I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 179 Psychic Armament

Chapter 179 Psychic Armament
Some of the apprentices who supported Rey outside the field felt uneasy when they saw that the shadow claws shot directly, but Rey did not dodge the slightest.

But on the other hand, Yi Hua, who was sitting in the middle of the player's bench, did not show the slightest worry about Rey's safety.

He knew that the coercion of an extraordinary life being exerted by Melko now was insignificant compared to the coercion exuded by a real extraordinary life that could cause substantial damage to lower life forms.

It can only cause spiritual oppression to others, and cannot cause substantial physical harm to others at all.

For ordinary third-class apprentices, this sliver of coercion from Melkor is enough to affect their spirit, and even make their bodies stiff for a short time.

But as Rey, who has a fourth-class soul affinity and has profound knowledge in soul witchcraft, it is extremely easy to solve this trace of soul coercion.

Sure enough, just before the shadow claws were about to press down, Rey suddenly raised his head, a faint blue light flashed in his pupils, and at the same time smiled slightly, muttering in a low voice:
"The art of changing shape and changing soul!"

Before many spectators had time to react, the phantom of the black snake behind Milko suddenly shook, and in an instant, Rey appeared in the place where Milko was originally.

Milko was transferred to Rey's previous position before he had time to react.

Melko, who had just switched positions, felt the shadow covering him above his head, subconsciously looked up to the sky.

The moment he saw clearly what was above his head, the shadowy claws above his head slammed on Melkor himself with immense force.

The huge pitch-black sharp claws fell, and with Melkor as the center, the bluestone land within tens of meters around instantly shattered into terrifying gaps like spider webs, and a patch several meters deep appeared, covered by almost substantial thick shadows the big pit.

The huge vibration even made the audience feel the slight shaking of their seats, and at the same time, it also made the hearts of many audiences tremble slightly.

Seeing the astonishing reversal in front of him, the apprentices who reacted were chattering loudly.

"I didn't expect that Rey would have such a hand, and unexpectedly let Melko eat his own attack. I don't know if he can withstand his own attack."

Hearing the suspicion of the second-class apprentice beside him, another second-class apprentice shook his head, and continued:
"Rey has a hole card, doesn't that mean that Melko doesn't have it? It shouldn't be difficult for Melko to block his attack. In the previous game, the two of them probably didn't give full play. The next game is the time for the two to get serious. .”

While the audience outside the stadium were discussing, they were paying close attention to every move on the field.

Out of vigilance against Melkor, Rey did not relax at all, and began to build a new witchcraft.

It wasn't just that he felt the wave of Rey's condensed witchcraft, or it was just a coincidence that Melkor's calm and slightly mocking voice came from the huge hole bombarded by the shadow claws:
"Hehe, how can the power of the shadow hurt me who has the blood of its controller—the shadow snake? Rey, you are so naive."

As soon as the words fell, a group of pitch-black shadows quickly condensed from the ground outside the pit, turning into the form of Melkor who looked intact.

Seeing that Melko didn't seem to have suffered any damage after being hit by his own attack, Rey, who was tens of meters away, shrank his pupils.

The spectators outside the arena saw that the game was reversed one after another, and they were also aroused, and the atmosphere of the game became more enthusiastic.

Without a moment's pause, a scarlet light flashed in Melko's eyes, and his figure turned into a shadow and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing that Melkor disappeared, Rey, who was on high alert, quickly accelerated the construction of witchcraft.

Just before the successful construction of witchcraft, Melkor's figure turned from virtual to real, and appeared in front of Rey.

He waved his arm covered with shadows in the shape of phantom claws, and grabbed Rey's heart fiercely, bringing out a chilling wind.

"Psychic arm!"

Just before the sharp claws were about to hit Rey's heart, Rey's witchcraft was successfully constructed, and in an instant, a faint blue light filled Rey's body surface.

At the same time, Melkor's shadow claws also stabbed Rey's chest.

However, what was transmitted to the hand was not the softness and warmth that pierced the body, but was blocked by an unknown object with a metallic texture.

Sensing that the situation was wrong, Milko flew back, like a ghost, retreating a distance of tens of meters in an instant.

When the dazzling blue light dissipated, Rey, wearing a blue translucent armor and holding a two-meter-long spear with the same appearance, appeared in front of many apprentice wizards.

"It's a pity. I originally planned to use this secret technique when I was fighting Yihua, but I didn't expect to use it for the first time when I was facing Melko..."

Feeling the threat of Melko, Rey, who used his psychic weapon for the first time, secretly said in his heart.

In the previous battle in Camilla City, when Rey was fighting against Yihua, he saw the significant impact of a strong physique on the battle.

After careful consideration, he spent a lot of money in exchange for "spiritual arming", a secret technique to enhance his physical fitness, from his mentor.

Different from the curiosity and amazement of most of the apprentices outside the arena, Yi Hua focused on the tiny cracks on the armor on Rey's chest.

Through simple analysis, and the vague impressions that he had vaguely glimpsed from the data, Yi Hua judged the general ability of the witchcraft "spiritual armament" that Rey used.

"This seems to be a secret technique that can condense psychic weapons and armor based on the strength of one's own soul, providing varying defense and physique enhancement. As for the condensed long spear, it can cause soul-level damage to the injured .”

Analyzing from the effect, the psychic armament and Yihua's life armor are somewhat similar.

It's just that the upper limit of the power of the spiritual weapon is based on the strength of the soul, and the upper limit of the power of the life armor is based on the strength of the body.

And the life armor can only increase the defense power, and when it is damaged, it will also consume its own life energy.

In addition to the defensive power, the psychic weapon can also increase its own physique. At the same time, the condensed psychic spear can also cause soul-level damage to the enemy.

The most important point is that the damage to the psychic armament will not damage the soul. Often the higher the level of the wizard, the higher the strength of the soul. Extremely compatible for wizards.

If you look at it as a whole, the psychic arm is simply equivalent to the top-end luxury version of the life armor.

In this regard, Yi Hua did not feel the slightest surprise.

After all, the life armor is essentially an ordinary first-class witchcraft worth a few witch crystals that no one cares about.

It can't be compared with the psychic armament that is worth at least thousands of witch crystals and almost comparable to the half-dead witch body.

The life armor can play its role today, and its outstanding performance in combination with Holy Light and knights is entirely due to Yihua's continuous improvement and hard work.

"Bloodline warlocks are often people with strong physiques. This is the case with the previous blood hands. The third-class apprentices are not as good as the physique of the top knights, and they are completely unable to compete with Melkor. It is wise for Rey to build spiritual weapons first. "

While Yihua was silently calculating, Rey jumped forward, and under the blessing of the spiritual weapon, he instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters, and launched an attack on Melkor first.

As for Melko, who was standing there, after a moment of observation, he seemed to have recognized the witchcraft performed by Rey.

Melkor's scarlet eyes flashed, and dozens of long shadow snakes several meters long and with scarlet vertical pupils spewed out from the mouth of the giant snake behind him, and shot towards Rey who was rushing towards him.

Looking at the large number of black snakes on the field, Yi Hua simply estimated the strength of these black snakes through the energy fluctuations emitted.

After getting the result, Yihua was surprised.

"These more than 20 black snakes, each one has the power comparable to the full blow of the shadow of fear. If they resist hard, the damage they receive is almost half the damage of the spear of decay!"

Although Yihua can easily avoid these shadowy black snakes after opening the third-class semi-necromancer body, but it is still a bit troublesome to deal with the current strength of Melko with his current strength.

This also made Yihua realize once again how wise his previous decision to abandon the game was.

"With Melkor's current strength, there is a high probability that the fearful shadow is not his opponent. To defeat him, I am afraid that he must at least cast a third-class half-necromancer body and summon twenty faceless ghostly shadows to besiege him at the same time!"

Melko on the field glanced around casually.

After seeing Yi Hua who was staring at him intently, he thought that the other party was shocked by his strength, and showed a look of disdain.

If he knew that Yihua was not shocked by Mirko's strength at this moment, but was thinking about how much strength he needed to exert to win steadily, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.

At this moment, the battle is changing rapidly. Rey can easily avoid most of the shadow snakes by relying on his powerful physique, which can already match the level of the earth knight after the increase of the spiritual armament.

At the same time, he swung his spear and knocked several shadow snakes into pieces that he couldn't escape.

However, at the next moment, the remaining twenty shadow snakes that failed to attack turned around and pounced on Rey from behind him again.

Seeing this, Rey, who had no time to dodge, froze slightly, exerted all his strength, and swept away the shadow snakes that were pounced on him with the momentum of autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Puff puff!
As time went by, the shadow black snakes were crushed by the spear in Rey's hand, and some of the fish that slipped through the net hit Rey, blasting a fine crack in his spiritual armament.

In the end, Rey wiped out all the dozens of shadow black snakes released by Melko at the cost of slightly damaged psychic armament.

Looking at Rey, who was a little out of breath not far away, Melko, who was standing still, shook his head, and a mocking look flashed on his cold face.

"Even a second-class witchcraft that I released casually can make you tired of dealing with it. What a waste."

(End of this chapter)

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