I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 233 Giant Lumenite Vein!

Chapter 233 Giant Lumenite Vein!
He knew that most of the apprentices who disappeared on the leaderboard died in the secret world, under the apprentices who knew nothing about killing other apprentices to increase their strange power.

This also means that even though Yihua and hundreds of Illuminati apprentices under his command try their best not to kill other apprentices, and try to spread the news that dead apprentices will enhance the strange power of the secret world.

Still can't stop a larger number of apprentices who don't know the news from killing each other.

In other words, Yihua can only slow down the growth of the strange power in the secret world at most, but it cannot stop the general trend of the strange power.

"As long as my intervention can prevent the strange power from increasing to the level of a fourth-class apprentice at the end of the final exam, that's enough."

If the strange power in the secret realm world is only at the third level, relying on the third-level undead and the third-level half-dead witch body under his command, Yihua is fully confident that he can protect the apprentices of the Illuminati from the possible outbreak of the strange power.

But even if Yihua and the Illuminati apprentices under his command tried their best to stop them, after losing the life-saving card of abstaining from leaving the secret world, there would be at least thousands of apprentices who died in the secret world.

It is still unknown to Yi Hua that the death of such a large number of apprentices will have a terrible increase in the strange power in the secret world, and whether it will reach the fourth level.

Thinking of this, Yi Hua frowned and looked at the sky.

His eyes peered through the darkness beyond the light zone high in the sky, as if trying to see the outside world.

"Strange, until the last apprentice entered the secret world, none of the fifth-class instructors outside entered the secret world to check the situation, and even terminated the exam."

Yi Hua's eyes flashed, realizing that this move was extremely abnormal, so he guessed:
"Could it be that the fifth-class tutors from the outside world didn't notice the abnormal situation that no apprentices left the secret world, or that the strange power in the secret world somehow deceived the fifth-class tutors from the outside world?"

"Now that I have lost the ability to leave the secret world, and the fifth-class tutors outside cannot learn about the changes in the secret world, it seems that I can only wait for the apprenticeship exam to end. I hope that during this period, the strange power in the secret world will not be destroyed. It’s good to have another mutation.”

Although all the apprentices who took the exam have entered the secret world, Yihua temporarily lost the means to know the outside world, but according to the information Yihua obtained from a defeated apprentice.

Even if the fifth-class instructors from outside don't take the initiative to open the passage to the secret world.

After three days, when the apprenticeship exam is over, the secret world will automatically open the passage to the outside world due to the mechanism set up by the fifth-class mentors.

Time passed by bit by bit, and scenes of apprentices fighting each other and killing each other took place in every corner of the secret world.

Due to activation tokens, abstaining from leaving a Rift world is an active act.

And in the fierce battle where life and death are only a moment away, many apprentices are often alive one moment, and turned into a scorched corpse under the enemy's witchcraft fire the next moment.

Even before the ability to leave the secret world through the token hadn't expired, most of the apprentices couldn't react in time before they died, and made a decisive decision to give up their qualifications for the exam.

In today's situation where the ability of the token to communicate with the outside world and leave the secret world is invalid, once the apprentices in the secret world make a real fire, the one who falls into the disadvantage loses the only chance to survive.

Unless a very small number of apprentices can take advantage of the chaos and seize the opportunity to escape.

Most of the battles ended with the destruction of one party's apprentice group.

But almost everyone didn't realize that not long after the death of these apprentices, wisps of jet-black power quietly seeped out from the corpses, as if following a certain direction, penetrating deep into the ground.

And in the depths of the secret world, which is at least [-] meters deep, there is a huge underground space.

At a glance, the rock walls and every corner of this huge underground space are covered with astonishingly large lumen mines.

Under the light of these moon-white lumen stones, the entire underground space is like daytime.

In the center of the underground space, the seemingly empty ground is engraved with countless complicated wizard runes.

If you stand in the distance, you can see that these runes have a clear direction, just like a giant wizard formation covering a radius of several kilometers.

Judging from the rune composition of this wizard array, it can barely be seen that this seems to be a sealed wizard array.

However, its inscription and construction methods are incompatible with today's wizards, but have certain similarities with the wizard array in the ancient wizard ruins.

Within the range of the giant wizard array, there is a layer of moon white, eggshell-shaped film covering everything inside the wizard array.

And in the center of the wizard array, a pitch-black heart-shaped flesh filled with purple blood vessel-like lines, accompanied by a thunderous heartbeat, radiated terrifying power fluctuations towards the underground space within a range of several kilometers around.


But these waves of pitch-black power finally dissipated the moment they touched the wizard circle that surrounded the pitch-black heart.

It seems that this wizard formation is as solid as a rock, and the power of the dark heart can't escape at all.

But if someone is here, they can notice.

The sealing barrier at the top of the pitch-black heart shattered a gap at some point.

At this moment, there is a steady stream of jet-black power falling from the heights of this underground space.

Following an insignificant gap in the shattered seal, it went down the current and merged into the dark heart at the core of the sealed wizard array.

With the continuous influx of jet-black power, the beating of the jet-black heart became stronger and stronger, and the crack at the height also tended to expand faintly over time.

If Yihua was in it, he would be able to sense that in this huge pitch-black heart, there was a terrifying coercion that surpassed the fifth-class apprentices.

This coercion is even more terrifying than the coercion of the extraordinary life of the official wizard-the blood of the shadow snake exuded by Melko! ——
At the same time, in a certain forest on the ground of the secret world, there is an astonishingly bright area.

In this vast area of ​​light covering several kilometers in radius, there is a giant lumenite vein shining with a silvery white and magnificent color like moonlight.

Under normal circumstances, a fist-sized lumen stone contains one unit of lumen stone energy.

Judging from the astonishing scale of this mine stretching for hundreds of meters, it contains at least tens of thousands of units, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of points of lumen energy!

This giant lumenite vein is located in the center of this huge bright zone covering an area of ​​several kilometers.

To create a huge light zone covering thousands of meters, even leaving aside the giant lumenite veins that contain tens of thousands of units of lumenite energy, tens of thousands of points are needed to create it.

Right now, the apprentice with the highest points is only seven thousand points.

This means that at this moment, there is a high probability that there are a large number of apprentices around this giant lumenite vein.

This is true.

Now there are hundreds of apprentices around the giant lumenite vein!
And these hundreds of apprentices are distributed among the five forces and confront each other.

Due to the pressure from other quarters, although everyone coveted the huge lumenite vein in front of them and wanted to monopolize it, none of the forces dared to take the lead.

So the situation fell into a continuous stalemate.

Located on a mountain peak in the north is Rey, who is now ranked second in the standings, fully armed and seemingly unscathed, and more than fifty Silver Star Society apprentices who followed him.

Around Rey's waist hung the No. 1 award from the Academy Competition.

It was a gray-black, messy suture thread in the eyes and mouth, and it looked a bit weird, a fourth-class magical item in the shape of a voodoo doll—a cursed doll.

This fourth-class magical item can resist three mortal injuries for Ray, and teleport him to a safe place a kilometer away.

But with the second-class life orb that Yihua sold to him yesterday, the defensive power was second only to the holy light orb he had used in the competition.

So far, the strongest enemy he has encountered so far is only Rey, who exists in the top [-] on the scoreboard. He has never used this fourth-class magical item once.

To the east of the giant lumenite vein, on a hillside hundreds of meters away, there appeared an undead army composed of thirty three-meter-tall, burly death guards arranged neatly like an army formation.

At the center of these undead legions, it was the one who had fought with Yihua briefly before.

After exposing the dark magic crystal necklace, which doubles the limit of undead and can control the undead, he is instantly defeated by Yihua, who suddenly exploded with amazing strength, and Enzo, who escaped successfully through life-saving magic items similar to Ray.

Although Enzo did not have the opportunity to learn the art of soul feeding back given to Yihua by Simon's mentor.

But through the remaining consumable magic items that can restore magic power, Enzo once again pulled up an undead army composed of thirty third-class undead death guards.

As for the third-party force, it is the [-] or [-] Illuminati apprentices in the west of the mine who hold the life orb and are led by Gabriel, who has not yet met Yihua.

The remaining two forces are located in the southeast and southwest directions hundreds of meters away from the ore vein.

The former is a loose alliance composed of nearly a hundred first- and second-class scattered apprentices.

The latter is a temporary alliance formed by Rapp, who broke into the top ten in the college competition, and two other third-class apprentices, and more than twenty followers of each of the three first- and second-class apprentices.

Since the former has no strong enough to lead the whole, although there are a large number of them, in a real battle, there is a high probability that they will be vulnerable, and they will be easily scattered and fled by other forces.

Among them, fish and dragons are mixed, except for some scattered people, most of them are from some small organizations in the academy.

If Yihua was present, he could keenly spot several apprentices from the Gnosis Society, including Faen and others who had encountered Li Wei and Laman when they reunited.

If you look closely, you can even catch a glimpse of five apprentices wearing masonic scarlet vertical pupil badges.

As for the latter...

The apprentices under the command of the three third-class apprentices are basically from the forces in the academy that are second only to the Silver Star Society, the Freemasonry Society, and the Illuminati Society.

For example, the Burning Hand who was born in Rapp, compared to other small organizations or undisciplined people, the average combat effectiveness of apprentices who came from these big forces is much stronger.

In other words, in these academies, the larger apprentice forces have more capital to screen and join apprentices than other small organizations.

If the apprentices of the Illuminati did not have the life orb to help them, they could even rely on three third-class apprentices to barely rank among the top three among the five forces.

Compete with Rey, who is the top among the third-class apprentices, and Enzo, who is a third-class necromancer apprentice.

Although the latter is stronger, but because the three third-class apprentices only form an alliance temporarily due to the situation, all of them have ulterior motives.

Therefore, in the event of a real fight, the three third-class apprentices and the apprentices under their command may fall apart and fight on their own at any time due to different situations.

Among the five forces present, the only ones who can truly advance and retreat in unison and have high combat effectiveness are the No.1 in the academy competition, the president of the Silver Star Society Rey, the third-class necromancer apprentice Enzo, and the temporary vice president of the Illuminati Gabriel this tripartite.

The standoff around the giant lumenite vein didn't last long.

Although Rey, Enzo and other apprentices knew that once they successfully occupied this giant lumenite vein, they would be able to become No.1 in this year's apprenticeship exam by virtue of the tens of thousands of points contained in it.

As long as you continue to collect points in the future, you will be able to securely occupy No.1 in this apprenticeship competition in the next two days.

Even if you can't get the points in this giant lumenite vein, in order to ensure that other apprentices don't get these tens of thousands of points, the rest of the apprentices should try their best to prevent others from taking this giant lumenite vein.

After a short judgment, he realized that delaying it would only increase the variables and increase the possibility of other apprentices discovering this giant lumenite vein.

So Rey's eyes flashed, and as the only one present, Enzo, who was guarded by thirty third-class death guards, was of equal strength, he said decisively:

"Miss Enzuo, you and I are the two strongest forces present, why don't we join forces and eliminate the rest of the forces first?"

Since Rey did not hide his voice, the other three parties besides Enzo also heard Rey's proposal.

They all tightened their faces, and turned their heads to look at Enzo with apprehensive eyes.

The leaders of the other two parties, except Gabriel, immediately made plans to join hands with the other two parties to fight against Enzo once he agreed.

"Hmph, since you are the first to propose cooperation, shouldn't you show your sincerity?"

Enzo saw what Rey said at a glance, the cooperation was false, and the temptation was true.

The other party's inquiry did not have the idea of ​​sincere cooperation at all.

If he sincerely cooperates, Rey can communicate with her in a more secretive way, instead of making his thoughts public in a grand manner.

Therefore, no matter whether he agrees to Ray's proposal or not, it will only be in his favor.

Rey's purpose is to judge her general strength through Enzo's answer, whether she has the confidence to solve the other three forces.

(End of this chapter)

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