I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 198 High-level Meetings

Chapter 198 High-level Meetings
Relying on the name of being the fifth-class tutor of the academy, Petain's favorite disciple Mirko.

These Masonic apprentices who have long been domineering and used to bullying other low-level apprentices in the college, not only did not have the slightest fear when they heard the alarm bell ring, but they quickly stopped what they were doing and rushed to the bell. He rushed to the location where the sound sounded.

Hearing the sound of the alarm bell ringing, Yi Hua felt certain.

In fact, if Yihua is willing, he can enter the headquarters of the Masonic Society in just an instant by relying on the ghostly shuttle, and the Masonic apprentice in front of him has no chance of attacking Yihua at all.

The reason why he slowed down and resisted a second-class witchcraft was to give the Masonic apprentices in charge of guarding on the sentry tower a chance to ring the alarm.

Once the alarm bell rings, the apprentices distributed in the Masonic headquarters will inevitably go out in large numbers and gather towards the area where Yi Hua is located.

This move can greatly save Yihua's time in destroying the Masonic headquarters, and can wipe out all the Masonic apprentices in it.

After Yihua from Yexi entered the Masonic headquarters with a scale of tens of thousands of square meters, he still had to look for the traces of the Masonic apprentices one by one.

"Since the bell has rung, there is no need for me to keep my hands."

The moment this thought flashed in his mind, the translucent tentacles of fear behind Yihua aimed at the sentry tower, and the apprentice who attacked him before burst out.

The skinny masonic apprentice didn't even notice the attack. The terrifying force of the tentacles of fear shot out from behind Yihua directly blew off his hands.

At the moment when the two palms of the masonic apprentice fell, the remaining force of the attack made the two tentacles of fear directly penetrate the shoulder blade of the masonic apprentice, nailing him to the stone wall behind the sentry tower superior.

After being impacted by such a terrifying force for an instant, the masonic apprentice fell silent and passed out on the spot.

Although the opponent was seriously injured, his life was not in danger in a short time.

This is because the purpose of Yihua's raid on the Masonic headquarters is not to kill all the hundreds of Masonic apprentices who have been damaged many times.

Instead, it completely smashed the prestige established by the Freemasonry over the years, causing its status to plummet in the eyes of other apprentices in the college, and it was on the verge of dissolution.

Since apprentices are forbidden to kill each other in the academy, if only one or two people are killed, maybe Yi Hua can use his current fame to let Mentor Simon suppress him for him.

But if he had no scruples, he would kill at least dozens of Masonic apprentices who were in the headquarters at the moment.

Due to the rules established by the tower master, even relying on the energy of Mentor Simon, it is difficult to calm down the matter easily, and it is bound to attract the joint investigation of the fifth-class mentors.

At that time, even with the disguise of the ever-changing body, Yihua can't guarantee that he can 100% escape the joint investigation of the fifth-class mentors.

Yi Hua's thoughts flashed by.

Under the wave of the two fear, Yihua was seriously injured by Yihua on the sentry tower, and the body of the Masonic apprentice who fell into a coma rose into the air, and the fear tentacles that were pulled away flew several meters away.

And this scene was also seen by seven or eight Masonic apprentices who had just arrived for reinforcements.

Seeing that his colleague who was a second-class apprentice couldn't even sustain a face-to-face meeting, he was seriously injured and sent flying.

The expressions of these Masonic apprentices, who were rushing forward to compete for credit, changed drastically. There were bursts of exclamations, and they retreated subconsciously.

But Yi Hua did not intend to let these apprentices leave.

In the next instant, Yi Hua's body turned into a pale flame and disappeared on the spot, appearing out of thin air on the way these masonic apprentices were retreating.

The first batch of Masonic apprentices who arrived were a little caught off guard when they saw Yi Hua suddenly appearing in front of them.

Before they took a few steps back, Yi Hua controlled the five tentacles of fear behind him and ejected.

Puff puff!
But in an instant, the first group of Masonic apprentices who heard the warning bell had all had their limbs broken and collapsed to the ground wailing.

Just a few seconds after Yihua finished his attack, several Masonic apprentices came to support him in the distance.

The moment they saw a large number of seriously injured colleagues lying on the ground, before they had time to react, the tentacle of fear behind Yi Hua suddenly shot tens of meters away, seriously injuring a few less than first-class Masonic apprentices again.

At the same time, from another direction not far away, several Masonic apprentices who hadn't realized the danger rushed over...
In Yihua's mechanically efficient and one-sided battle, just a few minutes passed, and there was no longer a standing Masonic apprentice in the huge Masonic headquarters.

"As the headquarters of the Freemasonry, it stands to reason that there should be a lot of valuable things..."

Looking at the large number of masonic apprentices who were seriously injured and unconscious, or howling in pain.

Yi Hua picked out a second-class apprentice who seemed to have a higher status, and asked about the location of the treasure house of the Masonic headquarters.

The apprentice had already had boundless fear of Yihua in the one-sided battle before, but Yihua didn't press too much, and explained to him the location of the treasure house of the Masonic headquarters tremblingly.

Without a moment's delay, Yi Hua quickly set off, locked on the location of the treasure house, and instantly moved to the door of the treasure house through the ghostly shuttle.

In less than a dozen seconds, Yihua went deep into the underground treasure house, and through the tentacles of fear, violently demolished several thick steel gates that could resist third-class witchcraft.

Finally, after going deep into the treasure house, he came to a room full of witch crystals.

Yi Hua looked at a large number of witch crystals piled up in front of him, his eyes flashed, and he quickly mobilized his tentacles of fear, and began to search for the witch crystals in the room.

After a while, he found eight high-level witch crystals from the depths of the piled witch crystals, equivalent to [-] ordinary witch crystals.

Leaving aside the large amount of witch crystals consumed by the acquisition of third-class and half-necromancer witch bodies and third- and fourth-class witchcraft scrolls, Yihua's liquid assets in his hands now exceed two thousand witch crystals!
As for the remaining three or four hundred ordinary witch crystals, Yi Hua hesitated briefly.

Due to the large number of these ordinary witch crystals the size of pigeon eggs, they are piled up together, and the volume is comparable to a small mountain.

If Yi Hua wanted to collect them, he could only transfer these witch crystals one by one to the world of death through the death world shuttle technique, which took a certain amount of time.

And collecting witch crystals in this way, even if there is enough time, will leave a big flaw.

After all, in addition to being extremely rare, space attribute demonized items that can hold items are relatively common, and the only way to temporarily transfer and store items is the necromancer's death world shuttle technique.

Realizing that these witch crystals are just icing on the cake for him now, but if he chooses to spend time collecting them, it will become a hot potato, so Yihua resolutely gave up collecting these witch crystals.

In Yihua's view, his raid on the Masonic headquarters this time will inevitably lead to an investigation by Melko, and there is even a higher probability of attracting Melko's mentor Petain.

But since Yihua chose to attack the Masonic headquarters, he did not act impulsively, but after careful thinking.

In Yihua's plan, if other fifth-class mentors are involved, as long as no obvious flaws are left, rely on the strength of Simon, who is hostile to Mirko's mentor Pétain, and Rudolph and others.

In addition to these surviving Masonic apprentices, the identity of the assailant is unknown, not his own testimony, and Yi Hua has great confidence in being able to get rid of the suspicion.

Due to time constraints, Yi Hua didn't have time to search carefully in the treasure house, and left in a hurry after receiving eight high-level witch crystals.

On the way back, Yihua changed his identity many times, and finally returned to his residence without anyone noticing.
Just half an hour after Yihua wreaked havoc at the Masonic headquarters and seriously injured all the Masonic apprentices present, Melkow also returned to the academy.

After a while, Melkor, who learned of the attack on the Masonic headquarters, looked ugly, and rushed to the edge of the academy where the headquarters is located without stopping.

Melkor, who stood in mid-air, looked down at the Masonic headquarters with billowing smoke and seriously injured apprentices everywhere. His pupils shone with scarlet light, and his teeth were clenched.

A few hours after the attack on the Masonic headquarters.

In the wizarding tower located in the center of the academy, an impromptu meeting was held between the fifth-class mentors who managed the Nine Ring White Tower branch.

He glanced at the other five fifth-class mentors who sat around the 40-meter-long table in the center in silence.

As Melkor's mentor and fifth-class bloodline warlock, Petain, who looked like a boy with blond hair and red pupils, suddenly stood up and spoke first:

"Just a few hours ago, dozens of first- and second-class apprentices of our college died tens of kilometers away from the college, and their bodies disappeared without a trace. Not long after, the Masonic headquarters in the college They were also attacked, and nearly a hundred apprentices were seriously injured."

Having said that, Petain's slightly serious voice paused, and then continued:

"This incident is very likely not caused by the wizards of this hospital! It is a great challenge to the prestige of our Jiuhuan White Tower Branch! I hope everyone can cooperate with me to conduct a serious investigation of this vicious incident! Catch the murderer as soon as possible!"

Hearing the hat that Petain put on, several fifth-class instructors present frowned.

Whether the murderer is a wizard of the school or a wizard of the branch school, this directly determines the attitude of these fifth-class mentors towards this matter.

If it is done by the apprentices of this academy, then the matter will be classified as an internal dispute and will be handled according to the academy's regulations.

According to the opponent's ability to kill so many first- and second-class apprentices in a short period of time, the murderer has at least the strength of third- and fourth-class apprentices.

If the real identity of the murderer is really a third or fourth class apprentice in this academy.

After finding out, according to the rules of the court, there is a high probability that at least thousands of witch crystals will be fined, and several years of imprisonment will be imposed.

But if the murderer is Yihua, Lei Yi is a talented apprentice like this year.

Since the apprenticeship exam is approaching now, out of a measure of his future potential, the academy will most likely avoid imprisonment and only impose a fine on him.

However, if the murderer is not from the academy, but a wild wizard, or a wizard from another academy, then the nature of this matter will become more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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