I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 63 Troubleshooting

Chapter 63 Troubleshooting
But Yihua did not accept all the apprentices who tried to join the Illuminati.

Through interviews, he selected apprentices with higher levels of karma and merits greater than sins from among those who were interested to join him.

This also caused him to reject many apprentices whose karma level was low and whose sins outweighed their merits.

These apprentices had the mentality of saying that the grapes were sour if they could not eat grapes. Most of them complained and left after questioning a few words.

Among them was a young apprentice with a low merit value, but relying on his status as a second-class apprentice, he openly questioned Yi Hua.

The young apprentice slapped the table, snorted coldly, and threatened Yi Hua:
"You can think clearly, I am a second-class apprentice, how dare you refuse me to join as a mere first-class apprentice?"

Seeing that someone was making trouble for Yihua, several apprentices who had just been rejected by Yihua and hadn't left yet stood not far away to watch Yihua's reaction with a gloating attitude.

"Hmph, how dare a mere first-class apprentice refuse so many apprentices' applications to join? Now he has a good fruit to eat."

A triangular-eyed apprentice sneered and laughed.

The hooked-nosed first-class apprentice on the side frowned and speculated wildly:
"How can I say that a first-class apprentice can also serve as the vice president? I'm afraid this Illuminati is just an inconspicuous small organization, and most of the promised benefits are false."

Looking at the young second-class apprentice's palm pressed on the table, Yi Hua's surface remained calm.

The great knight Walter behind him tried to make a move, but was stopped by Yi Hua.

He knew that doubts about the strength of the Illuminati would happen sooner or later, and it would be better if it happened earlier.

However, Yihua does not intend to hide his strength, excessive forbearance will only make him underestimate himself and the Illuminati.

Since others doubt the strength of the Illuminati, then I will exert stronger power than the doubters, so that others dare not question it again!
Thinking of this, Yi Hua immediately used his life to explode, and with lightning speed, he grabbed the wrist of the young second-class apprentice before he could retract it in the future.

The young second-class apprentice subconsciously wanted to break free, but unexpectedly, Yihua's palms were like iron tongs and could not be retracted at all.

A wizard is in the apprenticeship stage, and the increase in physical strength is not great.

In terms of physical strength, a second-class apprentice is far inferior to a grand knight of the same level, let alone a grand knight in a state of life explosion.

While Yi Hua was clenching the young man's wrist, bursts of steaming heat emanated from his palm because he was in a life-exploding state.

As the strength of Yihua's palm gradually increased, the young second-class apprentice felt a sharp pain on his wrist.


The young second-class apprentice's expression twisted and he let out a pained sound.

"Why did that first-class apprentice suddenly grab the opponent's wrist, and why did the young second-class apprentice who was grabbed by the wrist look in pain?"

Looking at the scene in front of them, a few apprentices who watched the excitement murmured suspiciously.

Although they already had the answer in their hearts, they were unwilling to believe it.

Until a translucent film bounced from the young second-class apprentice.

Seeing the activation of the witchcraft shield, the young second-class apprentice felt the pain greatly reduced. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the veins in Yihua's arm bulge, and his strength increased a little in an instant.

As the strength increased, the solid shield that originally covered the body of the young second-class apprentice creaked, and he let out an overwhelmed groan.

After more than ten seconds of stalemate like this, more and more cracks appeared on the shield.

With a muffled sound, under the dull gazes of the surrounding apprentices, the shield of the young second-class apprentice shattered and turned into a sky full of light and dust.

"Sorry, I'm hard of hearing, I didn't hear what you said just now, can you say it again?"

Looking at the distorted face of the young second-class apprentice due to the pain, Yi Hua stroked his hair, pretending to be puzzled.

The young second-class apprentice no longer had the energy to look at Yi Hua's expression, his wrist was clenched by Yi Hua, and he squatted on the ground because of the pain.

Big drops of sweat dripped down his face, his face flushed and he said:

"Yes, sorry, I was wrong earlier."

"Huh? Where did you go wrong?"

"I, I shouldn't question you Illuminati, please, please let me go~"

The voice of the young second-class apprentice was distorted and trembling due to the pain.

The scene suddenly fell silent, and after a few seconds, Yi Hua suddenly let go of his palm.

The squatting young second-class apprentice instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground, his body covered in mud.

After a while, when the pain dissipated, the young second-class apprentice who stood up clutching his wrist didn't dare to look at Yi Hua again, and left here in despair.

"What kind of method did he use, physical strength or witchcraft? He actually crushed the second-class apprentice's defensive witchcraft with just one palm!"

"Could it be that the first-class apprentice is just his disguise, he is deliberately fishing for law enforcement, just waiting for the moment when others trouble him?"

The weak kitten in their eyes turned into a man-eating tiger the next moment.

Several apprentices who were rejected from joining the Illuminati muttered in shock when they saw the scene in front of them.

Yihua glanced around, and the scalps of several apprentices who were waiting to see Yihua's bustle were numb, and they hurriedly dispersed, leaving this place as quickly as possible.

After Yihua's previous demonstration, the number of apprentices applying to join the Illuminati has not decreased but increased.

Even if these apprentices were rejected by Yi Hua, they would not be angry, but left kindly.

"Sure enough, once you have strength, the quality of others will improve accordingly, and unreasonable people will also be reasonable."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yi Hua nodded in satisfaction.

"However, it's a waste of time to recruit people personally. In order to ensure the production of the second-class phototherapy scroll, I have to find a reliable person to replace me in the promotion of the Illuminati."
In the afternoon, the college's second-class apprentice residence area.

The houses here are as high as three floors, which can be called single-family villas, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, and there are even independent gardens and gazebos in the courtyard.

No matter the area or the internal environment, it is much more exquisite than the single-storey narrow stone house of the first-class apprentice.

At this time, it was located in a dark alley in the residential area of ​​second-class apprentices.

A few first-class apprentices blocked the entrance and exit of the alley, and there were faint scolding voices from young men.

"How dare you reject the solicitation of our Freemasonry just because you are a piece of shit? Shame on you!"

At this time, a second-class brown-haired apprentice with freckles and a scarlet vertical pupil badge on his chest was punching and kicking the people on the ground.

The red-haired and blue-eyed boy on the ground gritted his teeth and tried to fight back, but was knocked down by the brown-haired apprentice again.

Judging from the badge on the red-haired boy's chest, he was also a second-class apprentice.

"It's just a fluke to be promoted to the second class, so you put our Freemasons in the eyes? Let me tell you, you will still pay the 'mutual aid fee' in the future, and you will have to increase it five times!"

Seeing the hatred in the eyes of the red-haired boy, the brown-haired apprentice snorted coldly and pronounced the sentence ruthlessly.

Looking at the muddy body of the red-haired boy lying on the ground, the brunette showed a look of disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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