I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 276 Race against time!

Seeing the frightened expressions of all the apprentices in the fleet, perhaps thinking that they were about to have a feast, Pétain's scarlet eyes flickered slightly, and then he sneered and answered the young apprentice's doubts:
"Yes, 'I' was indeed held back by those guys, but this does not conflict with my presence here."

Regarding Petain's somewhat contradictory explanation, many apprentices on the ship showed doubts and confusion.

However, Yihua, who was thousands of meters away in mid-air, heard Petain's words through the Sky Knight's extraordinary hearing, his eyes trembled, and he keenly sensed the profound meaning.

He glanced at Gabriel and other apprentices who were confused below, and explained bluntly:
"It's the shadow of the bloodline! This is the secret technique that Petain learned. At the expense of consuming the bloodline in his own body, he can create a clone that looks almost the same as the original body, but only has part of the strength of the original body!"

"It seems that Pétain relied on the secret technique of 'Shadow of Blood' to create his own blood clone early on, and arranged for it to sneak into the fleet and lurk to this day. This also allowed him to know the movements of the fleet at any time and ambush him in advance. In the Sea Clan area we passed through before!”

After hearing Yihua's explanation, many apprentices in the fleet gradually understood, and they all showed disbelief and said:
"This guy Petain has been with us all this time. When did he sneak into the fleet?"

"In this case, between Pétain lurking in the fleet and Pétain being entangled by the fourth-class apprentices in the fleet, only one of them is the true body, right? Which one is the true body and which one is the clone?"

"Does this still make sense now? With the strength of Petain's top fifth-level bloodline warlock, even a clone with only part of the strength of the original body is enough to annihilate our entire fleet!"

"Even if there is no hope of victory, we must do our best to resist! Are you willing to wait to die?"

Ignoring the comments of many apprentices below, as well as the actions of some apprentices trying to construct witchcraft in preparation for the battle.

Because at the next moment, thousands of meters away, Pétain’s eyebrows raised in mid-air above the destroyed ship, interestingly:

"Oh, I didn't expect you to know the name of this witchcraft. Did that guy Simon tell you?"

As soon as Petain said this, Yihua's suspicion was completely confirmed.

Yihua's expression gradually became serious as his suspicion was confirmed.

In order to prevent Petain from attacking him, Mentor Simon once mentioned to Yihua what he had learned about Petain's abilities and witchcraft.

Among them is Petain's witchcraft, which can create a clone with part of the strength of the original body at the cost of consuming blood.

According to Mentor Simon's description, the strength of the clone created by the secret technique of Bloodline Shadow depends on the percentage of bloodline power consumed.

By consuming [-]% of the bloodline power, you can create a blood shadow clone with [-]% of the original body's strength.

The upper limit of the maximum bloodline power percentage that this secret technique can consume at one time is 30.00%.

However, according to Yi Hua's speculation, Petain had already used Bloodline Shadow when he exposed his identity and fought with Mentor Simon and others in the Nine Rings White Tower Branch, which consumed a lot of bloodline power.

Creating a bloodline shadow will permanently consume this part of the bloodline power, making your own bloodline thinner to a certain proportion, and you may even be unable to use the bloodline talents inherited from the bloodline, as well as the bloodline stimulation of being half-human and half-animal. state.

New bloodlines, especially powerful bloodlines, are difficult to successfully transplant in a short period of time.

The "Shadow of Blood" that Petain is using now will most likely not reach its peak strength.

After analyzing Petain, who was previously held back by a group of fourth-class apprentices in the fleet, and the strength displayed by the Petain in front of him.

Yihua judged that the Petain who appeared in front of everyone was just a blood shadow clone, and the one being dragged down by a group of fourth-level apprentices was Petain's true body.

Just when Yi Hua was about to further test the strength of Petain in front of him, the other party seemed to be aware of what Yi Hua was thinking, snorted coldly and said in a contemptuous tone:
"Unfortunately, after recent improvements, the name 'Bloodline Shadow' has now changed. Compared to the 'Bloodline Shadow' that permanently consumes blood, now at the cost of consuming the power of blood plague, this witchcraft should be called more It's called the 'Shadow of Blood Plague'!"

"I advise you not to struggle in vain. Although the upper limit of the 'Blood Plague Shadow' has been greatly weakened after the improvement, it can only be one-fifth of the original body at most. But with the strength of my current body, this clone is enough." Compared with ordinary fifth-level wizard apprentices, I can easily kill your fleet without fourth- and fifth-level apprentices!"

After Pétain destroyed his hidden ship with one blow, he stayed where he was and confessed without hesitation that he who appeared in front of everyone was just a clone of his own body, which made Yihua immediately alert to his true purpose.

With Petain's strength, it was only a matter of time before he went all out to destroy the fleet.

If the opponent's purpose is to destroy the fleet, they can take action in advance. There is no need to lurk until now, and even let the main body delay a group of fourth-class apprentices in the fleet.

All kinds of unusual things made Yihua keenly aware that destroying the fleet was not Petain's real purpose. The other party had other plans!

Sure enough, in the next moment, Petain's body spanned a distance of several hundred meters and appeared in mid-air, hundreds of meters away from Yihua, only one step away.

Without the slightest hesitation, Petain clenched his palms tightly, and a strange scarlet power instantly spread out toward the surrounding sea area centered on his palms with lightning speed.

There was no time to dodge, and the moment this strange scarlet power swept across his body, a suffocating sense of oppression suddenly surged into his heart.

Fortunately, relying on the physique that had just broken through to the level of the Sky Knight, and the physical blessing of the third-class half-dead witch body, Yihua's body immediately turned into pale flames, and he could withstand this sense of oppression.

But in the surrounding waters, the apprentices and mortal servants on the wizard ships are not as powerful as Yihua.

The strange scarlet power released by Petain quietly swept through the bodies of the wizard apprentices and mortal servants without activating the barrier of the wizard ship.

As soon as the oppressive feeling generated by the scarlet strange power hit, a group of first- and second-class apprentices and mortal servants fell to the ground and fainted.

Even the more than a hundred third-class apprentices in the fleet, as well as Rey, Rapp, Gabriel and others, after a short moment of persistence, they fell to the deck with unwilling eyes and fell into a coma. .

Petain glanced at Yi Hua, who was still awake. There was no surprise in his eyes, but an unexpected look of understanding flashed through his eyes.

"Now that the irrelevant guys have temporarily withdrawn, let's talk about issues related to you."

Seeing that all the apprentices in the fleet except Yi Hua were in coma, Pétain did not hesitate and said bluntly to Yi Hua, who was standing in mid-air below:
"Eva Fersis, you were originally just an inconspicuous useless disciple of that guy Simon. After practicing for nearly three years, you are no more than a first-class apprentice."

"However, in the past three short months, my strength has improved by leaps and bounds. I have become a third-class Necromancer apprentice. I even killed Melkor, who was given the power of the blood plague by me, which is enough to rival a fourth-class apprentice."

"At this point, you should understand what I mean, right? I won't talk nonsense to you -"

Seeing Yi Hua frowning in the air below and clenching the mithril cross sword in his hand, Petain declared with cold eyes:

"Tell me honestly and hand over the secret of your rapid breakthrough! In this way, I can mercifully give you a happy death! Otherwise..."

The moment Petain paused in speaking, a scarlet light, full of cruelty and violence, flashed from his eyes. "really……"

Yihua was not surprised at all that Petain noticed his astonishing breakthrough speed and coveted his soul ability to speed up his breakthrough.

In fact, he had expected this scene when he revealed his level as a third-level necromancer apprentice.

Compared to Petain, Simon, who was Yihua's mentor and had also had adventures in the Black Bone Forest, had a better understanding of Yihua's abilities.

But precisely because of this, Simon, who knew that the soul power was bound to the soul and could not be taken away, did not covet Yihua's soul power, but had high hopes for it.

Petain, who didn't know that Yihua relied on his soul power to accelerate his breakthrough, chose to interrogate and rob him.

Naturally, Yihua did not intend to obey Petain's order.

He was not going to confess to Petain that he relied on his soul power that could not be taken away by others to accelerate his breakthrough.

Because the password for his accelerated breakthrough cannot be used by others, Pétain will not believe it.

After confessing, the other person will only look for other ways to try to confirm the truth of what he said.

Even if it was confirmed to be true, Pétain would not let him live.

In this case, there is no need to waste your breath.

With this in mind, he glanced at the surrounding sea.

A group of apprentices who were affected by Petain's power and fell into coma showed no sign of waking up for the time being.

There was no sign in the distance of delaying the return of the fourth-class apprentices of the fleet who had been staying in Petain's body.

Petain saw Yihua silent in mid-air below, looking into the distance from time to time.

Realizing Yihua's plan, he sneered and mocked Yihua:
"Haha, don't place your hopes on those fourth-class apprentices from the Nine-ring White Tower. With their strength, they will all fall under my hands in a short time. At that time, the main body will use my body to Position yourself and get here!”

"I'll count to three seconds and tell you all your secrets immediately!"


There was no immediate response, but the countdown sound of Petain's clone made Yihua's eyes flicker slightly, and he thought silently in his heart:

"At this point, the only one I can rely on is me..."

Now it has been confirmed through Petain's words that the other party relied on this clone to locate the fleet's position.

He also knew that the time gained for the fleet by Karl, Barton and other fourth-class apprentices who blocked Pétain's true pursuit of the fleet was passing quickly.

When Petain himself eliminated the fourth-class apprentices in the fleet and rushed to the fleet with the help of the position of the blood shadow clone in front of him.

Under the attack of Petain's body and clones, who possess the strength of the top fifth-level apprentices, a group of apprentices will fall into an irreversible situation.

Yihua would not naively hope that fate would end, but an accident happened and everyone escaped from Petain's hands.

In this case, the only way to resolve the crisis is for Yihua to rely on his own strength to use the body in front of him that can provide Petain's true body before he can deal with a group of fourth-class apprentices who are trying to buy time for the fleet. The blood shadow clone at the fleet location was completely killed!

Realizing this, Yihua's mood instantly calmed down.

Without too much hesitation, after a brief thought, he judged that Petain's body had eliminated a group of fourth-level apprentices, and after the time to catch up, Yihua calmly said to Petain's voice from above:

"I can tell you the secret of my breakthrough, but in exchange, can you let me know the truth? Let me know the reason why you betrayed the Nine Rings White Tower?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Petain snorted coldly and threw out a scarlet crescent that stretched for tens of meters towards the reef not far from Yihua.

The gray-black reef, which was more than twenty meters high above the sea surface, exploded with a scarlet crescent moon, collapsed like building blocks, and turned into a large number of small stones, falling into the water.

"It seems that you haven't understood your situation yet - now your life is in my hands, and you have no right to bargain!"

Petain's scarlet eyes filled with murderous intent stared straight at Yi Huadao.

Facing Petain's murderous eyes, Yihua looked straight up without fear, acting as if Petain didn't agree and would die if he didn't agree.

Seeing Yihua's decisive attitude, in order to ensure that Yihua could tell his secret completely, after looking directly at him for a long time, Pétain finally frowned and chose to take a step back:
"Forget it, I'm in a pretty good mood for the time being. As long as you can tell me the secret, I can give you ten seconds to ask questions!"

As soon as Petain said this, Yihua secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, Petain was able to agree to his request, which was completely within Yihua's expectation.

After all, in Petain's view, Yihua is already dying, and telling Yihua some relatively confidential things will not pose any threat to him.

Even if he doesn't tell Yi Hua at this moment, his identity has now been exposed.

Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed by the Nine Rings White Tower, as well as the Green Lodge, Oak Garden, Bloody Battle Tower and other colleges that were previously used by him.

What's more, in a short time, his true body will be able to eliminate a group of fourth-level apprentices from the Nine-ring White Tower who are blocking him, and come to meet this clone.

Agreeing to Yi Hua's conditions and continuing to delay would be of great benefit to Pétain without any harm.

Time is precious, and Yihua, who knew that Petain's true form might catch up at any time, immediately asked:
"What force do you belong to? Why did you betray the Nine Rings White Tower?" (End of this chapter)

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