I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 190 Disguise!

Chapter 190 Disguise!

Initially, under Gabriel's meticulous command, the Illuminati successfully contained the gradually increasing losses, and even after a counterattack, the Freemasonry also suffered a lot of losses.

But the good times didn’t last long. Just yesterday, several second-class apprentices who were quite loyal to the Illuminati left the academy for something. They were accidentally arrested by the long-stalked Freemasons and trapped in a cave outside the academy. .

Because these apprentices have made great contributions to the Illuminati, they are extremely loyal, and they are strong, so they can be regarded as Gabriel's right-hand men. Therefore, in order to rescue them, he quickly sent people to lock the location of the cave.

To be on the safe side, and to prevent the Freemasons from ambush, this morning, Gabriel gathered dozens of apprentices of the Illuminati to go to the cave outside the academy, near the city of Maisui, to rescue them.

Li Wei, who came to Yihua for help, was one of them.

It went smoothly at the beginning. Relying on his great knight-level physique and the blessing of the Holy Light Bead, Gabriel charged forward abruptly under the firepower of several second-class apprentices of the Masonic Society, and sent the Masons present All the apprentices were killed.

However, after Gabriel went deep into the cave, although he relied on the second-class light therapy scroll in his hand, he successfully rescued those second-class apprentices who were tortured to death by the Freemasonry.

When several apprentices woke up, they didn't appreciate Gabriel's rescue at the first time, but claimed that it was a trap, and quickly persuaded Gabriel to escape from this place.

Just when Gabriel realized something was wrong and tried to leave the cave, he was blocked by Masonic members who suddenly appeared, numbering as many as half a hundred, and most of them were second-class apprentices.

In the lead, Jess, the interim vice-chairman who directed the apprentices of the Freemasonry, even carried a fourth-level range attack witchcraft scroll.

None of the apprentices present could resist the power of this fourth-class scroll.

Even for Gabriel who carries the Holy Light, due to the upper limit of his great knight physique, the shield can only resist the attacks of the third-class apprentice level at most.

If facing the fourth-class scroll, Gabriel would not even have time to mobilize the holy light technique to restore the life armor, and he would be torn to pieces together with the shield by the power of the fourth-class scroll.

Forced by the deterrent force of the scroll, and in order to protect the dozens of Illuminati apprentices who followed him as much as possible, Gabriel withdrew to Shandong and confronted a larger number of Masonic apprentices outside the cave.

During this period, Gabriel also tried to break out, but in the end, he was forced to retreat to the cave under the cover of the fourth-class scroll and the more violent witchcraft of the Freemasons.

The several battles between the two sides had their own losses, but under Gabriel's deliberate protection, the damage to the Illuminati's personnel was far lower than that of the Freemasons, which extremely contemptuous of the lives of the bottom members of the society.

In order to convey the message to Yihua, the apprentices of the Illuminati in the cave spent a lot of effort and sent Li Wei out at the cost of serious injuries to several apprentices.

Right in front of Li Wei's explanation, Yi Hua keenly sensed a crucial point——

"With Melkor's strength, it is easy to eliminate Gabriel and others, but in Li Wei's narration, the Masonic apprentices who ambushed Gabriel and the others were led by the temporary vice president Jess, and Melkor only ordered Regarding the order of the Illuminati, could it be said that Melko himself was not there?"

Thinking of this, Yi Hua's eyes suddenly brightened:
"These Masonic apprentices besieged and did not attack the Illuminati apprentices under my command. Maybe Gabriel and others are still useful to them, or they are not sure to destroy them. This also means that they are likely to wait Melkor makes a move?"

Thinking of this step, new doubts arose in Yihua's heart.

"It stands to reason that Melkor has a high probability of not knowing the existence of merit points. In his opinion, even if these Illuminati apprentices are eliminated, it will not be a big loss to me..."

Yi Hua glanced at Li Wei standing in front of him, and after a short thought, he raised the possibility of Melkow acting in this way.

"Could it be that Melko's plan to suppress the Illuminati and ambush Gabriel and others is just to get revenge on me? Or maybe these dozens of Illuminati apprentices have some special value for Melko?"

If we talk about retaliation, then Mirko could take action to suppress him at any time before, but why didn't he take revenge earlier and insisted on delaying his action until now?

Combined with the fact that the apprentices are all trying to improve their strength for the apprentice exam in a few days, Yi Hua believes that the second point is the most likely.

That is to say, the dozens of Illuminati apprentices trapped in the cave by the Freemasonry have some unknown value to Melkor, and they must be acquired by Melkow himself.

Realizing this, Yi Hua's heart trembled, he knew that Gabriel and others were in a precarious situation at this moment.

"We can't procrastinate any longer! Once Melko arrives at that cave, Gabriel and the others must have no hope of surviving."

But Yi Hua, who was planning to leave immediately, hadn't taken the first step, his left foot hovered in mid-air, and he didn't leave immediately.

This is because Yihua realized an important point——

If he went to rescue Gabriel and bumped into Melkor after arriving, how should he deal with it?

"With my apparent strength, I am no match for Melkor at all, but with my identity, I cannot display my true strength openly..."

After a moment of thinking, Yi Hua's eyes lit up, and he found a way to break the situation——

That is to use the identity of the "Branch President" of the Illuminati that has never been seen since its founding.

If it was changed to before, it would take a lot of effort to disguise one's identity.

But now, through the flexible use of the talent of the third-class half-necromancer witch body's thousand-change body, Yi Hua can easily change his identity and transform into someone else's appearance with a flash of thought.

It is even easier to pretend to be a branch president of the Illumination Society that does not exist in reality by pinching his face.

However, because each badge is bound to an apprentice, out of fear of the boundary marker of the academy's witch formation, Yi Hua gave up the plan to pretend at the moment.

After giving Walter the order to stay behind, Yihua followed Li Wei's guidance and rode a magic mane horse to the cave where Gabriel and others were trapped dozens of miles away from the academy.

When walking out of the boundary marker, because the real level did not match the badge level, the faint blue light shining on the body surface lasted for a few more seconds.

Except for the rank, Yi Hua's other information was consistent with the information recorded in the badge, and finally left the range covered by the academy's wizard circle safely.

Since many apprentices will be promoted to a higher level outside the academy, but it is too late to return to the academy to change their badges, in order to avoid the result of these apprentices being unable to return to the academy, the difference in the level of the wizard array is set relatively loosely.

The last time the defense of Camilla City was over, Yihua, who had already been promoted to a second-class apprentice, returned to the academy wearing the graystone badge of a first-class apprentice.

After leaving the academy, following Li Wei's guidance, Yi Hua traveled another ten miles.

After estimating that it was not far from the cave where Gabriel was trapped, Yi Hua suddenly stopped, his expression changed, and he began to show off his acting skills to Li Wei.

Li Wei, who was riding in the forefront, saw Yi Hua suddenly stop in place, and asked with a surprised face:
"What's the matter, Vice President?"

Hearing Li Wei's question, Yi Hua didn't answer immediately, but pretended that someone was communicating with him, with a serious expression, and muttered a few words from time to time.

Seeing Yi Hua's strange behavior in front of him, just when Li Wei was in doubt, Yi Hua suddenly showed a look of joy, and explained to Li Wei:
"Great, Li Wei! The head of our branch of the Illuminati contacted me just now, saying that he is nearby, you wait here now, I will be back soon!"

Hearing what Yi Hua said, Li Wei's pupils shrank, and he responded quickly.

Basically, all the apprentices who joined the Illuminati have great curiosity about the legendary but never-appearing branch president of the Illuminati.

In the inertial thinking of most apprentices, even Yihua, who is the vice president of the branch and has been in the academy for less than three years, has the powerful strength to kill ordinary third-class beasts.

The legendary branch president who never showed up must have stronger strength than Yihua, even better than Yihua.

Thinking of this, Li Wei couldn't help but look forward to meeting the legendary branch president. At the same time, he felt a little cramped and nervous.

Seeing that Li Wei nodded in agreement, Yi Hua didn't delay, and immediately dismounted and walked towards the depths of the surrounding gloomy forest.

To be on the safe side, Yi Hua walked a distance of thousands of meters.

After careful inspection and confirming that the environment was safe and no one else was around, Yi Hua stopped.

According to the plan already formed in his heart, Yi Hua thought about it.

Accompanied by the slight distortion of the surrounding space, a slender, faceless figure with a height of three meters and a black flame burning on its body appeared in the forest.

Compared with the fearful shadow, the faceless ghostly shadow has a stronger camouflage ability by virtue of the innate ability of the body of thousands of changes.

And Yihua's plan is to make the faceless shadow in front of him disguise as himself.

Afterwards, he disguised himself as the non-existent "Illuminati Branch President" by virtue of the third-class semi-necromancer body fused with the Faceless Shadow.

Under Yi Hua's control, the faceless phantom in front of him twisted and was wrapped in black flames.

Only a few seconds passed, and the black flames on the faceless shadow's body dissipated.

What appeared in front of Yi Hua was a figure with a natural expression and actions, who looked exactly like Yi Hua's appearance, even wearing a white wizard robe, which was exactly the same as Yi Hua's.

If it weren't for the connection between the souls of the Faceless Shadow under his command, and Yihua had witnessed the transformation process of the Faceless Shadow with his own eyes.

Even with the strength of his third-class apprentice level, it is difficult to easily see the disguise of the faceless shadow, unless he has been in close contact for a long time.

Moreover, the powerful camouflage talent of the body of change can make the faceless phantom create the same clothes as the original owner.

However, these clothes are still part of the faceless shadow black flame's body in essence, and damage to the clothes will also cause injuries to the body.

Therefore, the greatest use of this ability is not in combat, but mainly in camouflage.

(End of this chapter)

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