I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 88 Holy Light?Tell the truth!

Chapter 88 Holy Light?Tell the truth!
At this time, he still retained one-third of his magic power, and saw that as pieces of golden light spots gathered towards Yihua's palm, a golden ball of light the size of a human head appeared in Yihua's palm.

"What do you want to do? You want to torture me? Even if you beat me to death, I won't give in!"

Feeling the majestic power of the light ball, Thomas, who knew that the light ball in Yihua's hand might be a second-class witchcraft, raised his vigilance.

Hearing Thomas' warning, Yihua fixed his amber eyes on Thomas, and then smiled.

"Don't worry, I just want to heal you."

Under Yi Hua's control, the ball of light in his hand was injected into Thomas' body smoothly.

Thomas, who felt a sense of warmth gushing out of his body, froze for a moment, before he could react.

The next moment, he clutched his head and rolled several times on the ground in pain, and the wound on his body healed quickly.

After a while, Thomas stopped struggling, with a look of guilt flashing in his eyes, he threw himself in front of Yihua, and kowtowed desperately:
"My lord, I am guilty! I have the guts to try to harm you, I will commit suicide and apologize!"

Yi Hua's eyes lit up when he discovered the new usage of Holy Light, and then he raised his hand to stop Thomas' plan to kill himself, and said bluntly:
"Wait, you answer my question first and then kill yourself."

"Follow your orders!"

Seeing that Thomas temporarily put down the knife in his hand, Yi Hua didn't procrastinate, and asked directly:

"Thomas, what was the ball you threw at me earlier, and what did it do?"

"My lord, it is said that it is the bait of fierce beasts, and the powder in it can attract the siege of fierce beasts."

Glancing at the vicious beasts around him trying to break through the skinner's defense and besieging him, Yi Hua's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked:
"According to whom? Who instructed you?"

"My lord, it's Diss!"

Later, from Thomas' mouth, Yihua learned that Diss was the sallow-faced apprentice from District 24 who tried to entrap him earlier.

And Thomas and Yihua have no grudges or enmity, they just follow Diss's order.

But judging from Thomas's strong gray sinful aura, he is not a kind person, so Yihua is not going to let him go.

Seeing that he couldn't ask any more useful information, Yi Hua's eyes flickered slightly.

"Okay, kill yourself."


Hearing Yihua's order, Thomas did not hesitate at all. He picked up the long knife and wiped it on his neck. Blood flowed profusely and he collapsed to the ground. After a while, he lost his vitality.

At the same time, because of the elimination of low-level karma and serious crimes, Yihua also gained a little merit income.

To put it simply, the principle of merit value income is to help good people and eradicate evil people to increase merit.

The more good deeds the person helping helps, the higher the level of karma, and the more merit Yihua will get after helping.

The more evil the eradicated person is, the lower the karma level is, and the more merits will be obtained after eradication.

If it is the other way around, killing good people and saving evil people hardly increases merit.

As for the judging criteria of supernatural powers for good and evil, Yi Hua doesn't know where it comes from, but it is in line with his own three views and the universal values ​​​​of his previous life.

Looking at the headless corpse in front of him, Yi Hua couldn't help sighing at the power of the holy light technique.

"Holy Light is better than Veritaserum and lie detectors in terms of torture."

As an ordinary first-class apprentice, Thomas naturally couldn't resist the third-class holy light technique performed by Yihua, who now has a fourth-class life affinity.

The impact was even more severe than that of Gabriel, and even life and death were at the mercy of Yi Hua.

"Next, it's time to ask Diss to understand."

Yi Hua's eyes flickered. He knew that he didn't know Diss before, so he had no grudges against him.

But the other party tried to entrap him twice, this time it was even more blatant, obviously someone was behind it.

In the short tens of seconds when Yihua tortured Thomas, more than 30 beasts fell outside the defensive circle surrounded by eight skinners.

The corpses of the dead beasts were almost piled up into a wall.

And even though the skinners around were relying on alternately using trembling roars as cover, they were all wounded, one of them even lost half of his body, and had lost the ability to fight.

Seeing this, Yi Hua directly took it back to the world of death, then turned back with the seven skinners, and went straight to the rear where Diss was.

A few more minutes later, Yihua led a group of skinners to charge hundreds of meters in the beast tide, and turned back to the city wall defense line.

Human limbs and corpses of ferocious beasts are scattered all over the place, which have been stained scarlet by the blood of a large number of ferocious beasts and humans.

Yi Hua, who thought he rushed into the beast tide and was already besieged and submerged by the beast tide, was like a red-hot knife piercing through butter, killing a cross in the beast tide and turning back safely.

Shock appeared in the eyes of the apprentices and knights who were still alive, and several of them even exclaimed subconsciously.

"Is this the strength of a second-class necromancer?"

"Sure enough, for war wizards like necromancers, the battlefield is the stage for them to show their talents!"

It is said that the owner of the Nine Rings White Tower located on the mainland is a necromancer of official wizard level, so they have heard about the powerful power of necromancers for a long time.

But this is the first time to see the influence of a second-class necromancer on the battlefield with his own eyes.

In the apprenticeship stage, wizards do not increase their physique very much, while high-level undead have absolute suppression power over low-level undead.

This also led to necromancers wanting to enslave undead of the same level, risking their lives every time.

The death world travel technique that can return to the wizarding world in times of crisis is not a talisman of absolute safety.

If you are not careful, if you encounter undead who can interfere with the control of the soul, or whose strength is greatly different, you will be buried on the spot.

Restricted by the difficulty of enslaving the undead and limited qualifications, most apprentices will choose to be promoted to the wizard faction that is faster and easier. This also leads to the fact that although the necromancers are powerful, their number is extremely rare.

With a thought in Yi Hua's mind, a group of skinners surrounded Diss, a sallow-faced apprentice who was trying to escape on a horse.

"What do you want to do?"

Dis's sallow face was slightly distorted. He looked around, but he didn't see the figure of Thomas who had been assigned to frame Yihua earlier.

Recalling the strength of the second-class necromancer unexpectedly revealed by Yihua, he looked at Yihua with some panic for a moment.

Without listening to the other party's nonsense, Yi Hua cast the third-class holy light technique again without hesitation, and the light ball rushed into Diss' body like an arrow.

Diss was stunned for a moment, and then a look of struggle appeared on his face. After a while, he calmed down and looked at Yihua with a hint of piety in his eyes.

Seeing that the Holy Light technique seemed to work, Yihua ordered the skinners around him to surround Diss so that the apprentices outside could not see the situation inside.

"Dis, why did you frame me?"

"My lord, I am in urgent need of a secret treasure worth five thousand military exploits in the secret treasury, but due to insufficient military exploits, someone got the news from nowhere, approached me and promised to exchange that treasure for me as long as I kill you." Secret treasure."

(End of this chapter)

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