I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 242 Melko's Conspiracy!

Chapter 242 Melko's Conspiracy!

Although relying on Yihua, Gabriel has saved himself from danger many times, but the various experiences of contact with the Freemasonry have already made Gabriel extremely loathed the Freemasonry as a force.

However, in the direct sight of everyone.

These masonic apprentices who came out of the forest saw hundreds of apprentices gathered around the giant lumenite vein, but they did not choose to run away or go forward, but stopped in place calmly, as if they were waiting for something.

The five Masonic apprentices did not intend to refute the undisguised talk of the crowd.

Suddenly, a cold voice came:

"right here?"

Just when everyone was puzzled and vaguely felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, the thin second-class apprentice of the Freemasonry in the lead suddenly said respectfully in the direction of the forest in a tone that seemed to invite credit.

"That's right, Lord Melkor, it's here, we're here!"

Relying on the strength of the top second-class and third-class apprentices.

Rey, Enzo, Gabriel and others clearly heard the words of the thin second-class Masonic apprentice, and keenly captured the name "Melkor" from them.

Suddenly, several powerful wizard apprentices, who were the top geniuses among the thousands of apprentices in this year, trembled one after another, and all showed surprised expressions.

"What? Melkor!"

"Wait! Did I hear correctly just now?"

"Damn it! It's that guy!"


A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

A group of apprentices present had just survived the battle with the Shadow of the Dead.

Now that they have not yet decided on the matter of scrambling for the giant lumenite vein, they did not expect to encounter Melko's fork.

For a moment, everyone present, led by Rey, Enzo, Gabriel and others, showed extremely gloomy expressions, and voices full of shock and uneasiness were heard one after another.

Although the words spoken by these apprentices were different, without exception, they expressed their panic and uneasiness at Melkor's appearance.

As the No.1 on the real-time standings in the current Apprentice Examination, if this year's apprentices were to vote for the apprentice they least want to encounter in the secret world, Melkor, who has cruel methods and tyrannical personality, would undoubtedly be ranked No. [-] as well. One person.

A third-class apprentice, seeing that the apprentices around him were in a panic, hurriedly opened his mouth to try to stabilize the morale of the army:
"Wait, don't panic! Maybe these Masonic apprentices in front of you are just bluffing!"

However, the words of this third-class apprentice did not receive a response from any of the hundreds of apprentices present.

With black hair and red pupils, Melko with a strange face walked out of the forest and appeared in front of everyone.

The pupils of this third-class apprentice with a calm demeanor trembled, and he was no longer as calm as before.

At the same time, the other hundreds of apprentices on the field, except Lei Yi and others, saw that the uneasiness in their hearts was completely settled, and they all showed fear on their faces, and retreated uncontrollably.

Although in the previous Academy Competition, Melkor voluntarily abstained from Rey, and ultimately only got the second place in this Academy Competition.

But Melkor, and the Freemasonry he established, have already established a horrible image of cruelty and tyranny in the academy.

Moreover, in the college competition, Mirko killed a group of talented apprentices casually, and even in the finals, he always beat Rey.

In the eyes of many apprentices watching the battle, after the whole match, Rey relied on the third-class holy light bead given by Yihua to barely support himself under Mirko's hands.

If Melkor had not voluntarily abstained from the previous Academy Competition for unknown reasons, in the eyes of everyone, the No. 1 spot in the Academy Competition now would most likely belong to Melkor.

Realizing that the situation was not good, Gabriel felt heavy and quickly thought of countermeasures.

Looking at the five apprentices holding the resonance stone behind Melko, Gabriel instantly understood why Melko found this place.

"I'm careless! If I knew it, I should have checked in advance and wiped out all the Masonic apprentices present!"

A trace of regret flashed across Gabriel's eyes.

The rest of the apprentices soon noticed the five Masonic apprentices holding the resonance stone behind Milko.

The pupils of a few apprentices shrank, and they recognized that the five people were the five Masonic apprentices who had secretly left at the critical moment.

Before the hundreds of apprentices present could respond, Melkor showed a cold look on his pale face and said with a smile:

"Hehe, everyone gathered here, did you find something good? Anyone who sees it has a share, why don't you add me?"

Hearing Melkor's gloomy voice, the hundreds of apprentices present did not respond with a word.

Rey, Enzo and the others subconsciously opened their mouths, but in the end they didn't say anything.

In fact, Melkor had already learned about the existence of a giant lumenite vein here through the mouths of five Masonic apprentices who led the way for him.

He saw a group of apprentices hundreds of meters away, but no one responded to him.

Melkor glanced casually at the hundreds of corpses of apprentices that could be seen everywhere on the surrounding grass, their blood still not drying up.

He could tell at a glance that all the apprentices present had suffered heavy losses in the previous attack by the Shadow of the Dead during the day and were in poor condition.

A boundless greed surged from the bottom of Melkor's heart, and he sneered:

"Are you all mute? Since you don't speak, am I going to pass?"

After speaking, Melkor started to walk towards a group of apprentices hundreds of meters away, followed by five Masonic apprentices, walking slowly but firmly.

Gabriel realized that the strength of himself and the dozens of first- and second-class Illuminati apprentices under his command were completely unable to compete with Melkor, who had shown quasi-fourth-class strength during the Academy Competition.

While Melkor was walking, fine beads of sweat appeared on Gabriel's forehead due to nervousness, and at the same time, his right hand kept rubbing the resonating stone that emitted stable fluctuations.

"The large army of the Illuminati is still 3000 meters away from here, and the Holy Light Bead in my hand has less than half of its energy left..."

Now, he can only hope that Yihua can come as soon as possible.

If he cannot arrive in time, then Gabriel will have no choice but to cooperate with Rey, Enzo and other forces to fight Melkor to the death after just experiencing a battle with the Shadow of the Dead and in poor condition!
At the same time, Rey used the sound transmission witchcraft, and quickly communicated with the other four forces present.

No nonsense, as the initiator, Rey took the lead in speaking:
"Now we have just experienced the battle with the Shadow of the Dead during the daytime, and we are in a bad state."

"I propose to allocate a part of the huge lumenite vein in front of me to Melkor to delay time. At the same time, we will recover our strength as quickly as possible, how about preventing possible attacks by Melkor?"

Upon hearing Rey's proposal, the leaders of the four apprentice forces present, including Enzo, Gabriel and Rapp, had their eyes flickering.

After a short thought, several people quickly responded:

"I agree that my undead army suffered heavy losses in the previous battle with the Shadow of the Dead. Unless you are confident in defeating Melkor, I will not choose to fight Melkul in the current state!"

"So am I, that guy Melkow. Seeing that he is calm and composed now, and there are even messages taunting us. Maybe his current strength has improved a lot compared to the time of the college competition. To be on the safe side, it is better to delay the time." , it’s better to wait and see for the time being.”

"Mirkor is now No.1 in the real-time scoreboard of the apprentice exam. The points he has are not inferior to this giant lumenite vein we are fighting for. It would be best if we can defeat him and take his points, but now Under such circumstances, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, it is best to look for opportunities to test Melkor's true strength!"

"The current situation in the world of secret realms is changing a lot. Delaying it and waiting for new variables is undoubtedly a better decision than going to war directly."

"As of now, this is all we can do..."

In just a few seconds of discussion, no one objected to Rey's proposal.

Although some apprentices coveted the points owned by Melko, they also realized that Melko's current state and strength were unknown, so they temporarily gave up the idea of ​​fighting with Melko.

Among them, several young top second-class apprentices who are the leaders of the loose apprentice alliance with the weakest strength in the field know that everyone present is not in good condition.

If you're lucky, it's okay to successfully defeat Melkor.

In this way, everyone avoided a crisis, and even divided up Melko's points.

But in the previous battle with the Shadow of the Dead, I felt the amazing strength and extremely exaggerated survivability of another apprentice force without third-class apprentices - the Illuminati.

As the weakest loose alliance of apprentices among the five forces, Xin Zhiruo chose to fight Melkor, who was almost No. 1 among thousands of apprentices in this year.

Even if he managed to defeat Melkor in the end, it would be difficult for him to get many points.

In the next event of carve up the giant lumenite veins, their own side has no advantage at all.

But if you lose in the end.

Except for Rey, Enzo and other third-class apprentices who might have a chance to escape.

Hundreds of other apprentices, as well as himself, cannot escape the pursuit of Melkor after the shadow snake transforms!

Even as a third-class necromancer apprentice, Enzo, who had shown strength before, was faintly better than Rey.

She also clearly realized that she was not enough to fight Melko with her current strength being greatly damaged, and there were less than [-] third-class undead left.

Since it is difficult to obtain benefits regardless of winning or losing, everyone might as well choose to avoid the war and delay the time.

Therefore, Rey's proposal of making concessions, delaying time, and trying to avoid conflicts with Melko quickly won the approval of the leaders of the four forces present.

Just after Melkor walked tens of meters, less than [-] apprentices from the five forces present made a choice.

Rey, who was secretly recovering his magic power and preparing to construct witchcraft, looked at Melkor who was still moving slowly, and said actively:

"Milkor, you want the points in this giant lumenite vein, we can negotiate to give you a part of it, but if you want the entire giant lumenite vein, then we can only fight!"

"I hope you understand that in the face of the siege of hundreds of apprentices including me, Enzo and other top third-class apprentices, even if you have fourth-level strength, you will not get any benefits!"

Hearing Rey's words, Melkor did not make a short choice about the choice he gave, as Rey expected.

Instead, he simply shook his head and said in an extremely calm and cold voice:

"Good choice, unfortunately—"

Hearing Melkor's words, all the apprentices, including Ray, trembled in their hearts, feeling a little bad.

Before everyone could continue thinking about it, Melko continued:
"Unfortunately, I am not interested in this giant lumenite vein at all. What I am really interested in is that there is another thing in your place."

"Another thing?"


Hearing Melkor's incomprehensible remarks, many apprentices present frowned and showed puzzled eyes.

Rey, Enzo, Gabriel and the others stared closely at Melko, and quickly accelerated the construction of witchcraft, and the vigilance in their hearts was instantly raised to the highest level.

At this moment, Melkor spoke again:
"Of course it's yours -"

"No, go back!"

Before the hundreds of apprentices present could react, Rey, Gabriel and a few other apprentices sensed Melkor's undisguised malice, realized something was wrong, and quickly ordered the apprentices around them to retreat.

At the same time, Rey released the third-level soul-eating flying skull witchcraft that he had successfully constructed.


The moment Melkor spoke his last words.

Dozens of pale Soul-devouring skulls appeared high in the sky, and without a moment's pause, dozens of Soul-devouring skulls headed straight for Melkor, who was a hundred meters away.

On the other side, under Enzo's order, the twenty or so death guards that Enzo had just summoned stood tens of meters in front of her, ready for any possible attack from Melkor.

As for the Illuminati apprentices present, under Gabriel's order, they quickly constructed witchcraft with different effects, preparing to launch a concentrated fire attack on Melkor.

As for Melkor, the hundreds of lesser apprentices who quickly built up their sorcery were ignored.

Seeing the large piece of third-class soul-devouring skulls that struck, a sneer appeared on the corner of Melkor's mouth.

"For me now, it's a trivial trick, Rey. It seems that your strength has hardly improved since the Academy Competition? It's really pitiful..."

Melkor flashed his body while taunting Rey.

The next moment, Melkor turned into a blood shadow and dodged the numerous soul-eating skulls that were attacking him. Under the gaze of hundreds of apprentices, including five Masonic apprentices behind him, he moved to a position dozens of meters away.

Just at the moment when many soul-eating skulls failed and tried to turn around, they crashed into Melkor again.

Melkor made claws with his hands, crossed them across his chest, and grabbed forward suddenly.


In an instant, starting from Melko's ten fingers, the ten roads stretched for more than ten meters, the thickness of fingers, bloody scratches formed by the convergence of energy, and attacked a group of apprentices hundreds of meters away!
Chi Chi Chi!
Ten bloody scratches with terrifying coverage tore through the air, accompanied by the sound of wind, and struck at a group of apprentices hundreds of meters away at an astonishing speed of nearly ten meters per second.

Dozens of apprentices on the field who were covered by Melkor's bloody scratches were shocked when they saw the ten bloody scratches that suddenly hit them, trying to avoid Melkor's bloody scratch attack.

(End of this chapter)

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