I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 267 The aftermath of power

In an instant, a series of fourth-level witchcraft streaked across the horizon, spanning a distance of a thousand meters, and struck towards Mo Lin and Post.

Feeling the series of fourth-level witchcraft attacking them, Maureen and Post frowned.

They now have only two choices, either to give up building witchcraft immediately and stay away from the attack range of these fourth-level witchcraft.

Either stay where you are, insist on releasing the fifth-level witchcraft to sink the No. [-] ship on which Yihua and others are riding, and at the same time endure this series of fourth-level witchcraft.

Although the two of them were fifth-level wizards, they could easily resist fourth-level witchcraft.

But with such a large number of fourth-level witchcraft in front of them, even if they could successfully resist it, the two's witchcraft shield would be on the verge of breaking.

After that, if you want to deal with this group of fourth-level apprentices from the Nine-ring White Tower, injuries are inevitable.

At the critical moment, Mo Lin and Post looked at each other, and finally chose to give up the attack and avoid a series of fourth-level witchcraft that was about to hit them.

Because the two made timely choices, the series of fourth-level witchcraft unleashed by the fourth-level apprentice of the Nine-ring White Tower failed to hit in the end.

Everyone on the No. [-] boat also breathed a sigh of relief the moment they felt the sense of danger dissipated.

Yihua, who originally planned to summon the dead men and horses, also temporarily suspended the construction of the undead summoning technique and planned to wait and see for the time being.

At this time, Karl, Barton and other fourth-class apprentices from the academy had also flown over the fleet.

Less than twenty fourth-class apprentices glanced at the eleven remaining ships on the sea.

Seeing that the number of ships No. [-] to [-] carrying the talented apprentices who passed the apprenticeship examination this year was not reduced, they subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, a group of fourth-class apprentices turned their attention to the horizon, Maureen and Post, two fifth-class apprentices from Green Lodge.


Post seemed to have something to say, but before he could finish speaking, he suddenly frowned and took out a contact crystal ball from his robe.

Mo Lin on the side, the fourth-class apprentice of the academy in the distance, Yi Hua and others on the sea all looked at Pust who took out the crystal ball.

"What, you were deceived? The Emerald Light Judgment will hit the Nine-ring White Tower right away?"

After hearing a series of messages from the leader Sika in the crystal ball, Pust's face was filled with uncertainty and horror.

Mo Lin beside him asked:
"What happened?"

Seeing his colleagues asking, Post glanced at the Nine-ring White Tower apprentice in the distance, and casually released a shielding witchcraft that had the effect of isolating sound and sight.

Immediately, he said bluntly to Mo Lin with an ugly face:
"Master Sikka informed us to abandon the current mission and stay away from the Nine Rings White Tower immediately!"

"The second-level witchcraft 'Emerald Light Judgment' released by the tower master from Oak Garden is about to hit the nine-ring white tower! If we fail to evacuate in time and are affected by the second-level witchcraft, both of us will die!"

Post's answer made Molin's heart tremble. He had no doubts about Post's words, and he was not willing to experience the terrifying power of Level [-] witchcraft personally.

"It's a pity that we have no choice but to give up on these Nine Rings White Tower apprentices..."

The two of them took one last glance at the group of fourth-class apprentices from the Nine-ring White Tower in the distance and the remaining ships on the sea, and regret flashed through their hearts.


As soon as they finished speaking, the two figures disappeared from the spot and rushed away from the Nine-ring White Tower.

By the time the disciples of the Nine-ring White Tower reacted, Mo Lin and Pust had already flown thousands of meters away and turned into two gravel-like black spots on the horizon in the distance.

"What happened? Why did those two fifth-class apprentices suddenly run away?"

"Did these two fifth-level apprentices deceive us before? In fact, the fifth-level instructors in the academy are fine and are now coming to rescue us?"

"If you ask me, if the two of them suddenly escape, there is a high probability that support from the Mainland Nine Rings White Tower General Hospital will arrive soon!"

Due to the shielding witchcraft cast by Post, no one in the Nine-ring White Tower heard the conversation between Mo Lin and Post.

In the sight of everyone, after releasing the shielding witchcraft, the two of them gave up on the nine-ring white tower apprentices on the sea in just a few seconds and rushed towards the distance without looking back.

Although the disciples of the Nine-ring White Pagoda were talking about it, they could not come to an accurate conclusion.

Listening to the discussions among the apprentices around him, Yihua was keenly aware of something unusual:

"No, if the Nine Rings White Tower General Hospital came to support, it must have come from the sea. The two of them flew towards the depths of the ocean. Wouldn't they have collided with the wizards who came to support?"

Yi Hua's eyes narrowed, and he looked back behind him. He could only vaguely see the nine-ring white tower branch of the towering academy tower, one hundred thousand meters away.

He had a vague sense of ominous premonition.

After receiving the unknown information, Maureen and Post suddenly impatiently stayed away from the Nine Rings White Tower Branch. Could it be that there was any danger there that they needed to stay away from as soon as possible?

Realizing this, and preferring to believe what he had rather than what he didn't, Yihua decisively urged the sailors on his ship to speed up.

Fortunately, the fourth-level apprentices of the Nine-ring White Tower had already learned from the fifth-level instructors of the academy that the "Egg of the Evil God" might be broken at any time.

Although they did not know about the upcoming Level [-] Witchcraft Emerald Light Trial, they did not intend to stay any longer.

The fourth-class apprentices who quickly flew back to the ship after Mo Lin and Pust left also issued orders to drive away at full speed.
I don't know how much time has passed, but it is now approaching dusk, and the outline of the academy has long disappeared from the sight of everyone in the fleet.

I saw the fiery red sunset sky in the east, and suddenly a emerald green light flashed.

"Look! What is that?"

"It looks like a green meteor?"

Many apprentices on the ship immediately started talking to the emerald green meteor in the sky.

As time went by, this emerald green meteor became larger and larger, and it seemed that the distance between it and everyone was also approaching at an extremely fast speed.

A quarter of an hour later, the emerald-green meteor crossed the position of the ship, and under the gaze of everyone, it hit directly towards the academy tower.

"Wait a minute, something seems wrong. This meteor seems to be hitting the academy!"

"Could it be that this is not a meteor, but..."

Before the apprentice could finish speaking, what happened next made the remaining thousands of Nine Rings White Tower apprentices on the fleet speechless.

Under the watchful eyes of thousands of apprentices on eleven ships far away from the academy.

In the direction of the college, the emerald-green meteor crashed down and landed where the college was suspected to be.

Just a few seconds later, at the end of the horizon, a flash of emerald green light almost illuminated the entire dim yellow sky.


"My eyes!" The dazzling light instantly deprived most of the apprentices who looked directly at the light from their vision.

Many apprentices who temporarily lost their vision fell to the ground, covering their red, swollen and stinging eyes and wailing.

The rest of the nine-ring white tower apprentices who were luckier or stronger and whose vision was not taken away by the emerald green light realized the harm of the emerald green light and covered their eyes one after another.

Time passed slowly, and the emerald green light lasted for dozens of seconds before completely dissipating.

Before everyone could open their eyes, crisp sounds came from the bodies of many Nine-ring White Tower apprentices——


Hearing the sound, many Nine-ring White Tower apprentices opened their eyes one after another, and found that the apprentice badges bound to the Nine-ring White Tower branch on each of them made clicking sounds one after another.

Yi Hua also took off the hematite badge hanging on his chest, which he had not replaced after being promoted to third-class apprentice.

A hazy blue light flashed across the badge, and a shattering sound sounded at the same time.

At the same time, in Yihua's soul perception, an invisible force that originally shrouded the badge and was bound to the Nine-ring White Tower Wizard Array also dissipated.

He saw the faint blue glow disappearing one after another on the apprentice badge of the Nine-ring White Tower, as well as the power fluctuations of the academy's wizard array.

Thousands of apprentices in the fleet, including more than a dozen fourth-class apprentices responsible for guarding the fleet, were all in shock and fear.

"Impossible! Why did the apprentice badge become invalid?"

"The apprentice badge is bound to the academy tower. The badge loses its power, which also means..."

Suddenly, the deep voice of Barton, a fourth-class necromancer apprentice on the ship who looked like an old wizard, came:
"I'm afraid that the academy tower that is the core of the Nine-ring White Tower Branch Wizard Array has been destroyed!"

After hearing Barton's explanation, the apprentices, who had vaguely guessed about it before but were not sure, were like helpless children, suddenly at a loss.

"How is it possible! That emerald-green meteor flew from a direction farther away than where we are currently. What power can reach and destroy the college tower across such a long distance in about a quarter of an hour?"

"Yes, if you want to destroy the college tower that is the core of the college wizard array, you must break the barrier of the college wizard array. You must know that it is a wizard array at the official wizard level. Unless you are a formal wizard..."

At this point, the young second-class apprentice seemed to have realized something, and suddenly stopped talking and fell into silence.

At the same time, Barton also spoke again:

"That's right, only formal wizards can break through the college wizard barrier and completely destroy the college tower at such a long distance."

"The academy tower has been hit for a long time and is probably close to its limit. After that, if it encounters a more powerful official wizard-level witchcraft attack, the academy wizard array barrier will definitely be unable to continue to support it!"

After hearing Barton's guess and the word "official wizard" mentioned many times, all the apprentices fell silent.

In the minds of the apprentices, formal wizards are detached from the world and have truly reached the "transcendent realm".

Such a presence, a breath, or a look can make wizard apprentices like them dare not get up.

A trace of escaping power is enough to make a low-level wizard apprentice lose his mind and faint.

A young apprentice suddenly said:

"Now, the many apprentices who remain in the academy, as well as the fifth-level instructors..."

No one answered the apprentice's inquiries.

There is no objection in the hearts of everyone about the fate of the apprentices who remained in the academy and did not leave before the emerald-green meteor fell.

Many apprentices were grateful in their hearts that they could leave the academy by boat early, including most of the fourth-class apprentices who were responsible for guarding the fleet.

After all, there are more than 20 fourth-class apprentices in the academy who are responsible for guarding the fleet.

They are just the lucky ones selected by the fifth-level tutors of the academy.

After they left, there were still dozens of fourth-class apprentices who stayed in the academy to fight against the fourth-class apprentices who invaded the academy.

The same goes for the previous apprentices who left the academy by boat and almost all of them were seriously injured.

It was only because they were seriously injured in the battle with the hostile academy apprentices who invaded the academy and lost the ability to continue fighting that they were assigned to take a boat and leave the academy to attract firepower for the apprentices who passed the current apprenticeship examination.

Unexpectedly, this almost fatal mission turned out to be their chance of survival.

Those colleagues who continued to stick to the academy were not spared at this moment.

Currently, the fleet has lost a total of four ships, three of which belong to past apprentices like them.

In other words, there are still two ships carrying nearly a thousand past apprentices who successfully survived after leaving the academy.

The silence did not last long, and a second-class apprentice asked in a subtle voice:

"What should we do next? Can we still reach the academy safely? Will they come after us?"

While everyone was anxiously discussing on the boat with uneasiness and fear, time passed by minute by second.

"The two fifth-level apprentices from the hostile academy suddenly chose to evacuate when they blocked the fleet. It seems that the emerald-green meteor that destroyed the academy now is probably inseparable from them!"

Yi Hua was thinking silently in his heart while standing on the deck and looking towards the location of the academy.

I don't know how long it took, but Yihua looked into the distance and was startled.

With the powerful vision of the Earth Knight and the third-class Necromancer Apprentice, he keenly sensed the waves tens of meters high and cascading waves rising from the sea dozens of miles away.

As the distance got closer, Yihua's pupils narrowed when he realized that the scene in front of him was not false.

The next moment, he hurriedly ran towards the inside of the ship, looking for Barton and Karl, the two fourth-class apprentices in charge of the command.

At this moment, Barton and Karl were still thinking about the next move after the destruction of the branch. After hearing Yihua's reminder, the two of them looked at each other.

Without a moment's hesitation, the two quickly took off and flew over the fleet.

After seeing the huge waves coming at an alarming speed behind the fleet, the two quickly informed the other ships in the fleet through sound transmission:

"All personnel in the fleet listen to the order and seek cover immediately! The aftermath of the official wizard-level power that destroyed the academy is coming soon!"

After receiving the warning, the apprentices in the other ships quickly looked around.

A moment later, they also saw the approaching tsunami.

There was no time to be dazed now. An apprentice with a frightened face quickly followed Yihua's footsteps and ran towards the cabin to avoid being hit by the waves and being pushed to the bottom of the sea.

"Quick, full right rudder!" (End of Chapter)

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