I'm really a necromancer

Chapter 94 Promotion to the Earth Knight

Chapter 94 Promotion to the Earth Knight
He locked the door tightly, checked the surrounding environment, and after confirming that it was safe, he immediately called up the attribute panel and looked at the merit value column——

"merit value: 30"

"I hope the merit value is enough."

Without too much hesitation, Yi Hua turned his attention to the column of the Earth Knight and started a breakthrough.

Just like the previous breakthrough process, but the progress is a bit slow, with a little merit point injection.

The arrow behind the big knight column began to turn red from bottom to top at a slow but steady speed.

Time passed by, and finally, after pouring nine points of merit, the arrow finally turned red.

The life energy in his body surged, and a familiar buzzing sound came faintly from his ears.

The next moment, the life energy in the body gushed out like a volcanic eruption.

In an instant, there was no other sound in Yihua's ears, only the explosion of life energy and the sound of blood bursting.

Life energy gushes out from the body continuously, bumping around in the limbs and bones.

At the same time, along with the severe pain that came from the body gradually overwhelmed, new acupoints that could store life energy were born one by one.

Yi Hua closed his eyes tightly, his face was a little grim due to the pain, and strands of dark red sweat mixed with blood and impurities soaked his clothes.

I don't know how long it took, the explosive growth of life energy was gradually absorbed by the opening of new acupoints, and the severe pain caused by the extrusion and expansion of life energy in the body was also relieved a lot.

"Huh, it's finally over."

At this time, Yihua's face was a little pale, and his muscles felt sore, but his body was uncharacteristically filled with explosive and majestic power.

The body of a living being is like a container. When the body is healthy, it will continuously generate life energy until the container is full.

Therefore, Yihua's life armor, which consumes life energy, can be continuously regenerated, even if it is broken, it can be restored.

But if the life energy is overdrawn too frequently, the container will be damaged and cracked, the lifespan will be shortened, and hidden wounds will be left.

Knight practice is to expand this container, become stronger, and be able to accommodate more life energy.

Clenching his fists tightly, he felt the explosively growing strength in his body, and he immediately walked among all the limbs at a high speed. With life energy as thick and solid as the earth, Yi Huachang exhaled and stood up.

"Why don't you just take this opportunity and upgrade the Death World Shuttle to the second class by the way."

The death world shuttle technique has reached the breakthrough limit long ago, but because there is no need to go to the death world for the time being, and to prepare to accumulate merit points to break through the earth knight, it is not an immediate improvement.

Now that Yihua is about to leave for the world of death, it is time to upgrade the Shuttle Technique of the world of death, which can prolong the existence of the world of death and reduce the consumption of magic power, to second-class.

It is the same as the previous process, but the amount of merit points consumed is less than half of that of the ground knight.

Opening his eyes again, Yi Hua called up the attribute panel like an ancient golden scroll.

"Name: Eva Fercis"

"Karma Level: Neutral Good (33/100)"

"Realm: Second Class Necromancer Apprentice (40/60 Runes), Earth Knight (0/100)"


"Skill: Intermediate Scroll Making (8/100)"


"merit value: 17"

Seeing that there was nothing abnormal about the promotion, Yi Hua turned his attention back to himself.

"Next, it's time to test the changes in strength after being promoted to the Earth Knight."

After all, Yi Hua looked at the large number of stone pillars and other test objects that had been prepared in the basement.

"Try the destructive power of bare hands first."

He went straight to a huge stone pillar about half a meter thick in the middle of the basement, which required one person to surround it.

This kind of stone pillars are generally used as load-bearing pillars for some large buildings, such as temples or halls. Yihua, through his identity as a wizard, obtained a batch from the stone factory for free, which is just right for testing his strength.

"For a stone pillar like this, even a great knight needs all his strength to break it."

Yi Hua thought to himself, but without any hesitation in his hands and feet, he clenched and clenched his fist, his muscles knotted, and with the mobilization of life energy, a punch full of [-]% of his strength suddenly slammed into the stone pillar like a dragon swimming.

With a muffled sound, like punching sand, Yihua's fist pierced through the stone pillar half a meter thick as if there was no resistance.

"Come again!"

As soon as the words fell, Yihua's legs were strong, and his toes stepped out of a small hole in the hard rocky ground. His right leg tore through the air and swept towards the stone pillar suddenly.

The moment the right leg came into contact with the stone pillar, there was no pain in the leg. Instead, it was like breaking a straw, and the leg almost unconsciously swept off the half-meter-thick stone pillar.

Looking at the stone pillar that broke into two pieces and fell to the ground, Yi Hua clenched his fists.

If it was changed to before, the stone pillar in front of him needed to use all his strength to break it, but now, it only needs a random blow.

"Next, it's time to test the signature skill of the Earth Knight—life energy release."

With a flash of thought, Yihua pulled out the mithril cross sword "Jingguang" which was shaped like a cross at his waist, and took a deep breath.

The life energy in the body rushed to the blade quickly, and Yihua compressed the life energy towards the blade with all his strength.

But after a while, feeling that he had accumulated enough strength, Yi Hua took a sudden step forward, and slashed across the row of more than a dozen stone pillars standing in front of him with the blade in his hand.


There was a faint crisp sound of tearing the air in the air, and a white crescent moon with a length of several meters flashed past and struck the stone pillar in front with lightning speed.

The crescent moon disappeared within a moment after passing through the stone pillar.

Just when Yihua thought that it was because he was not proficient in compression for the first time, which caused the life energy not to exert its due strength.

On the upper end of the stone pillar at the front, the part that was swept by the life energy of the crescent moon suddenly fell to the ground, making a heavy muffled sound.

Before Yihua could react, several boulders fell to the ground.

In the end, according to the statistics, Yi Hua once released his life energy, which completely split seven half-meter-thick stone pillars into two.

Seeing this result and feeling that less than [-]% of the life energy was consumed in the body, Yihua's eyes were shocked:
"This is only a tenth of the life energy consumed. If I exhaust all the life energy accumulated in my body, I may be able to knock down this villa with one blow!"

These stone pillars used as load-bearing pillars are all made of special rocks, and their strength is far superior to that of ordinary rocks, not even much weaker than the flesh and blood of second-class ferocious beasts.

This also means that now Yihua already has the terrifying strength that is almost comparable to the shadow of fear, and can kill several second-class beasts and skinners with a single sword.

Thinking of this, Yi Hua no longer hesitated, and decided to immediately go to the world of death, conduct a defense test, and continue the previous battle with the fearful shadow!
(End of this chapter)

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