I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 222 Hidden dangers in the secret world!

Chapter 222 Hidden dangers in the secret world!
"Second, activate the token immediately, give up the qualification for the exam, and leave the secret world under the guidance of the fifth-class instructor!"

Hearing the choice given by Yihua, Ent, the leader of the seven Gnostic Society apprentices, sighed and showed a helpless smile after being slightly taken aback.

Realizing that he couldn't escape the catastrophe at this moment, Ent didn't hesitate too much, and said bluntly:
"I choose the second one."

Hearing Ent's answer, Yihua nodded, and threw Ent's lost point token back to him.

In fact, the second decision was Yihua's best ending for the Gnosis Society apprentices present.

If it hadn't been for the strange power in the secret realm world that would have been enhanced by learning of the apprentice's death, Yi Hua would have said nothing to those guys who dared to hurt his subordinates, and directly beheaded all of these apprentices with a single sword.

Even if Yi Hua didn't take action to kill these apprentices, after losing their points, they would not be able to survive for a quarter of an hour in the dark area full of strange forces.

Unless good luck bumps into other weak apprentices who happen to pass by.

Ent, who took the token, said nothing, and stretched out his spiritual power after being mentally prepared.

In less than a few seconds, a faint blue light flashed, covering Ent's position.

When the faint blue light dissipated completely, Ent's figure also disappeared without a trace.

Seeing Ent's figure dissipate together with the token, Yihua's eyes flashed, and he said clearly:
"Sure enough, since in the bright zone, the receiving power of the fifth-class mentors can come normally, the strange power in the secret world has a high probability of being able to shield the receiving power of the fifth-class mentors."

In fact, the second choice Yihua gave to the apprentices of the Gnosis Society was not random.

Its purpose is to test whether the ability of the token to lead the apprentice out of the secret world while the apprentice chooses to abstain can be successfully used.

Thinking of this, Yi Hua turned his gaze to the remaining apprentices of the Gnosis Society present.

"Which one do you choose?"

Seeing Yihua's murderous gaze, the remaining Gnosis apprentices trembled, including the loss of their lower body, serious injuries, and a faint pale golden flame still burning in the wound. The apprentice said:

"We all choose the second option!"

Next, everyone took the blank tokens thrown back by Yihua one after another, and under Yihua's supervision, they communicated with the tokens on the spot.

In less than ten seconds, the apprentices of the Gnosis Society present left the secret world one by one under the guidance of the fifth-class mentor.

But leaving the secret world, it seems that their lives have been saved for the time being, but what meets them next will be an even more tragic fate.

After all, this Jiuhuan Baita branch has had dozens of apprentices in rotation for hundreds of years, and these apprentices add up to at least 30 to [-] people.

Among them, only about one-tenth of them can go to the mainland.

As for the rest, among the hundreds of thousands of apprentices who remained in the academy and became slaves of the academy, only one percent, two to three thousand apprentices survived today.

As for Yihua's reason for "letting go" of Faen, who had a grudge against Raman, it was more than that.

Faen, who has a grudge against Laman, has now had his lower body cut off by Yihua. Even if he abstains from the right and leaves the secret world, it will be difficult to survive without timely treatment.

Even if he gets timely treatment and saves his life, if he loses his lower body, unless he is willing to pay a high price and ask a fourth-class or even fifth-class mentor to perform top-notch healing witchcraft on him to restore his lower body, otherwise he will have to spend time in a wheelchair in the future .

Even if he regained his lower body, he failed the apprenticeship exam and lost his qualification to go to the mainland forever. If he wants to survive and not become a slave of the academy, he must pay a high ransom to the academy.

Even if Faen really had such a fortune in his hands, enough to heal and successfully pay the ransom, the sequelae caused by being injured by Yihua's sword energy would always accompany Faen for the rest of his life.

What Yihua learned, as a top advanced breathing method, is suspected to be the solar breathing method practiced by the Sun Knight, who is comparable to a formal knight in the Mar Empire, and can condense the life energy of Yang Yan in the realm of the Earth Knight.

Today's Yihua has transformed two-thirds of the ordinary life energy into Yang Yan's life energy.

Yang Yan's life energy can use life energy as fuel, continuously burn and contaminate its existence, it is almost the nemesis of all life.

As early as when Faen was chopped off by the pale golden crescent sword energy, the life energy of Yang Yan stained on his body had already burned all the life energy in his body.

But after burning the life energy in Faen's body, Yang Yan's life energy, which used life energy as firewood, did not stop burning. Instead, it used itself as fuel until even its own Yang Yan life energy was completely exhausted. Stopped when exhausted.

When the burning of Yang Yan's life energy is completely over, Faen is like a kettle that is still boiling dry after the water inside has evaporated.

When the life energy is completely exhausted, the burning of Yang Yan's life energy will seriously erode Fa En's body and greatly shorten his lifespan!

This also means that even if Fine returns to the outside world safely, and rely on financial resources to solve all problems.

The body that was severely injured by Yang Yan's life energy would have sequelae that would erupt soon. Afterwards, Fann's serious illness would be relatively mild, and if it was more serious, he would even die suddenly on the spot.

Returning to the topic, seeing that the seven apprentices of the Gnosis Society successfully passed the tokens and left the secret world under the guidance of the fifth-class mentor, Yi Hua began to think again.

"It can isolate the receiving power of the fifth-level mentors under the blessing of the academy's wizard array. It seems that the strange power in the secret world is much higher than the fifth-level mentors, at least it is the power of the official wizard level!"

Realizing this, Yi Hua's expression froze.

The strange power in the secret world obviously has a great origin, but many apprentices who took the exam knew nothing about it.

It's okay to say that there are no problems, but if the strange power in the secret world is out of control, then even the fifth-class mentors from the outside world will not be able to protect them!
In the previous apprenticeship exams, perhaps the strange forces in the secret world did not have any problems, otherwise the fifth-class instructor would not have chosen the secret world as the test venue.

But Petain, who decided to do it during the exam, really didn't think about the secret world?

Just relying on Petain's few fifth-class apprentices to defeat the other fifth-class mentors from within, unless almost all the seven fifth-class mentors in the academy defected to Petain, it would be wishful thinking.

After all, among the other fifth-class mentors, there are those who can fight one against two like mentor Simon, and among the fifth-class apprentices, their combat power can be regarded as the top existence.

That being the case, Pei Tang chose to do it during the apprenticeship examination, when the world of the secret realm was open to the public. It was hard to say that it had nothing to do with the world of the secret realm, relying on the power to break through the wizard formation of the academy from the inside.

In Yihua's current cognition, the most mysterious and threatening thing in the secret world is the strange power in the darkness of the secret world.

"Could it be that Petain has a way to make the strange forces in the secret world lose control?"

Recalling the strange power that was enough to pose a fatal threat to the second-class top bone skinner when he first entered the secret world.

As well as the information that with the death of the apprentice, the strange power will gradually increase, Yi Hua frowned.

"If the strange power is enhanced to the third level, once the strange power is out of control, only the top apprentices in the secret world can survive. If it reaches the fourth level, almost only I can survive! If it reaches the fifth level..."

Thinking of this, Yi Hua's expression turned pale.

According to his current judgment, the level of the strange power in the secret world is higher than the fifth level, even reaching the level of an official wizard.

It is entirely possible to say that the strange power can be strengthened to the fifth level after killing enough apprentices!
If the strange power of the secret world reaches the level of a formal wizard, and can break through the secret world, flood into the outside world, and destroy the entire branch of the Nine Ring White Tower, it will be even easier!
Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Yi Hua no longer hesitated:

"Next, just to be on the safe side, we must meet up with other Illuminati apprentices as soon as possible! Try to preserve the vitality of the Illuminati!"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Yi Hua looked at Li Wei and Laman beside him.

Li Wei previously rescued Raman, who was also the Illuminati and could provide Yihua with merit points. Logically speaking, he should be rewarded.

After realizing the crisis he is likely to face now, Yi Hua no longer values ​​points as much as before.

After a short thought, Yi Hua decided to distribute 561 points out of the 161 points obtained from the seven Gnosis Society apprentices to Li Wei who came to support him.

And Raman who bought his own life orb, but has not yet collected the [-]-point score line to pass the apprenticeship exam.

"Thank you, Vice President! Laman pledges his allegiance to the Illuminati!"

After a brief discussion, Raman managed to collect [-] points, and bowed to Yi Hua excitedly to thank him.

On the other side, Li Wei also thanked Yi Hua for the rest of the 161 points after getting aside the points given to Raman.

"Master Vice President, what should we do next?"

Looking at Li Wei who made the question, and Raman who looked firm and ready to help Yihua at any time, Yihua said without hesitation:
"Next, you will act with me."

Yihua plans to gather the rest of the Illuminati apprentices as soon as possible in the next time, and at the same time collect more information about the rules of the secret world.

Illuminati apprentices like Laman, who have been besieged by other apprentices due to their weak power, will not be an exception.

These Illuminati apprentices are one of the main sources of merit for Yihua.

In order to prevent Illuminati apprentices from being eliminated in large numbers, or from dying in the strange forces of the secret world, so that my team can follow me to the mainland.

Yihua had to actively intervene to gather as many Illuminati apprentices as possible.

Without staying too long, after the seven Gnostic Society apprentices were eliminated and the points were divided up, Yi Hua took out the resonance stone and took a look at it, and then determined the next direction of travel.

In order for Li Wei and Li Wei to keep up, Yi Hua slowed down his movement speed a little, and also allowed him to focus on checking his current points ranking during the march of the three of them——

[Real-time standings for the apprenticeship exam]

[No.1——Milkor Farbouti——Currently holding points: 2236 points]

[No.2——Enzo Lateran——Currently holds points: 1853 points]

[No.3——Rey Fercis——Currently holding points: 1789 points]


[No.8——Iva Fercis——Currently holds points: 1026 points]


[The 560 and 10nd place...Currently holds points: [-] points]

Seeing the last apprentice on the current leaderboard whose ranking was a little bit different than expected, Yi Hua's eyes flickered slightly.

"Looking at the speed at which apprentices enter the secret world, it is starting to accelerate."

On the way when Yihua sensed the fluctuation of the resonance stone and rushed to support Li Wei and Laman, he accidentally bumped into a group of apprentices.

After taking care of those apprentices, the points held by Yi Hua also increased a lot, from more than 400 points to more than 600 points.

Now, with the [-] points obtained from the seven apprentices of the Gnosis Society, the points held by Yihua at this moment have already broken through the [-]-point mark.

The current ranking - No. 8 is also Yihua's ranking when he first entered the secret world.

As for the top seven apprentices ahead of him, they all had [-] basic points when they first entered the secret realm world by virtue of their status as third-class apprentices.

If you put aside the basic points, look at the points you get after entering the secret world.

Yihua's 926 points are even slightly higher than No.2 Enzo's 853 points, and only slightly behind Milko's 1236 points.

After checking the current points ranking and the number of apprentices in the secret world, Yi Hua acted decisively.

Soon after, Yi Hua and Li Wei stayed on a grassland.

He ignored the bewildered faces of Li Wei and Laman.

Looking at the two conspicuous messages on the stone wall in front of him, Yi Hua frowned, his eyes suddenly became dignified, and he fell into deep thought...
Just as the new batch of apprentices continued to enter the secret world, a huge light curtain had already been erected in front of the tower of the Outer Academy.

Creeping ink marks on the light curtain, like living creatures, showed the current real-time points ranking of the apprentices in the secret world.

Not only are there a large number of current apprentices who have not yet entered the secret world to take the exam watching.

At the same time, there were quite a few second-, third-, and fourth-class apprentices who were quite old from the past, also gathered in the open space not far away, staring intently at the real-time scoreboard of the secret world high above.

Suddenly, the two lines of text at the top of the standings flashed, and the ink-like font dissolved and dissipated.

After a while, two lines of text reappeared.

It's just that the two lines of text that reappeared have switched positions compared to before.

"Look, Rey surpassed Enzo and was promoted to No.2!"

"I feel that Rey is expected to become No.1 in this apprenticeship exam! After all, he is also No.1 in the academy competition!"

Hearing the young apprentice's amazement, another apprentice who had invested Wu Jing in Melko dismissed Rey:

"Hmph, there is still a big gap between Rey's points and No.1 Melkor. It was just a fluke that Rey won No.1 in the academy competition. The No.1 apprentice exam must be Melkor!"

(End of this chapter)

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