I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 235 Mutation!

Chapter 235 Mutation!

At the same time as Enzo's words just fell.

Dozens of burly, third-class death guards covered in armor and holding giant axes nearly as high as themselves rushed out of the smoke and dust, and rushed towards the loose apprentice alliance with hundreds of them.

These third-class death guards were all wounded, and many of the death guards' armor had extremely obvious signs of damage, as well as scorched marks from burning and distortion caused by external force collisions.

Even part of the death guard's armor was completely pierced, revealing a half-rotten body with stinky black blood flowing inside.

What's more, the head has disappeared without a trace, but the headless body with black blood on the neck is still holding a huge axe, striding forward to execute the attack command issued by the master.

For these death guards, as long as the soul is immortal and the body is not completely destroyed, they can continue to act even if they lose their heads.

The previous joint attack by hundreds of apprentices from the three parties was massive.

But except for the soul witchcraft from Rey and a few apprentices, most of them can only cause some skin trauma to the death guards, and cannot completely destroy the bodies of these death guards who are good at defense.

Now that Rey joined forces with the other two parties and took the lead in tearing his face apart, Enzo didn't hesitate and went to war with Rey directly.

Enzo's tactic was to defeat the three forces that were besieging him one by one.

Although this tactic is extremely simple, it is also extremely effective in the current situation.

Although the three forces are united, they are located in different directions around the giant lumenite vein, with a distance of at least [-] meters from each other. In a short period of time, it is impossible to take advantage of the encirclement.

In addition, each of the three parties has their own calculations and ulterior motives, and they are only temporarily united. They are completely unable to exert the combat power they should have, and there is no cohesion at all.

Among the three parties, when it comes to combat effectiveness, the loose apprentice alliance, which does not have a third-class apprentice in charge, has the largest number, and has the weakest cohesion, is the weakest.

In Enzo's vision, to defeat this loose alliance of apprentices with the largest number, it is absolutely unnecessary to kill all the apprentices of this force.

As long as they show overwhelming strength through the massive third-class Death Guard Legion under their command, and severely damage this side in a short period of time, their morale will plummet, and a large number of apprentices who form this loose alliance will flee.

When the third-class undead army under Enzo's command was in close contact with one of the apprentice forces, the other two forces would most likely be restrained because of this, and they would not dare to release witchcraft at will to bombard the undead army under Enzo's command.

Enzo's move undoubtedly greatly limited the chances of the four third-class apprentices led by Rey to cast spells on the four third-class apprentices under Enzo's death guard who really had the ability to kill.

Especially Rey, in order to avoid harming allies, it is difficult to cast the third-class soul-eating head-flying witchcraft with the ability to kill in a large area.

Even if Rey decides to ignore the possible accidental injuries, and even decides to get rid of this apprentice force together with Enzo, it will speed up the defeat of the apprentices on the side fighting Enzo.

After learning that the two friendly parties of the temporary alliance launched an indiscriminate attack regardless of their own life and death.

These apprentices from a loose alliance would quickly realize that they were considered sacrificial sons by the other two parties, and planned to be eliminated together with Enzo.

Therefore, he no longer loves fighting, but chooses to quickly escape from the battlefield to save his strength and life as much as possible.

In addition, the forces that cooperate with Rey, led by three third-class apprentices including Rapp, will also have a rift between Rey and his Silver Star because of Rey's decision.

In this way, as long as Enzo turns his guns on Rey again after defeating the loose alliance.

Then the group of apprentices headed by three third-class apprentices including Rapp will most likely sit on the sidelines and watch the tiger fight, no longer fully assisting Rey against Enzo, but trying to find opportunities to take action at critical moments and reap the rewards profit.

Just when Enzo was thinking about the next plan.

A group of burly and oppressive-looking third-class Death Guard Legion is less than 50 meters away from the loose apprenticeship alliance composed of hundreds of apprentices.

Looking at the huge body, but at an astonishing speed of 30 meters per second, with heavy steps, he rushed towards the less than [-] death guards who were temporarily allied with the loose apprentice alliance.

Taking another look at Enzo's original position as the smoke dissipated, there were only five extremely complete corpses of death guards, Rey snorted coldly, his brows twisted into a zigzag shape.

"This is troublesome now. The defensive power of the third-class undead under Enzo's command is so terrifying!"

Rey could see at a glance that even if hundreds of first- and second-class apprentices set fire, they did not cause fatal damage to these death guards who were third-class undead.

The five death guards who fell to the ground were basically killed by the more than 20 soul-eating skulls released by Rey, which could directly attack the soul, and the remaining three third-class apprentices headed by Rapp.

With immortality, most of the undead are not as vital as living things. Whether it is the strength of the soul or the difficulty of killing, they are far from being comparable to the beasts of the same level.

At the same time, the three apprentices who reacted, including Rey and the other three third-class apprentices, quickly released a new round of witchcraft attacks against the death guards who were only tens of meters away from the loose apprentice alliance. fire.

Boom boom boom!
Accompanied by a series of violent explosions, the more than [-] death guards rushing towards the loose apprentice alliance reduced their staff by six again, reducing the number to nineteen.

However, Enzo, who was high in the sky, was not idle. While ordering her Death Guard to attack the loose apprentice alliance, she also re-established the undead summoning technique.

Following a burst of space distortion, the eight death guards were instantly summoned by Enzo in front of the loose apprentice alliance before the rest of the death guards.

The previous two rounds of attacks only killed ten death guards, but now, in just a short moment, Enzo summoned eight again, almost completely filling the previous vacancy.

Not only that, by virtue of the necromancer's ability to directly summon the undead to any corner within his perception range.

Enzo, who was located high in the sky with a wide view, easily summoned eight intact Death Guards to a position a few meters in front of the Loose Apprentice Alliance, directly catching the Loose Apprentice Alliance off guard.

"Oops! Apprentices who are good at melee combat, go up and meet them!"

"Apprentices who are good at boosting witchcraft, quickly release the shield for melee apprentices to boost!"

"Don't let this group of big guys rush in! Charlie, you immediately summon the apprentices to release witchcraft and restrict the actions of these undead!"

However, due to the sudden appearance of eight death guards that were close at hand, most of the apprentices present looked terrified, retreated subconsciously, and fell into chaos.

The orders of several top second-class apprentice leaders in the loose apprenticeship alliance cannot be effectively implemented.

Excluding a small number of courageous apprentices, he obeyed the order and met the eight death guards in front of him, preparing to block the first round of attacks from the third-class undead—the death guards.

Most of the other apprentices were busy backing away from the Death Guard.

As for the increase and the restriction of the actions of the death guards, it was not effectively implemented due to the riots caused by the retreat of a large number of apprentices.

Therefore, those melee apprentices who dared to defend themselves against the death guards were as fragile as paper in the face of the sharp wind-wrapped giant axes of the eight death guards when the friendly side did not give the boost in time.

Bang bang bang!
The moment the originally tough witchcraft shield came into contact with the giant ax in the hands of the death guard, it shattered on the spot with a "click".

Accompanied by a series of giant axes falling, a first- and second-class apprentice who was good at close combat was instantly hit on the torso by the giant ax that shattered the shield.


In the chaotic open space, several clusters of blood mist exploded in an instant, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The lucky apprentice, after being hit by the giant ax in the hands of the death guard, vomited blood, was sent flying tens of meters away, and fell heavily to the ground, his life and death unknown.

The apprentices who were less lucky turned into blood mist on the spot, leaving no bones left, only sporadic pieces of meat and bone dregs splashed on the bodies of other apprentices around them.

A second-class apprentice with the physique of a great knight relied on his relatively strong physique. When he was hit by the giant ax of the death guard, he did not die immediately, but woke up early due to pain.

At this moment, his legs were cut off by the death guard, and now his legs were bleeding profusely, and he wailed in pain on the ground.

"Ah! My legs!"

The young second-class apprentice's face was pale, and large beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

But relying on his longing for life, he still dragged his legsless body, struggling to climb on the ground, dragging a long trail of blood, trying to stay away from the death guards who were only tens of meters away.

He knew that the distance of tens of meters was far away for ordinary people, but it was only a step away for the death guards.

The scene in front of him is just a microcosm of the battlefield.

Realizing that the loose apprenticeship alliance would collapse at any touch, and that he was no match for the third-class undead Death Guard, Rey snorted coldly.

Immediately, he cast the air defense technique and rushed towards Enzo in the sky.

The next second, Enzo saw Rey attacking him, and instantly exploded at a speed not inferior to Rey's. Not only did he not go away, but he quickly approached Rey.

Seeing this, Rey realized that Enzo, whose melee combat power was unknown, was as fast as him, and stopped decisively.

When he stopped, Enzo also stopped.

Rey's eyes flickered towards Enzo.

Even with the use of spiritual weapons, he might be able to barely catch up with Enzo.

But Rey can't guarantee that Enzo, who is a third-class necromancer apprentice, does not have the powerful melee ability like Yihua, a "second-class necromancer apprentice" and an earth knight.

If Enzo faced him just now and fled decisively, Rey would most likely catch up.

But Enzo not only did not do this, but approached Rey at a faster speed.

This made Rey instantly suspicious.

Although according to the speed of the two sides, it only takes a few seconds to collide with each other, but currently Rey's understanding of Enzo only stops at the summoning of the undead.

After a brief hesitation, just to be on the safe side, he gave up his plan to behead one-on-one with Enzo, and turned to study Enzo's undead.

Enzo does not have the art of soul feeding like Yihua, and can only restore magic power through a limited number of magic items.

As long as its magic power is exhausted and the undead can no longer be summoned, all the death guards on the field will be wiped out.

With the assistance of a large number of apprentices, Rey can defeat Enzo more safely.

The only disadvantage is that compared with the beheading tactic, defeating Enzo by exhausting his mana and undead means that the number of apprentices lost is much higher.

But in Rey's view, as long as the apprentices who died because of this were not from his own Silver Star Society, that's enough.

Rey turned his gaze, knowing that he couldn't let the loose alliance of apprentices who joined forces temporarily be defeated easily.After ordering a temporary suspension of the attack on the apprentices of the Silver Star Society under his command, to avoid spreading to the loose apprentice alliance.

Rey set off quickly, heading towards the loose apprentice alliance for reinforcements, and at the same time re-established the third-class soul witchcraft-Soul Eater and Flying Head.

He planned to take the first step and wipe out all the undead on the field before the loose apprentice alliance was defeated by Enzo's death guard.

"Is it because the soul strength of this undead is really so amazing, or does Enzo have soul-level defenses?"

During the high-speed flight at a speed of tens of meters per second, Rey frowned.

Although he hadn't fought against third-class undead before, he had fought against third-class ferocious beasts.

Even a third-class ferocious beast with a strong physique can't even resist three third-class soul-eating skulls that can ignore their physique and directly attack the soul.

Even if you get hit by one, you will be severely injured.

But the third-class undead under Enzo's command in front of him, even though the soul is a little stronger than the same level of beasts.

But at the same time, they carried more than 20 third-class soul-eating skulls, as well as the other three third-class apprentices, and hundreds of first- and second-class apprentices, but only lost five or six of them, which is a bit too exaggerated.

Although Rey was puzzled, Enzo, who controlled a group of death guards, knew the secret of his death guard being able to resist the previous two rounds of fire by Rey and hundreds of apprentices.

In fact, Enzo had already learned that Rey and Mirko were the strongest among the nearly ten thousand apprentices in this year's class.

She is also a genius, so naturally she has long been on guard against the two.

Previously, she had secretly cast a third-class soul protection technique on the death guard under her command.

With the blessing of the third-class soul protection technique, the death guard, who would have lost his soul if he hit three third-class soul-devouring skulls at the same time, can now fully resist five or six soul-devouring skulls!

It is precisely because of this that the Death Guard Legion under Enzo's command was able to lose only eleven Death Guards after two rounds of focused fire from three parties including Rey and hundreds of apprentices.

Without the blessing of the third-class soul protection technique, the number of death guards under Enzo's command who died due to concentrated fire would have at least doubled!
Not only that, in addition to strengthening the soul defense and dealing with the third-class soul protection of Rey's soul witchcraft.

Enzo also has the means to deal with Melko, who has the extraordinary life-blood of the Shadow Serpent.

Previously, Enzo faced Yihua, a dark horse with extremely strong strength, which made most of the methods she prepared to deal with Melkor and Rey useless.

Even these methods were not used once from the beginning to the end, and Yihua, who used the third-class semi-necromantic body to display terrifying strength, was forced to use his life-saving hole card to escape Yihua's pursuit.

Just when the other nineteen death guards arrived and merged with the eight death guards that Enzo had just summoned, preparing to slaughter the hundreds of apprentices who formed a loose alliance ahead.

A burst of incomparably dazzling light suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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