Game of Thrones: Kings in the North

Chapter 206 Siege of the Western Territory, the Wolf King Destroys the Enemy

Chapter 206 Siege of the Western Territory, the Wolf King Destroys the Enemy

In Golden Tooth City, the fortress in the western border, Duke Tywin finished reading the letter. James noticed that Duke Tywin was very satisfied. For a moment, Duke Tywin seemed to be laughing.You know, since Mrs. Joanna passed away, Tywin has never smiled.

James was very curious, "Father, is there any good news from Brand City?"

Duke Tywin showed the letter written in cinnabar ink with those vigorous and powerful hands.

"Kevon and the Golden Girl, achieved a great victory in Branded City, and Ser Balon Swann was captured, along with Gisela the Goatwoman, Thorn the Lynx, and Tiger the Barbarian riding a saber-toothed tiger." S. Bronze Jon and Barristan, with the army of the Wolf King, retreated back to the mountains north of the Westlands."

James said excitedly: "Uncle Kevan can lead the army of the Western Region to wipe out the enemies in the mountains and hills in the northern part of the Western Region."

Duke Tywin disagreed, "If we march to the northern hills and mountains, we will be tricked by Wolf King Ed. The mountain army under Wolf King Ed is all rock species from Skagos Island. The warriors of the northern mountain clan come from the Fang of Frost Snow outside the Great Wall. The nocturnal tribes, the troglodytes, and the alpine tribes from the Moon Mountains."

"Most of the mountain people in the western region are miners. They spend their lives in gold and silver mines. They are not good at mountain warfare. The army of the western region is no match for the wolf king mountain army in the mountainous terrain. What's more, the bronze Although Jorn suffered a defeat, his army was not disintegrated, and the number was still far greater than Kevan's army."

James said depressedly: "Could it be that Bronze Yon and Barristan are allowed to stay in the mountains of the Western Territory? They keep abducting the women and children of the Western Territory!"

Lord Tywin said: "I will order Kevan to march westward to take back Castamere and the Pendry Hills, and then go north to take back the crag city of Westerling Castle and regain the territory of the Banfort family. In this way, the Stabilizing the morale of the vassals in the western region can also completely drive Bronze Jorn and Barristan into the mountains of the western region."

"The mountainous area of ​​the Western Territory to the north of the Tengshi River is rich in gold and silver mines, but there are few farmlands. If Bronze Jorn and Barristan's army stay in the mountainous area, they will inevitably run out of food and grass. At that time, they will have to Withdrew the army and retreated back to Hejian land in a state of embarrassment."

Jaime stroked the belt of his gilded sword.

"According to the information from the west coast of the western region, dozens of giant eagles appeared in the sky, and some people witnessed the magic dragon and flying wolf. If there is no accident, this is the giant eagle army led by the wolf king Ed. The wolf king Ed arrived in the west in person. The bronze Soon, Jon, Barristan will come back from the mountains of the West."

Duke Tywin said indifferently: "Of course I know that Wolf King Ed's Giant Eagle Legion and Demon Dragon are a huge threat, but I believe that since the Golden Girl has defeated the goat girl Gisela, the saber-toothed tiger warrior Targus, and the bobcat The female Thorn and other skin-changers, she can also easily defeat the wolf king Ed, the giant eagle prince Michu, and the giant eagle princess Bertha."

James was overjoyed, "It's very clear in the letter that the Golden Girl not only captured the skinchanger, but also the skinchanger's eagle, saber-toothed tiger, goat, owl, and shadow lynx were all controlled by the Golden Girl. Maybe, Gold The girl can rely on her sorcery to help us control the giant eagle of the wolf king Ed, as well as the magic dragon."

"If the Western Territory has its own Giant Eagle Legion and Demon Dragon, then the war situation will be reversed in an instant."

Duke Tywin said: "I will not be blindly optimistic, but the Golden Lady has proved her strength, and we have every chance to defeat the Wolf King."

James said excitedly: "If the golden girl helps us snatch the dragon and the giant eagle of the wolf king Ed, we have every chance to kill the wolf king Ed. Once the wolf king dies, little wolf cub Robb is nothing to worry about. The alliance with the northern border will inevitably fall apart."

Ser Adam Marbrand came to Duke Tywin and James in a hurry.

"Duke Tywin, Earl Diego Saliott of Silverhall, and Earl Lynce Leighton of Cavern City all sent ravens to the City of the Golden Tooth. The wolf king's army has appeared in the family territory, as well as the Layton family territory north of the Golden Avenue."

The Golden Road is an important road running from east to west in the western region. It starts from Lannisport on the Sea of ​​the Sunset in the west and ends in King's Landing in the east. It is the shortest road from Lannisport to King's Landing.

Now the heavily armed forces in the western region gathered in Golden Tooth City, guarding the Hejian Avenue and blocking the enemy's attack. The defense on the Golden Avenue is relatively weak. The Golden Avenue is far from the Hejian Land, and the junction with the Hejian Land is mostly high mountains.

Under normal circumstances, the Wolf King's army would start from the riverlands. If they wanted to take the golden road to attack the western region, they would not only have to take a long detour, but they might also be attacked by the Lannister alliance Tyrell.

The Wolf King's army appeared on the Golden Road, which surprised both Duke Tywin and James.

Duke Tywin frowned, "The army from the Western Territory is guarding the Golden Tooth City. A few days ago, the black fish Brynden and the kid Robb sent the Frey family to try to attack from the alley, and I saw through it. The Frey family suffered heavy casualties and retreated. Go back. The wolf king's army was blocked outside the Golden Tooth City, why did it appear on the golden road in the south? Could it be that the Wolf King's army smuggled through the small road near the Golden Tooth City?"

Sir Adam Marbrand shook his head, "Duke Tywin, the enemy who appeared on the Golden Road did not pass through the defense line of the Golden Tooth City, but from the mountains near the Deep Cavern City, crossing the mountains and reaching the western border. Lead this army Yes, it is the red robe monk Soros, the Lightning King, and the other commander is Prince Oberyn, the red viper, and his poisonous snake group appeared in the western region."

James said depressedly: "Aren't these people in the riverlands, dealing with Vargo Hutt's warrior group and the Magic Mountain's legion?"

Duke Tywin has been sending out the Mad Dog Demon Mountain from the west and the brutal warriors to burn, kill and plunder the riverlands. Wherever they went, there was scorched earth. Doing even worse, taking women and children away.

Due to the inferior force, the Legion of the Magic Mountain and the Warriors of Wag Het have been insisting on guerrilla warfare in the riverland.

Sir Adam Marbrand said: "It is said that Earl Beric, the King of Lightning, and his red-robed monk, Soros, can predict the movements of the troops in the Western Territory through flames. I heard that Brienne of Tarth and Loras, the Knight of Flowers , the Hound Sandor, all joined the Lightning King's team. In addition, the Lightning King has skinchangers, the Warriors and the Mountain, and he has repeatedly fought and failed in the riverland."

"I don't know where Gregor's legion has gone, and it is likely to be defeated. As for the warriors of Vargo Hurt, they fled to the west, and sometimes ran to the territory of the Reach to plunder. , the Lightning King and the Red Viper chased them all the way to the West just to hunt down the Devil Mountain and the black goat Wag Hutt."

Duke Tywin said angrily: "The Mountain Gregor and Vargo Hutt are trash. I asked them to contain the enemy in the riverland, but after they were defeated, they actually led the enemy to the west."

"Where's Ser Amory Lodge?" said James.

Adam Marbrand said: "Oberyn the Red Serpent captured Amory Lodge, he murdered Amory Lodge, Oberyn now made a trident banner, and Amory Lodge's head hung on the Above, Oberyn the Red Viper said that the other two positions are reserved for Gregor the Mountain, and... and Duke Tywin."

During the Reaver's War that year, Duke Tywin tricked King's Landing into opening, and the Lannister army ransacked King's Landing.In order to stand on the side of the victor, Duke Tywin ordered Gregor Clegane of the Magic Mountain and Ser Amory Loki to kill Princess Elia, sister of Red Viper Oberyn.

The Mountain smashed the head of the baby Prince Aegon against the wall, and then the Mountain raped Princess Elia with hands covered in the baby's brains and blood.Ser Amory Lodge stabbed Princess Elia's daughter Rhaenys dozens of times with his sword.

Afterwards, Duke Tywin used Lannister's crimson cloak to put the blood-soaked baby in front of the Iron Throne and dedicated it to the new king Robert.

This blood debt was never forgotten by the red viper Oberyn Dorn.

Sir Adam Marbrand said: "According to the news from the Saliot family of Silverhall and the Layton family of Deep Cave City, the Lightning King and the red monk Thoros are no different from the wolf king's mountain army. Taking away women and children, and looting the villages near the Golden Road. But it is said that King Lightning knows how to buy people's hearts."

"Red Viper Oberyn's Viper Squad is even more brutal. It is rumored that Oberyn's Viper Squad smears poison on spears, bows and arrows. The Saliot family, the Layton family, and the property knights are not the Lightning King and the Red Viper Aoba at all. Bo Lun's opponent."

James said gloomyly: "Dorne's Red Viper Oberyn, in the name of a mercenary group, ran to the land of the Western Region to show off his power. What's the difference between this and Dorne's formal declaration of war on Lannister?"

Duke Tywin said gloomily: "We should be glad that at least the Dornish people haven't officially declared war on Lannister yet. If Prince Doran of Dorne sends 5 Dorne warriors, Lannister will face the flank attack of the Wolf King and Dorne. There's no chance of winning."

James clenched his fists, "The King of Lightning has too many masters, Sandor the traitorous Hound of the West, Brienne the Beauty, Loras the Knight of Flowers, and the Red Viper are all tough. Father, if you let the King of Lightning, the Red Viper Raging on the Golden Avenue, the morale of the army in the western region will be even more fluctuating. If the morale of the army is unstable, how can we win?"

"What's more, once Silverhall and Deep Cave City fall, the army of the Wolf King will be able to move unimpeded along the Golden Road, threatening Casterly Rock City and Lannisport. I ask my father to allocate three thousand elite cavalry and three thousand iron cavalry, I can definitely defeat the Lightning King and the Red Viper."

Duke Tywin pondered for a while, "You must stay here, because there are more wolf kings under the Golden Tooth City. According to my analysis, the strength of the Lightning King and the Red Viper will not be too many. The enemy is coming over the mountains, and there is no heavy siege Equipment, Silver Hall, and the castle of Deep Cavern City are strong and can be defended."

"The army of the Western Territory is assembled in the Golden Tooth City. Even if something happens to the Silver Hall on the Golden Avenue in the south, or the Deep Cavern City, our army can take it back calmly. I will send Davon Lannister with [-] cavalry to support the Golden Avenue , nothing will go wrong."

Davon Lannister is the son of James' uncle, Steve Lannister, who is brave and good at fighting. Duke Tywin immediately allocated three thousand elite soldiers to Davon Lannister to help the Golden Road.

Lord Tywin looked to the northwest, "Now, we have to wait for Ser Kevan and the Golden Lady to clear Castamere and the enemies of the Pendry Hills. Once the Bronze Yon and Barristan to the north are defeated, we can Free up your hands and wipe out the Lightning King and the Red Viper in the southeast direction."

In the Pendry Hills to the north of the Branded City, Bronze Yon, Barristan, Eagle King McCain finally saw the Wolf King Ed, the Giant Eagle Legion and the Dragon Flying Wolf.

After experiencing the failure of the Battle of Branded City, the morale of the wolf king's army was low. When they saw the wolf king Ed arriving with a giant eagle and a dragon, the wolf king's army cheered and their morale was boosted.

Barristan's snow-white cloak was torn and torn, the famous bronze armor on Bronze Jon was stained with blood, Eagle King McCain was disgraced, and the three of them were shocked when they saw Ed Wolf King.

Eagle King McCain held Ed's hand, "Father of Life, you are finally here. Our army is in Branded City, defeated by Kevan and the Golden Girl, Gisela the Goat Girl, Thorn the Bobcat Woman, and Taigus the Saber-toothed Tiger Warrior. Ser Balon Swann is taken prisoner."

Ed frowned, "It's normal to lose in a confrontation with the army of the Western Territory. Why are so many shapechangers captured?"

Bronze Jon said, "It's the Golden Witch who charmed the beasts of the skinchanger, Gisela's goat, the shadow lynx of Thorn, and the saber-toothed cat of Targus, all under the control of the Golden Lady. The golden girl controlled and counterattacked our army. The golden girl used the magic sand to attack our army. Many soldiers in our army were attacked and temporarily blinded. In addition, Kevan and Earl Damon Marbrand sent cavalry from the west to charge, so our army defeated."

Eagle King McCain said: "My hawks, owls, and falcons are all controlled by the Golden Lady."

Sir Barristan said: "Your Majesty Wolf, the Golden Lady can easily occupy the fierce beasts of the skin-changer, and I am afraid that she can also occupy your giant eagle and dragon. In addition, our army suffered a disastrous defeat in Brand City and the morale is low. I suggest, Our army should take the initiative to withdraw from Castame, Cliff City, and Scourge, gather troops to the Pendry Hills, and then go south to attack Branded City."

Ed said: "No need, our army has been stuck in Branded City for a while, but Iron Bitch Helen is leading the fleet on the west coast of the northern border, heading towards Fairy Island, Ketches Town and Lannisport. The Ravens of Cliff City I got the news that Oberyn the Red Viper, the King of Lightning, has led troops to attack the territory of Deep Cavern City and Silver Hall near the Golden Road."

"The Lannisters played "The Rainy Season of Castamere" from all sides. Our army should regroup and fight against Branded City again."

Bronze Jorn said worriedly: "Your Highness Wolf, our army is not afraid of the army in the western region, but that golden girl is very evil and possesses great power. If the golden girl occupies the magic dragon, flying wolf and giant eagle army, we will The army will be defeated on the battlefield, which is also a heavy blow to the soldiers of the Wolf King."

Ed said indifferently: "Don't worry, the golden girl can defeat the skinchanger, but she can't defeat me."

Eagle King McCain disagreed, "Father of life, there are too many gold and silver mines in the western region, but too little weirwood. The gold powder used by the golden girl, the old gods are not strong enough here. How do you defeat the golden girl?"

Ed stroked the weirwood bracelet on his right wrist. The weirwood bracelet flickered on and off, exuding a blood-red halo.

"The old gods have always been with me."

Eagle King McCain closed his eyes, as if he smelled the sap of the weirwood tree and heard the rustling sound of the blood-red leaves of the weirwood tree.

"I feel it, Father of Life, as if I were in the weirwood forest."

Ever since he got the weirwood bracelet, Ed's power has never been stronger. In the Haunted Forest Beyond the Wall, the Godswood in Winterfell, the Weirwood Stump in Noble Heart, the Weirwood Forest in Thousand Faces, and the dead fish in House Blackwood Beam, Vale Griffon Peak Weirwood
Ed will use the weirwood bracelet to absorb the power of each weirwood, which belongs to the natural power of the earth, mountains, rivers, lakes, animals and humans, making Ed stronger and stronger.

Ed did not allow the troops to retreat, and Bronze Jon showed embarrassment, "Your Highness Wolf, Eagle King McCain has lost his eagle, falcon, and owl. If he wants to march, I have to send out scouts to investigate. However, the golden girl has birds and beasts, so how is it possible for scouts?" Can you beat birds and beasts?"

Eagle King McCain looked at the Giant Eagle Prince Mi Chu and Giant Eagle Princess Bertha.

"Perhaps, we should send giant eagles to investigate? However, if we send giant eagles, it may be occupied by the golden lady."

Ed smiled, "I personally drive the giant eagle to attack. If the golden girl dares to come, she thinks she is a hunter and will eventually become the prey."

The Golden Lady, Ser Kevan, marches on the Pendry Hills with an army.

Sir Kevan was a little worried, "Did you see clearly? Eddard, the wolf king, appeared in the Pendry Hills?"

The golden lady rides on the back of a lion, the eagle and the owl stand on the shoulders, beside the saber-toothed tiger, the goat, and the shadow lynx.Since none of the skinchangers betrayed Eddard the Wolf King, and the skinchangers refused to serve the Lannisters, the Golden Lady took in the beasts.

"My falcon saw it. The wolf king Ed was riding a giant eagle, with the warriors of the giant eagle tribe and the dragon flying wolf. As long as Ed was caught, the Lannisters would have won the war."

Sir Kevan said: "Could this be a trap? The Wolf King has a giant eagle and a dragon in his hands. Why don't you hunt your falcon, instead let the falcon bring back the news?"

The golden girl explained: "The dragon and the giant eagle are powerful, but their speed is too far behind the falcon. They can't catch up even if they want to! Don't worry, I can easily occupy those giant eagles and magic dragons. Ser Kevan, the Lannisters will soon have their own eagles, and dragons."

At midnight, Sir Kevan led the army from the Western Territory and entered the Pendry Hills, surrounded by undulating mountains. Kevan was very careful and asked the Golden Lady to send out eagles, falcons, goats, owls, shadow lynxes and saber-toothed tigers, without interruption. Scouting, crossbowmen ready to go.

"They're coming!" the golden girl warned.

More than 30 giant eagles appeared in all directions. The wolf king Ed rode on the back of the giant eagle, and the magic dragon Flying Wolf lit up the night sky with dragon flames.

The golden girl's golden eyes turned blood red, shooting out streaks of red light, and the two giant eagles were instantly occupied by the golden girl.

"Success!" The golden girl was excited.

Two giant eagles broke away from the wolf king's giant eagle army and flew towards the golden girl. Sir Kevan smiled, "Golden lady, you really have it!"

Ed, who was on the back of the giant eagle in the sky, regained the two giant eagles with his thoughts. When the giant eagle flew to Kaifeng and the golden girl, he suddenly returned to Ed's control. The two giant eagles stretched out their sharp Claws, attacking the Golden Girls and Kevan respectively.

Kai Feng was taken aback, and fell off his horse. The horse was directly torn open by the giant eagle, bleeding profusely. The lion under the golden girl's crotch wrestled with the giant eagle, and the golden girl landed on its back.

Kaifeng said depressedly: "Golden Girl, what's going on?"

The golden girl said bitterly: "The wolf king really has some tricks, but these giant eagles and dragons are mine after all!"

The crossbowmen of the Western Realm began to shoot arrows at the giant eagles and magic dragons in the air. Unexpectedly, Ed controlled the goats, saber-toothed tigers, eagles, falcons, owls, shadow lynxes and other birds and beasts in front of the Western Realm formation in an instant. The beasts began to attack the crossbowmen in the western region. As soon as some crossbowmen released an arrow, their throats were torn open by the shadow lynx and the saber-toothed tiger.

The golden girl sprinkled a handful of gold powder, and for a while, a sandstorm of golden sand appeared in the night sky. The giant eagle prince Michu, the giant eagle princess Bertha, and the eyes of many giant eagles were all attacked. The golden girl took the opportunity to occupy many giant eagles.The golden girl aimed at the dragon Flying Wolf, her eyes glowed red, trying to charm the dragon, but failed.

The giant eagle under Ed's crotch was also occupied by the golden girl. Ed stroked the weirwood bracelet on his right wrist, and white lights shot out, and a mirage of the weirwood forest appeared in the sky!Jinsha disappeared in an instant, and Ed regained control of all the giant eagles.

The Golden Lady looked dumbfounded. She looked at the weirwood forest and trembled.

There are terrifying human faces on the weirwood. The army of the Western Territory is so frightened that they are at a loss. The Giant Eagle Legion is like an eagle catching a chicken, culling and killing the Western Territory Army on the ground. Goat slaughter.Ser Kevan loudly organized a counterattack, but defeat was inevitable.

At this time, Barristan, Bronze Jon, Eagle King McCain, and the cavalry and infantry of the Wolf King's army rushed out of the valley, like a sharp sword cutting cheese, and entered the enemy line of the Western Territory Army.

The golden girl was riding a lion, trying to escape, suddenly, a white light shot out from the weirwood mirage in the sky, the lion was instantly occupied by the wolf king Ed, and the golden girl was overturned to the ground by the lion.

When the golden girl came to her senses, the shadows of Demon Dragon, Flying Wolf and Ed had already enveloped her.

"Golden girl, you are my prisoner."

 Thank you for the reward from 17978, and thank you Chengyue 1, 20211104161343597, for the monthly pass, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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