I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 272 The battle situation collapsed

However, the next moment, as the roars of the two third-class Tauren were heard, the rapids controlled by the two suddenly stopped and were located in front of the two Taurus, forming a water barrier several meters thick.

clap clap clap!
As a series of first- and second-class witchcraft fell on the water barrier, there was a violent sound and a large amount of seawater splashed down, even splashing on the wizard apprentices on the deck more than ten meters away.

When the sea water stopped splashing, everyone looked up.

I saw that the water flow barrier constructed by two third-class Niu-headed sea tribes had been completely destroyed by the torrent of witchcraft by everyone.

But the two third-class Tau-headed Sea Tribes who were the real targets behind the water flow barrier now had not even a single scratch on their bodies.


"how so!"

"Is it possible that the strength gap between us first- and second-class apprentices and those at the third-class apprentice level cannot be smoothed out even by a hundred times their number?"

A group of first- and second-class apprentices saw that they were attacking with all their strength and could not even hurt the enemy at all, and they almost lost all the courage to resist.

There are also a small number of apprentices who, out of their desire for life, are not discouraged and inspire everyone again:

"Don't give up, everyone, take advantage of the damage to the water barrier of these two monsters and continue to attack!"

But before everyone could muster up their courage again, the two Tau-headed Sea Tribes on the other side had already rushed onto the deck.

In an instant, everyone felt that the ship suddenly sank toward the sea.

Two giant third-class Minotaur sea tribesmen, six or seven meters tall, crashed onto the deck. The violent vibrations caused even knocked several apprentices on the edge of the deck off the deck and fell into the surrounding surroundings. In the sea water full of low-level sea creatures.

Looking at the faces of the low-level apprentices who were surrounded by fear, the green vertical pupils of the two third-class bull-headed sea tribesmen, whose bodies were covered with scales and had snake-tailed bodies, were filled with murderous intent.

The next second, two third-class bull-headed sea tribes uttered human words, roared and raised the giant sticks covered with coral and seaweed in their hands.


The few young second-class apprentices closest to the Niutou Hai Clan quickly released the last second-class witchcraft.

Seeing that the second-level witchcraft he had released, after hitting the third-level bull-headed sea tribe in front of him, only exploded a few palm-sized scales and a few drops of inconspicuous dark blue blood on their body surfaces.

Several young second-class apprentices fell into despair.

"It's over!"

Feeling the stinging wind wrapped around the giant stick and blowing on their faces, these young second-class apprentices subconsciously closed their eyes.

However, the few young second-class apprentices who closed their eyes did not feel the strange feeling of the giant stick crushing their bodies, as if nothing had happened.

"Could this be what death feels like?"

"Perhaps he died too quickly, so he didn't feel any discomfort?"

The sudden loud noise made several people quickly come back from their fantasy.

A few people who felt a little strange subconsciously opened their eyes.

But what came into view was not the world after death, but a group of stunned young apprentices on the ship, as well as two third-class burly bull-headed sea tribesmen who were cut off at the waist, and the arms holding the giant sticks were also broken. corpse.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"What just happened?"

At this moment, everyone looked to the heights one after another. Seeing this, the few surviving young second-class apprentices also quickly looked to the heights.

At this moment, standing in the air dozens of meters above the deck of the ship, was Yi Hua, who had just casually eliminated two third-class bull-headed sea tribesmen. He had gray hair and white robes, and was holding a mithril cross sword.

After getting rid of the two third-class Tauren who were harassing the second ship, Yihua did not stay where he was and accept the gratitude of the low-level apprentices. Instead, he set his sights on the distance again.

Located hundreds of meters away, there are already two third-class Tauren sea tribesmen who are about to board the No. [-] ship and are about to massacre the apprentices on the ship.

Seeing this, Yihua's figure flashed and disappeared.

Under the phantom shuttle of the third-class half-dead witch body and the huge thrust generated by the diluted life energy of the Sky Knight, Yihua instantly burst out at 300 meters per second, which was enough to rival the terrifying speed of the top fourth-class apprentices.

Almost in an instant, Yihua, dressed in white robes. Compared to the third-class Niutou Haizu, his figure was extremely small, like a ghost, and appeared directly in front of the two third-class Niutou Haizu who had just boarded the No. [-] ship. face.

Seeing Yi Hua, who suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost, standing in the air, the pupils of the two burly third-class Tau-headed Sea Tribe shrank and their bodies shook.


Without waiting for the two Niu-headed Sea Tribes to say anything, Yihua's arm holding the Mithril Cross Sword, which is equivalent to a quasi-fifth-level demonized item, moved slightly, and at an almost unstoppable speed, he pointed at the two third-level Niu-headed Sea Tribes in front of him with the thickness of a millstone. On his neck, a bright golden sword energy was cut out that completely covered the two.

The golden sword energy, which stretched for more than [-] meters, suddenly passed across the necks of two third-class bull-headed sea tribesmen who were in front of Yihua and were about to attack the apprentices on the ship.

Under the disbelieving gazes of everyone on the ship, the ferocious faces of two third-class bull-headed sea tribes were instantly frozen.

The next second, the two huge heads of the bull-headed sea tribe slipped silently from their necks and fell into the sea water, causing a large splash of water.

On the sea surface more than ten meters away from the ship, the rapids, which were originally controlled by the third-class Niu-headed sea tribe, and were tens of meters high, suddenly stopped flowing. The headless bodies of two third-class Niu-headed sea tribes immediately fell into the deep sea.

A first- and second-class apprentice on the ship, as well as some surviving mortal servants, all showed surprised looks.

Everyone quickly looked up at the figure of a slender young apprentice in white robes with gray hair and holding a mithril cross sword in the air.

"Instantly kill two third-class Tauren! With such terrifying strength, could it be that the fourth-class apprentices guarding the fleet defeated their opponents and returned to defend the fleet?"

"No, it's Yihua! The Yihua who mastered the power of blood plague in the secret world and was able to rival Melkor, a fourth-class apprentice, and finally killed him!"

"It's actually him! The No. 1 apprentice among this batch! It's only been more than a month. Why do you feel that his strength has improved again?"

"It would be great if one day I had the terrifying power like him to kill two third-class Tauren with one strike..."

As before, without stopping to communicate with the apprentices on the ship, Yihua left again.

He glanced at the surrounding ships where the Niutou Hai Clan had landed, and frowned.The next moment, Yihua directly summoned twenty faceless shadows disguised as himself.

And divided them into seven teams, and rushed to the seven wizard ships that were attacked by the third-class Tauren.

At the same time, he rushed towards the No. 11 ship that was the farthest away and had three Niu-headed Sea Tribes boarding it.

Along with the groups of faceless figures and Yihua boarded the ship.

Just ten seconds passed, and with the help of twenty faceless shadows and the half-dead shaman's shadows shuttled back and forth, the Sky Knight soared in the sky.

The apprentices on the remaining eight wizard ships were all wiped out by Yihua without suffering any losses.

Even the low-level sea tribes in the surrounding seas were wiped out in pieces after they lost the threat of the high-level sea tribes and the counterattack of thousands of apprentices on the ship.

At the same time, Yi Hua led twenty faceless shadows under his command and rushed into the air in the surrounding sea area to support the third-class apprentices of the fleet who were fighting a fierce battle with hundreds of third-class Tauren.

With the support of Yi Hua, who was now comparable to the top fourth-level apprentices, these third-level Niutou Hai tribe were defeated like a mountain.

After only a moment, they were all annihilated under the siege of Yi Hua and hundreds of third-class apprentices.

After doing all this, the only threats in the surrounding sea area are the leaders of the fourth or even fifth level sea tribe.

Yihua looked thousands of meters away and looked at the only fourth-class necromancer apprentice Barton, the leader of the fifth-class sea clan, who was entangled in the surrounding sea area, and several other fourth-class wizard apprentices.

At this moment, the sea area surrounding the battlefield between several fourth-class apprentices and the fifth-class leader of the sea clan was filled with huge waves. Dozens of waves, tens of meters high, were pressing down on several fourth-class apprentices. It looked like a doomsday scene. scene.

The eight fourth-level undead lantern bone fish previously summoned by the fourth-level necromancer apprentice Barton have now been wiped out by the fifth-level sea clan leader.

On the contrary, using a group of dark lamp bone fish as human shields, while attracting the firepower of the fifth-class leader of the sea clan, several fourth-class apprentices also successfully caused more than ten wounds of various sizes on the body of the fifth-class bull-headed sea clan leader. trauma.

Although the deepest of these scars is only a few meters long, it can only be regarded as a minor injury to the fifth-level leader of the Niutou Sea Tribe.

But several fourth-class apprentices on the other side were unscathed.

A few people were able to inflict such trauma on the leader of the fifth-level Tauren Sea Tribe with only a few fourth-level undead and slight damage to the shield.

Although they have the advantage of the wizard's powerful power system, generally speaking, several fourth-level apprentices still have a temporary advantage in terms of results.

At this moment, while dodging the huge wave that was targeting him, Barton took out the precious potion he carried with him, quickly drank it to restore his magic power, and used the Summon of the Undead again without hesitation.

After a while, eight more intact Hell Lantern Bonefish appeared around the fifth-level leader of the Niutou Hai Tribe and pounced on him.

"It seems that Barton and the others can still be entangled for a while..."

Yi Hua, who was floating in mid-air, glanced at her and thought to himself.

"In this case, let's first support the other fourth-class apprentices who are fighting against the fourth-class sea clan leaders. After all the remaining fourth-class sea clan leaders are eliminated, we can then turn around and unite with the nineteen fourth-class wizard apprentices to besiege this place together. Only a fifth-level leader of the sea clan!"

The thought flashed in his mind, and the next moment, Yihua turned around and led twenty faceless figures disguised as himself towards the fourth-class Niutou Hai scattered in the surrounding seas, fighting with the other fourth-class apprentices in the fleet. The clan leaders rushed away.
At the same time, Karl, a fourth-level elemental wizard apprentice and one of the two leaders of the fleet's fourth-level apprentices, was fighting two fourth-level Tau-headed Sea Clan leaders one against two.

Although they were one against two, Karl, with a stern face, did not show any signs of decline.

Karl, floating in the air, was like a flexible butterfly. While constructing witchcraft, he could easily shuttle between the giant sticks dropped from the hands of the two fourth-level Tau-headed Sea Tribe leaders and the torrent controlled by them.

The next moment, several fireballs that were compressed to the extreme and turned into incandescent colors were successfully constructed by Karl.

At this moment, one of the fourth-level Tau-headed Sea Clan leaders who was fighting with Karl dropped the giant stick in his hand, revealing a small flaw.

"good chance!"

Carl's eyes lit up, and he realized that at this moment, the leader of the sea tribe had no time to make defensive moves. He immediately controlled the incandescent fireball lingering around him and threw it at the leader of the sea tribe.

However, at this time, Karl focused his attention on the exposed leader of the sea clan, but did not notice that a huge shadow suddenly appeared on the sea below him.

Several incandescent fireballs suddenly hit the exposed leader of the Sea Tribe, and then exploded violently. With a deafening sound, they turned into large flames and covered the water area of ​​dozens of meters in radius.

At the same time, masked by the explosion of the fireball, a stronger leader of the Tau-headed Sea Tribe suddenly rode the rapids, rushed out of the water below Karl almost silently, and crashed into Karl, who was nearly a hundred meters in the air.

Relying on the combat intuition of a top fourth-level apprentice, Karl captured the insignificant sound from the violent noises around him.

But at this moment, the fourth-level bull-headed sea clan leader who attacked Karl was only 30 meters away from Karl.

Seeing the attacking leader of the Tau-headed Sea Clan, Karl's pupils shrank and he thought to himself:


A fourth-level apprentice, or a member of the Sea Clan, can cover hundreds or even hundreds of meters in one second.

At the speed of this fourth-level bull-headed sea tribe, it could cross just 30 meters in an instant. Even if Karl dodged immediately, it would be too late.

At the moment, it seems that Karl's only choice is to withstand the attack of this fourth-level Taurus.

Although Carl could not be seriously injured if he withstood this blow, the witchcraft shield on his body would definitely be severely damaged.

And as this new fourth-level Taurus joins the battle, Karl, whose shield is damaged, will inevitably fall into a bad situation of one against three.

At a time when the other fourth-class apprentices are unable to provide timely support, this is undoubtedly a price that Karl cannot accept.

In a hurry, Karl chose to dodge as much as possible in the hope of reducing the damage he received.

Two consecutive golden crescent sword energies came from the air a hundred meters away, at a speed that was better than that of the fourth-class Niu-headed sea clan. Just before the fourth-class Niu-headed sea clan was about to hit Karl, they suddenly collided with the eight-foot-high sword. The side of the nine-meter-high fourth-class Niu-headed Sea Clan.


Two golden crescent sword energy penetrated the hard sea-blue scales of the fourth-level bull-headed sea clan at almost the same time, and penetrated nearly two meters into the body.

In an instant, dark blue blood spurted out like a spring from the horrific wound that nearly bisected the fourth-class bull-headed sea tribe's waist and abdomen. (End of chapter)

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