Chapter 74
The first- and second-class apprentices beside Yihua stopped talking, and stretched their necks to look in the direction of the commotion.

Seeing that the apprentices around him stopped talking, Yi Hua, who was riding a horse, also looked into the distance.

Not far away, a team of nearly a hundred first- and second-class apprentices gathered towards the square, and the number of second-class apprentices was almost no less than that of first-class apprentices.

They all wear the silver star badge that symbolizes the Silver Star Society.

The gray-haired boy who was the leader, surrounded by many second-class apprentices of the Silver Star Society, was Yihua's younger brother, a genius apprentice with fourth-class aptitude——Rey.

If only the silver star will come, it is not enough to cause riots in the square.

Yi Hua looked along the solemn expression of the Silver Star Society, and on the other side, there was also a team of nearly a hundred apprentices wearing the scarlet vertical pupil badges of the Freemasonry Society.

The head of the Freemasonry team is the president of the Freemasonry, Milko, surrounded by two vice-presidents of the Freemasonry—Blood Hand and Leng Feng.

The two teams were tens of meters apart from each other, and the atmosphere was tense for a while.

The reason why the Silver Star Society and the Freemasonry are hostile is not only because of the grievances between Rey and Melkor, but also because of the grievances between the two mentors.

However, these disturbances did not attract the attention of those third-class and higher apprentices.

After all, the Silver Star and the Freemasons were nothing more than a squabble between the latest class of young apprentices.

After more than a month, the members of the two organizations either passed the exams and went to the mainland, or were not promoted to the second class, failed to pass the apprenticeship exams, and finally stayed in the academy.

After that, there is a high probability that the forces of the two organizations located in the college will inevitably be disbanded.

Even if they didn't disband, the apprentices who failed the exam tried to gather together to keep warm, and the remaining members were not good enough to compete with them, the old apprentices who had been in the academy for many years.

Before the conflict erupted between the two sides, the senior leaders of the academy who led the operation—the fifth-class instructors also arrived at the square one after another.

There was a flash of black light in the sky, and a figure of a young man in Chinese clothes standing in the air carrying a black coffin as tall as a person on his back.

The young man wore a golden monocle in his left eye and a gold badge pinned to his chest. At this time, he was Yihua's mentor——Simon Fercis.

The fifth-class instructor Simon was in a different state than usual at this time, exuding an extremely cold feeling, which made people think of death.

Just standing a few tens of meters away, Yi Hua felt like he was swallowing hard, and the life energy in his body began to be consumed slowly, as if he was fighting against some invisible force.

Some of the first-class apprentices around even knelt down on the ground, pale and screaming, as if they had fallen into some kind of terrible hallucination.

Seeing the unbearable state of some low-level apprentices around him, Yi Hua's heart shuddered.

This is the normal performance of fifth-class wizards.

The fourth and fifth class tutors who are usually in the academy are suppressing their own strength all the time.

Under such a normal state of existence, just the coercion unintentionally emitted is enough to make a mortal faint, and make a first-class apprentice fall into a nightmare state.

The greater the gap between the soul level and the power level, the more obvious the discomfort.

According to rumors, the existence of an official wizard level is just standing in place, and the energy radiation spilled out can kill mortals within hundreds of kilometers in an instant, and the first-class apprentices are unconscious and dying.

This is also one of the reasons why only second-class apprentices are eligible to go to the mainland and be taught by formal wizards.

Not only that, but high-level knowledge and even items have terrifying power. Just a glance or a touch can injure the soul of an ordinary apprentice.

Some knowledge that is cursed or polluted by strange powers can drive low-level apprentices into madness, and their bodies undergo terrible changes, turning into indescribable things that carry pollution, which is more terrifying than death.

Mentor Simon seemed to have sensed something was wrong, coughed slightly, and the pressure Yi Hua felt before was greatly reduced.

Immediately, Simon said:

"The specific content of this operation will be notified to you when the time comes. You only need to keep up with our fifth-class wizards."

"As for the remuneration, the academy will give the remuneration to third-class and above apprentices, and the remuneration to first- and second-class apprentices will be paid by the wizard city masters of each mortal city."

After finishing speaking, Simon stopped talking. At the same time, the other instructors had also arrived at the scene.

In the end, a total of five mentors gathered here.

Melkor's mentor, a blond boy with two blood-colored dragons around his waist, also appeared in the air.

The blond boy is also a blood warlock, and he is Petain, known as the "Blood Builder" among the fifth-class mentors.

Although the other party looks like a teenager, he is already over a hundred years old. It is only by relying on his own blood that he has obtained the ability to maintain youth forever.

In addition, there was the vampire-like fifth-class white-haired female mentor Yi Hua who had paid for a course of the Skeleton Knight before enslaving him.

The opponent is also a necromancer, relying on the terrifying power of the necromancer, and is also one of the strongest among the seven fifth-class mentors.

As for the remaining two fifth-class mentors, Yi Hua didn't have much impression of them, only knowing that they were an elemental wizard and a mechanical wizard respectively.

Among the five mentors, there is no figure of Anna's mentor, "Messenger" Rudolph.

Maybe it was staying at the academy?

Thinking of the total of seven fifth-class tutors in the academy, such a thought flashed in Yihua's mind.

Seeing that all the apprentices around had arrived, the gray-haired old mechanical wizard floating in the sky had a faint blue light in his left eye, and picked up the silver-white toolbox in his hand.

I saw that with a "click" sound, the original silver-white toolbox was distorted and deformed.

It turned into a giant gun barrel more than two meters long, silver-white all over, engraved with countless azure blue patterns formed by miniature runes.

Looking at the scene in front of him like a sci-fi movie, the pupils of Yi Hua, who lived in the modern society in his previous life, shrank.

Although relying on what he has learned after becoming an apprentice, he knows that the level of civilization of wizards is very different from that of mortals on the Star Tree Islands.

But seeing this scene in front of you is like seeing a knight in metal armor riding a charge from the Middle Ages, suddenly pulling out an AK47 to shoot, there is a sense of trans-epoch violation.

The mortal kingdom is still in the semi-cold age of swords and gunpowder, and territorial knights conquer each other, but wizards already have energy weapons and alchemy puppets with extremely delicate and complex structures.

"This is obviously not a healthy level of civilization and technological development. Could it be that wizards are deliberately limiting the civilization level of ordinary people at the bottom, or is there a gap in the civilization of wizards in this world?"

Recalling some of the information, as well as the term "ancient wizard" that Mentor Simon had mentioned earlier, Yi Hua fell into deep thought.

But before he could think for a long time, the voice of the mechanical old wizard came from high in the sky:

"Jie Jie Jie, now that everyone is here, let's set off quickly! Recently, there has been a breakthrough in the research on directional superconducting magic energy construction guns, and it is just a chance to test the power of the semi-finished product."

The mechanical old wizard said while fiddling with the gun barrel in his hand, and saw that the other party seemed to press a certain button, and the gun barrel returned to its previous toolbox shape.

After the mechanical old wizard finished speaking, the surroundings stopped procrastinating, and the fourth-class apprentices who were the assistants of the mentor shouted in the air.

"Apprentices under the command of 'Bloodmaker', come here to gather!"

"Under the command of 'Mechanic'..."


"Apprentices under the command of 'Death Crow', come here to gather!"

 Three chapters will be updated at [-] o'clock tomorrow night. I will be promoted to the second-class necromancer and enter a new storyline. Ask for collection, follow-up, and monthly pass~
(End of this chapter)

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