I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 264 Pursuit!

Chapter 264 Pursuit!

"What the hell is this?"

Looking at the dazzling film that suddenly appeared in the sky and surrounded the four fifth-level instructors of the Nine-ring White Tower and the remaining eighteen fifth-level apprentices from the hostile academy of the Nine-ring White Tower, the middle-aged man in gray robe, who was the leader of Green Lodge, Wizard Sika frowned.

"I wonder if you have ever heard of the Dawn Stone?"

Rudolf, who looked like an old man and wore a white robe, said calmly.

"The Stone of Dawn?"

Hearing this word, Sika frowned and felt something was wrong.

In order to confirm what I think in my heart.

The next moment, under the orders of Sika and the leaders of the remaining two academies, the Tower of Bloody Battle and the Oak Garden, several fifth-level apprentices tried to rush out of the surrounding area, covering a [-]-meter radius with a dazzling film emitting incandescent light.

Along with several sounds, several fifth-class apprentices flying at high speed were bounced back by a huge repulsive force the moment they came into contact with the incandescent film.

After being thrown hundreds of meters away, these fifth-level apprentices barely managed to stabilize their bodies and stopped in mid-air again.

Seeing this, the three leaders of the fifth-level apprentices of the academy frowned.

The three people realized that the incandescent film could not leave directly, and then ordered again.

Under the orders of the three people, seven or eight fifth-level apprentices constructed fifth-level witchcraft.

After a while, powerful fifth-level witchcrafts struck directly at the incandescent film thousands of meters away.

Boom boom boom!
At the moment when a series of fifth-level witchcraft came into contact with the incandescent film, a series of violent explosions sounded.

When the thick smoke from the explosion dissipated, the incandescent film thousands of meters away still existed and seemed unscathed, even more dazzling than before.

During this period, in order to buy time for the fleet leaving the academy, the four fifth-level instructors of the Nine-ring White Tower were happy to continue delaying, and did not take the initiative to attack to interrupt the testing of these hostile apprentices.

"It turns out to be the Stone of Dawn!"

"You are willing to use such secret treasures, what a waste!"

Realizing that the four fifth-level instructors of the Nine-ring White Tower were indeed using the Stone of Dawn, the three fifth-level apprentice leaders sent by the three academies to lead the operation, as well as most of the fifth-level apprentices, all revealed that The look of regret.

The Stone of Dawn is a top-notch fifth-level consumable secret treasure that can create short-term enchantments. It is extremely rare even on the mainland and is worth far more than items of the same level.

Contrary to the effect of the Academy Wizard Array, for outsiders without academy badges, the Academy Wizard Array barrier can only exit but not enter.

The barrier created by the Dawn Stone can only be entered but not exited.

A fifth-level Dawn Stone can easily create a barrier that only formal wizards can break through.

Even though the Nine-ring White Tower is hostile to the academy and has eighteen fifth-level apprentices, they are still far from being comparable to formal wizards.

Now, since the barrier of the Dawn Stone has been successfully activated, the only option left for them is to wait for the barrier to be lifted on its own.

The three leaders of the fifth-level apprentices of the hostile academy who reacted quickly rolled their eyes and realized the benefits of activating the barrier:
"It's just cutting off your own retreat!"

"Since we can't leave the barrier, the same goes for the four of them!"

"Now that the four of them are restricted by the barrier and cannot return to the nine-ring white tower wizard array barrier, we must get rid of the four of them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of fifth-level apprentices formed a witchcraft and quickly pounced on the four people in the Nine-ring White Tower.

For a time, the war started again.
At the same time, just after the fleet left the east coast port, Yihua quickly learned the identities of the two fourth-level wizard apprentices from the academy on board.

The stern, middle-aged fourth-class apprentice who had previously commanded a group of apprentices to board the ship was named Karl. He was an elemental wizard. It was said that he had received help from mentor Simon and was thus promoted to a fourth-class apprentice.

Another elderly apprentice with a kind face who is sitting in the cabin and has not been seen before, named Barton, is a fourth-level necromancer. He often interacts with mentor Simon, Fabius, and Gray. .

Perhaps due to deliberate arrangements, the two fourth-class wizard apprentices on the No. [-] ship Yihua was on were more or less related to Mentor Simon.

"Be careful, we are about to leave the college wizard array barrier!"

Hearing the voice of Barton, the fourth-level necromancer apprentice who looked like a kind old man, all the apprentices on the ship looked stern and nervous.

Leaving the college wizard array barrier also means that this fleet of fifteen ships will be directly exposed to the sight of the hostile wizard college.

There is not a single fifth-level apprentice in the fleet. Once the four fifth-level instructors from the Nine-ring White Tower are in the sky, they cannot delay the offensive of the apprentices from the enemy academy.

Among the eighteen apprentices who invaded the Nine Rings White Tower Branch, even one person was not stopped by the four fifth-level instructors. He left and came to block the fleet trying to escape the academy. For this fleet, Yihua and the others To put it simply, it is tantamount to a disaster.

Seeing the barrier of the academy's wizard array getting closer and closer, the eyes of the stern fourth-class apprentice Karl standing on the bow of the No. [-] ship gradually became serious.

He looked around at the other fourteen ships, and with the help of amplification technology, he shouted loudly:
"Everyone, change the formation according to the previous plan!"

Following Karl's order, the other ships either accelerated or decelerated, and began to quickly change their formations.

After a while, in the eyes of everyone, boats 15 to [-], carrying most of the former apprentices of the academy who were seriously injured in the battle with the apprentices of the hostile academy, rushed to the front of the fleet.

Ships No. [-] to [-], which carried the current batch of apprentices who had been eliminated in the previous apprenticeship exams, were at the bottom of the queue.

As for Yi Hua, Gabriel, Rey, Anna, etc., the apprentices who have successfully passed this apprenticeship examination are on ships No. [-] to [-], located in the middle of the team.

Each ship is several hundred meters apart, and the three groups of ships are nearly a kilometer apart.

Seeing this formation, Yihua frowned.

From this formation, Yi Hua directly felt the different attitudes and arrangements of the three groups of the academy towards the past apprentices, the eliminated apprentices this year, and the apprentices who passed the exam this year.

No one kept their heads down and guessed. Seeing that the stern fourth-level apprentice Karl who issued this order was not far from him, Yihua immediately stepped forward and asked:

"Senior Karl, the current formation seems to be based on different groups of apprentices. I wonder what the purpose of this arrangement is?"

As soon as Yi Hua finished speaking, the other apprentices on the boat, including Gabriel, Anna, Rey and others, also looked at Yi Hua and Karl.Although the space in the cabin is more spacious, hundreds of apprentices and a similar number of mortal servants are crowded on the deck, making the deck of the current ship seem a bit crowded.

But they have not yet left the academy and are out of danger. No one is willing to enter the cabin. They want to take a look at the academy before leaving, or they want to see the fleet completely out of danger.

Karl, the middle-aged fourth-level wizard apprentice with a stern face, instinctively frowned the moment he heard the inquiry.

Just when he was about to ignore it, he vaguely felt that the voice was a bit familiar, so he subconsciously looked at the inquiring apprentice.

Seeing that the apprentice who was questioning him was none other than Yi Hua, who was No. 1 in this apprenticeship exam, the expression of the stern-faced middle-aged fourth-class apprentice changed.

Long before setting off, Simon, the fifth-level instructor in the academy, "The Death Crow", had repeatedly told him to protect Yihua, and even made a wizard's contract for this purpose.

In addition, he had heard earlier that Yihua had been promoted to the third-level apprentice of the Necromancer, and had surpassed the level and killed Melkor, who had reached the fourth-level apprentice level due to the increase in the power of the blood plague.

All of the above have proven Yihua's talent.

This kind of genius, even if he enters the Continental Nine Rings White Pagoda General Hospital, he can quickly gain a foothold and gain a place among the countless geniuses in the main hospital.

There is no promotion potential. As a failure in the previous apprenticeship examination, Karl, who spent 50 years to be promoted to a fourth-class apprentice, did not dare to look down on Yihua by relying on his higher rank.

Perhaps this plan is not a big secret, and there is no need to keep it secret now.

Seeing the old wizard Barton nodding while looking high in the sky, Karl no longer hesitated.

After thinking for a moment, Karl said bluntly in front of hundreds of apprentices on the ship:
"The purpose of this formation is to give you, the apprentices who have passed this apprenticeship exam, the maximum chance of successfully escaping from the academy."

After some explanations, the apprentices gradually understood the purpose of the academy.

It turns out that in order to avoid attracting attention, the departing ship was divided into three teams, and Yihua and other talented apprentices who passed the apprenticeship examination were in the second team.

The boats, composed of former apprentices who were seriously injured in the battle to protect the academy, serve as the first team to test the danger of leaving the academy, and at the same time serve as minefields to attract the enemy's attention.

After all, although the fourth and fifth-level apprentices who are currently invading the academy are all tightly entangled by the academy.

However, the academy cannot guarantee that after leaving the academy and sailing to the mainland, they will not encounter apprentices from hostile academies coming to reinforce them.

Once in danger, the second team composed of Yi Hua and other talented apprentices on boats can react in time to avoid danger.

As for the third team, it was made up of apprentices who failed the current apprenticeship exam.

Its function is similar to that of the first team.

Once the fifth-level instructors of the academy in the sky can no longer delay, when the fourth- and fifth-level wizards from the enemy academy come to pursue them, they can be treated as abandoned sons and actively attract the pursuers to replace the second batch of talented apprentices. Fight for a chance to escape.

The third batch of apprentices did not know that they were being used to attract the enemy's attention.

But the first batch of former apprentices, most of whom were seriously injured, knew this very well.

In fact, although the danger of being used as bait increases dramatically, it also has considerable benefits for these apprentices.

As things stand now, even if the seal deep in the secret world is delayed by Adelina, if the mainland fails to reinforce it in time, the Evil God's Egg will break through the seal sooner or later.

Similarly, if the mainland fails to reinforce in time, it won't take long for the academy's wizard formation to be breached by a group of fifth-level apprentices attacking the academy.

Right now, staying in the academy is the only way to die.

Choosing to act as bait and leave, if they can successfully reach the mainland, these apprentices who failed the apprenticeship examination can instead stay in the Nine Rings White Pagoda General Hospital on the mainland by relying on the merits of covering the talented apprentices who passed the apprenticeship examination.

On the ship, the apprentices who were the beneficiaries of this move felt a bit cruel about it, but they could also understand the academy's move.

In the silence of the apprentices, the three teams of ships passed through the academy's wizard array barrier one after another, completely leaving the confines of the academy and entering a dangerous area.
I don't know how long the battle lasted. Along with a buzzing sound, the Dawn Stone barrier covering a radius of [-] meters high in the sky suddenly turned into shimmering debris and completely dissipated.

Now, high in the sky, only 14 of the [-] fifth-level apprentices who invaded the Nine Rings White Tower Branch are left.

Four people have died during the duration of the Dawn Stone barrier.

On the side of the Nine-ring White Tower, Ganon, the fifth-level mechanical wizard mentor, has long since died. Rudolph and Selina are also exhausted, severely injured, and unable to fight anymore.

At this moment, an old fifth-level apprentice flew forward and reported to the gray-robed middle-aged wizard Xikahui in the Green Lodge:

"Lord Sikka, the detection witchcraft I just deployed in the waters of the Nine-ring White Tower detected a fleet of thousands of Nine-ring White Tower apprentices leaving the academy and heading towards the mainland. !”

After hearing the report from his apprentices, Sikka frowned and looked at the Tower of Bloody Battle and the leader of the fifth-level apprentices dispatched by Oak Garden.

The red-haired man in the Bloody Battle Tower and the long-skirted woman in Oak Garden said respectively:
"It seems that these four guys from the Nine-ring White Tower did not hesitate to use the Stone of Dawn to activate the barrier and cut off their escape. It seems that they were trying to buy time for the apprentices in the academy to leave!"

"We can't let those apprentices escape successfully. Now that the battle situation is clear, why not send our fifth-level apprentices to support the rest of the battlefield and stop the fleet?"

Regarding the two people's opinions, Sika nodded and immediately ordered:

"Molin, Pust, you two are going to stop the fleet of apprentices from the Nine Rings White Tower who are trying to escape. If the other party chooses to surrender, you can temporarily keep your life as a slave. If you insist on escaping, then you will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two apprentices who were also from the Green Lodge, not far from the leader of the Green Lodge, Sika, responded quickly.

The next moment, the two figures disappeared into the air.

Seeing the two fifth-level apprentices Molin and Pust disappear, Sikka turned her eyes and looked at the two fifth-level apprentice leaders in the Bloody Battle Tower and Oak Garden.

"As for the battlefield supporting the fourth-class apprentices below and the second- and third-class apprentices on the ground, how about leaving it to your two academies?"

In this regard, the two of them had no objection and quickly mobilized their men.

After a while, five fifth-level apprentices left.

The leaders of the fifth-class apprentices from the three colleges in front of them are still there, and there are nine hostile apprentices present. Simon and others are no longer able to fight anymore, and it seems that withdrawing from the college wizard array is the only option.

But the three of them did not choose to do this at the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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