I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 186 The Unbreakable Shield!

Chapter 186 The Unbreakable Shield!
In an instant, Rey felt a warm feeling enveloping him, and then, the life energy in his body increased rapidly at an intuitively felt speed.

Although Rey has the protection of psychic armament, coupled with his own strong soul, the ability to induce the influence of the holy light technique did not have much impact on him.

But Rey still unknowingly increased his affection for Yihua, who had once looked down upon him because of his low aptitude for giving him the Holy Light Bead.

Compared with the hostile Melko in front of him, Yihua who helped him was obviously much more pleasing to the eye.

At the moment when the Holy Light was completely absorbed by Rey, Melko's attack also hit Rey again.

This time, Rey, who was knocked out again, did not have his shield shattered as everyone expected, and was unable to get up again.

Instead, like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, it flew out again almost the moment it hit the ground.

Feeling the almost fully recovered life armor, Rey was shocked by the effect of the holy light bead, and launched an attack on Milko for wounds again.

"How is this possible? Rey's shield was clearly shattered before, so why did it return to its original state in less than two seconds!"

Seeing that Rey, who had been overwhelmed by the previous shield, withstood Melko's attack unscathed, and the shield looked intact.

The audience outside the arena couldn't sit still, and many apprentices subconsciously stood up and let out a series of exclamations.

Seeing that Rey did not suffer the slightest damage after bearing his full blow, and that the shield on his body returned to its original state, Melko frowned.

"Hmph, it seems that your shield can be recovered again? But recovery requires magic power, right? I don't believe you can keep recovering forever!"

The battle was changing rapidly, there was no time to think about it, and Melkor attacked Rey again.

boom! boom! boom!
It was another round of fierce battles, and just when Rey's shield was about to be broken by Melko again, the life armor on Rey's body was restored to its original state under the effect of the Holy Light.

Seeing the familiar scene repeated, the audience outside the venue looked at each other, a little at a loss.

Melko, who was still on the field, saw Rey's restored shield again, and his face was so dark that ink dripped out, although the face of Melko after the snake of shadows was black.

In the next ten minutes, the unbelieving Melkor continued to attack Rey, but whenever the shield was about to be broken, Rey could restore the shield to its original state with unknown power.

After more times, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Rey's shield has a lot to do with it. It is obviously not an ordinary witchcraft shield, and they have made guesses about Rey's shield.

"I've never seen a dozen consecutive full recovery! What kind of shield is this, it has such a powerful defensive ability!"

As for Gabriel who had used the Holy Light Bead before, recalling the brilliant golden bead that Yihua threw to Rey earlier, which was suspected to be the Holy Light Bead, he instantly understood the essence of Rey's ability.

"This seems to be the ability of the Holy Light Bead? I didn't expect the same secret treasure to exert such a powerful power in the hands of the third-class apprentice Rey. If it were me, I couldn't even hold on for a moment under the hands of the bloody hand. I have really dishonored the value of the Holy Light Bead! I have failed Brother Yi Hua's expectations of me!"

Gabriel touched another holy light bead in his bosom, feeling a little guilty towards Yihua in his heart.

There were also some apprentices who faintly felt that what happened in front of them was somewhat familiar, and began to think silently in their hearts.

Previously, Gabriel was relatively well-known in this year's college competition. Some of the apprentices who watched his competition knew that Gabriel was carrying a magical item with almost absolute defense.

But after Gabriel lost to the bloody hand with almost no power to fight back, most of the apprentices lost interest in that magical item, thinking that the magical item could only rule the roost among second-class apprentices, It is completely unable to resist the damage of the third-class apprentice level.

Due to the huge difference in the strength of the opponents Rey and Gabriel faced, as well as the strength of the shields revealed, many apprentices did not think about Gabriel in the first place.

But out of curiosity about the powerful shield inspired by Rey, which is strong enough to resist the damage of the fourth-class apprentice level, and can almost ignore the attacks of the third-class apprentice.

In addition, this is the first time that Rey has shown this kind of shield, and everyone has almost no information about the origin of this kind of shield. After a while, some apprentices started to guess in the right direction.

"I always feel like I've seen the current scene somewhere before. There's a subtle sense of instantaneity... I remembered! The magic item that Gabriel showed earlier has the ability to continuously restore the shield !"

A young second-class apprentice's eyes lit up, and he expressed his thoughts loudly.

Hearing what this young second-class apprentice said, the surrounding apprentices talked a lot, and within a few seconds, a third-class apprentice with a middle-aged face and scalded faces shook his head and vetoed:
"It shouldn't be? Didn't everyone guess that it was a second-class magic item? After all, Gabriel, who used that magic item before, was even unilaterally beaten by a bloody hand who was only at the level of an earth knight!"

Hearing the veto of the middle-aged apprentice with scald marks on his face, a look of disappointment flashed across the face of the young second-class apprentice.

But after a while, another blond second-class female apprentice with a hot figure and a dignified face lit up and said:

"By the way! Before the game started, Yihua, who had given up twice in a row, seemed to have thrown a golden bead to Rey. Could the shield that Rey is displaying now have something to do with that golden bead? Woolen cloth?"

Hearing what the blond female apprentice said, the surrounding audience looked thoughtful, but the middle-aged apprentice with a scalded face refuted it.

"I don't think it's right! If the shield used by Rey is related to the brilliant golden ball, why did Yihua abstain? With the strong defensive power of this shield, it may be possible to draw with Rey and Milko. possible!"

Hearing the middle-aged apprentice's rebuttal, the surrounding apprentices looked at each other, but they couldn't find a reason to refute the middle-aged apprentice's statement for a while.

Just when the middle-aged apprentice thought that the discussion was over, the young second-class apprentice who first raised his point of view heard a faint voice:

"Maybe it's to hide your strength?"

Hearing what the young second-class apprentice said, the middle-aged third-class apprentice sneered and shook his head.

"Hidden strength? Do you really think that Yi Hua, who suddenly broke into the top three, can compete with the long-established Rey and Milko among the apprentices?"

Hearing the successive denials from the middle-aged third-class apprentice, the young second-class apprentice couldn't help himself.

His name is Sandro, his identity is similar to Yihua, and he is a second-class necromancer apprentice.

But unlike other necromancers, the reason why he chose to become a necromancer was not because of his high aptitude, but just because of his love for the necromancer, a wizard genre.

After learning that the necromancer system can go back and forth between the world of death and the world of wizards, conquer the world of death, enslave and control a large number of undead, and possess extremely powerful combat effectiveness.

Not long after, Sandro inadvertently learned that the Nine Ring White Tower General Hospital belonged to the necromancer sect and gathered many necromancers.

After even the tower master was a powerful necromancer, Sandro strengthened his idea of ​​becoming a necromancer.

In the end, he resolutely gave up the third-class space energy affinity, which was more powerful, but consumed a lot during the apprenticeship stage, and it was extremely difficult to learn the same attribute witchcraft, and chose the second-class death energy affinity.

And learn the basic witchcraft of the three necromancers, and become a necromancer apprentice.

However, due to his own talent, even with the advantage of necromancers, in the college competition where a group of heroes gathered and the opponents were basically the best of the second-class apprentices, he barely broke into the top [-] in the end.

Although this is already one of the best among the few necromancer apprentices in the academy.

After all, due to Yi Hua's concealment, in the eyes of everyone, there are no third-class necromancers among the apprentices this year.

However, due to his enthusiasm for the necromancer system, Sandro, who believes that the combat power of necromancers is superior to most apprentices, completely cannot accept that in this competition, necromancers can only get the top [-]. ranking.

Just when Sandro couldn't accept it, he was suddenly recommended to the top ten. Yihua, who was also an apprentice of the necromancer, defeated powerful enemies one after another, which made Sandro rekindle his hope for the necromancer.

In the subsequent games, Sandro pinned his hopes on Yihua, and finally became Yihua's fan.

But in today's final, Sandro was also a little confused by Yihua's continuous abandonment of the game.

Out of the trust accumulated from Yihua's previous games, Sandro tried to find reasons for Yihua's behavior.

After thinking for a moment, the young second-class necromancer apprentice Sandro resolutely refuted the middle-aged third-class apprentice's contempt for Yi Hua:

"It's impossible to hide your strength! Maybe Yihua doesn't like the rewards of the college competition at all, and wants to preserve his strength, so that he can become a blockbuster when he takes the apprenticeship exam!"

Hearing Sandro's repeated defense of Yihua, the middle-aged third-class apprentice felt a little embarrassed, shook his head, and snorted coldly:
"Little guy, I have lived in the academy for more than [-] years, and I have much more experience than you! Are you questioning me, a third-class apprentice!"

Sandro's face changed when he saw that the middle-aged third-class apprentice was unreasonable and began to suppress others by rank.

The middle-aged third-class apprentice in front of him is just a person with exhausted potential. With his aptitude to be promoted to second-class within three years, it is very likely that he will go to the mainland in the future and become a higher-level wizard.

Maybe decades later, this third-class apprentice in front of him is not even worthy of being his assistant.

But at this moment, no matter how talented Sandro is, it is undeniable that he is inferior to the middle-aged apprentice.

Just as Sandro's face turned red and he was in a dilemma, several companions sitting beside Sandro quickly stepped forward to hold him, and did not conflict with the middle-aged third-class apprentice.

Seeing that Sandro didn't refute himself, the middle-aged third-class apprentice also heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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