I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 237 Killing the Shadow of the Dead!

Chapter 237 Killing the Shadow of the Dead!
Now there is no longer a dark area during the daytime, and the shadows of the dead in the secret world can be detected by the apprentices at a distance of hundreds of meters in advance.

The only fortunate thing is that the daylight period in the secret world lasts very short, only about half an hour.

If there is no accident, during the three days of this apprenticeship exam, perhaps only this day will be experienced.

But Yi Hua thought of another point:
"Even if it only lasts for half an hour, it's not something most apprentices in the secret world can resist..."

"With the current strength of the strange power, I don't know how many apprentices will die during this short period of daylight, and the apprentices who die in the secret world will increase the strength of the strange power... In this way, they will fall into a vicious circle. "

The strange power has lost the barrier of lumen stone energy, materialized, at least the shadow of the dead who has reached the third-class level, will attack the apprentices taking the exam brazenly during the daytime of the secret world.

Except for the top ten in the standings who can forcibly shake the shadow of the dead, the top [-] apprentices can barely resist or avoid the shadow of the dead.

The remaining thousands of apprentices, even if they are grouped together, can't play a role in fighting against the shadow of the dead. In the end, they just facilitate the killing of the shadow of the dead.

Thinking of this, realizing that the shadow of the dead may attack him at any time, Yi Hua quickly put aside his concerns about the future.

At this moment, Yihua quickly ordered the apprentices who followed him to be more vigilant.

After a while, some apprentices noticed something unusual.

Located tens of meters away from Yihua, beside Li Wei, a young second-class apprentice who is good at scouting suddenly shouted to everyone:
"Look, what is that!"

Hearing the words of the second-class Illuminati apprentice, everyone present looked into the distance.

Looking hundreds of meters away, at the edge of the forest and the clearing where a group of Illuminati apprentices lived, suddenly appeared an unknown existence with a translucent body and pale skin like a dead person.

As the most powerful apprentice among the apprentices present, Yihua was one step ahead of the Illuminati apprentice, and felt the illusory ghost with pale complexion that suddenly appeared hundreds of meters away.

Sensing the familiar strange power aura on that illusory shadow, Yi Hua frowned, and a look of understanding flashed across his face.

"That is the existence that was previously hidden in the dark area and attacked me. It is the embodiment of the strange power in the world of the secret world - the shadow of the dead."

All the apprentices present looked into the distance one after another, trying to guess what that pale shadow was.

The other party seemed to feel the attention of everyone present, and turned around, revealing a terrifying face with empty eyes and blood and tears flowing.


"What the hell is that!"

"Could it be the strange power in the secret world, turned into the shadow of the dead?"

Through the information exchanged earlier, some apprentices quickly realized what the existence that appeared hundreds of meters away from everyone was.

Ignoring the exclamations of the Illuminati apprentices, Yi Hua fixed his eyes on the pale ghost who turned his head and was dripping with blood and tears.

After carefully observing the video moment of the deceased who attacked him in the dark, just as Yi Hua was about to make a move, the pale ghost suddenly disappeared without a trace on the spot.


"Where did that guy go?"

"Strengthen your guard!"

Seeing that the apprentices around were a little flustered, Li Wei, who had the highest status among the nearly [-] Illuminati apprentices present besides Yihua, hurriedly shouted.

Fortunately, with Yihua's many operations, the cohesion of the apprentices of the Illuminati is far better than other apprentice forces in the academy.

After hearing Li Wei's order, nearly a hundred apprentices present, whether they were first-class apprentices or second-class apprentices, or Anna and others who were not from the Illuminati, quickly calmed down.

And in the next step, nearly a hundred apprentices quickly built witchcraft through the pre-rehearsed formation, and shrunk towards the center in an orderly manner to avoid surprise attacks.

Just when the apprentices present were retreating in an orderly manner, looking around for the whereabouts of the pale ghost with vigilant eyes, the pale ghost suddenly appeared in the open space among the apprentices of the Illumination Society, a decayed area a hundred meters away. near the tree stump.

In just a few seconds, the opponent unknowingly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and approached the apprentices present at a very high speed.

"Could it be that that guy plans to attack us?"

"Quickly speed up the construction of witchcraft and prevent that ghost from approaching!"

Unable to stop the guards of the surrounding Illuminati apprentices, Yi Hua snorted coldly after feeling the astonishing malice from the shadow of the dead who was like a ghost with a hideous face.

However, just before Yihua was about to destroy the Shadow of the Dead, five apprentices, three men, two women, suddenly ran out of a forest not far from the Shadow of the Dead.

The five are not apprentices of the Illuminati, nor do they have the apprentice badges of the Silver Star Society, Freemasonry and other forces. They seem to be scattered people who have not joined any forces.

"Phew, I finally got rid of that ghost's pursuit, but it's a pity that Carl, Sally and the others died under the hands of that ghost..."

The leader, a young second-class apprentice with strange black tattoos on his face, sighed.

Hearing the tattooed young man's exclamation, the two men and two women who followed him all showed sad expressions, and some of them even had tears in their eyes.

"Damn it, what happened in this secret realm world! Why didn't the fifth-class tutor who announced the exam rules earlier tell us that there is a ghost in the secret realm world that is far more powerful than second-class apprentices!"

One of the female apprentices, with neat shoulder-length brown hair and more delicate facial features, but with a slightly higher hairline, complained in spite of her image.

Regarding her complaint, the other apprentices were silent and did not answer.

The few apprentices who died had an extremely good relationship with the five of them. They were childhood friends even before their wizard qualifications were found out and they entered the Nine Ring White Tower Academy.

After entering the secret world, several people quickly gathered together relying on the resonance stone.

However, due to not knowing much about the secret world, after daylight fell, in just a few moments, several people were killed by the shadow of the deceased.

The young man with black tattoos in the lead realized that the secret world was in danger, so he didn't look back too much, and subconsciously looked at the open space ahead.

I saw nearly a hundred apprentices gathered in the open space hundreds of meters away.

At this moment, those apprentices looked at the five of them with extremely complicated eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

The five second-class apprentices headed by the tattooed youth did not see the deep meaning contained in it from the eyes of the Illuminati apprentices.

Following a gray-haired girl behind the tattooed youth, she saw nearly a hundred apprentices in the distance, almost all wearing the same silver cross badge on their chests, her pupils shrank, and she subconsciously said:

"These apprentices seem to be from the Illuminati, wait, that's..."

The gray-haired girl's eyes were fixed on the handsome gray-haired young apprentice who was not far from the group of apprentices of the Illuminati, holding a mithril cross sword.

Before the gray-haired girl apprentice could finish speaking, the leader of the tattooed youth said bluntly:
"That guy is the top three in this year's college competition, the vice president of the Illuminati, the second-class necromancer apprentice——Ivar Fercis!"

"That ghost thing shouldn't be too far away from us, maybe we can try to convince the group of Illuminati apprentices in front of us to join forces to fight against that monster?"

Another blond young apprentice in the team flashed his eyes and suggested to the other four.

At the same time that the other party recognized Yi Hua.

Not far from Yihua, "Burst Flame" Dean, who was rescued by Yihua from Enzo before and second only to Gabriel in strength in the meeting, flashed his eyes and said to Yihua:

"Mr. Vice President, I know that young man with tattoos. He is in the top 30 of this year's academy competition. He is as strong as me, the 'Shadow Thorn' Tucker. Now he is ranked No. [-] three!"

Yi Hua nodded slightly to the "Explosive Flame" Dean who reminded him.

In the next second, he caught the shadow of the deceased who flashed past and rushed towards "Shadow Thorn" Tucker and others.

Yi Hua instantly cast the Earth Knight's Life Burst, which burst out at a speed of more than half a hundred per second, the limit speed under normal conditions, and rushed towards the five people [-] meters away.

He didn't say a word to remind the other party, because with the current distance, the time it takes to remind the other party is no less than the time it takes to go to support.

The tattooed youth "Shadow Thorn" Tucker and the four people who followed him did not see the shadow of the dead who was less than [-] meters away from the five people and rushed towards the five people in a flash.

Seeing Yi Hua suddenly rushing towards where the five of them were, they all showed vigilance:
"What's the situation, that guy is going to attack us?"

"Damn it! I planned to join forces with them, but now I'm in trouble!"

"Cast the witchcraft quickly, don't let that guy rush over!"

So the five people looked at Yi Hua subconsciously, and while making a defensive posture, they constructed witchcraft, trying to prevent Yi Hua from approaching.

Just a few seconds later, when Yihua was only tens of meters away from the five of them, Yihua stopped suddenly, with a flash of regret in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Why did that guy stop?"

"Does the other party want to negotiate with us?"

The five apprentices headed by "Shadow Thorn" Tucker did not notice the flash of regret in Yi Hua's eyes.

Seeing Yihua stop suddenly, the five people who mistakenly thought that Yihua had other plans fell into doubts.

Suddenly, a pale figure with ragged clothes and festering flesh appeared among the five people without warning, in front of "Shadow Thorn" Tucker at the front.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the shadow of the dead, which was very similar to the weird ghosts he had seen before, "Shadow Thorn" Tucker was frightened and his face turned pale and lost his blood.

This shadow of the deceased was about to attack the Illuminati apprentices present, but because of the sudden appearance of the five "Shadow Thorns" Tucker, he chose to attack the latter who was closer.

At the moment when the ghost-like pale shadow of the dead appeared, Yi Hua suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath, and a pale golden crescent sword energy struck at the dead who suddenly appeared and launched a surprise attack with lightning speed. film.

Unfortunately, although Yihua launched the attack without any delay.

But the short one second of the Crescent Slash attacking the Shadow of the Dead was enough for the Shadow of the Dead to launch an attack on the "Shadow Thorn" Tucker who was only a few meters away in front of him.

Unless the Shadow of the Dead gave up attacking the "Shadow Thorn" Tucker in front of him and chose to avoid Yihua's upcoming Crescent Sword Qi.

If it is a real wraith, in order to survive, it will definitely choose the latter at this moment, give up attacking, and choose to avoid Yihua's deadly sword energy.

But obviously, for the shadow of the dead, which is manifested by strange forces and only has the instinct to attack other existences in the world of secret realms, it is neither undead nor living.

The priority of the attack is much higher than its own survival.

In the next second, an invisible force that the second-class apprentices could not resist suddenly attacked the "Shadow Thorn" Tucker who looked terrified, but had no time to dodge.

At the last moment, "Shadow Thorn" Tucker barely aimed at the shadow of the dead, and released the sorcery of fame that he had just constructed, trying to buy some time for his teammates.


No accident happened. As the top [-] in this year's college competition, he is a talented apprentice of the same level as "Burst Flame" Dean who is not far from Yihua - "Shadow Thorn" Tucker.

Just like that, under the surprise attack of the shadow of the dead, it turned into a pool of meat sauce full of bloody smell, mixed with broken bones and rags.

At the same time, "Shadow Thorn" Tucker was released during his lifetime, and the dagger transformed from the shadow pierced the illusory shape of the Shadow of the Dead.

But in the end, "Shadow Thorn" Tucker's strongest blow only made the illusory body surface of the shadow of the dead flicker, causing waves of ripples.


"Brother Tucker!"

The other four apprentices who were splashed with blood saw the "Shadow Thorn" Tucker turn into pieces of meat before they could unleash their witchcraft, and their emotions lost control in an instant.

At the same time, the figure of the deceased gradually became unreal, as if preparing to attack the next apprentice.

But before the figure of the shadow of the dead disappeared completely, the crescent moon of pale golden sword energy that Yi Hua cut out a second ago had already crossed a distance of tens of meters, away from the illusory body of the shadow of the dead.

Facing Yihua, who has injected nearly [-]% of his life energy, compressed to the limit, and has a weak effect of exorcising evil spirits, Banyangyan Crescent Sword Qi.

The shadow of the dead is like a drop of water appearing under the scorching desert sun, the semi-illusory pale body is instantly covered by the fiery pale golden sun.

However, at this moment, a piercing scream came from the Shadow of the Dead.

Accompanied by ear-piercing screams, the shadow of the deceased who was hit by Yihua's Crescent Sword Qi turned into a puff of green smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Hearing the screams, the four second-class apprentices who followed "Shadow Thorn" Tucker, who were the closest to the Shadow of the Dead, but a few meters away, fell to the ground on the spot and fell into a brief dizzy state.

Even Yi Hua, who was tens of meters away from the shadow of the dead, felt dizzy and tingling as if his forehead had been hit with a sap.

Yihua had also tried in the dark area before and eliminated the shadow of the dead.

But the shadow of the deceased at that time, once eliminated, would dissipate without a trace.

It will not be like this at all, like the fourth-class undead recorded in the "Encyclopedia of Undead Creatures"-the screaming banshee, making a sharp sound that can pierce the eardrum, a terrifying scream that penetrates into the depths of the soul.

In an instant, accompanied by a slight dizziness, Yi Hua only felt his temples throbbing.

(End of this chapter)

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