about various possibilities.

Unwilling to leave just like that, he just hung on the back of one of his dying horses and began to think about ways to approach the cave.

After a while, he ordered the dead horses to try to dive again, approaching the cave, but was attacked by nine dead horses again.

Realizing that the underwater breakthrough was difficult, he swam to the surface again.

"The nine dead horses who swam out of the cave just now will probably not leave in a short time. It seems that they can only find another way."

Next, Yi Hua tried to approach the giant seabed mountain with caves from other angles against the erosion of dead sea water.

After several hours of trying and using the holy light technique many times to replenish the lost life energy, Yihua still failed to find other caves that could enter the mountain. Instead, he was attacked several times by nine dead horses because the distance was too close.

"Is there no other way than a frontal breakthrough?"

Just when Yihua was at a loss, he had no intention of relying on the perspective of the dead troops to look upwards along the mountain where a large number of dead troops were stationed.

Through the silhouette, Yi Hua could vaguely see that this submarine mountain seemed to extend above the water.

"Go and see if there is an entrance on the water first."

Feeling the new hope, Yihua quickly ordered the dying men to lead him towards the part of the seabed mountain above the sea.

The distance of one thousand meters in a straight line would take at least a minute or two for other ordinary earth knights to cross, but for the decaying horse, it only took a few breaths.


Swimming out of the sea again, looking at the isolated island not far away, Yi Hua took a deep breath.

Although with Yihua's physique at the level of a land knight, even if he doesn't breathe for an hour, his life is not at all in danger.

But holding your breath is not always a comfortable thing.

Out of caution, Yihua kept a distance of about 200 meters from the sea surface of the mountain. While being able to have an unobstructed view of the surrounding sea surface, he could also allow sufficient time to react to possible dangers.

After a while, seeing that there was no danger, Yi Hua tentatively ordered his undead to land on the island first.

Through the perspective of the dying people, Yihua also glimpsed the whole picture of the part above the water surface of the seabed mountain——

This is a huge basin bottom with a radius of several kilometers, and the surrounding sea water beats on the edge of the basin as high as tens of meters with the tide.

The bottom of the basin is a layer of silt mixed with a little bit of backflowing seawater and soil.

After simply browsing the surrounding scene and confirming that there was no danger, Yi Hua decisively led his undead to search for a passage leading to the underground in the bottom of the basin.

Perhaps because of accumulated enough good luck, after spending a quarter of an hour, Yihua actually discovered a hidden hole from a remote location near the bottom of the basin.

This hole is extremely deep, and it seems to be able to directly lead to the location of the nine dead ones a thousand meters below.

But perhaps because no one has passed through for a long time, the entrance of the cave has already been clogged with dry and hard silt, not to mention the dying people, even Yihua himself cannot enter it.

"The main reason is that the entrance is blocked. There should be no problem with the internal passage, as long as the entrance is opened..."

If it were the same as before, Yi Hua might have to spend a lot of effort.

But today's Yihua has already enslaved the dying people, and with the spear of dying, he just opened up a passage blocked by mud, which is completely killing chickens with a bull's knife.


Under the repeated bombardment of the two decaying men and horses throwing decaying spears one after another, in just a few minutes, the hole that was originally blocked was blown out of a smooth and even passage.

"There seems to be something wrong with this passage, it is a bit too smooth."

Looking at the silver-gray walls in the cave that are incompatible with the surrounding rocks, Yi Hua felt puzzled.

Logically speaking, after being directly hit by the spears of the decaying horses, there would be no other possibility for ordinary rocks, except for turning into powder and leaving a pitted surface.

Out of doubt, Yihua activated the half-dead witch body decisively, and instantly condensed a tentacle of fear, stabbing at the silver-gray wall in the passage not far away with the greatest force.

Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron intersecting, sparks splashed on the wall, and Yihua condensed an illusory tentacles comparable to his own full blow, and was suddenly bounced away the moment it collided with the wall.

Yi Hua looked again, and saw that there was not even a single white spot left on the wall that he stabbed earlier, not to mention scratches!

Seeing that with all his current strength, he couldn't shake the wall in front of him, Yi Hua shrank his pupils and stepped forward to study the material of the wall.

After a long time, he exhaled lightly and said slowly:

"Sure enough, as I expected, the wall in this passage is not rock, but an unknown metal with extremely high hardness, which can easily withstand fourth-level damage!"

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a high-strength material in the low-level undead area, but if you get in touch with the wizard, everything seems more reasonable.

As far as Yi Hua knows, even today's wizards have lost too many precious inheritances compared to the ancient times.

However, it is still possible to create synthetic metals with fourth or fifth level of defense, or even a first-level official wizard level strength.

"It seems that this may really be a wizard relic!"

Aware of this, Yihua decisively ordered the Deceased Man to open the way immediately, while he was located a hundred meters behind him, advancing at a slow but firm speed.

The passages in this cave are intricate, but the overall direction is always downward.

As Yi Hua moved forward cautiously, he unknowingly penetrated [-] meters underground, gradually approaching the location of the cave in the sea.

During this period, Yihua has not encountered any undead, as if this place is a dead end for those undead to patrol.

During the gradual exploration, Yihua finally discovered an important clue.


Looking at the weird and cumbersome runes carved on the silver-gray, extremely hard synthetic metal wall, Yi Hua recognized the meaning at a glance, and subconsciously said.

"Sure enough, it is a wizard rune. This channel covered with high-strength alloy has obvious man-made traces. It seems that this is really a relic left by a wizard in the dead world."

After discovering the key clue, Yi Hua, who was in a good mood, stepped forward again.

Taking the wall in the passageway that can easily withstand his current full blow as a reference, the specifications of this wizard relic must not be too low, and it may even reach the level of an official wizard!
With such a precious relic, Yihua couldn't help but be tempted.

However, Yihua also knew that there might be hidden dangers in the ruins that he could not deal with. For this reason, he had already prepared the strictest security guarantees he could.

Time passed slowly, and soon, Yihua arrived at the seabed cave and the location of the nine dead horses, only a few hundred meters away from the dead horses outside the cave.

At this time, Yi Hua suddenly stopped, and looked at a strange-shaped mechanical alchemy puppet that looked like a spider and collapsed on the ground at the corner of the passage not far away.

Yihua first ordered his undead to investigate, and after eliminating the danger, Yihua stepped forward decisively to investigate the alchemy puppets on the ground.

"Construction Heart, Atomic Claw, Small Antimatter Cannon, these are all precious parts worth thousands or even tens of thousands of witch crystals!"

Relying on half-baked mechanical knowledge, Yi Hua could barely identify several valuable and precious parts on the body of the alchemy puppet.

He tried to draw his sword and slash at the alchemy puppet in front of him, but the result was the same as the previous attack on the wall. Yihua's full attack could only scrape some dust off the alchemy puppet, but could not cause even a little damage to its body.

"When this alchemy puppet is intact, I'm afraid it can easily display a terrifying strength comparable to that of a fifth-class apprentice!"

It's a pity that I don't know what kind of damage it suffered. The spider-shaped alchemy puppet in front of me was severely damaged. The precious parts had long been fused together. The countless runes originally engraved on the body surface were corroded and blurred, and it was completely reduced to scrap iron. .

In the end, Yihua could only pick and choose, and managed to disassemble dozens of small parts that were still in good condition from the broken alchemy puppets, and put them away.

Although these parts are extremely small and are not important parts in the body of the alchemy puppet, they can easily sell thousands of witch crystals just by virtue of the strength of the material itself.

After obtaining these parts, Yi Hua did not leave immediately and continued to go deep into the passage. Instead, he stood where he was, silently thinking about the origin of the ruins with the information he obtained now.

Today's alchemy puppets, due to the loss of technology and the scarcity of materials, the higher the level, the higher the cost.

But it is said that in ancient times, the cost of alchemy puppets was much cheaper than today, and even entering a wizard tower casually, you can encounter groups of alchemy puppets.

This has also led to the fact that there are often a large number of alchemy puppets in the ruins of wizards left over from ancient times.

Among the few well-preserved ruins, there are even alchemy puppets tens of thousands of years apart that still retain certain actions and even attack capabilities.

"If this is the case, there is a high probability that this ruin was left by an ancient wizard, and it has existed for at least tens of thousands of years."

After judging the age of the ruins, Yi Hua's expression turned cold, and he thought:

"I probably haven't gone deep into this ruins yet, but I came across a damaged fifth-class alchemy puppet at a remote corner. There must be a high probability that this place has reached the level of an official wizard. After going deep into the ruins, there are even You may encounter an alchemy puppet of an extraordinary level!"

Realizing this, Yi Hua has mixed feelings.

The good thing is that the remnants of the official wizard level, even after tens of thousands of years, must still have preserved many precious items.

Among them, there are even many precious knowledge and rare materials that were only available in ancient times and have long since been lost.

For an existence of that level, even a sliver of crumbs leaking from the cracks is enough to benefit Yi Hua endlessly.

Just a severely damaged fifth-class alchemy puppet encountered in the surface ruins allowed Yihua to harvest thousands of witch crystals in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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