I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 8 Fighting the Skeleton Knight

Chapter 8 Fierce Battle "Bone Knight"

The Guidance Cross Sword with second-class light therapy had no chance of attacking the Skeleton Knight, which made him feel extremely aggrieved.

This also made Yi Hua feel the lack of physical strength, and raised the idea of ​​continuing to practice knight breathing.

"It can't go on like this."

Feeling the sharp decline in physical strength, Yihua knew that if he couldn't find a way to break the situation, he might have to return in embarrassment like the original owner.

Yi Hua looked around, and saw a slope more than ten meters high not far away.

"Have it!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity to force the skeleton knight back, Yi Hua hurriedly rushed towards the slope.

When Yihua stood at the top of the slope, the second skeleton knight had already chased him.

However, the Skeleton Knight's attack from the bottom up greatly reduces the power it exerts.

Yi Hua, on the other hand, was condescending and, taking advantage of the terrain, suddenly slashed at the Skeleton Knight.

The superposition of two or two caused the skeleton knight to lose his balance, rolling and falling down the slope.

At the same time, the third skeleton knight had also rushed in front of Yi Hua.

Yihua repeated his old trick and took advantage of the skeleton knight's low intelligence. The third skeleton knight also rolled and fell down the slope like the former one.

A shot of second-class light therapy shot out quickly, and the second skeleton knight was completely enveloped by the sun's fire-like life radiance.

The skeleton knight was like melting ice and snow under the scorching sun. Accompanied by ear-piercing roars, the gray gas on his body evaporated violently, turning into a scattered pool of dry bones in a few seconds.

Facing this situation, the third skeleton knight who rushed to the hillside again remained unmoved.

But Yi Hua rushed down the hillside before he rushed in front of him.

With the help of the downhill impact, one blow separated the Skeleton Knight's parry, and he stabbed downward with his sword into the gap between the Skeleton Knight's chest and abdomen, and the broken armor.

The majestic life energy of the second-class light therapy technique had already poured into the sword body, and feeling the force of death that collided with it, it exploded suddenly, splitting the third skeleton knight in two.

This fierce battle, which seemed long, actually lasted only a few minutes.

Seeing that the three skeleton knights had been completely dealt with by him, Yi Hua casually wiped off the sweat from his forehead, showing a relieved smile.

Now, it's time to accept the spoils.

Yi Hua stepped forward and began to check the skeleton knights on the ground in turn.

The first Skeleton Knight had its legs broken and was still crawling slowly on the ground.

The second skeleton knight directly received a second-class phototherapy, and his soul was already gone.

The third skeleton knight was hit by the guiding cross sword, and was blown into two pieces from the chest and abdomen.

Compared with the first skeleton knight that can still attack, the third skeleton knight is the least dangerous.

In order to avoid accidents, Yi Hua chose to give priority to enslaving the third Skeleton Knight under consideration.

Yihua stepped forward, following his memory, and began to perform the undead enslavement technique that he had never performed after learning.

Soon, a faint blue light emerged, and shot into the skeleton knight's skull with lightning speed.

As if sensing the imminent crisis of being enslaved, the soul fire in the skeleton knight's eyes fluctuated violently, and his only two remaining arms struggled frantically on the ground.

Through the weak connection established by the soul enslavement technique, Yi Hua felt the panic, anger and other emotions rising from the skeleton knight.

A few seconds later, feeling that the weak connection just established was disturbed and completely disconnected, Yi Hua sighed.


The failure to enslave the undead for the first time did not discourage Yihua.

According to the knowledge learned before, the success rate of enslaving the undead is determined by the mental strength and level of both parties.

Yihua and the Skeleton Knight are at the same level, and the undead tend to have a higher soul strength, so it is reasonable to fail the first enslavement.

Generally, a necromancer apprentice has only about one-thirtieth success rate in enslaving the undead for the first time.

Fortunately, Undead Enslavement consumes very little mana, so Yihua can spend time grinding it hard.

Unlike other apprentices, although Yi Hua is not so lucky, he has the blessing of proficiency. Every time he fails, he can increase the hope of success.

In the end, when Yihua performed No. 20 undead enslavement, the enslavement succeeded.

A faint ray of mental power came along with the weak connection just established, feeling the absolute control over the Skeleton Knight, Yi Hua recalled what he had learned before.

Every undead that is successfully enslaved will provide its master with a piece of spiritual power, which is the raw material for engraving runes and advancing to the wizard level.

Necromancers can enslave the undead infinitely in the dead world, but at the same time, the undead that can be summoned and manipulated is determined by the upper limit of mental power.

Therefore, most necromancers will stay in the world of death for a long time and enslave the undead in large numbers in order to speed up their advancement or improve their own strength.

Thinking of this, Yi Hua looked at himself, and a pale golden value appeared.

"Witchcraft: Enslavement of the Dead (20/100)"

Enslavement of the Dead has been increased from (0/100) to (20/100).

Since the enslavement of undead can also be promoted, if you are promoted to the second level, can you let yourself enslave the second-level undead?

Maybe, but the success rate is hard to say.

Yi Hua shook his head when he thought of the picture of the second-class undead who was angered by him rushing forward after the enslavement technique failed, tearing him apart with just one encounter.

You can try it later when you have enough strength.

Putting aside complicated thoughts, Yi Hua turned his attention back to the Skeleton Knight.

Yi Hua tried to order the Skeleton Knight to stand up and take two steps, but the Skeleton Knight lay there, staring blankly at Yi Hua.

Seeing this situation, Yi Hua slapped his head. The skeleton knight was so mutilated that he couldn't get up at all.

However, the learned knowledge did not teach how to treat damaged undead.

While Yi Hua was sitting on the ground in distress, the skeleton knight felt longing for the remains of the skeleton knight lying on the ground not far away.

Watching the two, Yi Hua had a wonderful idea, he got up, and carried the remains spread on the ground to the skeleton knight he enslaved
I saw the Skeleton Knight picking and choosing among the bones, holding the bones and making gestures on his body from time to time, and occasionally seeing the right ones, he directly spliced ​​them on his body.

Relying on patchwork, within a few minutes, an intact skeleton knight appeared in front of Yi Hua.

"Can it still be like this?"

Seeing this situation, Yi Hua sincerely sighed at the magic of undead creatures.

It seems that the self-healing of the undead is considered instinct, and no additional teaching is needed at all.

Later, Yihua ordered the skeleton knight he enslaved to control another disabled skeleton knight.

He followed suit, followed the previous steps to successfully enslave the second skeleton knight, and restored it to a complete body with the help of the remaining remains.

Feeling that there is still room for magic power, Yi Hua led the two skeleton knights to walk through the gray land again.

With the first experience and the help of two skeleton knights, in just a few hours, Yi Hua has already followed a large team of twelve skeleton knights.

Every skeleton knight has similar weapons and armor, which also made Yihua curious about the source of the undead in the dead world.

Is it conceived out of thin air in the world of death?Or was it an outsider like him who died here and turned into it?
The answers to these questions, with today's Yihua, can't think of them even if they want to break their heads.

Yi Hua, who wanted to continue fighting in the world of death, felt the little magic power left in the spiritual sea, and couldn't help sighing.

 The new book is begging all readers to follow up, recommend and collect, these are related to the life and death of the new book, it is really very important to me!


(End of this chapter)

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